2018-06-09 21:10:23 +02:00

652 lines
25 KiB

import asyncio
import itertools
import logging
import platform
import warnings
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from . import version, errors, utils
from .crypto import rsa
from .extensions import markdown
from .network import MTProtoSender, ConnectionTcpFull
from .network.mtprotostate import MTProtoState
from .sessions import Session, SQLiteSession
from .tl import TLObject, types, functions
from .tl.all_tlobjects import LAYER
from .update_state import UpdateState
DEFAULT_IPV6_IP = '[2001:67c:4e8:f002::a]'
__log__ = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TelegramBareClient:
A bare Telegram client that somewhat eases the usage of the
session (`str` | `telethon.sessions.abstract.Session`, `None`):
The file name of the session file to be used if a string is
given (it may be a full path), or the Session instance to be
used otherwise. If it's ``None``, the session will not be saved,
and you should call :meth:`.log_out()` when you're done.
Note that if you pass a string it will be a file in the current
working directory, although you can also pass absolute paths.
The session file contains enough information for you to login
without re-sending the code, so if you have to enter the code
more than once, maybe you're changing the working directory,
renaming or removing the file, or using random names.
api_id (`int` | `str`):
The API ID you obtained from
api_hash (`str`):
The API ID you obtained from
connection (``, optional):
The connection instance to be used when creating a new connection
to the servers. If it's a type, the `proxy` argument will be used.
Defaults to ``.
use_ipv6 (`bool`, optional):
Whether to connect to the servers through IPv6 or not.
By default this is ``False`` as IPv6 support is not
too widespread yet.
proxy (`tuple` | `dict`, optional):
A tuple consisting of ``(socks.SOCKS5, 'host', port)``.
See for more.
timeout (`int` | `float` | `timedelta`, optional):
The timeout to be used when receiving responses from
the network. Defaults to 5 seconds.
report_errors (`bool`, optional):
Whether to report RPC errors or not. Defaults to ``True``,
see :ref:`api-status` for more information.
device_model (`str`, optional):
"Device model" to be sent when creating the initial connection.
Defaults to ``platform.node()``.
system_version (`str`, optional):
"System version" to be sent when creating the initial connection.
Defaults to ``platform.system()``.
app_version (`str`, optional):
"App version" to be sent when creating the initial connection.
Defaults to `telethon.version.__version__`.
lang_code (`str`, optional):
"Language code" to be sent when creating the initial connection.
Defaults to ``'en'``.
system_lang_code (`str`, optional):
"System lang code" to be sent when creating the initial connection.
Defaults to `lang_code`.
# Current TelegramClient version
__version__ = version.__version__
# Server configuration (with .dc_options)
_config = None
# region Initialization
def __init__(self, session, api_id, api_hash,
"""Refer to TelegramClient.__init__ for docs on this method"""
if not api_id or not api_hash:
raise ValueError(
"Your API ID or Hash cannot be empty or None. "
"Refer to for more information.")
self._use_ipv6 = use_ipv6
# Determine what session object we have
if isinstance(session, str) or session is None:
session = SQLiteSession(session)
elif not isinstance(session, Session):
raise TypeError(
'The given session must be a str or a Session instance.'
# ':' in session.server_address is True if it's an IPv6 address
if (not session.server_address or
(':' in session.server_address) != use_ipv6):
DEFAULT_IPV6_IP if self._use_ipv6 else DEFAULT_IPV4_IP,
session.report_errors = report_errors
self.session = session
self.api_id = int(api_id)
self.api_hash = api_hash
# This is the main sender, which will be used from the thread
# that calls .connect(). Every other thread will spawn a new
# temporary connection. The connection on this one is always
# kept open so Telegram can send us updates.
if isinstance(connection, type):
connection = connection(proxy=proxy, timeout=timeout)
# Used on connection - the user may modify these and reconnect
system = platform.uname()
state = MTProtoState(self.session.auth_key)
first = functions.InvokeWithLayerRequest(
LAYER, functions.InitConnectionRequest(
device_model=device_model or system.system or 'Unknown',
system_version=system_version or system.release or '1.0',
app_version=app_version or self.__version__,
lang_pack='', # "langPacks are for official apps only"
self._sender = MTProtoSender(state, connection, first_query=first)
