NotAFile a4876c1ac5 Add example unit test and config for testing
Add testing configuration:
 - pytest as test framework
 - tox for creating testing environments and running tests (run with `tox`)
 - pytest-asycio for asyncio testing
 - coverage/pytest-cov for measuring test coverage
 - flake8 for pep8 checking

I've also added one quick example test demonstrating basic unit testing
and use of the basic fixtures and marks provided by pytest-asyncio.

Just this already covers a suprising 32% of the codebase, mostly through
imports, but I wouldn't expect it to be helpful yet. This should provide
a good base to build on in the future though.
2019-12-07 04:23:27 +01:00

23 lines
538 B

envlist = py35,py36,py37,py38
deps =
commands =
# NOTE: you can run any command line tool here - not just tests
pytest {posargs}
# run with tox -e flake
deps =
commands =
# TODO: move options to dedicated flake8 config
flake8 --exclude telethon/tl/,telethon/errors/ --ignore E501,F401 telethon/ tests/