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synced 2025-03-03 02:35:53 +03:00
Entity cache uses are removed. It was a source of ever-growing memory usage that has to be reworked. This affects everything that tried to obtain an input entity, input sender or input chat (such as the SenderGetter or calls to _get_entity_pair). Input entities need to be reworked in any case. Its removal also affects the automatic cache of any raw API request. Raise last error parameter is removed, and its behaviour made default. The connection type parameter has been removed, since users really have no need to change it. A few more attributes have been made private, since users should not mess with those.
394 lines
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394 lines
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import asyncio
import datetime
import itertools
import time
import typing
from ..errors._custom import MultiError
from ..errors._rpcbase import RpcError, ServerError, FloodError, InvalidDcError, UnauthorizedError
from .._misc import helpers, utils, hints
from .._sessions.types import Entity
from .. import errors, _tl
from .account import ignore_takeout
_NOT_A_REQUEST = lambda: TypeError('You can only invoke requests, not types!')
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from .telegramclient import TelegramClient
def _fmt_flood(delay, request, *, early=False, td=datetime.timedelta):
return (
'Sleeping%s for %ds (%s) on %s flood wait',
' early' if early else '',
async def call(self: 'TelegramClient', request, ordered=False, flood_sleep_threshold=None):
return await _call(self, self._sender, request, ordered=ordered)
async def _call(self: 'TelegramClient', sender, request, ordered=False, flood_sleep_threshold=None):
if flood_sleep_threshold is None:
flood_sleep_threshold = self.flood_sleep_threshold
requests = (request if utils.is_list_like(request) else (request,))
for r in requests:
if not isinstance(r, _tl.TLRequest):
raise _NOT_A_REQUEST()
await r.resolve(self, utils)
# Avoid making the request if it's already in a flood wait
if r.CONSTRUCTOR_ID in self._flood_waited_requests:
due = self._flood_waited_requests[r.CONSTRUCTOR_ID]
diff = round(due - time.time())
if diff <= 3: # Flood waits below 3 seconds are "ignored"
self._flood_waited_requests.pop(r.CONSTRUCTOR_ID, None)
elif diff <= flood_sleep_threshold:
self._log[__name__].info(*_fmt_flood(diff, r, early=True))
await asyncio.sleep(diff)
self._flood_waited_requests.pop(r.CONSTRUCTOR_ID, None)
raise errors.FLOOD_WAIT(420, f'FLOOD_WAIT_{diff}', request=r)
if self._session_state.takeout_id and not ignore_takeout.get():
r = _tl.fn.InvokeWithTakeout(self._session_state.takeout_id, r)
if self._no_updates:
r = _tl.fn.InvokeWithoutUpdates(r)
request_index = 0
last_error = None
self._last_request = time.time()
for attempt in helpers.retry_range(self._request_retries):
future = sender.send(request, ordered=ordered)
if isinstance(future, list):
results = []
exceptions = []
for f in future:
result = await f
except RpcError as e:
request_index += 1
if any(x is not None for x in exceptions):
raise MultiError(exceptions, results, requests)
return results
result = await future
return result
except ServerError as e:
last_error = e
'Telegram is having internal issues %s: %s',
e.__class__.__name__, e)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
except FloodError as e:
last_error = e
if utils.is_list_like(request):
request = request[request_index]
# SLOWMODE_WAIT is chat-specific, not request-specific
if not isinstance(e, errors.SLOWMODE_WAIT):
