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synced 2025-03-03 19:00:21 +03:00
685 lines
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685 lines
25 KiB
import builtins
import functools
import os
import re
import shutil
import struct
from collections import defaultdict
from zlib import crc32
from ..sourcebuilder import SourceBuilder
from ..utils import snake_to_camel_case
'"""File generated by TLObjects\' generator. All changes will be ERASED"""'
'utils.get_input_peer(await client.get_input_entity({}))',
'utils.get_input_channel(await client.get_input_entity({}))',
'utils.get_input_user(await client.get_input_entity({}))',
'InputDialogPeer': 'await client._get_input_dialog({})',
'InputNotifyPeer': 'await client._get_input_notify({})',
'InputMedia': 'utils.get_input_media({})',
'InputPhoto': 'utils.get_input_photo({})',
'InputMessage': 'utils.get_input_message({})',
'InputDocument': 'utils.get_input_document({})',
'InputChatPhoto': 'utils.get_input_chat_photo({})',
'InputGroupCall': 'utils.get_input_group_call({})',
('chat_id', 'int'): 'await client.get_peer_id({})'
# Secret chats have a chat_id which may be negative.
# With the named auto-cast above, we would break it.
# However there are plenty of other legit requests
# with `chat_id:int` where it is useful.
# NOTE: This works because the auto-cast is not recursive.
# There are plenty of types that would break if we
# did recurse into them to resolve them.
BASE_TYPES = ('string', 'bytes', 'int', 'long', 'int128',
'int256', 'double', 'Bool', 'true', 'date')
def _write_modules(
out_dir, in_mod, kind, namespace_tlobjects, type_constructors, layer, all_tlobjects):
# namespace_tlobjects: {'namespace', [TLObject]}
out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for ns, tlobjects in namespace_tlobjects.items():
file = out_dir / '{}.py'.format(ns or '__init__')
with file.open('w') as f, SourceBuilder(f) as builder:
if kind == 'TLObject':
builder.writeln('from .._misc.tlobject import TLObject, TLRequest')
builder.writeln('from . import fn')
builder.writeln('from ..._misc.tlobject import TLObject, TLRequest')
builder.writeln('from typing import Optional, List, '
# Add the relative imports to the namespaces,
# unless we already are in a namespace.
if not ns:
builder.writeln('from . import {}', ', '.join(sorted(
x for x in namespace_tlobjects.keys() if x
# Import 'os' for those needing access to 'os.urandom()'
# Currently only 'random_id' needs 'os' to be imported,
# for all those TLObjects with arg.can_be_inferred.
builder.writeln('import os')
# Import struct for the .__bytes__(self) serialization
builder.writeln('import struct')
# Import datetime for type hinting
builder.writeln('from datetime import datetime')
tlobjects.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)
type_names = set()
type_defs = []
# Find all the types in this file and generate type definitions
# based on the types. The type definitions are written to the
# file at the end.
for t in tlobjects:
if not t.is_function:
type_name = t.result
if '.' in type_name:
type_name = type_name[type_name.rindex('.'):]
if type_name in type_names:
constructors = type_constructors[type_name]
if not constructors:
elif len(constructors) == 1:
type_defs.append('Type{} = {}'.format(
type_name, constructors[0].class_name))
type_defs.append('Type{} = Union[{}]'.format(
type_name, ','.join(c.class_name
for c in constructors)))
imports = {}
primitives = {'int', 'long', 'int128', 'int256', 'double',
'string', 'date', 'bytes', 'Bool', 'true'}
# Find all the types in other files that are used in this file
# and generate the information required to import those types.
for t in tlobjects:
for arg in t.args:
name = arg.type
if not name or name in primitives:
if kind == 'TLObject':
import_space = '.'
import_space = '..'
