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import os
from getpass import getpass
from telethon import TelegramClient, ConnectionMode
from telethon.errors import SessionPasswordNeededError
from telethon.tl.types import (
UpdateShortChatMessage, UpdateShortMessage, PeerChat
from telethon.utils import get_display_name
def sprint(string, *args, **kwargs):
"""Safe Print (handle UnicodeEncodeErrors on some terminals)"""
print(string, *args, **kwargs)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
string = string.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore')\
.decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
print(string, *args, **kwargs)
def print_title(title):
"""Helper function to print titles to the console more nicely"""
sprint('=={}=='.format('=' * len(title)))
sprint('= {} ='.format(title))
sprint('=={}=='.format('=' * len(title)))
def bytes_to_string(byte_count):
"""Converts a byte count to a string (in KB, MB...)"""
suffix_index = 0
while byte_count >= 1024:
byte_count /= 1024
suffix_index += 1
return '{:.2f}{}'.format(
byte_count, [' bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][suffix_index]
class InteractiveTelegramClient(TelegramClient):
"""Full featured Telegram client, meant to be used on an interactive
session to see what Telethon is capable off -
This client allows the user to perform some basic interaction with
Telegram through Telethon, such as listing dialogs (open chats),
talking to people, downloading media, and receiving updates.
def __init__(self, session_user_id, user_phone, api_id, api_hash,
Initializes the InteractiveTelegramClient.
:param session_user_id: Name of the *.session file.
:param user_phone: The phone of the user that will login.
:param api_id: Telegram's api_id acquired through my.telegram.org.
:param api_hash: Telegram's api_hash.
:param proxy: Optional proxy tuple/dictionary.
print('Initializing interactive example...')
# The first step is to initialize the TelegramClient, as we are
# subclassing it, we need to call super().__init__(). On a more
# normal case you would want 'client = TelegramClient(...)'
# These parameters should be passed always, session name and API
session_user_id, api_id, api_hash,
# You can optionally change the connection mode by using this enum.
# This changes how much data will be sent over the network with
# every request, and how it will be formatted. Default is
# ConnectionMode.TCP_FULL, and smallest is TCP_TCP_ABRIDGED.
# If you're using a proxy, set it here.
# If you want to receive updates, you need to start one or more
# "update workers" which are background threads that will allow
# you to run things when your update handlers (callbacks) are
# called with an Update object.
# Store all the found media in memory here,
# so it can be downloaded if the user wants
self.found_media = set()
# Calling .connect() may return False, so you need to assert it's
# True before continuing. Otherwise you may want to retry as done here.
print('Connecting to Telegram servers...')
if not self.connect():
print('Initial connection failed. Retrying...')
if not self.connect():
print('Could not connect to Telegram servers.')
# If the user hasn't called .sign_in() or .sign_up() yet, they won't
# be authorized. The first thing you must do is authorize. Calling
# .sign_in() should only be done once as the information is saved on
# the *.session file so you don't need to enter the code every time.
if not self.is_user_authorized():
print('First run. Sending code request...')
self_user = None
while self_user is None:
code = input('Enter the code you just received: ')
self_user = self.sign_in(code=code)
# Two-step verification may be enabled, and .sign_in will
# raise this error. If that's the case ask for the password.
# Note that getpass() may not work on PyCharm due to a bug,
# if that's the case simply change it for input().
except SessionPasswordNeededError:
pw = getpass('Two step verification is enabled. '
'Please enter your password: ')
self_user = self.sign_in(password=pw)
def run(self):
"""Main loop of the TelegramClient, will wait for user action"""
# Once everything is ready, we can add an update handler. Every
# update object will be passed to the self.update_handler method,
# where we can process it as we need.
# Enter a while loop to chat as long as the user wants
while True:
# Retrieve the top dialogs. You can set the limit to None to
# retrieve all of them if you wish, but beware that may take
# a long time if you have hundreds of them.
dialog_count = 15
# Entities represent the user, chat or channel
# corresponding to the dialog on the same index.
dialogs, entities = self.get_dialogs(limit=dialog_count)
i = None
while i is None:
print_title('Dialogs window')
# Display them so the user can choose
for i, entity in enumerate(entities, start=1):
sprint('{}. {}'.format(i, get_display_name(entity)))
# Let the user decide who they want to talk to
print('> Who do you want to send messages to?')
print('> Available commands:')
print(' !q: Quits the dialogs window and exits.')
print(' !l: Logs out, terminating this session.')
i = input('Enter dialog ID or a command: ')
if i == '!q':
if i == '!l':
# Logging out will cause the user to need to reenter the
# code next time they want to use the library, and will
# also delete the *.session file off the filesystem.
# This is not the same as simply calling .disconnect(),
# which simply shuts down everything gracefully.
i = int(i if i else 0) - 1
# Ensure it is inside the bounds, otherwise retry
if not 0 <= i < dialog_count:
i = None
except ValueError:
i = None
# Retrieve the selected user (or chat, or channel)
entity = entities[i]
# Show some information
print_title('Chat with "{}"'.format(get_display_name(entity)))
print('Available commands:')
print(' !q: Quits the current chat.')
print(' !Q: Quits the current chat and exits.')
print(' !h: prints the latest messages (message History).')
print(' !up <path>: Uploads and sends the Photo from path.')
print(' !uf <path>: Uploads and sends the File from path.')
print(' !d <msg-id>: Deletes a message by its id')
print(' !dm <msg-id>: Downloads the given message Media (if any).')
print(' !dp: Downloads the current dialog Profile picture.')
