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from .common import EventBuilder, EventCommon, name_inner_event
from .. import utils
from ..tl import types
class ChatAction(EventBuilder):
Occurs on certain chat actions:
* Whenever a new chat is created.
* Whenever a chat's title or photo is changed or removed.
* Whenever a new message is pinned.
* Whenever a user joins or is added to the group.
* Whenever a user is removed or leaves a group if it has
less than 50 members or the removed user was a bot.
Note that "chat" refers to "small group, megagroup and broadcast
channel", whereas "group" refers to "small group and megagroup" only.
.. code-block:: python
from telethon import events
async def handler(event):
# Welcome every new user
if event.user_joined:
await event.reply('Welcome to the group!')
def build(cls, update, others=None, self_id=None):
# Rely on specific pin updates for unpins, but otherwise ignore them
# for new pins (we'd rather handle the new service message with pin,
# so that we can act on that message').
if isinstance(update, types.UpdatePinnedChannelMessages) and not update.pinned:
return cls.Event(types.PeerChannel(update.channel_id),
elif isinstance(update, types.UpdatePinnedMessages) and not update.pinned:
return cls.Event(update.peer,
elif isinstance(update, types.UpdateChatParticipantAdd):
return cls.Event(types.PeerChat(update.chat_id),
added_by=update.inviter_id or True,
elif isinstance(update, types.UpdateChatParticipantDelete):
return cls.Event(types.PeerChat(update.chat_id),
elif isinstance(update, types.UpdateChannel):
# We rely on the fact that update._entities is set by _process_update
# This update only has the channel ID, and Telegram *should* have sent
# the entity in the Updates.chats list. If it did, check Channel.left
# to determine what happened.
peer = types.PeerChannel(update.channel_id)
channel = update._entities.get(utils.get_peer_id(peer))
if channel is not None:
if isinstance(channel, types.ChannelForbidden) or channel.left:
return cls.Event(peer,
return cls.Event(peer,
elif (isinstance(update, (
types.UpdateNewMessage, types.UpdateNewChannelMessage))
and isinstance(update.message, types.MessageService)):
msg = update.message
action = update.message.action
if isinstance(action, types.MessageActionChatJoinedByLink):
return cls.Event(msg,
elif isinstance(action, types.MessageActionChatAddUser):
# If a user adds itself, it means they joined via the public chat username
added_by = ([msg.sender_id] == action.users) or msg.from_id
return cls.Event(msg,
elif isinstance(action, types.MessageActionChatDeleteUser):
return cls.Event(msg,
kicked_by=msg.from_id or True,
elif isinstance(action, types.MessageActionChatCreate):
return cls.Event(msg,
elif isinstance(action, types.MessageActionChannelCreate):
return cls.Event(msg,
elif isinstance(action, types.MessageActionChatEditTitle):
return cls.Event(msg,
elif isinstance(action, types.MessageActionChatEditPhoto):
return cls.Event(msg,
elif isinstance(action, types.MessageActionChatDeletePhoto):
return cls.Event(msg,
elif isinstance(action, types.MessageActionPinMessage) and msg.reply_to:
return cls.Event(msg,
class Event(EventCommon):
Represents the event of a new chat action.
action_message (`MessageAction <https://tl.telethon.dev/types/message_action.html>`_):
The message invoked by this Chat Action.
new_pin (`bool`):
`True` if there is a new pin.
new_photo (`bool`):
`True` if there's a new chat photo (or it was removed).
photo (:tl:`Photo`, optional):
The new photo (or `None` if it was removed).
user_added (`bool`):
`True` if the user was added by some other.
user_joined (`bool`):
`True` if the user joined on their own.
user_left (`bool`):
`True` if the user left on their own.
user_kicked (`bool`):
`True` if the user was kicked by some other.
created (`bool`, optional):
`True` if this chat was just created.
new_title (`str`, optional):
The new title string for the chat, if applicable.
unpin (`bool`):
`True` if the existing pin gets unpinned.
def __init__(self, where, new_photo=None,
added_by=None, kicked_by=None, created=None,
users=None, new_title=None, pin_ids=None, pin=None):
if isinstance(where, types.MessageService):
self.action_message = where
where = where.peer_id
self.action_message = None
# TODO needs some testing (can there be more than one id, and do they follow pin order?)
# same in get_pinned_message
super().__init__(chat_peer=where, msg_id=pin_ids[0] if pin_ids else None)
self.new_pin = pin_ids is not None
self._pin_ids = pin_ids
self._pinned_messages = None
self.new_photo = new_photo is not None
self.photo = \
new_photo if isinstance(new_photo, types.Photo) else None
self._added_by = None
self._kicked_by = None
self.user_added = self.user_joined = self.user_left = \
self.user_kicked = self.unpin = False
if added_by is True:
self.user_joined = True
elif added_by:
self.user_added = True
self._added_by = added_by
# If `from_id` was not present (it's `True`) or the affected
# user was "kicked by itself", then it left. Else it was kicked.
if kicked_by is True or (users is not None and kicked_by == users):
self.user_left = True
elif kicked_by:
self.user_kicked = True
self._kicked_by = kicked_by
self.created = bool(created)
if isinstance(users, list):
self._user_ids = [utils.get_peer_id(u) for u in users]
elif users:
self._user_ids = [utils.get_peer_id(users)]
self._user_ids = []
self._users = None
self._input_users = None
self.new_title = new_title
self.unpin = not pin
def _set_client(self, client):
if self.action_message:
self.action_message._finish_init(client, self._entities, None)
async def respond(self, *args, **kwargs):
Responds to the chat action message (not as a reply). Shorthand for
`telethon.client.messages.MessageMethods.send_message` with
``entity`` already set.
