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import asyncio
import itertools
import logging
import warnings
from collections import UserList
from async_generator import async_generator, yield_
from .messageparse import MessageParseMethods
from .uploads import UploadMethods
from .. import utils
from ..tl import types, functions, custom
__log__ = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MessageMethods(UploadMethods, MessageParseMethods):
# region Public methods
# region Message retrieval
async def iter_messages(
self, entity, limit=None, offset_date=None, offset_id=0,
max_id=0, min_id=0, add_offset=0, search=None, filter=None,
from_user=None, batch_size=100, wait_time=None, ids=None,
Iterator over the message history for the specified entity.
If either `search`, `filter` or `from_user` are provided,
:tl:`messages.Search` will be used instead of :tl:`messages.getHistory`.
entity (`entity`):
The entity from whom to retrieve the message history.
limit (`int` | `None`, optional):
Number of messages to be retrieved. Due to limitations with
the API retrieving more than 3000 messages will take longer
than half a minute (or even more based on previous calls).
The limit may also be ``None``, which would eventually return
the whole history.
offset_date (`datetime`):
Offset date (messages *previous* to this date will be
retrieved). Exclusive.
offset_id (`int`):
Offset message ID (only messages *previous* to the given
ID will be retrieved). Exclusive.
max_id (`int`):
All the messages with a higher (newer) ID or equal to this will
be excluded.
min_id (`int`):
All the messages with a lower (older) ID or equal to this will
be excluded.
add_offset (`int`):
Additional message offset (all of the specified offsets +
this offset = older messages).
search (`str`):
The string to be used as a search query.
filter (:tl:`MessagesFilter` | `type`):
The filter to use when returning messages. For instance,
:tl:`InputMessagesFilterPhotos` would yield only messages
containing photos.
from_user (`entity`):
Only messages from this user will be returned.
batch_size (`int`):
Messages will be returned in chunks of this size (100 is
the maximum). While it makes no sense to modify this value,
you are still free to do so.
wait_time (`int`):
Wait time between different :tl:`GetHistoryRequest`. Use this
parameter to avoid hitting the ``FloodWaitError`` as needed.
If left to ``None``, it will default to 1 second only if
the limit is higher than 3000.
ids (`int`, `list`):
A single integer ID (or several IDs) for the message that
should be returned. This parameter takes precedence over
the rest (which will be ignored if this is set). This can
for instance be used to get the message with ID 123 from
a channel. Note that if the message doesn't exist, ``None``
will appear in its place, so that zipping the list of IDs
with the messages can match one-to-one.
_total (`list`, optional):
A single-item list to pass the total parameter by reference.
Instances of `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message`.
Telegram's flood wait limit for :tl:`GetHistoryRequest` seems to
be around 30 seconds per 3000 messages, therefore a sleep of 1
second is the default for this limit (or above). You may need
an higher limit, so you're free to set the ``batch_size`` that
you think may be good.
# It's possible to get messages by ID without their entity, so only
# fetch the input version if we're not using IDs or if it was given.
if not ids or entity:
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if ids:
if not utils.is_list_like(ids):
ids = (ids,)
async for x in self._iter_ids(entity, ids, total=_total):
await yield_(x)