# Cache "exported" sessions as 'dc_id: Session' not to recreate
# them all the time since generating a new key is a relatively
# expensive operation.
self._exported_sessions = {}
# This member will process updates if enabled.
# One may change self.updates.enabled at any later point.
self.updates = UpdateState()
# Save whether the user is authorized here (a.k.a. logged in)
self._authorized = None # None = We don't know yet
# The first request must be in invokeWithLayer(initConnection(X)).
# See
self._first_request = True
# Default PingRequest delay
self._last_ping =
self._ping_delay = timedelta(minutes=1)
# Also have another delay for GetStateRequest.
# If the connection is kept alive for long without invoking any
# high level request the server simply stops sending updates.
# TODO maybe we can have ._last_request instead if any req works?
self._last_state =
self._state_delay = timedelta(hours=1)
# Some further state for subclasses
self._event_builders = []
self._events_pending_resolve = []
# Default parse mode
self._parse_mode = markdown
# Some fields to easy signing in. Let {phone: hash} be
# a dictionary because the user may change their mind.
self._phone_code_hash = {}
self._phone = None
self._tos = None
# Sometimes we need to know who we are, cache the self peer
self._self_input_peer = None
# endregion
# region Connecting
async def connect(self):
Connects to Telegram.
await self._sender.connect(
self.session.server_address, self.session.port)
def is_connected(self):
Returns ``True`` if the user has connected.
return self._sender.is_connected()
async def disconnect(self):
Disconnects from Telegram.
await self._sender.disconnect()
# TODO What to do with the update state? Does it belong here?
# self.session.set_update_state(0, self.updates.get_update_state(0))
def _switch_dc(self, new_dc):
Permanently switches the current connection to the new data center.
# TODO Implement
raise NotImplementedError
dc = self._get_dc(new_dc)'Reconnecting to new data center %s', dc)
self.session.set_dc(, dc.ip_address, dc.port)
# auth_key's are associated with a server, which has now changed
# so it's not valid anymore. Set to None to force recreating it.
self.session.auth_key = None
return self.connect()
# endregion
# region Working with different connections/Data Centers
async def _get_dc(self, dc_id, cdn=False):
"""Gets the Data Center (DC) associated to 'dc_id'"""
if not TelegramBareClient._config:
TelegramBareClient._config =\
await self(
if cdn:
# Ensure we have the latest keys for the CDNs
result = await self(
for pk in result.public_keys:
return next(
dc for dc in TelegramBareClient._config.dc_options
if == dc_id
and bool(dc.ipv6) == self._use_ipv6 and bool(dc.cdn) == cdn
except StopIteration:
if not cdn:
# New configuration, perhaps a new CDN was added?
TelegramBareClient._config =\
await self(
return self._get_dc(dc_id, cdn=cdn)
async def _get_exported_client(self, dc_id):
"""Creates and connects a new TelegramBareClient for the desired DC.
If it's the first time calling the method with a given dc_id,
a new session will be first created, and its auth key generated.
Exporting/Importing the authorization will also be done so that
the auth is bound with the key.
# TODO Implement
raise NotImplementedError
# Thanks badoualy/kotlogram on /telegram/api/DefaultTelegramClient.kt
# for clearly showing how to export the authorization! ^^
session = self._exported_sessions.get(dc_id)
if session:
export_auth = None # Already bound with the auth key
# TODO Add a lock, don't allow two threads to create an auth key
# (when calling .connect() if there wasn't a previous session).
# for the same data center.
dc = self._get_dc(dc_id)
# Export the current authorization to the new DC.'Exporting authorization for data center %s', dc)
export_auth =\
await self(functions.auth.ExportAuthorizationRequest(dc_id))
