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Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library, for bots too!
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Telethon ======== .. epigraph:: ⭐️ Thanks **everyone** who has starred the project, it means a lot! **Telethon** is Telegram client implementation in **Python** which uses the latest available API of Telegram. Before opening an issue about how to use the library, **please** make sure you have read and followed the steps mentioned under `Using Telethon`_ and are using the latest version! A lot of people ask simple questions which will only be answered as "please see the ``README.rst``". And you should use the search before posting an issue, too. If you come here often, you may want to go to the `docs <https://lonamiwebs.github.io/Telethon>`_. .. contents:: Table of contents Why Telethon? ============= .. epigraph:: Why should I bother with Telethon? There are more mature projects already, such as `telegram-cli <https://github.com/vysheng/tg>`_ with even (limited) Python support. And we have the `official <https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop>`_ `clients <https://github.com/DrKLO/Telegram>`_! With Telethon you don't really need to know anything before using it. Create a client with your settings. Connect. You're ready to go. Being written **entirely** on Python, Telethon can run as a script under any environment you wish, (yes, `Android too <https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdfilter=termux&fdid=com.termux>`_). You can schedule it, or use it in any other script you have. Want to send a message to someone when you're available? Write a script. Do you want check for new messages at a given time and find relevant ones? Write a script. Hungry for more API calls which the ``TelegramClient`` class doesn't *seem* to have implemented? Please read `Using more than just TelegramClient`_. Obtaining your Telegram ``API ID`` and ``Hash`` =============================================== In order to use Telethon, you first need to obtain your very own API ID and Hash: 1. Follow `this link <https://my.telegram.org>`_ and login with your phone number. 2. Click under *API Development tools*. 3. A *Create new application* window will appear. Fill in your application details. There is no need to enter any *URL*, and only the first two fields (*App title* and *Short name*) can be changed later as long as I'm aware. 4. Click on *Create application* at the end. Now that you know your ``API ID`` and ``Hash``, you can continue installing Telethon. Installing Telethon =================== Installing Telethon via ``pip`` ------------------------------- On a terminal, issue the following command: .. code:: sh sudo -H pip install telethon You're ready to go. Oh, and upgrading is just as easy: .. code:: sh sudo -H pip install --upgrade telethon Installing Telethon manually ---------------------------- 1. Install the required ``pyaes`` module: ``sudo -H pip install pyaes`` (`GitHub <https://github.com/ricmoo/pyaes>`_, `package index <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyaes>`_) 2. Clone Telethon's GitHub repository: ``git clone https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon.git`` 3. Enter the cloned repository: ``cd Telethon`` 4. Run the code generator: ``cd telethon_generator && python3 tl_generator.py`` 5. Done! Running Telethon ================ If you've installed Telethon via pip, launch an interactive python3 session and enter the following: .. code:: python >>> from telethon import TelegramClient >>> api_id = 12345 >>> api_hash = '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef' >>> # 'session_id' can be 'your_name'. It'll be saved as your_name.session ... client = TelegramClient('session_id', api_id, api_hash) >>> client.connect() True >>> >>> if not client.is_user_authorized(): >>> client.send_code_request('+34600000000') >>> client.sign_in('+34600000000', input('Enter code: ')) ... >>> # Now you can use the connected client as you wish >>> dialogs, entities = client.get_dialogs(10) >>> print('\n'.join('{}. {}'.format(i, str(e)) ... for i, e in enumerate(entities))) If, on the other hand, you've installed Telethon manually, head to the ``api/`` directory and create a copy of the ``settings_example`` file, naming it ``settings`` (lowercase!). Then fill the file with the corresponding values (your ``api_id``, ``api_hash`` and phone number in international format). Then, simply run ``./try_telethon.py`` to start the interactive example. .. _Using Telethon: Using Telethon ============== If you really want to learn how to use Telethon, it is **highly advised** that you take a look to the `InteractiveTelegramClient <telethon_examples/interactive_telegram_client.py>`_ file and check how it works. This file contains everything you'll need to build your own application, since it shows, among other things: 1. Authorizing the user for the first time. 2. Support to enter the 2-steps-verification code. 3. Retrieving dialogs (chats) and the messages history. 4. Sending messages and files. 5. Downloading files. 