if '.' in name:
namespace = name.split('.')[0]
name = name.split('.')[1]
import_space += '.{}'.format(namespace)
if name not in type_names:
if name == 'date':
imports['datetime'] = ['datetime']
elif import_space not in imports:
imports[import_space] = set()
# Add imports required for type checking
if imports:
builder.writeln('if TYPE_CHECKING:')
for namespace, names in imports.items():
builder.writeln('from {} import {}',
namespace, ', '.join(sorted(names)))
# Generate the class for every TLObject
for t in tlobjects:
_write_source_code(t, kind, builder, type_constructors)
builder.current_indent = 0
# Write the type definitions generated earlier.
for line in type_defs:
if not ns and kind == 'TLObject':
_write_all_tlobjects(all_tlobjects, layer, builder)
def _write_source_code(tlobject, kind, builder, type_constructors):
Writes the source code corresponding to the given TLObject
by making use of the ``builder`` `SourceBuilder`.
Additional information such as file path depth and
the ``Type: [Constructors]`` must be given for proper
importing and documentation strings.
_write_class_init(tlobject, kind, type_constructors, builder)
_write_resolve(tlobject, builder)
_write_to_bytes(tlobject, builder)
_write_from_reader(tlobject, builder)
_write_read_result(tlobject, builder)
def _write_class_init(tlobject, kind, type_constructors, builder):
builder.writeln('class {}({}):', tlobject.class_name, kind)
# Define slots to help reduce the size of the objects a little bit.
# It's also good for knowing what fields an object has.
builder.write('__slots__ = (')
sep = ''
for arg in tlobject.real_args:
builder.write('{}{!r},', sep, arg.name)
sep = ' '
# Class-level variable to store its Telegram's constructor ID
builder.writeln('CONSTRUCTOR_ID = {:#x}', tlobject.id)
builder.writeln('SUBCLASS_OF_ID = {:#x}',
# Convert the args to string parameters, flags having =None
args = ['{}: {}{}'.format(
a.name, a.type_hint(), '=None' if a.is_flag or a.can_be_inferred else '')
for a in tlobject.real_args
# Write the __init__ function if it has any argument
if not tlobject.real_args:
if any(a.name in dir(builtins) for a in tlobject.real_args):
builder.writeln('# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins')
builder.writeln("def __init__({}):", ', '.join(['self'] + args))
if tlobject.is_function:
builder.write(':returns {}: ', tlobject.result)
builder.write('Constructor for {}: ', tlobject.result)
constructors = type_constructors[tlobject.result]
if not constructors:
builder.writeln('This type has no constructors.')
elif len(constructors) == 1:
builder.writeln('Instance of {}.',
builder.writeln('Instance of either {}.', ', '.join(
c.class_name for c in constructors))
# Set the arguments
for arg in tlobject.real_args:
if not arg.can_be_inferred:
builder.writeln('self.{0} = {0}', arg.name)
# Currently the only argument that can be
# inferred are those called 'random_id'
elif arg.name == 'random_id':
# Endianness doesn't really matter, and 'big' is shorter
code = "int.from_bytes(os.urandom({}), 'big', signed=True)" \
.format(8 if arg.type == 'long' else 4)
if arg.is_vector:
# Currently for the case of "messages.forwardMessages"
# Ensure we can infer the length from id:Vector<>
if not next(a for a in tlobject.real_args
if a.name == 'id').is_vector:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot infer list of random ids for ', tlobject
code = '[{} for _ in range(len(id))]'.format(code)
"self.random_id = random_id if random_id "
"is not None else {}", code
raise ValueError('Cannot infer a value for ', arg)
def _write_resolve(tlobject, builder):
if tlobject.is_function and any(
(arg.type in AUTO_CASTS
or ((arg.name, arg.type) in NAMED_AUTO_CASTS
and tlobject.fullname not in NAMED_BLACKLIST))
for arg in tlobject.real_args
builder.writeln('async def resolve(self, client, utils):')
for arg in tlobject.real_args:
ac = AUTO_CASTS.get(arg.type)
if not ac:
ac = NAMED_AUTO_CASTS.get((arg.name, arg.type))
if not ac:
if arg.is_flag:
builder.writeln('if self.{}:', arg.name)
if arg.is_vector:
builder.writeln('_tmp = []')
builder.writeln('for _x in self.{0}:', arg.name)
builder.writeln('_tmp.append({})', ac.format('_x'))
builder.writeln('self.{} = _tmp', arg.name)
builder.writeln('self.{} = {}', arg.name,
ac.format('self.' + arg.name))
if arg.is_flag:
def _write_to_bytes(tlobject, builder):
builder.writeln('def _bytes(self):')
