Lonami 251c1830a5 Added custom errors, fixes to code generator
The code generator now handles okay the flags using True type
Also, double checking for the flag is now avoided in cases where the
flag was a Vector type
2016-09-05 18:35:12 +02:00

376 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

import os
import re
import shutil
from parser.tl_parser import TLParser
from parser.source_builder import SourceBuilder
def tlobjects_exist():
"""Determines whether the TLObjects were previously generated (hence exist) or not"""
return os.path.isfile('tl/')
def clean_tlobjects():
"""Cleans the automatically generated TLObjects from disk"""
if os.path.isdir('tl/functions'):
if os.path.isdir('tl/types'):
if os.path.isfile('tl/'):
def generate_tlobjects(scheme_file):
"""Generates all the TLObjects from to tl/functions and tl/types"""
# First ensure that the required parent directories exist
os.makedirs('tl/functions', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('tl/types', exist_ok=True)
# Store the parsed file in a tuple for iterating it more than once
tlobjects = tuple(TLParser.parse_file(scheme_file))
for tlobject in tlobjects:
# Determine the output directory and create it
out_dir = os.path.join('tl',
'functions' if tlobject.is_function
else 'types')
if tlobject.namespace is not None:
out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, tlobject.namespace)
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Also add this object to, so we can import the whole packet at once
init_py = os.path.join(out_dir, '')
with open(init_py, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file:
with SourceBuilder(file) as builder:
builder.writeln('from {} import {}'.format(
get_full_file_name(tlobject), get_class_name(tlobject)))
# Create the file for this TLObject
filename = os.path.join(out_dir, get_file_name(tlobject, add_extension=True))
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
# Let's build the source code!
with SourceBuilder(file) as builder:
builder.writeln('from tl.mtproto_request import MTProtoRequest')
builder.writeln('class {}(MTProtoRequest):'.format(get_class_name(tlobject)))
# Write the original .tl definition, along with a "generated automatically" message
builder.writeln('"""Class generated by TLObjects\' generator. '
'All changes will be ERASED. Original .tl definition below.')
# First sort the arguments so that those not being a flag come first
args = sorted([arg for arg in tlobject.args if not arg.flag_indicator],
key=lambda x: x.is_flag)
# Then convert the args to string parameters, the flags having =None
args = [( if not arg.is_flag
else '{}=None'.format( for arg in args
if not arg.flag_indicator and not arg.generic_definition]
# Write the __init__ function
if args:
builder.writeln('def __init__(self, {}):'.format(', '.join(args)))
builder.writeln('def __init__(self):')
# Now update args to have the TLObject arguments, _except_
# those which are generated automatically: flag indicator and generic definitions.
# We don't need the generic definitions in Python because arguments can be any type
args = [arg for arg in tlobject.args
if not arg.flag_indicator and not arg.generic_definition]
if args:
# Write the docstring, so we know the type of the arguments
for arg in args:
if not arg.flag_indicator:
builder.write(':param {}: Telegram type: «{}».'.format(, arg.type))
if arg.is_vector:
builder.write(' Must be a list.'.format(
if arg.is_generic:
builder.write(' This should be another MTProtoRequest.')
# Functions have a result object and are confirmed by default
if tlobject.is_function:
builder.writeln('self.result = None')
builder.writeln('self.confirmed = True # Confirmed by default')
# Set the arguments
if args:
# Leave an empty line if there are any args
for arg in args:
builder.writeln('self.{0} = {0}'.format(
# Write the on_send(self, writer) function
builder.writeln('def on_send(self, writer):')
builder.writeln("writer.write_int({}, signed=False) # {}'s constructor ID"
for arg in tlobject.args:
write_onsend_code(builder, arg, tlobject.args)
# Write the on_response(self, reader) function
builder.writeln('def on_response(self, reader):')
# Do not read constructor's ID, since that's already been read somewhere else
if tlobject.is_function:
builder.writeln('self.result = reader.tgread_object()')
if tlobject.args:
for arg in tlobject.args:
write_onresponse_code(builder, arg, tlobject.args)
# If there were no arguments, we still need an on_response method, and hence "pass" if empty
# Once all the objects have been generated, we can now group them in a single file
filename = os.path.join('tl', '')
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
with SourceBuilder(file) as builder:
builder.writeln('"""File generated by TLObjects\' generator. All changes will be ERASED"""')
# First add imports
for tlobject in tlobjects:
builder.writeln('import {}'.format(get_full_file_name(tlobject)))
# Then create the dictionary containing constructor_id: class
builder.writeln('tlobjects = {')
builder.current_indent += 1
# Fill the dictionary (0x1a2b3c4f: tl.full.type.path.Class)
for tlobject in tlobjects:
builder.writeln('{}: {}.{},'
.format(hex(, get_full_file_name(tlobject), get_class_name(tlobject)))
builder.current_indent -= 1
def get_class_name(tlobject):
"""Gets the class name following the Python style guidelines, in ThisClassFormat"""
# Courtesy of
# Also, '_' could be replaced for ' ', then use .title(), and then remove ' '
result = re.sub(r'_([a-z])', lambda m:,
result = result[:1].upper() + result[1:].replace('_', '') # Replace again to fully ensure!