# And start a while loop to chat
while True:
msg = input('Enter a message: ')
# Quit
if msg == '!q':
elif msg == '!Q':
# History
elif msg == '!h':
# First retrieve the messages and some information
total_count, messages, senders = \
self.get_message_history(entity, limit=10)
# Iterate over all (in reverse order so the latest appear
# the last in the console) and print them with format:
# "[hh:mm] Sender: Message"
for msg, sender in zip(
reversed(messages), reversed(senders)):
# Get the name of the sender if any
if sender:
name = getattr(sender, 'first_name', None)
if not name:
name = getattr(sender, 'title')
if not name:
name = '???'
name = '???'
# Format the message content
if getattr(msg, 'media', None):
# The media may or may not have a caption
caption = getattr(msg.media, 'caption', '')
content = '<{}> {}'.format(
type(msg.media).__name__, caption)
elif hasattr(msg, 'message'):
content = msg.message
elif hasattr(msg, 'action'):
content = str(msg.action)
# Unknown message, simply print its class name
content = type(msg).__name__
# And print it to the user
sprint('[{}:{}] (ID={}) {}: {}'.format(
msg.date.hour, msg.date.minute, msg.id, name,
# Send photo
elif msg.startswith('!up '):
# Slice the message to get the path
self.send_photo(path=msg[len('!up '):], entity=entity)
# Send file (document)
elif msg.startswith('!uf '):
# Slice the message to get the path
self.send_document(path=msg[len('!uf '):], entity=entity)
# Delete messages
elif msg.startswith('!d '):
# Slice the message to get message ID
deleted_msg = self.delete_messages(entity, msg[len('!d '):])
print('Deleted. {}'.format(deleted_msg))
# Download media
elif msg.startswith('!dm '):
# Slice the message to get message ID
self.download_media_by_id(msg[len('!dm '):])
# Download profile photo
elif msg == '!dp':
print('Downloading profile picture to usermedia/...')
os.makedirs('usermedia', exist_ok=True)
output = self.download_profile_photo(entity, 'usermedia')
if output:
'Profile picture downloaded to {}'.format(output)
print('No profile picture found for this user.')
# Send chat message (if any)
elif msg:
entity, msg, link_preview=False)
def send_photo(self, path, entity):
"""Sends the file located at path to the desired entity as a photo"""
entity, path,
print('Photo sent!')
def send_document(self, path, entity):
"""Sends the file located at path to the desired entity as a document"""
entity, path,
print('Document sent!')
def download_media_by_id(self, media_id):
"""Given a message ID, finds the media this message contained and
downloads it.
# The user may have entered a non-integer string!
msg_media_id = int(media_id)
# Search the message ID
for msg in self.found_media:
if msg.id == msg_media_id:
print('Downloading media to usermedia/...')
os.makedirs('usermedia', exist_ok=True)
output = self.download_media(
print('Media downloaded to {}!'.format(output))
except ValueError:
print('Invalid media ID given!')
def download_progress_callback(downloaded_bytes, total_bytes):
'Downloaded', downloaded_bytes, total_bytes
def upload_progress_callback(uploaded_bytes, total_bytes):
'Uploaded', uploaded_bytes, total_bytes
def print_progress(progress_type, downloaded_bytes, total_bytes):
print('{} {} out of {} ({:.2%})'.format(
progress_type, bytes_to_string(downloaded_bytes),
bytes_to_string(total_bytes), downloaded_bytes / total_bytes)
def update_handler(self, update):
"""Callback method for received Updates"""
# We have full control over what we want to do with the updates.
# In our case we only want to react to chat messages, so we use
# isinstance() to behave accordingly on these cases.
if isinstance(update, UpdateShortMessage):
who = self.get_entity(update.user_id)
if update.out:
sprint('>> "{}" to user {}'.format(
update.message, get_display_name(who)
sprint('<< {} sent "{}"'.format(
get_display_name(who), update.message
elif isinstance(update, UpdateShortChatMessage):
which = self.get_entity(PeerChat(update.chat_id))
if update.out:
sprint('>> sent "{}" to chat {}'.format(
update.message, get_display_name(which)
who = self.get_entity(update.from_id)
sprint('<< {} @ {} sent "{}"'.format(
get_display_name(which), get_display_name(who),