2022-03-02 13:41:24 +01:00

283 lines
11 KiB

import asyncio
import inspect
import itertools
import random
import sys
import time
import traceback
import typing
import logging
import inspect
import bisect
import warnings
from collections import deque
from ..errors._rpcbase import RpcError
from .._events.raw import Raw
from .._events.base import StopPropagation, EventBuilder, EventHandler
from .._events.filters import make_filter, NotResolved
from .._misc import utils
from .. import _tl
from ..types._custom import User, Chat
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from .telegramclient import TelegramClient
Callback = typing.Callable[[typing.Any], typing.Any]
async def set_receive_updates(self: 'TelegramClient', receive_updates):
self._no_updates = not receive_updates
if receive_updates:
await self(_tl.fn.updates.GetState())
async def run_until_disconnected(self: 'TelegramClient'):
# Make a high-level request to notify that we want updates
await self(_tl.fn.updates.GetState())
await self._sender.wait_disconnected()
def on(self: 'TelegramClient', *events, priority=0, **filters):
def decorator(f):
for event in events:
self.add_event_handler(f, event, priority=priority, **filters)
return f
return decorator
def add_event_handler(
self: 'TelegramClient',
if callback is None:
return functools.partial(add_event_handler, self, event=event, priority=priority, **filters)
if event is None:
for param in inspect.signature(callback).parameters.values():
event = None if param.annotation is inspect.Signature.empty else param.annotation
break # only check the first parameter
if event is None:
event = Raw
if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(callback):
raise TypeError(f'callback was not an async def function: {callback!r}')
if not isinstance(event, type):
raise TypeError(f'event type was not a type (an instance of something was probably used): {event!r}')
if not isinstance(priority, int):
raise TypeError(f'priority was not an integer: {priority!r}')
if not issubclass(event, EventBuilder):
if event.SUBCLASS_OF_ID != 0x9f89304e:
raise TypeError(f'invalid raw update type for the event handler: {event!r}')
if 'types' in filters:
warnings.warn('"types" filter is ignored when the event type already is a raw update')
filters['types'] = event
event = Raw
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(f'unrecognized event handler type: {param.annotation!r}')
handler = EventHandler(event, callback, priority, make_filter(**filters))
if self._dispatching_update_handlers:
# Now that there's a copy, we're no longer dispatching from the old update_handlers,
# so we can modify it. This is why we can turn the flag off.
self._update_handlers = self._update_handlers[:]
self._dispatching_update_handlers = False
bisect.insort(self._update_handlers, handler)
return handler
def remove_event_handler(
self: 'TelegramClient',
if callback is None and event is None and priority is None:
raise ValueError('must specify at least one of callback, event or priority')
if not self._update_handlers:
return [] # won't be removing anything (some code paths rely on non-empty lists)
if self._dispatching_update_handlers:
# May be an unnecessary copy if nothing was removed, but that's not a big deal.
self._update_handlers = self._update_handlers[:]
self._dispatching_update_handlers = False
if isinstance(callback, EventHandler):
if event is not None or priority is not None:
warnings.warn('event and priority are ignored when removing EventHandler instances')
index = bisect.bisect_left(self._update_handlers, callback)
if self._update_handlers[index] == callback:
return [self._update_handlers.pop(index)]
except IndexError:
return []
if priority is not None:
# can binary-search (using a dummy EventHandler)
index = bisect.bisect_right(self._update_handlers, EventHandler(None, None, priority, None))
while self._update_handlers[index].priority == priority:
index += 1
except IndexError:
removed = []
while index > 0 and self._update_handlers[index - 1].priority == priority:
index -= 1
if callback is not None and self._update_handlers[index].callback != callback:
if event is not None and self._update_handlers[index].event != event:
return removed
# slow-path, remove all matching
removed = []
for index in reversed(range(len(self._update_handlers))):
handler = self._update_handlers[index]
if callback is not None and handler._callback != callback:
if event is not None and handler._event != event:
return removed
def list_event_handlers(self: 'TelegramClient')\
-> 'typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[Callback, EventBuilder]]':
return self._update_handlers[:]
async def catch_up(self: 'TelegramClient'):