return await self._client.send_message(
await self.get_input_chat(), *args, **kwargs)
async def reply(self, *args, **kwargs):
Replies to the chat action message (as a reply). Shorthand for
`telethon.client.messages.MessageMethods.send_message` with
both ``entity`` and ``reply_to`` already set.
Has the same effect as `respond` if there is no message.
if not self.action_message:
return await self.respond(*args, **kwargs)
kwargs['reply_to'] = self.action_message.id
return await self._client.send_message(
await self.get_input_chat(), *args, **kwargs)
async def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
Deletes the chat action message. You're responsible for checking
whether you have the permission to do so, or to except the error
otherwise. Shorthand for
`telethon.client.messages.MessageMethods.delete_messages` with
``entity`` and ``message_ids`` already set.
Does nothing if no message action triggered this event.
if not self.action_message:
return await self._client.delete_messages(
await self.get_input_chat(), [self.action_message],
*args, **kwargs
async def get_pinned_message(self):
If ``new_pin`` is `True`, this returns the `Message
<telethon.tl.custom.message.Message>` object that was pinned.
if self._pinned_messages is None:
await self.get_pinned_messages()
if self._pinned_messages:
return self._pinned_messages[0]
async def get_pinned_messages(self):
If ``new_pin`` is `True`, this returns a `list` of `Message
<telethon.tl.custom.message.Message>` objects that were pinned.
if not self._pin_ids:
return self._pin_ids # either None or empty list
chat = await self.get_input_chat()
if chat:
self._pinned_messages = await self._client.get_messages(
self._input_chat, ids=self._pin_ids)
return self._pinned_messages
def added_by(self):
The user who added ``users``, if applicable (`None` otherwise).
if self._added_by and not isinstance(self._added_by, types.User):
aby = self._entities.get(utils.get_peer_id(self._added_by))
if aby:
self._added_by = aby
return self._added_by
async def get_added_by(self):
Returns `added_by` but will make an API call if necessary.
if not self.added_by and self._added_by:
self._added_by = await self._client.get_entity(self._added_by)
return self._added_by
def kicked_by(self):
The user who kicked ``users``, if applicable (`None` otherwise).
if self._kicked_by and not isinstance(self._kicked_by, types.User):
kby = self._entities.get(utils.get_peer_id(self._kicked_by))
if kby:
self._kicked_by = kby
return self._kicked_by
async def get_kicked_by(self):
Returns `kicked_by` but will make an API call if necessary.
if not self.kicked_by and self._kicked_by:
self._kicked_by = await self._client.get_entity(self._kicked_by)
return self._kicked_by
def user(self):
The first user that takes part in this action. For example, who joined.
Might be `None` if the information can't be retrieved or
there is no user taking part.
if self.users:
return self._users[0]
async def get_user(self):
Returns `user` but will make an API call if necessary.
if self.users or await self.get_users():
return self._users[0]
def input_user(self):
Input version of the ``self.user`` property.
if self.input_users:
return self._input_users[0]
async def get_input_user(self):
Returns `input_user` but will make an API call if necessary.
if self.input_users or await self.get_input_users():
return self._input_users[0]
def user_id(self):
Returns the marked signed ID of the first user, if any.
if self._user_ids:
return self._user_ids[0]
def users(self):
A list of users that take part in this action. For example, who joined.
Might be empty if the information can't be retrieved or there
are no users taking part.
if not self._user_ids:
return []
if self._users is None:
self._users = [
for user_id in self._user_ids
if user_id in self._entities
return self._users
async def get_users(self):
Returns `users` but will make an API call if necessary.
if not self._user_ids:
return []
# Note: we access the property first so that it fills if needed
if (self.users is None or len(self._users) != len(self._user_ids)) and self.action_message:
await self.action_message._reload_message()
self._users = [
u for u in self.action_message.action_entities
if isinstance(u, (types.User, types.UserEmpty))]
return self._users
def input_users(self):
Input version of the ``self.users`` property.
if self._input_users is None and self._user_ids:
self._input_users = []
for user_id in self._user_ids:
# First try to get it from our entities
except (KeyError, TypeError):
# If missing, try from the entity cache
except KeyError:
return self._input_users or []
async def get_input_users(self):
Returns `input_users` but will make an API call if necessary.
if not self._user_ids:
return []
# Note: we access the property first so that it fills if needed
if (self.input_users is None or len(self._input_users) != len(self._user_ids)) and self.action_message:
self._input_users = [
for u in self.action_message.action_entities
if isinstance(u, (types.User, types.UserEmpty))]
return self._input_users or []
def user_ids(self):
Returns the marked signed ID of the users, if any.
if self._user_ids:
return self._user_ids[:]