# Telegram doesn't like min_id/max_id. If these IDs are low enough
# (starting from last_id - 100), the request will return nothing.
# We can emulate their behaviour locally by setting offset = max_id
# and simply stopping once we hit a message with ID <= min_id.
offset_id = max(offset_id, max_id)
if offset_id and min_id:
if offset_id - min_id <= 1:
limit = float('inf') if limit is None else int(limit)
if search is not None or filter or from_user:
if filter is None:
filter = types.InputMessagesFilterEmpty()
request = functions.messages.SearchRequest(
q=search or '',
filter=filter() if isinstance(filter, type) else filter,
await self.get_input_entity(from_user)
if from_user else None
request = functions.messages.GetHistoryRequest(
if limit == 0:
if not _total:
# No messages, but we still need to know the total message count
result = await self(request)
if isinstance(result, types.messages.MessagesNotModified):
_total[0] = result.count
_total[0] = getattr(result, 'count', len(result.messages))
if wait_time is None:
wait_time = 1 if limit > 3000 else 0
have = 0
last_id = float('inf')
batch_size = min(max(batch_size, 1), 100)
while have < limit:
start = asyncio.get_event_loop().time()
# Telegram has a hard limit of 100
request.limit = min(limit - have, batch_size)
r = await self(request)
if _total:
_total[0] = getattr(r, 'count', len(r.messages))
entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in itertools.chain(r.users, r.chats)}
for message in r.messages:
if message.id <= min_id:
if isinstance(message, types.MessageEmpty)\
or message.id >= last_id:
# There has been reports that on bad connections this method
# was returning duplicated IDs sometimes. Using ``last_id``
# is an attempt to avoid these duplicates, since the message
# IDs are returned in descending order.
last_id = message.id
await yield_(custom.Message(self, message, entities, entity))
have += 1
if len(r.messages) < request.limit:
request.offset_id = r.messages[-1].id
if isinstance(request, functions.messages.GetHistoryRequest):
request.offset_date = r.messages[-1].date
request.max_date = r.messages[-1].date
now = asyncio.get_event_loop().time()
await asyncio.sleep(
max(wait_time - (now - start), 0), loop=self._loop)
async def get_messages(self, *args, **kwargs):
Same as :meth:`iter_messages`, but returns a list instead
with an additional ``.total`` attribute on the list.
If the `limit` is not set, it will be 1 by default unless both
`min_id` **and** `max_id` are set (as *named* arguments), in
which case the entire range will be returned.
This is so because any integer limit would be rather arbitrary and
it's common to only want to fetch one message, but if a range is
specified it makes sense that it should return the entirety of it.
If `ids` is present in the *named* arguments and is not a list,
a single :tl:`Message` will be returned for convenience instead
of a list.
total = [0]
kwargs['_total'] = total
if len(args) == 1 and 'limit' not in kwargs:
if 'min_id' in kwargs and 'max_id' in kwargs:
kwargs['limit'] = None
kwargs['limit'] = 1
msgs = UserList()
async for x in self.iter_messages(*args, **kwargs):
msgs.total = total[0]
if 'ids' in kwargs and not utils.is_list_like(kwargs['ids']):
return msgs[0]
return msgs
async def get_message_history(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Deprecated, see :meth:`get_messages`."""
'get_message_history is deprecated, use get_messages instead'
return await self.get_messages(*args, **kwargs)
# endregion
# region Message sending/editing/deleting
async def send_message(
self, entity, message='', reply_to=None,
parse_mode=utils.Default, link_preview=True, file=None,
force_document=False, clear_draft=False):
Sends the given message to the specified entity (user/chat/channel).
The default parse mode is the same as the official applications
(a custom flavour of markdown). ``**bold**, `code` or __italic__``
are available. In addition you can send ``[links](https://example.com)``
and ``[mentions](@username)`` (or using IDs like in the Bot API:
``[mention](tg://user?id=123456789)``) and ``pre`` blocks with three
Sending a ``/start`` command with a parameter (like ``?start=data``)
is also done through this method. Simply send ``'/start data'`` to
the bot.
entity (`entity`):
To who will it be sent.
message (`str` | :tl:`Message`):
The message to be sent, or another message object to resend.
The maximum length for a message is 35,000 bytes or 4,096
characters. Longer messages will not be sliced automatically,
and you should slice them manually if the text to send is
longer than said length.
reply_to (`int` | :tl:`Message`, optional):
Whether to reply to a message or not. If an integer is provided,
it should be the ID of the message that it should reply to.
parse_mode (`object`, optional):
See the `TelegramClient.parse_mode` property for allowed
values. Markdown parsing will be used by default.
link_preview (`bool`, optional):
Should the link preview be shown?
file (`file`, optional):
Sends a message with a file attached (e.g. a photo,
video, audio or document). The ``message`` may be empty.
force_document (`bool`, optional):
Whether to send the given file as a document or not.
clear_draft (`bool`, optional):
Whether the existing draft should be cleared or not.