# Create a temporary session for this IP address, which needs
# to be different because each auth_key is unique per DC.
# Construct this session with the connection parameters
# (system version, device model...) from the current one.
session = self.session.clone()
session.set_dc(, dc.ip_address, dc.port)
self._exported_sessions[dc_id] = session'Creating exported new client')
client = TelegramBareClient(
session, self.api_id, self.api_hash,
if isinstance(export_auth, ExportedAuthorization):
client(ImportAuthorizationRequest(, bytes=export_auth.bytes
elif export_auth is not None:
__log__.warning('Unknown export auth type %s', export_auth)
client._authorized = True # We exported the auth, so we got auth
return client
async def _get_cdn_client(self, cdn_redirect):
"""Similar to ._get_exported_client, but for CDNs"""
# TODO Implement
raise NotImplementedError
session = self._exported_sessions.get(cdn_redirect.dc_id)
if not session:
dc = await self._get_dc(cdn_redirect.dc_id, cdn=True)
session = self.session.clone()
session.set_dc(, dc.ip_address, dc.port)
self._exported_sessions[cdn_redirect.dc_id] = session'Creating new CDN client')
client = TelegramBareClient(
session, self.api_id, self.api_hash,
# This will make use of the new RSA keys for this specific CDN.
# We won't be calling GetConfigRequest because it's only called
# when needed by ._get_dc, and also it's static so it's likely
# set already. Avoid invoking non-CDN methods by not syncing updates.
client._authorized = self._authorized
return client
# endregion
# region Invoking Telegram requests
async def __call__(self, request, retries=5, ordered=False):
Invokes (sends) one or more MTProtoRequests and returns (receives)
their result.
request (`TLObject` | `list`):
The request or requests to be invoked.
ordered (`bool`, optional):
Whether the requests (if more than one was given) should be
executed sequentially on the server. They run in arbitrary
order by default.
The result of the request (often a `TLObject`) or a list of
results if more than one request was given.
requests = (request,) if not utils.is_list_like(request) else request
if not all(isinstance(x, TLObject) and
x.content_related for x in requests):
raise TypeError('You can only invoke requests, not types!')
for r in requests:
await r.resolve(self, utils)
for _ in range(retries):
future = self._sender.send(request, ordered=ordered)
if isinstance(future, list):
results = []
for f in future:
results.append(await f)
return results
return await future
except (errors.ServerError, errors.RpcCallFailError):
except (errors.FloodWaitError, errors.FloodTestPhoneWaitError) as e:
if e.seconds <= self.session.flood_sleep_threshold:
await asyncio.sleep(e.seconds)
except (errors.PhoneMigrateError, errors.NetworkMigrateError,
errors.UserMigrateError) as e:
await self._switch_dc(e.new_dc)
raise ValueError('Number of retries reached 0')
# Let people use client.invoke(SomeRequest()) instead client(...)
async def invoke(self, *args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn('client.invoke(...) is deprecated, '
'use client(...) instead')
return await self(*args, **kwargs)
# endregion
# region Minimal helpers
async def get_me(self, input_peer=False):
Gets "me" (the self user) which is currently authenticated,
or None if the request fails (hence, not authenticated).
input_peer (`bool`, optional):
Whether to return the :tl:`InputPeerUser` version or the normal
:tl:`User`. This can be useful if you just need to know the ID
of yourself.
Your own :tl:`User`.
if input_peer and self._self_input_peer:
return self._self_input_peer
me = (await self(
if not self._self_input_peer:
self._self_input_peer = utils.get_input_peer(
me, allow_self=False
return self._self_input_peer if input_peer else me
except errors.UnauthorizedError:
return None
async def get_entity(self, entity):
Turns the given entity into a valid Telegram user or chat.
entity (`str` | `int` | :tl:`Peer` | :tl:`InputPeer`):
The entity (or iterable of entities) to be transformed.
If it's a string which can be converted to an integer or starts
with '+' it will be resolved as if it were a phone number.
If it doesn't start with '+' or starts with a '@' it will be
be resolved from the username. If no exact match is returned,
an error will be raised.
If the entity is an integer or a Peer, its information will be
returned through a call to self.get_input_peer(entity).
If the entity is neither, and it's not a TLObject, an
error will be raised.
