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synced 2025-03-27 05:14:14 +03:00
Split everything into several functions, reused some more common code (like accessing the "real" arguments instead constantly filtering) and more, like using classmethods instead staticmethods and then hardcoding the class name.
275 lines
9.5 KiB
275 lines
9.5 KiB
import re
from zlib import crc32
from ..utils import snake_to_camel_case
0xbc799737, # boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool;
0x997275b5, # boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool;
0x3fedd339, # true#3fedd339 = True;
0x1cb5c415, # vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t;
class TLObject:
def __init__(self, fullname, object_id, args, result, is_function):
Initializes a new TLObject, given its properties.
:param fullname: The fullname of the TL object (namespace.name)
The namespace can be omitted.
:param object_id: The hexadecimal string representing the object ID
:param args: The arguments, if any, of the TL object
:param result: The result type of the TL object
:param is_function: Is the object a function or a type?
# The name can or not have a namespace
self.fullname = fullname
if '.' in fullname:
self.namespace, self.name = fullname.split('.', maxsplit=1)
self.namespace, self.name = None, fullname
self.args = args
self.result = result
self.is_function = is_function
self.id = None
if object_id is None:
self.id = self.infer_id()
self.id = int(object_id, base=16)
assert self.id == self.infer_id(),\
'Invalid inferred ID for ' + repr(self)
self.class_name = snake_to_camel_case(
self.name, suffix='Request' if self.is_function else '')
self.real_args = list(a for a in self.sorted_args() if not
(a.flag_indicator or a.generic_definition))
def sorted_args(self):
"""Returns the arguments properly sorted and ready to plug-in
into a Python's method header (i.e., flags and those which
can be inferred will go last so they can default =None)
return sorted(self.args,
key=lambda x: x.is_flag or x.can_be_inferred)
def __repr__(self, ignore_id=False):
if self.id is None or ignore_id:
hex_id = ''
hex_id = '#{:08x}'.format(self.id)
if self.args:
args = ' ' + ' '.join([repr(arg) for arg in self.args])
args = ''
return '{}{}{} = {}'.format(self.fullname, hex_id, args, self.result)
def infer_id(self):
representation = self.__repr__(ignore_id=True)
representation = representation\
.replace(':bytes ', ':string ')\
.replace('?bytes ', '?string ')\
.replace('<', ' ').replace('>', '')\
.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
representation = re.sub(
r' \w+:flags\.\d+\?true',
return crc32(representation.encode('ascii'))
class TLArg:
def __init__(self, name, arg_type, generic_definition):
Initializes a new .tl argument
:param name: The name of the .tl argument
:param arg_type: The type of the .tl argument
:param generic_definition: Is the argument a generic definition?
(i.e. {X:Type})
self.name = 'is_self' if name == 'self' else name
# Default values
self.is_vector = False
self.is_flag = False
self.skip_constructor_id = False
self.flag_index = -1
# Special case: some types can be inferred, which makes it
# less annoying to type. Currently the only type that can
# be inferred is if the name is 'random_id', to which a
# random ID will be assigned if left as None (the default)
self.can_be_inferred = name == 'random_id'
# The type can be an indicator that other arguments will be flags
if arg_type == '#':
self.flag_indicator = True
self.type = None
self.is_generic = False
self.flag_indicator = False
self.is_generic = arg_type.startswith('!')
# Strip the exclamation mark always to have only the name
self.type = arg_type.lstrip('!')
# The type may be a flag (flags.IDX?REAL_TYPE)
# Note that 'flags' is NOT the flags name; this
# is determined by a previous argument
# However, we assume that the argument will always be called 'flags'
flag_match = re.match(r'flags.(\d+)\?([\w<>.]+)', self.type)
if flag_match:
self.is_flag = True
self.flag_index = int(flag_match.group(1))
# Update the type to match the exact type, not the "flagged" one
self.type = flag_match.group(2)
# Then check if the type is a Vector<REAL_TYPE>
vector_match = re.match(r'[Vv]ector<([\w\d.]+)>', self.type)
if vector_match:
self.is_vector = True
# If the type's first letter is not uppercase, then
# it is a constructor and we use (read/write) its ID
# as pinpointed on issue #81.
self.use_vector_id = self.type[0] == 'V'
# Update the type to match the one inside the vector
self.type = vector_match.group(1)
# See use_vector_id. An example of such case is ipPort in
# help.configSpecial
if self.type.split('.')[-1][0].islower():
self.skip_constructor_id = True
# The name may contain "date" in it, if this is the case and the type is "int",
# we can safely assume that this should be treated as a "date" object.
# Note that this is not a valid Telegram object, but it's easier to work with
if self.type == 'int' and (
re.search(r'(\b|_)date\b', name) or
name in ('expires', 'expires_at', 'was_online')):
self.type = 'date'
self.generic_definition = generic_definition
def type_hint(self):
type = self.type
if '.' in type:
type = type.split('.')[1]
result = {
'int': 'int',
'long': 'int',
'int128': 'int',
'int256': 'int',
'string': 'str',
'date': 'Optional[datetime]', # None date = 0 timestamp
'bytes': 'bytes',
'true': 'bool',
}.get(type, "Type{}".format(type))
if self.is_vector:
result = 'List[{}]'.format(result)
if self.is_flag and type != 'date':
result = 'Optional[{}]'.format(result)
return result
def __str__(self):
# Find the real type representation by updating it as required
real_type = self.type
if self.flag_indicator:
real_type = '#'
if self.is_vector:
if self.use_vector_id:
real_type = 'Vector<{}>'.format(real_type)
real_type = 'vector<{}>'.format(real_type)
if self.is_generic:
real_type = '!{}'.format(real_type)
if self.is_flag:
real_type = 'flags.{}?{}'.format(self.flag_index, real_type)
if self.generic_definition:
return '{{{}:{}}}'.format(self.name, real_type)
return '{}:{}'.format(self.name, real_type)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self).replace(':date', ':int').replace('?date', '?int')
def _from_line(line, is_function):
match = re.match(
r'^([\w.]+)' # 'name'
r'(?:#([0-9a-fA-F]+))?' # '#optionalcode'
r'(?:\s{?\w+:[\w\d<>#.?!]+}?)*' # '{args:.0?type}'
r'\s=\s' # ' = '
r'([\w\d<>#.?]+);$', # '<result.type>;'
if match is None:
# Probably "vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t;"
raise ValueError('Cannot parse TLObject {}'.format(line))
args_match = re.findall(
return TLObject(
args=[TLArg(name, arg_type, brace != '')
for brace, name, arg_type in args_match]
def parse_tl(file_path, ignore_core=False):
"""This method yields TLObjects from a given .tl file."""
with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as file:
is_function = False
for line in file:
comment_index = line.find('//')
if comment_index != -1:
line = line[:comment_index]
line = line.strip()
if not line:
match = re.match('---(\w+)---', line)
if match:
following_types = match.group(1)
is_function = following_types == 'functions'
result = _from_line(line, is_function)
if not ignore_core or result.id not in CORE_TYPES:
yield result
except ValueError as e:
if 'vector#1cb5c415' not in str(e):
def find_layer(file_path):
"""Finds the layer used on the specified scheme.tl file."""
layer_regex = re.compile(r'^//\s*LAYER\s*(\d+)$')
with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as file:
for line in file:
match = layer_regex.match(line)
if match:
return int(match.group(1))