Has no effect when sending a file.
The sent `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message`.
if file is not None:
return await self.send_file(
entity, file, caption=message, reply_to=reply_to,
parse_mode=parse_mode, force_document=force_document
elif not message:
raise ValueError(
'The message cannot be empty unless a file is provided'
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if isinstance(message, types.Message):
if (message.media and not isinstance(
message.media, types.MessageMediaWebPage)):
return await self.send_file(
entity, message.media, caption=message.message,
if reply_to is not None:
reply_id = utils.get_message_id(reply_to)
elif utils.get_peer_id(entity) == utils.get_peer_id(message.to_id):
reply_id = message.reply_to_msg_id
reply_id = None
request = functions.messages.SendMessageRequest(
message=message.message or '',
no_webpage=not isinstance(
message.media, types.MessageMediaWebPage)
message = message.message
message, msg_ent = await self._parse_message_text(message,
request = functions.messages.SendMessageRequest(
no_webpage=not link_preview,
result = await self(request)
if isinstance(result, types.UpdateShortSentMessage):
to_id, cls = utils.resolve_id(utils.get_peer_id(entity))
return custom.Message(self, types.Message(
), {}, input_chat=entity)
return self._get_response_message(request, result, entity)
async def forward_messages(self, entity, messages, from_peer=None):
Forwards the given message(s) to the specified entity.
entity (`entity`):
To which entity the message(s) will be forwarded.
messages (`list` | `int` | :tl:`Message`):
The message(s) to forward, or their integer IDs.
from_peer (`entity`):
If the given messages are integer IDs and not instances
of the ``Message`` class, this *must* be specified in
order for the forward to work.
The list of forwarded `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message`,
or a single one if a list wasn't provided as input.
single = not utils.is_list_like(messages)
if single:
messages = (messages,)
if not from_peer:
# On private chats (to_id = PeerUser), if the message is
# not outgoing, we actually need to use "from_id" to get
# the conversation on which the message was sent.
from_peer = next(
if not m.out and isinstance(m.to_id, types.PeerUser)
else m.to_id for m in messages
if isinstance(m, types.Message)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError(
'from_chat must be given if integer IDs are used'
req = functions.messages.ForwardMessagesRequest(
id=[m if isinstance(m, int) else m.id for m in messages],
result = await self(req)
if isinstance(result, (types.Updates, types.UpdatesCombined)):
entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in itertools.chain(result.users, result.chats)}
entities = {}
random_to_id = {}
id_to_message = {}
for update in result.updates:
if isinstance(update, types.UpdateMessageID):
random_to_id[update.random_id] = update.id
elif isinstance(update, (
types.UpdateNewMessage, types.UpdateNewChannelMessage)):
id_to_message[update.message.id] = custom.Message(
self, update.message, entities, input_chat=entity)
result = [id_to_message[random_to_id[rnd]] for rnd in req.random_id]
return result[0] if single else result
async def edit_message(
self, entity, message=None, text=None, parse_mode=utils.Default,
link_preview=True, file=None):
Edits the given message ID (to change its contents or disable preview).
entity (`entity` | :tl:`Message`):
From which chat to edit the message. This can also be
the message to be edited, and the entity will be inferred
from it, so the next parameter will be assumed to be the
message text.
message (`int` | :tl:`Message` | `str`):
The ID of the message (or :tl:`Message` itself) to be edited.
If the `entity` was a :tl:`Message`, then this message will be
treated as the new text.
text (`str`, optional):
The new text of the message. Does nothing if the `entity`
was a :tl:`Message`.
parse_mode (`object`, optional):
See the `TelegramClient.parse_mode` property for allowed
values. Markdown parsing will be used by default.
link_preview (`bool`, optional):
Should the link preview be shown?
file (`str` | `bytes` | `file` | `media`, optional):
The file object that should replace the existing media
in the message.
>>> client = ...