# Some objects require more than one flag parameter to be set
# at the same time. In this case, add an assertion.
repeated_args = defaultdict(list)
for arg in tlobject.args:
if arg.is_flag:
for ra in repeated_args.values():
if len(ra) > 1:
cnd1 = ('(self.{0} or self.{0} is not None)'
.format(a.name) for a in ra)
cnd2 = ('(self.{0} is None or self.{0} is False)'
.format(a.name) for a in ra)
"assert ({}) or ({}), '{} parameters must all "
"be False-y (like None) or all me True-y'",
' and '.join(cnd1), ' and '.join(cnd2),
', '.join(a.name for a in ra)
builder.writeln("return b''.join((")
builder.current_indent += 1
# First constructor code, we already know its bytes
builder.writeln('{},', repr(struct.pack('<I', tlobject.id)))
for arg in tlobject.args:
if _write_arg_to_bytes(builder, arg, tlobject):
builder.current_indent -= 1
def _write_from_reader(tlobject, builder):
builder.writeln('def from_reader(cls, reader):')
for arg in tlobject.args:
_write_arg_read_code(builder, arg, tlobject, name='_' + arg.name)
builder.writeln('return cls({})', ', '.join(
'{0}=_{0}'.format(a.name) for a in tlobject.real_args))
def _write_read_result(tlobject, builder):
# Only requests can have a different response that's not their
# serialized body, that is, we'll be setting their .result.
# The default behaviour is reading a TLObject too, so no need
# to override it unless necessary.
if not tlobject.is_function:
# https://core.telegram.org/mtproto/serialize#boxed-and-bare-types
# TL;DR; boxed types start with uppercase always, so we can use
# this to check whether everything in it is boxed or not.
# Currently only un-boxed responses are Vector<int>/Vector<long>.
# If this weren't the case, we should check upper case after
# max(index('<'), index('.')) (and if it is, it's boxed, so return).
m = re.match(r'Vector<(int|long)>', tlobject.result)
if not m:
builder.writeln('def read_result(reader):')
builder.writeln('reader.read_int() # Vector ID')
builder.writeln('return [reader.read_{}() '
'for _ in range(reader.read_int())]', m.group(1))
def _write_arg_to_bytes(builder, arg, tlobject, name=None):
Writes the .__bytes__() code for the given argument
:param builder: The source code builder
:param arg: The argument to write
:param tlobject: The parent TLObject
:param name: The name of the argument. Defaults to "self.argname"
This argument is an option because it's required when
writing Vectors<>
if arg.generic_definition:
return # Do nothing, this only specifies a later type
if name is None:
name = 'self.{}'.format(arg.name)
# The argument may be a flag, only write if it's not None AND
# if it's not a True type.
# True types are not actually sent, but instead only used to
# determine the flags.
if arg.is_flag:
if arg.type == 'true':
return # Exit, since True type is never written
elif arg.is_vector:
# Vector flags are special since they consist of 3 values,
# so we need an extra join here. Note that empty vector flags
# should NOT be sent either!
builder.write("b'' if {0} is None or {0} is False "
"else b''.join((", name)
elif 'Bool' == arg.type:
# `False` is a valid value for this type, so only check for `None`.
builder.write("b'' if {0} is None else (", name)
builder.write("b'' if {0} is None or {0} is False "
"else (", name)
if arg.is_vector:
if arg.use_vector_id:
# vector code, unsigned 0x1cb5c415 as little endian
builder.write("struct.pack('<i', len({})),", name)