# If it's a function, let it end with "Request" to identify them more easily
if tlobject.is_function:
result += 'Request'
return result
def get_full_file_name(tlobject):
"""Gets the full file name for the given TLObject (tl.type.full.path)"""
fullname = get_file_name(tlobject, add_extension=False)
if tlobject.namespace is not None:
fullname = '{}.{}'.format(tlobject.namespace, fullname)
if tlobject.is_function:
return 'tl.functions.{}'.format(fullname)
return 'tl.types.{}'.format(fullname)
def get_file_name(tlobject, add_extension):
"""Gets the file name in for the given TLObject"""
# Courtesy of
s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2',
result = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower()
if add_extension:
return result + '.py'
return result
def write_onsend_code(builder, arg, args, name=None):
Writes the write code for the given argument
:param builder: The source code builder
:param arg: The argument to write
:param args: All the other arguments in TLObject same on_send. This is required to determine the flags value
:param name: The name of the argument. Defaults to «self.argname»
This argument is an option because it's required when writing Vectors<>
if arg.generic_definition:
return # Do nothing, this only specifies a later type
if name is None:
name = 'self.{}'.format(
# The argument may be a flag, only write if it's not None AND if it's not a True type
# True types are not actually sent, but instead only used to determine the flags
if arg.is_flag:
if arg.type == 'true':
return # Exit, since True type is never written
builder.writeln('if {} is not None:'.format(name))
if arg.is_vector:
builder.writeln("writer.write_int(0x1cb5c415, signed=False) # Vector's constructor ID")
builder.writeln('for {}_item in {}:'.format(, name))
# Temporary disable .is_vector, not to enter this if again
arg.is_vector = False
write_onsend_code(builder, arg, args, name='{}_item'.format(
arg.is_vector = True
elif arg.flag_indicator:
# Calculate the flags with those items which are not None
builder.writeln('# Calculate the flags. This equals to those flag arguments which are NOT None')
builder.writeln('flags = 0')
for flag in args:
if flag.is_flag:
builder.writeln('flags |= (1 << {}) if {} is not None else 0'
.format(flag.flag_index, 'self.{}'.format(
elif 'int' == arg.type:
elif 'long' == arg.type:
elif 'int128' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('writer.write_large_int({}, bits=128)'.format(name))
elif 'int256' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('writer.write_large_int({}, bits=256)'.format(name))
elif 'double' == arg.type:
elif 'string' == arg.type:
elif 'Bool' == arg.type:
elif 'true' == arg.type: # Awkwardly enough, Telegram has both bool and "true", used in flags
pass # These are actually NOT written! Only used for flags
elif 'bytes' == arg.type:
# Else it may be a custom type
# End vector and flag blocks if required (if we opened them before)
if arg.is_vector:
if arg.is_flag:
def write_onresponse_code(builder, arg, args, name=None):
Writes the receive code for the given argument
:param builder: The source code builder
:param arg: The argument to write
:param args: All the other arguments in TLObject same on_send. This is required to determine the flags value
:param name: The name of the argument. Defaults to «self.argname»
This argument is an option because it's required when writing Vectors<>
if arg.generic_definition:
return # Do nothing, this only specifies a later type
if name is None:
name = 'self.{}'.format(
# The argument may be a flag, only write that flag was given!
was_flag = False
if arg.is_flag:
was_flag = True
builder.writeln('if (flags & (1 << {})) != 0:'.format(arg.flag_index))
# Temporary disable .is_flag not to enter this if again when calling the method recursively
arg.is_flag = False
if arg.is_vector:
builder.writeln("reader.read_int() # Vector's constructor ID")
builder.writeln('{} = [] # Initialize an empty list'.format(name))
builder.writeln('{}_len = reader.read_int()'.format(
builder.writeln('for _ in range({}_len):'.format(
# Temporary disable .is_vector, not to enter this if again
arg.is_vector = False
write_onresponse_code(builder, arg, args, name='{}_item'.format(
arg.is_vector = True
elif arg.flag_indicator:
# Read the flags, which will indicate what items we should read next
builder.writeln('flags = reader.read_int()')
elif 'int' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_int()'.format(name))
elif 'long' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_long()'.format(name))
elif 'int128' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_large_int(bits=128)'.format(name))
elif 'int256' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_large_int(bits=256)'.format(name))
elif 'double' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_double()'.format(name))
elif 'string' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_string()'.format(name))
elif 'Bool' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_bool()'.format(name))
elif 'true' == arg.type: # Awkwardly enough, Telegram has both bool and "true", used in flags
builder.writeln('{} = True # Arbitrary not-None value, no need to read since it is a flag'.format(name))
elif 'bytes' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} ='.format(name))
# Else it may be a custom type
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_object()'.format(name))
# End vector and flag blocks if required (if we opened them before)
if arg.is_vector:
if was_flag:
# Restore .is_flag
arg.is_flag = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
if tlobjects_exist():
print('Detected previous TLObjects. Cleaning...')
print('Generating TLObjects...')