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synced 2025-03-12 23:48:02 +03:00
On the 10th of February, Telegram sent the following message to those with an application registered on https://my.telegram.org. -- Telegram API Update. Hello [REDACTED]. Thank you for contributing to the open Telegram ecosystem by developing your app, [REDACTED]. Please note that due to recent updates to Telegram's handling of SMS and the integration of new SMS providers like Firebase, we are changing the way login codes are handled in third-party apps based on the Telegram API. Starting on 18.02.2023, users logging into third-party apps will only be able to receive login codes via Telegram. It will no longer be possible to request an SMS to log into your app - just like when logging into Telegram's own desktop and web clients. Exactly like with the Telegram Desktop and Web apps, if a user doesn't have a Telegram account yet, they will need to create one first using an official mobile Telegram app. We kindly ask you to update your app's login and signup interfaces to reflect these changes before they go live on 18.02.2023 at 13:00 UTC. This change will not significantly affect users since, according to our research, the vast majority of third-party app users also use official Telegram apps. In the coming months, we expect to offer new tools for third-party developers that will help streamline the login process.
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import asyncio
import os
import sys
import time
from getpass import getpass
from telethon import TelegramClient, events
from telethon.errors import SessionPasswordNeededError
from telethon.network import ConnectionTcpAbridged
from telethon.utils import get_display_name
def sprint(string, *args, **kwargs):
"""Safe Print (handle UnicodeEncodeErrors on some terminals)"""
print(string, *args, **kwargs)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
string = string.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore')\
.decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
print(string, *args, **kwargs)
def print_title(title):
"""Helper function to print titles to the console more nicely"""
sprint('=={}=='.format('=' * len(title)))
sprint('= {} ='.format(title))
sprint('=={}=='.format('=' * len(title)))
def bytes_to_string(byte_count):
"""Converts a byte count to a string (in KB, MB...)"""
suffix_index = 0
while byte_count >= 1024:
byte_count /= 1024
suffix_index += 1
return '{:.2f}{}'.format(
byte_count, [' bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][suffix_index]
async def async_input(prompt):
Python's ``input()`` is blocking, which means the event loop we set
above can't be running while we're blocking there. This method will
let the loop run while we wait for input.
print(prompt, end='', flush=True)
return (await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, sys.stdin.readline)).rstrip()
def get_env(name, message, cast=str):
"""Helper to get environment variables interactively"""
if name in os.environ:
return os.environ[name]
while True:
value = input(message)
return cast(value)
except ValueError as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
class InteractiveTelegramClient(TelegramClient):
"""Full featured Telegram client, meant to be used on an interactive
session to see what Telethon is capable off -
This client allows the user to perform some basic interaction with
Telegram through Telethon, such as listing dialogs (open chats),
talking to people, downloading media, and receiving updates.
def __init__(self, session_user_id, api_id, api_hash,
Initializes the InteractiveTelegramClient.
:param session_user_id: Name of the *.session file.
:param api_id: Telegram's api_id acquired through my.telegram.org.
:param api_hash: Telegram's api_hash.
:param proxy: Optional proxy tuple/dictionary.
print('Initializing interactive example...')
# The first step is to initialize the TelegramClient, as we are
# subclassing it, we need to call super().__init__(). On a more
# normal case you would want 'client = TelegramClient(...)'
# These parameters should be passed always, session name and API
session_user_id, api_id, api_hash,
# You can optionally change the connection mode by passing a
# type or an instance of it. This changes how the sent packets
# look (low-level concept you normally shouldn't worry about).
# Default is ConnectionTcpFull, smallest is ConnectionTcpAbridged.
# If you're using a proxy, set it here.
# Store {message.id: message} map here so that we can download
# media known the message ID, for every message having media.
self.found_media = {}
async def init(self):
# Calling .connect() may raise a connection error False, so you need
# to except those before continuing. Otherwise you may want to retry
# as done here.
print('Connecting to Telegram servers...')
