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synced 2025-03-14 15:12:14 +03:00
470 lines
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470 lines
17 KiB
import hashlib
import io
import itertools
import os
import pathlib
import re
import typing
from io import BytesIO
from .._crypto import AES
from .._misc import utils, helpers
from .. import hints, _tl
from ..types import _custom
import PIL
import PIL.Image
except ImportError:
PIL = None
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from .telegramclient import TelegramClient
class _CacheType:
"""Like functools.partial but pretends to be the wrapped class."""
def __init__(self, cls):
self._cls = cls
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._cls(*args, file_reference=b'', **kwargs)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._cls == other
def _resize_photo_if_needed(
file, is_image, width=1280, height=1280, background=(255, 255, 255)):
# https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/12905f0dcb9d513378e7db11989455a1b764ef75/Telegram/SourceFiles/boxes/photo_crop_box.cpp#L254
if (not is_image
or PIL is None
or (isinstance(file, io.IOBase) and not file.seekable())):
return file
if isinstance(file, bytes):
file = io.BytesIO(file)
before = file.tell() if isinstance(file, io.IOBase) else None
# Don't use a `with` block for `image`, or `file` would be closed.
# See https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/issues/1121 for more.
image = PIL.Image.open(file)
kwargs = {'exif': image.info['exif']}
except KeyError:
kwargs = {}
if image.width <= width and image.height <= height:
return file
image.thumbnail((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
alpha_index = image.mode.find('A')
if alpha_index == -1:
# If the image mode doesn't have alpha
# channel then don't bother masking it away.
result = image
# We could save the resized image with the original format, but
# JPEG often compresses better -> smaller size -> faster upload
# We need to mask away the alpha channel ([3]), since otherwise
# IOError is raised when trying to save alpha channels in JPEG.
result = PIL.Image.new('RGB', image.size, background)
result.paste(image, mask=image.split()[alpha_index])
buffer = io.BytesIO()
result.save(buffer, 'JPEG', **kwargs)
return buffer
except IOError:
return file
if before is not None:
file.seek(before, io.SEEK_SET)
async def send_file(
self: 'TelegramClient',
entity: 'hints.EntityLike',
file: 'typing.Union[hints.FileLike, typing.Sequence[hints.FileLike]]',
caption: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[str]] = None,
force_document: bool = False,
file_size: int = None,
clear_draft: bool = False,
progress_callback: 'hints.ProgressCallback' = None,
reply_to: 'hints.MessageIDLike' = None,
attributes: 'typing.Sequence[_tl.TypeDocumentAttribute]' = None,
thumb: 'hints.FileLike' = None,
allow_cache: bool = True,
parse_mode: str = (),
formatting_entities: typing.Optional[typing.List[_tl.TypeMessageEntity]] = None,
voice_note: bool = False,
video_note: bool = False,
buttons: 'hints.MarkupLike' = None,
silent: bool = None,
background: bool = None,
supports_streaming: bool = False,
schedule: 'hints.DateLike' = None,
comment_to: 'typing.Union[int, _tl.Message]' = None,
ttl: int = None,
**kwargs) -> '_tl.Message':
# TODO Properly implement allow_cache to reuse the sha256 of the file
# i.e. `None` was used
if not file:
raise TypeError('Cannot use {!r} as file'.format(file))
if not caption:
caption = ''
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if comment_to is not None:
entity, reply_to = await _get_comment_data(self, entity, comment_to)
reply_to = utils.get_message_id(reply_to)