[request.CONSTRUCTOR_ID] = time.time() + e.seconds
# In test servers, FLOOD_WAIT_0 has been observed, and sleeping for
# such a short amount will cause retries very fast leading to issues.
if e.seconds == 0:
e.seconds = 1
if e.seconds <= self.flood_sleep_threshold:
self._log[__name__].info(*_fmt_flood(e.seconds, request))
await asyncio.sleep(e.seconds)
except InvalidDcError as e:
last_error = e
self._log[__name__].info('Phone migrated to %d', e.new_dc)
should_raise = isinstance(e, (
if should_raise and await self.is_user_authorized():
await self._switch_dc(e.new_dc)
raise last_error
async def get_me(self: 'TelegramClient', input_peer: bool = False) \
-> 'typing.Union[_tl.User, _tl.InputPeerUser]':
me = (await self(_tl.fn.users.GetUsers([_tl.InputUserSelf()])))[0]
return utils.get_input_peer(me, allow_self=False) if input_peer else me
except UnauthorizedError:
return None
async def is_bot(self: 'TelegramClient') -> bool:
return self._session_state.bot if self._session_state else False
async def is_user_authorized(self: 'TelegramClient') -> bool:
# Any request that requires authorization will work
await self(_tl.fn.updates.GetState())
return True
except RpcError:
return False
async def get_entity(
self: 'TelegramClient',
entity: 'hints.EntitiesLike') -> 'hints.Entity':
single = not utils.is_list_like(entity)
if single:
entity = (entity,)
# Group input entities by string (resolve username),
# input users (get users), input chat (get chats) and
# input channels (get channels) to get the most entities
# in the less amount of calls possible.
inputs = []
for x in entity:
if isinstance(x, str):
inputs.append(await self.get_input_entity(x))
lists = {
helpers._EntityType.USER: [],
helpers._EntityType.CHAT: [],
helpers._EntityType.CHANNEL: [],
for x in inputs:
except TypeError:
users = lists[helpers._EntityType.USER]
chats = lists[helpers._EntityType.CHAT]
channels = lists[helpers._EntityType.CHANNEL]
if users:
# GetUsers has a limit of 200 per call
tmp = []
while users:
curr, users = users[:200], users[200:]
tmp.extend(await self(_tl.fn.users.GetUsers(curr)))
users = tmp
if chats: # TODO Handle chats slice?
chats = (await self(
_tl.fn.messages.GetChats([x.chat_id for x in chats]))).chats
if channels:
channels = (await self(
# Merge users, chats and channels into a single dictionary
id_entity = {
utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in itertools.chain(users, chats, channels)
# We could check saved usernames and put them into the users,
# chats and channels list from before. While this would reduce
# the amount of ResolveUsername calls, it would fail to catch
# username changes.
result = []
for x in inputs:
if isinstance(x, str):
result.append(await _get_entity_from_string(self, x))
elif not isinstance(x, _tl.InputPeerSelf):
u for u in id_entity.values()
if isinstance(u, _tl.User) and u.is_self
return result[0] if single else result
async def get_input_entity(
self: 'TelegramClient',
peer: 'hints.EntityLike') -> '_tl.TypeInputPeer':
# Short-circuit if the input parameter directly maps to an InputPeer
return utils.get_input_peer(peer)
except TypeError:
# Then come known strings that take precedence
if peer in ('me', 'self'):
return _tl.InputPeerSelf()
# No InputPeer, cached peer, or known string. Fetch from session cache
peer_id = utils.get_peer_id(peer)
except TypeError:
entity = await self._session.get_entity(None, peer_id)
if entity:
if entity.ty in (Entity.USER, Entity.BOT):
return _tl.InputPeerUser(entity.id, entity.access_hash)
elif entity.ty in (Entity.GROUP):
return _tl.InputPeerChat(peer.chat_id)
elif entity.ty in (Entity.CHANNEL, Entity.MEGAGROUP, Entity.GIGAGROUP):
return _tl.InputPeerChannel(entity.id, entity.access_hash)
# Only network left to try
if isinstance(peer, str):
return utils.get_input_peer(
await _get_entity_from_string(self, peer))
# If we're a bot and the user has messaged us privately users.getUsers
# will work with access_hash = 0. Similar for channels.getChannels.
# If we're not a bot but the user is in our contacts, it seems to work
# regardless. These are the only two special-cased requests.
peer = utils.get_peer(peer)
if isinstance(peer, _tl.PeerUser):
users = await self(_tl.fn.users.GetUsers([
_tl.InputUser(peer.user_id, access_hash=0)]))
if users and not isinstance(users[0], _tl.UserEmpty):