await self.connect()
except IOError:
# We handle IOError and not ConnectionError because
# PySocks' errors do not subclass ConnectionError
# (so this will work with and without proxies).
print('Initial connection failed. Retrying...')
await self.connect()
# If the user hasn't called .sign_in() yet, they won't
# be authorized. The first thing you must do is authorize. Calling
# .sign_in() should only be done once as the information is saved on
# the *.session file so you don't need to enter the code every time.
if not await self.is_user_authorized():
print('First run. Sending code request...')
user_phone = input('Enter your phone: ')
await self.sign_in(user_phone)
self_user = None
while self_user is None:
code = input('Enter the code you just received: ')
self_user = await self.sign_in(code=code)
# Two-step verification may be enabled, and .sign_in will
# raise this error. If that's the case ask for the password.
# Note that getpass() may not work on PyCharm due to a bug,
# if that's the case simply change it for input().
except SessionPasswordNeededError:
pw = getpass('Two step verification is enabled. '
'Please enter your password: ')
self_user = await self.sign_in(password=pw)
async def run(self):
"""Main loop of the TelegramClient, will wait for user action"""
# Once everything is ready, we can add an event handler.
# Events are an abstraction over Telegram's "Updates" and
# are much easier to use.
self.add_event_handler(self.message_handler, events.NewMessage)
# Enter a while loop to chat as long as the user wants
while True:
# Retrieve the top dialogs. You can set the limit to None to
# retrieve all of them if you wish, but beware that may take
# a long time if you have hundreds of them.
dialog_count = 15
# Entities represent the user, chat or channel
# corresponding to the dialog on the same index.
dialogs = await self.get_dialogs(limit=dialog_count)
i = None
while i is None:
print_title('Dialogs window')
# Display them so the user can choose
for i, dialog in enumerate(dialogs, start=1):
sprint('{}. {}'.format(i, get_display_name(dialog.entity)))
# Let the user decide who they want to talk to
print('> Who do you want to send messages to?')
print('> Available commands:')
print(' !q: Quits the dialogs window and exits.')
print(' !l: Logs out, terminating this session.')
i = await async_input('Enter dialog ID or a command: ')
if i == '!q':
if i == '!l':
# Logging out will cause the user to need to reenter the
# code next time they want to use the library, and will
# also delete the *.session file off the filesystem.
# This is not the same as simply calling .disconnect(),
# which simply shuts down everything gracefully.
await self.log_out()
i = int(i if i else 0) - 1
# Ensure it is inside the bounds, otherwise retry
if not 0 <= i < dialog_count:
i = None
except ValueError:
i = None
# Retrieve the selected user (or chat, or channel)
entity = dialogs[i].entity
# Show some information
print_title('Chat with "{}"'.format(get_display_name(entity)))
print('Available commands:')
print(' !q: Quits the current chat.')
print(' !Q: Quits the current chat and exits.')
print(' !h: prints the latest messages (message History).')
print(' !up <path>: Uploads and sends the Photo from path.')
print(' !uf <path>: Uploads and sends the File from path.')
print(' !d <msg-id>: Deletes a message by its id')
print(' !dm <msg-id>: Downloads the given message Media (if any).')
print(' !dp: Downloads the current dialog Profile picture.')
print(' !i: Prints information about this chat..')
# And start a while loop to chat
while True:
msg = await async_input('Enter a message: ')
# Quit
if msg == '!q':
elif msg == '!Q':
# History
elif msg == '!h':
# First retrieve the messages and some information
messages = await self.get_messages(entity, limit=10)
# Iterate over all (in reverse order so the latest appear
# the last in the console) and print them with format:
# "[hh:mm] Sender: Message"
for msg in reversed(messages):