>>> message = client.send_message('username', 'hello')
>>> client.edit_message('username', message, 'hello!')
>>> # or
>>> client.edit_message('username', message.id, 'Hello')
>>> # or
>>> client.edit_message(message, 'Hello!')
``MessageAuthorRequiredError`` if you're not the author of the
message but tried editing it anyway.
``MessageNotModifiedError`` if the contents of the message were
not modified at all.
The edited `telethon.tl.custom.message.Message`.
if isinstance(entity, types.Message):
text = message # Shift the parameters to the right
message = entity
entity = entity.to_id
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
text, msg_entities = await self._parse_message_text(text, parse_mode)
file_handle, media = await self._file_to_media(file)
request = functions.messages.EditMessageRequest(
no_webpage=not link_preview,
msg = self._get_response_message(request, await self(request), entity)
self._cache_media(msg, file, file_handle)
return msg
async def delete_messages(self, entity, message_ids, revoke=True):
Deletes a message from a chat, optionally "for everyone".
entity (`entity`):
From who the message will be deleted. This can actually
be ``None`` for normal chats, but **must** be present
for channels and megagroups.
message_ids (`list` | `int` | :tl:`Message`):
The IDs (or ID) or messages to be deleted.
revoke (`bool`, optional):
Whether the message should be deleted for everyone or not.
By default it has the opposite behaviour of official clients,
and it will delete the message for everyone.
This has no effect on channels or megagroups.
A list of :tl:`AffectedMessages`, each item being the result
for the delete calls of the messages in chunks of 100 each.
if not utils.is_list_like(message_ids):
message_ids = (message_ids,)
message_ids = (
m.id if isinstance(m, (
types.Message, types.MessageService, types.MessageEmpty))
else int(m) for m in message_ids
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity) if entity else None
if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerChannel):
return await self([functions.channels.DeleteMessagesRequest(
entity, list(c)) for c in utils.chunks(message_ids)])
return await self([functions.messages.DeleteMessagesRequest(
list(c), revoke) for c in utils.chunks(message_ids)])
# endregion
# region Miscellaneous
async def send_read_acknowledge(self, entity, message=None, max_id=None,
Sends a "read acknowledge" (i.e., notifying the given peer that we've
read their messages, also known as the "double check").
This effectively marks a message as read (or more than one) in the
given conversation.
entity (`entity`):
The chat where these messages are located.
message (`list` | :tl:`Message`):
Either a list of messages or a single message.
max_id (`int`):
Overrides messages, until which message should the
acknowledge should be sent.
clear_mentions (`bool`):
Whether the mention badge should be cleared (so that
there are no more mentions) or not for the given entity.
If no message is provided, this will be the only action
if max_id is None:
if message:
if utils.is_list_like(message):
max_id = max(msg.id for msg in message)
max_id = message.id
elif not clear_mentions:
raise ValueError(
'Either a message list or a max_id must be provided.')
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if clear_mentions:
await self(functions.messages.ReadMentionsRequest(entity))
if max_id is None:
return True
if max_id is not None:
if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerChannel):
return await self(functions.channels.ReadHistoryRequest(
entity, max_id=max_id))
return await self(functions.messages.ReadHistoryRequest(
entity, max_id=max_id))
return False
# endregion
# endregion
# region Private methods
async def _iter_ids(self, entity, ids, total):
Special case for `iter_messages` when it should only fetch some IDs.
if total:
total[0] = len(ids)
if isinstance(entity, types.InputPeerChannel):
r = await self(functions.channels.GetMessagesRequest(entity, ids))
r = await self(functions.messages.GetMessagesRequest(ids))
if isinstance(r, types.messages.MessagesNotModified):
for _ in ids:
await yield_(None)
entities = {utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in itertools.chain(r.users, r.chats)}
# Telegram seems to return the messages in the order in which
# we asked them for, so we don't need to check it ourselves.
for message in r.messages:
if isinstance(message, types.MessageEmpty):
await yield_(None)
await yield_(custom.Message(self, message, entities, entity))
# endregion