# First check if the user passed an iterable, in which case
# we may want to send grouped.
if utils.is_list_like(file):
if utils.is_list_like(caption):
captions = caption
captions = [caption]
result = []
while file:
result += await _send_album(
self, entity, file[:10], caption=captions[:10],
progress_callback=progress_callback, reply_to=reply_to,
parse_mode=parse_mode, silent=silent, schedule=schedule,
supports_streaming=supports_streaming, clear_draft=clear_draft,
force_document=force_document, background=background,
file = file[10:]
captions = captions[10:]
for doc, cap in zip(file, captions):
result.append(await self.send_file(
entity, doc, allow_cache=allow_cache,
caption=cap, force_document=force_document,
progress_callback=progress_callback, reply_to=reply_to,
attributes=attributes, thumb=thumb, voice_note=voice_note,
video_note=video_note, buttons=buttons, silent=silent,
supports_streaming=supports_streaming, schedule=schedule,
clear_draft=clear_draft, background=background,
return result
if formatting_entities is not None:
msg_entities = formatting_entities
caption, msg_entities =\
await self._parse_message_text(caption, parse_mode)
file_handle, media, image = await _file_to_media(
self, file, force_document=force_document,
attributes=attributes, allow_cache=allow_cache, thumb=thumb,
voice_note=voice_note, video_note=video_note,
supports_streaming=supports_streaming, ttl=ttl
# e.g. invalid cast from :tl:`MessageMediaWebPage`
if not media:
raise TypeError('Cannot use {!r} as file'.format(file))
markup = self.build_reply_markup(buttons)
request = _tl.fn.messages.SendMedia(
entity, media, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to, message=caption,
entities=msg_entities, reply_markup=markup, silent=silent,
schedule_date=schedule, clear_draft=clear_draft,
return self._get_response_message(request, await self(request), entity)
async def _send_album(self: 'TelegramClient', entity, files, caption='',
progress_callback=None, reply_to=None,
parse_mode=(), silent=None, schedule=None,
supports_streaming=None, clear_draft=None,
force_document=False, background=None, ttl=None):
"""Specialized version of .send_file for albums"""
# We don't care if the user wants to avoid cache, we will use it
# anyway. Why? The cached version will be exactly the same thing
# we need to produce right now to send albums (uploadMedia), and
# cache only makes a difference for documents where the user may
# want the attributes used on them to change.
# In theory documents can be sent inside the albums but they appear
# as different messages (not inside the album), and the logic to set
# the attributes/avoid cache is already written in .send_file().
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
if not utils.is_list_like(caption):
caption = (caption,)
captions = []
for c in reversed(caption): # Pop from the end (so reverse)
captions.append(await self._parse_message_text(c or '', parse_mode))
reply_to = utils.get_message_id(reply_to)
# Need to upload the media first, but only if they're not cached yet
media = []
for file in files:
# Albums want :tl:`InputMedia` which, in theory, includes
# :tl:`InputMediaUploadedPhoto`. However using that will
# make it `raise MediaInvalidError`, so we need to upload
# it as media and then convert that to :tl:`InputMediaPhoto`.
fh, fm, _ = await _file_to_media(
self, file, supports_streaming=supports_streaming,
force_document=force_document, ttl=ttl)
if isinstance(fm, (_tl.InputMediaUploadedPhoto, _tl.InputMediaPhotoExternal)):
r = await self(_tl.fn.messages.UploadMedia(
entity, media=fm
fm = utils.get_input_media(r.photo)
elif isinstance(fm, _tl.InputMediaUploadedDocument):
r = await self(_tl.fn.messages.UploadMedia(
entity, media=fm
fm = utils.get_input_media(
r.document, supports_streaming=supports_streaming)
if captions:
caption, msg_entities = captions.pop()
caption, msg_entities = '', None
# random_id is autogenerated
# Now we can construct the multi-media request
request = _tl.fn.messages.SendMultiMedia(
entity, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to, multi_media=media,
silent=silent, schedule_date=schedule, clear_draft=clear_draft,
result = await self(request)
random_ids = [m.random_id for m in media]
return self._get_response_message(random_ids, result, entity)
async def upload_file(
self: 'TelegramClient',
file: 'hints.FileLike',
part_size_kb: float = None,
file_size: int = None,
file_name: str = None,
use_cache: type = None,
key: bytes = None,
iv: bytes = None,
progress_callback: 'hints.ProgressCallback' = None) -> '_tl.TypeInputFile':
if isinstance(file, (_tl.InputFile, _tl.InputFileBig)):
return file # Already uploaded
pos = 0
async with helpers._FileStream(file, file_size=file_size) as stream:
# Opening the stream will determine the correct file size
file_size = stream.file_size
if not part_size_kb:
part_size_kb = utils.get_appropriated_part_size(file_size)
if part_size_kb > 512:
raise ValueError('The part size must be less or equal to 512KB')
part_size = int(part_size_kb * 1024)
if part_size % 1024 != 0:
raise ValueError(
'The part size must be evenly divisible by 1024')
# Set a default file name if None was specified
file_id = helpers.generate_random_long()
if not file_name:
file_name = stream.name or str(file_id)