# Note how we access .sender here. Since we made an
# API call using the self client, it will always have
# information about the sender. This is different to
# events, where Telegram may not always send the user.
name = get_display_name(msg.sender)
# Format the message content
if getattr(msg, 'media', None):
self.found_media[msg.id] = msg
content = '<{}> {}'.format(
type(msg.media).__name__, msg.message)
elif hasattr(msg, 'message'):
content = msg.message
elif hasattr(msg, 'action'):
content = str(msg.action)
# Unknown message, simply print its class name
content = type(msg).__name__
# And print it to the user
sprint('[{}:{}] (ID={}) {}: {}'.format(
msg.date.hour, msg.date.minute, msg.id, name, content))
# Send photo
elif msg.startswith('!up '):
# Slice the message to get the path
path = msg[len('!up '):]
await self.send_photo(path=path, entity=entity)
# Send file (document)
elif msg.startswith('!uf '):
# Slice the message to get the path
path = msg[len('!uf '):]
await self.send_document(path=path, entity=entity)
# Delete messages
elif msg.startswith('!d '):
# Slice the message to get message ID
msg = msg[len('!d '):]
deleted_msg = await self.delete_messages(entity, msg)
print('Deleted {}'.format(deleted_msg))
# Download media
elif msg.startswith('!dm '):
# Slice the message to get message ID
await self.download_media_by_id(msg[len('!dm '):])
# Download profile photo
elif msg == '!dp':
print('Downloading profile picture to usermedia/...')
os.makedirs('usermedia', exist_ok=True)
output = await self.download_profile_photo(entity,
if output:
print('Profile picture downloaded to', output)
print('No profile picture found for this user!')
elif msg == '!i':
attributes = list(entity.to_dict().items())
pad = max(len(x) for x, _ in attributes)
for name, val in attributes:
print("{:<{width}} : {}".format(name, val, width=pad))
# Send chat message (if any)
elif msg:
await self.send_message(entity, msg, link_preview=False)
async def send_photo(self, path, entity):
"""Sends the file located at path to the desired entity as a photo"""
await self.send_file(
entity, path,
print('Photo sent!')
async def send_document(self, path, entity):
"""Sends the file located at path to the desired entity as a document"""
await self.send_file(
entity, path,
print('Document sent!')
async def download_media_by_id(self, media_id):
"""Given a message ID, finds the media this message contained and
downloads it.
msg = self.found_media[int(media_id)]
except (ValueError, KeyError):
# ValueError when parsing, KeyError when accessing dictionary
print('Invalid media ID given or message not found!')
print('Downloading media to usermedia/...')
os.makedirs('usermedia', exist_ok=True)
output = await self.download_media(
print('Media downloaded to {}!'.format(output))
def download_progress_callback(downloaded_bytes, total_bytes):
'Downloaded', downloaded_bytes, total_bytes
def upload_progress_callback(uploaded_bytes, total_bytes):
'Uploaded', uploaded_bytes, total_bytes
def print_progress(progress_type, downloaded_bytes, total_bytes):
print('{} {} out of {} ({:.2%})'.format(
progress_type, bytes_to_string(downloaded_bytes),
bytes_to_string(total_bytes), downloaded_bytes / total_bytes)
async def message_handler(self, event):
"""Callback method for received events.NewMessage"""
# Note that message_handler is called when a Telegram update occurs
# and an event is created. Telegram may not always send information
# about the ``.sender`` or the ``.chat``, so if you *really* want it
# you should use ``get_chat()`` and ``get_sender()`` while working
# with events. Since they are methods, you know they may make an API
# call, which can be expensive.
chat = await event.get_chat()
if event.is_group:
if event.out:
sprint('>> sent "{}" to chat {}'.format(
event.text, get_display_name(chat)
sprint('<< {} @ {} sent "{}"'.format(
get_display_name(await event.get_sender()),
if event.out:
sprint('>> "{}" to user {}'.format(
event.text, get_display_name(chat)
sprint('<< {} sent "{}"'.format(
get_display_name(chat), event.text
async def main():
SESSION = os.environ.get('TG_SESSION', 'interactive')
API_ID = get_env('TG_API_ID', 'Enter your API ID: ', int)
API_HASH = get_env('TG_API_HASH', 'Enter your API hash: ')
client = InteractiveTelegramClient(SESSION, API_ID, API_HASH)
await client.init()
await client.run()
if __name__ == '__main__':