6. Updates thread. If you want a nicer way to see all the available requests and types at your disposal, please check the `official Telethon documentation <https://lonamiwebs.github.io/Telethon>`_. There you'll find a list of all the methods, types and available constructors. More examples are also available under the ``telethon_examples/`` folder. Common errors ------------- Some errors you may encounter when using Telethon can be the ``FloodWaitError``, which tells you that you've been trying to send the very same request many times, too quickly. You must wait ``flood_wait_error.seconds`` before calling ``client.connect()`` again, since this error also disconnects the client. Another common one is the ``RPCError``, which usually has descriptive information on what went wrong. However, you may encounter something strange. If you don't manage to solve it, please open an issue. Unless you know what you're doing, you should download media by always using the ``.download_file()`` function, which supports a ``str`` or a file handle as parameters. Otherwise, ``.invoke()`` may raise ``InvalidDCError`` which you will have to handle, and in turn call ``.invoke_on_dc()`` manually. Advanced uses ============= .. _Using more than just TelegramClient: Using more than just ``TelegramClient`` --------------------------------------- The ``TelegramClient`` class should be used to provide a quick, well-documented and simplified starting point. It is **not** meant to be a place for *all* the available Telegram ``Request``'s, because there are simply too many. However, this doesn't mean that you cannot ``invoke`` all the power of Telegram's API. Whenever you need to ``invoke`` a Telegram ``Request``, all you need to do is the following: .. code:: python result = client.invoke(SomeRequest(...)) You have just ``invoke``'d ``SomeRequest`` and retrieved its ``result``! That wasn't hard at all, was it? Now you may wonder, what's the deal with *all the power of Telegram's API*? Have a look under ``tl/functions/``. That is *everything* you can do. You have **over 200 API** ``Request``'s at your disposal. However, we don't pretty know *how* that ``result`` looks like. Easy. ``print(str(result))`` should give you a quick overview. Nevertheless, there may be more than a single ``result``! Let's have a look at this seemingly innocent ``TL`` definition: ``messages.getWebPagePreview#25223e24 message:string = MessageMedia;`` Focusing on the end, we can see that the ``result`` of invoking ``GetWebPagePreviewRequest`` is ``MessageMedia``. But how can ``MessageMedia`` exactly look like? It's time to have another look, but this time under ``tl/types/``: .. code:: sh $ tree -P "message_media_*" . ├── tl │ └── types │ ├── message_media_contact.py │ ├── message_media_document.py │ ├── message_media_empty.py │ ├── message_media_geo.py │ ├── message_media_photo.py │ ├── message_media_unsupported.py │ ├── message_media_venue.py │ └── message_media_web_page.py Those are *eight* different types! How do we know what exact type it is to determine its properties? A simple ``if type(result) == MessageMediaContact:`` or similar will do. Now you're ready to take advantage of Telegram's polymorphism. Tips for porting Telethon ------------------------- First of all, you need to understand how the ``scheme.tl`` (``TL`` language) works. Every object definition is written as follows: ``name#id argument_name:argument_type = CommonType`` This means that in a single line you know what the ``TLObject`` name is. You know it's unique ID, and you know what arguments it has. It really isn't that hard to write a generator for generating code to any platform! The generated code should also be able to *encode* the ``Request`` into bytes, so they can be sent over the network. This isn't a big deal either, because you know how the ``TLObject``'s are made. Once you have your own `code generator <telethon_generator/tl_generator.py>`_, start by looking at the `first release <https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/releases/tag/v0.1>`_ of Telethon. The code there is simple to understand, easy to read and hence easy to port. No extra useless features. Only the bare bones. Perfect for starting a *new implementation*. P.S.: I may have lied a bit. The ``TL`` language is not that easy. But it's not that hard either. You're free to sniff the ``parser/`` files and learn how to parse other more complex lines. Or simply use that code and change the `SourceBuilder <telethon_generator/parser/source_builder.py>`_! Notes about the code generator ------------------------------ The code generator will skip the types considered as *core types*. These types are usually included in almost every programming language, such as boolean values or lists, and also the Telegram True flag, which is *not* sent but rather used to determine whether that flag should be enabled or not. Updating the ``scheme.tl`` -------------------------- Have you found a more updated version of the ``scheme.tl`` file? Those are great news! Updating is as simple as grabbing the `latest version <https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/dev/Telegram/Resources/scheme.tl>`_ and replacing the one you can find in this same directory by the updated one. Don't forget to run ``python3 tl_generator.py``. If the changes weren't too big, everything should still work the same way as it did before; but with extra features. Using a proxy ------------- If you want to use Telethon via proxy, you have to install `PySocks (via pip or manual) <https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks#installation>`_. Once this is done, pass the proxy settings to the ``TelegramClient`` constructor: .. code:: python >>> from telethon import TelegramClient >>> import socks >>> client = TelegramClient('session_id', ... api_id=12345, api_hash='0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef', ... proxy=(socks.SOCKS5, 'localhost', 4444)) The ``proxy=`` argument should be a tuple, a list or a dict, consisting of parameters described `here <https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks#usage-1>`_.