:tl:`User`, :tl:`Chat` or :tl:`Channel` corresponding to the
input entity. A list will be returned if more than one was given.
single = not utils.is_list_like(entity)
if single:
entity = (entity,)
# Group input entities by string (resolve username),
# input users (get users), input chat (get chats) and
# input channels (get channels) to get the most entities
# in the less amount of calls possible.
inputs = [
x if isinstance(x, str) else await self.get_input_entity(x)
for x in entity
users = [x for x in inputs
if isinstance(x, (types.InputPeerUser, types.InputPeerSelf))]
chats = [x.chat_id for x in inputs
if isinstance(x, types.InputPeerChat)]
channels = [x for x in inputs
if isinstance(x, types.InputPeerChannel)]
if users:
# GetUsersRequest has a limit of 200 per call
tmp = []
while users:
curr, users = users[:200], users[200:]
tmp.extend(await self(functions.users.GetUsersRequest(curr)))
users = tmp
if chats: # TODO Handle chats slice?
chats = (await self(
if channels:
channels = (await self(
# Merge users, chats and channels into a single dictionary
id_entity = {
utils.get_peer_id(x): x
for x in itertools.chain(users, chats, channels)
# We could check saved usernames and put them into the users,
# chats and channels list from before. While this would reduce
# the amount of ResolveUsername calls, it would fail to catch
# username changes.
result = [
await self._get_entity_from_string(x) if isinstance(x, str)
else (
if not isinstance(x, types.InputPeerSelf)
else next(u for u in id_entity.values()
if isinstance(u, types.User) and u.is_self)
for x in inputs
return result[0] if single else result
async def get_input_entity(self, peer):
Turns the given peer into its input entity version. Most requests
use this kind of InputUser, InputChat and so on, so this is the
most suitable call to make for those cases.
entity (`str` | `int` | :tl:`Peer` | :tl:`InputPeer`):
The integer ID of an user or otherwise either of a
:tl:`PeerUser`, :tl:`PeerChat` or :tl:`PeerChannel`, for
which to get its ``Input*`` version.
If this ``Peer`` hasn't been seen before by the library, the top
dialogs will be loaded and their entities saved to the session
file (unless this feature was disabled explicitly).
If in the end the access hash required for the peer was not found,
a ValueError will be raised.
:tl:`InputPeerUser`, :tl:`InputPeerChat` or :tl:`InputPeerChannel`
or :tl:`InputPeerSelf` if the parameter is ``'me'`` or ``'self'``.
If you need to get the ID of yourself, you should use
`get_me` with ``input_peer=True``) instead.
if peer in ('me', 'self'):
return types.InputPeerSelf()
# First try to get the entity from cache, otherwise figure it out
return self.session.get_input_entity(peer)
except ValueError:
if isinstance(peer, str):
return utils.get_input_peer(
await self._get_entity_from_string(peer))
if not isinstance(peer, int) and (not isinstance(peer, TLObject)
or peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID != 0x2d45687):
# Try casting the object into an input peer. Might TypeError.
# Don't do it if a not-found ID was given (instead ValueError).
# Also ignore Peer (0x2d45687 == crc32(b'Peer'))'s, lacking hash.
return utils.get_input_peer(peer)
raise ValueError(
'Could not find the input entity for "{}". Please read https://'
' to'
' find out more details.'
# endregion
# region Private methods
async def _get_entity_from_string(self, string):
Gets a full entity from the given string, which may be a phone or
an username, and processes all the found entities on the session.
The string may also be a user link, or a channel/chat invite link.
This method has the side effect of adding the found users to the
session database, so it can be queried later without API calls,
if this option is enabled on the session.
Returns the found entity, or raises TypeError if not found.
phone = utils.parse_phone(string)
if phone:
for user in (await self(
if == phone:
return user
username, is_join_chat = utils.parse_username(string)
if is_join_chat:
invite = await self(
if isinstance(invite, types.ChatInvite):
raise ValueError(
'Cannot get entity from a channel (or group) '
'that you are not part of. Join the group and retry'
elif isinstance(invite, types.ChatInviteAlready):
elif username:
if username in ('me', 'self'):
return await self.get_me()
result = await self(
except errors.UsernameNotOccupiedError as e:
raise ValueError('No user has "{}" as username'
.format(username)) from e
for entity in itertools.chain(result.users, result.chats):
if getattr(entity, 'username', None) or '' \
.lower() == username:
return entity
# Nobody with this username, maybe it's an exact name/title
return await self.get_entity(
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot find any entity corresponding to "{}"'.format(string)
# endregion