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synced 2025-03-21 02:14:22 +03:00
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{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, enableEnvs ? true, useRelease ? true }:
# packages built against all Python versions (along with withPackages
# environments for testing)
# to use for testing, you'll probably want a variant of:
# ```sh
# nix-shell nix/extended.nix -A telethon-devel-python37 --run "python"
# ```
inherit (pkgs.lib) attrNames attrValues concatMap head listToAttrs
mapAttrsToList optional optionals tail;
nurAttrs = import ../default.nix { inherit pkgs useRelease; };
pyVersions = concatMap (n: optional (pkgs ? ${n}) n) [
# "pypy3"
# "pypy35"
# "pypy36"
# "pypy37"
pyPkgEnvs = [
[ "telethon" "telethon" ]
[ "telethon-devel" "telethon-devel" ]
[ "telethon_1" "telethon_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_10" "telethon_1_10" ]
[ "telethon_1_10_1" "telethon_1_10_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_10_0" "telethon_1_10_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_9" "telethon_1_9" ]
[ "telethon_1_9_0" "telethon_1_9_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_8" "telethon_1_8" ]
[ "telethon_1_8_0" "telethon_1_8_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_7" "telethon_1_7" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_7" "telethon_1_7_7" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_6" "telethon_1_7_6" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_5" "telethon_1_7_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_4" "telethon_1_7_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_3" "telethon_1_7_3" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_2" "telethon_1_7_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_1" "telethon_1_7_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_0" "telethon_1_7_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_6" "telethon_1_6" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_2" "telethon_1_6_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_1" "telethon_1_6_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_0" "telethon_1_6_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_5" "telethon_1_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_5" "telethon_1_5_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_4" "telethon_1_5_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_3" "telethon_1_5_3" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_2" "telethon_1_5_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_1" "telethon_1_5_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_0" "telethon_1_5_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_4" "telethon_1_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_4_3" "telethon_1_4_3" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_2" "telethon_1_4_2" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_1" "telethon_1_4_1" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_0" "telethon_1_4_0" ]
getPkgPair = pkgs: n: let p = pkgs.${n}; in { name = n; value = p; };
getPkgPairs = pkgs: map (getPkgPair pkgs);
pyPkgPairs = py:
concatMap (d: map (getPkgPair py.pkgs) (tail d)) pyPkgEnvs;
pyPkgEnvPair = pyNm: py: envNm: env: {
name = "${envNm}-env-${pyNm}";
value = (py.withPackages (ps: map (pn: ps.${pn}) env)).overrideAttrs (o: {
name = "${envNm}-${py.name}-env";
preferLocalBuild = true;
pyNurPairs = pyNm: py:
map ({ name, value }: { name = "${name}-${pyNm}"; inherit value; })
(pyPkgPairs py) ++
optionals enableEnvs
(map (d: pyPkgEnvPair pyNm py (head d) (tail d)) pyPkgEnvs);
in nurAttrs // (listToAttrs (concatMap (py: let
python = pkgs.${py}.override {
packageOverrides = nurAttrs.pythonPackageOverrides;
}; in
pyNurPairs py python) pyVersions))