# The update loop is probably blocked on either timeout or an update to arrive.
# Unblock the loop by pushing a dummy update which will always trigger a gap.
# This, in return, causes the update loop to catch up.
await self._updates_queue.put(_tl.UpdatesTooLong())
async def _update_loop(self: 'TelegramClient'):
updates_to_dispatch = deque()
while self.is_connected:
if updates_to_dispatch:
await _dispatch(self, *updates_to_dispatch.popleft())
get_diff = self._message_box.get_difference()
if get_diff:
self._log[__name__].info('Getting difference for account updates')
diff = await self(get_diff)
updates, users, chats = self._message_box.apply_difference(diff, self._entity_cache)
updates_to_dispatch.extend(_preprocess_updates(self, updates, users, chats))
get_diff = self._message_box.get_channel_difference(self._entity_cache)
if get_diff:
self._log[__name__].info('Getting difference for channel updates')
diff = await self(get_diff)
updates, users, chats = self._message_box.apply_channel_difference(get_diff, diff, self._entity_cache)
updates_to_dispatch.extend(_preprocess_updates(self, updates, users, chats))
deadline = self._message_box.check_deadlines()
updates = await asyncio.wait_for(
deadline - asyncio.get_running_loop().time()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self._log[__name__].info('Timeout waiting for updates expired')
processed = []
users, chats = self._message_box.process_updates(updates, self._entity_cache, processed)
except GapError:
continue # get(_channel)_difference will start returning requests
updates_to_dispatch.extend(_preprocess_updates(self, processed, users, chats))
except Exception:
self._log[__name__].exception('Fatal error handling updates (this is a bug in Telethon, please report it)')
def _preprocess_updates(self, updates, users, chats):
self._entity_cache.extend(users, chats)
entities = Entities(self, users, chats)
return ((u, entities) for u in updates)
class Entities:
def __init__(self, client, users, chats):
self.self_id = client._session_state.user_id
self._client = client
self._entities = { e for e in itertools.chain(
(User._new(client, u) for u in users),
(Chat._new(client, c) for u in chats),
def get(self, peer):
if not peer:
return None
id = utils.get_peer_id(peer)
return self._entities[id]
except KeyError:
entity = self._client._entity_cache.get(query.user_id)
if not entity:
raise RuntimeError('Update is missing a hash but did not trigger a gap')
self._entities[] = User(self._client, entity) if entity.is_user else Chat(self._client, entity)
return self._entities[]
async def _dispatch(self, update, entities):
self._dispatching_update_handlers = True
event_cache = {}
for handler in self._update_handlers:
event = event_cache.get(handler._event)
if not event:
# build can fail if we're missing an access hash; we want this to crash
event_cache[handler._event] = event = handler._event._build(self, update, entities)
while True:
# filters can be modified at any time, and there can be any amount of them which are not yet resolved
if handler._filter(event):
await handler._callback(event)
except StopPropagation:
except Exception:
name = getattr(handler._callback, '__name__', repr(handler._callback))
self._log[__name__].exception('Unhandled exception on %s (this is likely a bug in your code)', name)
except NotResolved as nr:
await nr.unresolved.resolve()
except Exception as e:
# we cannot really do much about this; it might be a temporary network issue
warnings.warn(f'failed to resolve filter, handler will be skipped: {e}: {nr.unresolved!r}')
except Exception as e:
# invalid filter (e.g. types when types were not used as input)
warnings.warn(f'invalid filter applied, handler will be skipped: {e}: {e.filter!r}')
# we only want to continue on unresolved filter (to check if there are more unresolved)
self._dispatching_update_handlers = False