# Cannot unpack the values for the outer tuple through *[(
# since that's a Python >3.5 feature, so add another join.
# Temporary disable .is_vector, not to enter this if again
# Also disable .is_flag since it's not needed per element
old_flag = arg.is_flag
arg.is_vector = arg.is_flag = False
_write_arg_to_bytes(builder, arg, tlobject, name='x')
arg.is_vector = True
arg.is_flag = old_flag
builder.write(' for x in {})', name)
elif arg.flag_indicator:
# Calculate the flags with those items which are not None
if not any(f.is_flag for f in tlobject.args):
# There's a flag indicator, but no flag arguments so it's 0
def fmt_flag(flag):
if flag.type == 'Bool':
fmt = '(0 if {0} is None else {1})'
fmt = '(0 if {0} is None or {0} is False else {1})'
return fmt.format('self.{}'.format(flag.name), 1 << flag.flag_index)
builder.write("struct.pack('<I', ")
' | '.join(fmt_flag(flag) for flag in tlobject.args if flag.is_flag)
elif 'int' == arg.type:
# User IDs are becoming larger than 2³¹ - 1, which would translate
# into reading a negative ID, which we would treat as a chat. So
# special case them to read unsigned. See https://t.me/BotNews/57.
if arg.name == 'user_id' or (arg.name == 'id' and tlobject.result == 'User'):
builder.write("struct.pack('<I', {})", name)
# struct.pack is around 4 times faster than int.to_bytes
builder.write("struct.pack('<i', {})", name)
elif 'long' == arg.type:
builder.write("struct.pack('<q', {})", name)
elif 'int128' == arg.type:
builder.write("{}.to_bytes(16, 'little', signed=True)", name)
elif 'int256' == arg.type:
builder.write("{}.to_bytes(32, 'little', signed=True)", name)
elif 'double' == arg.type:
builder.write("struct.pack('<d', {})", name)
elif 'string' == arg.type:
builder.write('self.serialize_bytes({})', name)
elif 'Bool' == arg.type:
# 0x997275b5 if boolean else 0xbc799737
builder.write(r"b'\xb5ur\x99' if {} else b'7\x97y\xbc'", name)
elif 'true' == arg.type:
pass # These are actually NOT written! Only used for flags
elif 'bytes' == arg.type:
builder.write('self.serialize_bytes({})', name)
elif 'date' == arg.type: # Custom format
builder.write('self.serialize_datetime({})', name)
# Else it may be a custom type
builder.write('{}._bytes()', name)
# If the type is not boxed (i.e. starts with lowercase) we should
# not serialize the constructor ID (so remove its first 4 bytes).
boxed = arg.type[arg.type.find('.') + 1].isupper()
if not boxed:
if arg.is_flag:
if arg.is_vector:
builder.write(')') # We were using a tuple
return True # Something was written
def _write_arg_read_code(builder, arg, tlobject, name):
Writes the read code for the given argument, setting the
arg.name variable to its read value.
:param builder: The source code builder
:param arg: The argument to write
:param tlobject: The parent TLObject
:param name: The name of the argument. Defaults to "self.argname"
This argument is an option because it's required when
writing Vectors<>
if arg.generic_definition:
return # Do nothing, this only specifies a later type
# The argument may be a flag, only write that flag was given!
was_flag = False
if arg.is_flag:
