
91 lines
2.6 KiB

import os
from utils.binary_writer import BinaryWriter
from hashlib import sha1
def generate_random_long(signed=True):
"""Generates a random long integer (8 bytes), which is optionally signed"""
return int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), signed=signed)
def generate_random_bytes(count):
"""Generates a random bytes array"""
return os.urandom(count)
def calc_key(shared_key, msg_key, client):
"""Calculate the key based on Telegram guidelines, specifying whether it's the client or not"""
x = 0 if client else 8
buffer = [0] * 48
buffer[0:16] = msg_key
buffer[16:48] = shared_key[x:x + 32]
sha1a = sha1(buffer)
buffer[0:16] = shared_key[x + 32:x + 48]
buffer[16:32] = msg_key
buffer[32:48] = shared_key[x + 48:x + 64]
sha1b = sha1(buffer)
buffer[0:32] = shared_key[x + 64:x + 96]
buffer[32:48] = msg_key
sha1c = sha1(buffer)
buffer[0:16] = msg_key
buffer[16:48] = shared_key[x + 96:x + 128]
sha1d = sha1(buffer)
key = sha1a[0:8] + sha1b[8:20] + sha1c[4:16]
iv = sha1a[8:20] + sha1b[0:8] + sha1c[16:20] + sha1d[0:8]
return key, iv
def calc_msg_key(data):
"""Calculates the message key from the given data"""
return sha1(data)[4:20]
def calc_msg_key_offset(data, offset, limit):
"""Calculates the message key from offset given data, with an optional offset and limit"""
# TODO untested, may not be offset like this
# In the original code it was as parameters for the sha function, not slicing the array
return sha1(data[offset:offset + limit])[4:20]
def generate_key_data_from_nonces(serverNonce, newNonce):
# TODO unsure that this works
nonces = [0] * 48
nonces[00:32] = newNonce
nonces[32:48] = serverNonce
hash1 = hash(bytes(nonces))
nonces[00:16] = serverNonce
nonces[16:32] = newNonce
hash2 = hash(bytes(nonces))
nonces = [0] * 64
nonces[00:32] = newNonce
nonces[32:64] = newNonce
hash2 = hash(bytes(nonces))
with BinaryWriter() as keyBuffer:
with BinaryWriter() as ivBuffer:
using (var keyBuffer = new MemoryStream(32))
using (var ivBuffer = new MemoryStream(32))
keyBuffer.Write(hash1, 0, hash1.Length);
keyBuffer.Write(hash2, 0, 12);
ivBuffer.Write(hash2, 12, 8);
ivBuffer.Write(hash3, 0, hash3.Length);
ivBuffer.Write(newNonce, 0, 4);
return new AESKeyData(keyBuffer.ToArray(), ivBuffer.ToArray());
# TODO implement
raise NotImplementedError()