# If the file name lacks extension, add it if possible.
# Else Telegram complains with `PHOTO_EXT_INVALID_ERROR`
# even if the uploaded image is indeed a photo.
if not os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1]:
file_name += utils._get_extension(stream)
# Determine whether the file is too big (over 10MB) or not
# Telegram does make a distinction between smaller or larger files
is_big = file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
part_count = (file_size + part_size - 1) // part_size
self._log[__name__].info('Uploading file of %d bytes in %d chunks of %d',
file_size, part_count, part_size)
pos = 0
for part_index in range(part_count):
# Read the file by in chunks of size part_size
part = await helpers._maybe_await(stream.read(part_size))
if not isinstance(part, bytes):
raise TypeError(
'file descriptor returned {}, not bytes (you must '
'open the file in bytes mode)'.format(type(part)))
# `file_size` could be wrong in which case `part` may not be
# `part_size` before reaching the end.
if len(part) != part_size and part_index < part_count - 1:
raise ValueError(
'read less than {} before reaching the end; either '
'`file_size` or `read` are wrong'.format(part_size))
pos += len(part)
# Encryption part if needed
if key and iv:
part = AES.encrypt_ige(part, key, iv)
if not is_big:
# Bit odd that MD5 is only needed for small files and not
# big ones with more chance for corruption, but that's
# what Telegram wants.
# The SavePart is different depending on whether
# the file is too large or not (over or less than 10MB)
if is_big:
request = _tl.fn.upload.SaveBigFilePart(
file_id, part_index, part_count, part)
request = _tl.fn.upload.SaveFilePart(
file_id, part_index, part)
result = await self(request)
if result:
self._log[__name__].debug('Uploaded %d/%d',
part_index + 1, part_count)
if progress_callback:
await helpers._maybe_await(progress_callback(pos, file_size))
raise RuntimeError(
'Failed to upload file part {}.'.format(part_index))
if is_big:
return _tl.InputFileBig(file_id, part_count, file_name)
return _custom.InputSizedFile(
file_id, part_count, file_name, md5=hash_md5, size=file_size
async def _file_to_media(
self, file, force_document=False, file_size=None,
progress_callback=None, attributes=None, thumb=None,
allow_cache=True, voice_note=False, video_note=False,
supports_streaming=False, mime_type=None, as_image=None,
if not file:
return None, None, None
if isinstance(file, pathlib.Path):
file = str(file.absolute())
is_image = utils.is_image(file)
if as_image is None:
as_image = is_image and not force_document
# `aiofiles` do not base `io.IOBase` but do have `read`, so we
# just check for the read attribute to see if it's file-like.
if not isinstance(file, (str, bytes, _tl.InputFile, _tl.InputFileBig))\
and not hasattr(file, 'read'):
# The user may pass a Message containing media (or the media,
# or anything similar) that should be treated as a file. Try
# getting the input media for whatever they passed and send it.
# We pass all attributes since these will be used if the user
# passed :tl:`InputFile`, and all information may be relevant.
return (None, utils.get_input_media(
), as_image)
except TypeError:
# Can't turn whatever was given into media
return None, None, as_image
media = None
file_handle = None
if isinstance(file, (_tl.InputFile, _tl.InputFileBig)):
file_handle = file
elif not isinstance(file, str) or os.path.isfile(file):
file_handle = await self.upload_file(
_resize_photo_if_needed(file, as_image),
elif re.match('https?://', file):
if as_image:
media = _tl.InputMediaPhotoExternal(file, ttl_seconds=ttl)
media = _tl.InputMediaDocumentExternal(file, ttl_seconds=ttl)
bot_file = utils.resolve_bot_file_id(file)
if bot_file:
media = utils.get_input_media(bot_file, ttl=ttl)
if media:
pass # Already have media, don't check the rest
elif not file_handle:
raise ValueError(
'Failed to convert {} to media. Not an existing file, '
'an HTTP URL or a valid bot-API-like file ID'.format(file)
elif as_image:
media = _tl.InputMediaUploadedPhoto(file_handle, ttl_seconds=ttl)
attributes, mime_type = utils.get_attributes(
force_document=force_document and not is_image,
if not thumb:
thumb = None
if isinstance(thumb, pathlib.Path):
thumb = str(thumb.absolute())
thumb = await self.upload_file(thumb, file_size=file_size)
media = _tl.InputMediaUploadedDocument(
force_file=force_document and not is_image,
return file_handle, media, as_image