# Treat 'true' flags as a special case, since they're true if
# they're set, and nothing else needs to actually be read.
if 'true' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = bool(flags & {})',
name, 1 << arg.flag_index)
was_flag = True
builder.writeln('if flags & {}:', 1 << arg.flag_index)
# Temporary disable .is_flag not to enter this if
# again when calling the method recursively
arg.is_flag = False
if arg.is_vector:
if arg.use_vector_id:
# We have to read the vector's constructor ID
builder.writeln('{} = []', name)
builder.writeln('for _ in range(reader.read_int()):')
# Temporary disable .is_vector, not to enter this if again
arg.is_vector = False
_write_arg_read_code(builder, arg, tlobject, name='_x')
builder.writeln('{}.append(_x)', name)
arg.is_vector = True
elif arg.flag_indicator:
# Read the flags, which will indicate what items we should read next
builder.writeln('flags = reader.read_int()')
elif 'int' == arg.type:
# User IDs are becoming larger than 2³¹ - 1, which would translate
# into reading a negative ID, which we would treat as a chat. So
# special case them to read unsigned. See https://t.me/BotNews/57.
if arg.name == 'user_id' or (arg.name == 'id' and tlobject.result == 'User'):
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_int(signed=False)', name)
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_int()', name)
elif 'long' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_long()', name)
elif 'int128' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_large_int(bits=128)', name)
elif 'int256' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_large_int(bits=256)', name)
elif 'double' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.read_double()', name)
elif 'string' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_string()', name)
elif 'Bool' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_bool()', name)
elif 'true' == arg.type:
# Arbitrary not-None value, don't actually read "true" flags
builder.writeln('{} = True', name)
elif 'bytes' == arg.type:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_bytes()', name)
elif 'date' == arg.type: # Custom format
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_date()', name)
# Else it may be a custom type
if not arg.skip_constructor_id:
builder.writeln('{} = reader.tgread_object()', name)
# Import the correct type inline to avoid cyclic imports.
# There may be better solutions so that we can just access
# all the types before the files have been parsed, but I
# don't know of any.
sep_index = arg.type.find('.')
if sep_index == -1:
ns, t = '.', arg.type
ns, t = '.' + arg.type[:sep_index], arg.type[sep_index+1:]
class_name = snake_to_camel_case(t)
# There would be no need to import the type if we're in the
# file with the same namespace, but since it does no harm
# and we don't have information about such thing in the
# method we just ignore that case.
builder.writeln('from {} import {}', ns, class_name)
builder.writeln('{} = {}.from_reader(reader)',
name, class_name)
# End vector and flag blocks if required (if we opened them before)
if arg.is_vector:
if was_flag:
builder.current_indent -= 1
builder.writeln('{} = None', name)
builder.current_indent -= 1
# Restore .is_flag
arg.is_flag = True
def _write_all_tlobjects(tlobjects, layer, builder):
# Create a constant variable to indicate which layer this is
builder.writeln('LAYER = {}', layer)
# Then create the dictionary containing constructor_id: class
builder.writeln('tlobjects = {')
builder.current_indent += 1
# Fill the dictionary (0x1a2b3c4f: tl.full.type.path.Class)
for tlobject in tlobjects:
builder.write('{:#010x}: ', tlobject.id)
if tlobject.is_function:
if tlobject.namespace:
builder.write('{}.', tlobject.namespace)
builder.writeln('{},', tlobject.class_name)
builder.current_indent -= 1
def generate_tlobjects(tlobjects, layer, input_mod, output_dir):
# Group everything by {namespace: [tlobjects]} to generate __init__.py
namespace_functions = defaultdict(list)
namespace_types = defaultdict(list)
# Group {type: [constructors]} to generate the documentation
type_constructors = defaultdict(list)
for tlobject in tlobjects:
if tlobject.is_function:
_write_modules(output_dir, input_mod, 'TLObject',
namespace_types, type_constructors, layer, tlobjects)
_write_modules(output_dir / 'fn', input_mod + '.fn', 'TLRequest',
namespace_functions, type_constructors, layer, tlobjects)
def clean_tlobjects(output_dir):
for d in ('functions', 'types'):
d = output_dir / d
if d.is_dir():