# If the user passed a valid ID they expect to work for
# channels but would be valid for users, we get UserEmpty.
# Avoid returning the invalid empty input peer for that.
# We *could* try to guess if it's a channel first, and if
# it's not, work as a chat and try to validate it through
# another request, but that becomes too much work.
return utils.get_input_peer(users[0])
elif isinstance(peer, _tl.PeerChat):
return _tl.InputPeerChat(peer.chat_id)
elif isinstance(peer, _tl.PeerChannel):
channels = await self(_tl.fn.channels.GetChannels([
_tl.InputChannel(peer.channel_id, access_hash=0)]))
return utils.get_input_peer(channels.chats[0])
except errors.CHANNEL_INVALID:
raise ValueError(
'Could not find the input entity for {} ({}). Please read https://'
'docs.telethon.dev/en/latest/concepts/entities.html to'
' find out more details.'
.format(peer, type(peer).__name__)
async def get_peer_id(
self: 'TelegramClient',
peer: 'hints.EntityLike') -> int:
if isinstance(peer, int):
return utils.get_peer_id(peer)
if peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID not in (0x2d45687, 0xc91c90b6):
# 0x2d45687, 0xc91c90b6 == crc32(b'Peer') and b'InputPeer'
peer = await self.get_input_entity(peer)
except AttributeError:
peer = await self.get_input_entity(peer)
if isinstance(peer, _tl.InputPeerSelf):
peer = await self.get_me(input_peer=True)
return utils.get_peer_id(peer)
async def _get_entity_from_string(self: 'TelegramClient', string):
Gets a full entity from the given string, which may be a phone or
a username, and processes all the found entities on the session.
The string may also be a user link, or a channel/chat invite link.
This method has the side effect of adding the found users to the
session database, so it can be queried later without API calls,
if this option is enabled on the session.
Returns the found entity, or raises TypeError if not found.
phone = utils.parse_phone(string)
if phone:
for user in (await self(
if user.phone == phone:
return user
except errors.BOT_METHOD_INVALID:
raise ValueError('Cannot get entity by phone number as a '
'bot (try using integer IDs, not strings)')
elif string.lower() in ('me', 'self'):
return await self.get_me()
username, is_join_chat = utils.parse_username(string)
if is_join_chat:
invite = await self(
if isinstance(invite, _tl.ChatInvite):
raise ValueError(
'Cannot get entity from a channel (or group) '
'that you are not part of. Join the group and retry'
elif isinstance(invite, _tl.ChatInviteAlready):
return invite.chat
elif username:
result = await self(
except errors.USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED as e:
raise ValueError('No user has "{}" as username'
.format(username)) from e
pid = utils.get_peer_id(result.peer)
if isinstance(result.peer, _tl.PeerUser):
return next(x for x in result.users if x.id == pid)
return next(x for x in result.chats if x.id == pid)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot find any entity corresponding to "{}"'.format(string)
async def _get_input_dialog(self: 'TelegramClient', dialog):
Returns a :tl:`InputDialogPeer`. This is a bit tricky because
it may or not need access to the client to convert what's given
into an input entity.
if dialog.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xa21c9795: # crc32(b'InputDialogPeer')
dialog.peer = await self.get_input_entity(dialog.peer)
return dialog
elif dialog.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0xc91c90b6: # crc32(b'InputPeer')
return _tl.InputDialogPeer(dialog)
except AttributeError:
return _tl.InputDialogPeer(await self.get_input_entity(dialog))
async def _get_input_notify(self: 'TelegramClient', notify):
Returns a :tl:`InputNotifyPeer`. This is a bit tricky because
it may or not need access to the client to convert what's given
into an input entity.
if notify.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x58981615:
if isinstance(notify, _tl.InputNotifyPeer):
notify.peer = await self.get_input_entity(notify.peer)
return notify
except AttributeError:
return _tl.InputNotifyPeer(await self.get_input_entity(notify))