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synced 2025-02-17 12:00:58 +03:00
Now the updates thread won't start unless you add, at least, one updates handler. Also, if the TcpClient was receiving (i.e., from an update), it will let the update to be received first instead of crashing
141 lines
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141 lines
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from tl.types import MessageEntityBold, MessageEntityItalic, MessageEntityCode, MessageEntityTextUrl
def parse_message_entities(msg):
"""Parses a message and returns the parsed message and the entities (bold, italic...).
Note that although markdown-like syntax is used, this does not reflect the complete specification!"""
# Store the entities here
entities = []
# Convert the message to a mutable list
msg = list(msg)
# First, let's handle all the text links in the message, so afterwards it's clean
# for us to get our hands dirty with the other indicators (bold, italic and fixed)
url_indices = [None] * 4 # start/end text index, start/end url index
valid_url_indices = [] # all the valid url_indices found
for i, c in enumerate(msg):
if c is '[':
url_indices[0] = i
# From now on, also ensure that the last item was set
elif c == ']' and url_indices[0]:
url_indices[1] = i
elif c == '(' and url_indices[1]:
# If the previous index (']') is not exactly before the current index ('('),
# then it's not a valid text link, so clear the previous state
if url_indices[1] != i - 1:
url_indices[:2] = [None] * 2
url_indices[2] = i
elif c == ')' and url_indices[2]:
# We have succeeded to find a markdown-like text link!
url_indices[3] = i
valid_url_indices.append(url_indices[:]) # Append a copy
url_indices = [None] * 4
# Iterate in reverse order to clean the text from the urls
# (not to affect previous indices) and append MessageEntityTextUrl's
for i in range(len(valid_url_indices) - 1, -1, -1):
vui = valid_url_indices[i]
# Add 1 when slicing the message not to include the [] nor ()
# There is no need to subtract 1 on the later part because that index is already excluded
link_text = ''.join(msg[vui[0]+1:vui[1]])
link_url = ''.join(msg[vui[2]+1:vui[3]])
# After we have retrieved both the link text and url, replace them in the message
# Now we do have to add 1 to include the [] and () when deleting and replacing!
del msg[vui[2]:vui[3]+1]
msg[vui[0]:vui[1]+1] = link_text
# Finally, update the current valid index url to reflect that all the previous VUI's will be removed
# This is because, after the previous VUI's get done, their part of the message is removed too,
# hence we need to update the current VUI subtracting that removed part length
for prev_vui in valid_url_indices[:i]:
prev_vui_length = prev_vui[3] - prev_vui[2] - 1
displacement = prev_vui_length + len('[]()')
vui[0] -= displacement
vui[1] -= displacement
# No need to subtract the displacement from the URL part (indices 2 and 3)
# When calculating the length, subtract 1 again not to include the previously called ']'
entities.append(MessageEntityTextUrl(offset=vui[0], length=vui[1] - vui[0] - 1, url=link_url))
# After the message is clean from links, handle all the indicator flags
indicator_flags = {
'*': None,
'_': None,
'`': None
# Iterate over the list to find the indicators of entities
for i, c in enumerate(msg):
# Only perform further check if the current character is an indicator
if c in indicator_flags:
# If it is the first time we find this indicator, update its index
if indicator_flags[c] is None:
indicator_flags[c] = i
# Otherwise, it means that we found it before. Hence, the message entity *is* complete
# Then we have found a new whole valid entity
offset = indicator_flags[c]
length = i - offset - 1 # Subtract -1 not to include the indicator itself
# Add the corresponding entity
if c == '*':
entities.append(MessageEntityBold(offset=offset, length=length))
elif c == '_':
entities.append(MessageEntityItalic(offset=offset, length=length))
elif c == '`':
entities.append(MessageEntityCode(offset=offset, length=length))
# Clear the flag to start over with this indicator
indicator_flags[c] = None
# Sort the entities by their offset first
entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda e: e.offset)
# Now that all the entities have been found and sorted, remove
# their indicators from the message and update the offsets
for entity in entities:
if type(entity) is not MessageEntityTextUrl:
# Clean the message from the current entity's indicators
del msg[entity.offset + entity.length + 1]
del msg[entity.offset]
# Iterate over all the entities but the current
for subentity in [e for e in entities if e is not entity]:
# First case, one in one out: so*me_th_in*g.
# In this case, the current entity length is decreased by two,
# and all the subentities offset decreases 1
if (subentity.offset > entity.offset and
subentity.offset + subentity.length < entity.offset + entity.length):
entity.length -= 2
subentity.offset -= 1
# Second case, both inside: so*me_th*in_g.
# In this case, the current entity length is decreased by one,
# and all the subentities offset and length decrease 1
elif (entity.offset < subentity.offset < entity.offset + entity.length and
subentity.offset + subentity.length > entity.offset + entity.length):
entity.length -= 1
subentity.offset -= 1
subentity.length -= 1
# Third case, both outside: so*me*th_in_g.
# In this case, the current entity is left untouched,
# and all the subentities offset decreases 2
elif subentity.offset > entity.offset + entity.length:
subentity.offset -= 2
# Finally, we can join our poor mutilated message back and return
msg = ''.join(msg)
return msg, entities