Lonami 9420e15283 Gave more power to the TelegramClients and bug fixes
Fixed uploads for large files on TcpClient
Added more RPCError's for handling invalid phone code
Added more media handlers: now you're also able to
  both send and download documents!
The InteractiveTelegramClient now supports working
  with media aswell
2016-09-12 19:32:16 +02:00

499 lines
20 KiB

import platform
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import md5
from os import path
from mimetypes import guess_extension, guess_type
import utils
import network.authenticator
from errors import *
from network import MtProtoSender, TcpTransport
from parser.markdown_parser import parse_message_entities
# For sending and receiving requests
from tl import MTProtoRequest
from tl import Session
# The Requests and types that we'll be using
from tl.types import \
PeerUser, PeerChat, PeerChannel, \
InputPeerUser, InputPeerChat, InputPeerChannel, InputPeerEmpty, \
InputFile, InputFileLocation, InputMediaUploadedPhoto, InputMediaUploadedDocument, \
MessageMediaContact, MessageMediaDocument, MessageMediaPhoto, \
DocumentAttributeAudio, DocumentAttributeFilename, InputDocumentFileLocation
from tl.functions import InvokeWithLayerRequest, InitConnectionRequest
from import GetConfigRequest
from tl.functions.auth import SendCodeRequest, SignInRequest
from tl.functions.upload import SaveFilePartRequest, GetFileRequest
from tl.functions.messages import GetDialogsRequest, GetHistoryRequest, SendMessageRequest, SendMediaRequest
class TelegramClient:
# region Initialization
def __init__(self, session_user_id, layer, api_id, api_hash):
if api_id is None or api_hash is None:
raise PermissionError('Your API ID or Hash are invalid. Please read "Requirements" on')
self.api_id = api_id
self.api_hash = api_hash
self.layer = layer
self.session = Session.try_load_or_create_new(session_user_id)
self.transport = TcpTransport(self.session.server_address, self.session.port)
# These will be set later
self.dc_options = None
self.sender = None
self.phone_code_hashes = {}
# endregion
# region Connecting
def connect(self, reconnect=False):
"""Connects to the Telegram servers, executing authentication if required.
Note that authenticating to the Telegram servers is not the same as authenticating
the app, which requires to send a code first."""
if not self.session.auth_key or reconnect:
self.session.auth_key, self.session.time_offset = \
self.sender = MtProtoSender(self.transport, self.session)
# Now it's time to send an InitConnectionRequest
# This must always be invoked with the layer we'll be using
query = InitConnectionRequest(api_id=self.api_id,
result = self.invoke(InvokeWithLayerRequest(layer=self.layer, query=query))
# We're only interested in the DC options,
# although many other options are available!
self.dc_options = result.dc_options
return True
except RPCError as error:
print('Could not stabilise initial connection: {}'.format(error))
return False
def reconnect_to_dc(self, dc_id):
"""Reconnects to the specified DC ID. This is automatically called after an InvalidDCError is raised"""
if self.dc_options is None or not self.dc_options:
raise ConnectionError("Can't reconnect. Stabilise an initial connection first.")
dc = next(dc for dc in self.dc_options if == dc_id)
self.transport = TcpTransport(dc.ip_address, dc.port)
self.session.server_address = dc.ip_address
self.session.port = dc.port
def disconnect(self):
"""Disconnects from the Telegram server **and pauses all the spawned threads**"""
if self.sender:
# endregion
# region Telegram requests functions
def invoke(self, request):
"""Invokes a MTProtoRequest (sends and receives it) and returns its result"""
if not issubclass(type(request), MTProtoRequest):
raise ValueError('You can only invoke MtProtoRequests')
return request.result
# region Authorization requests
def is_user_authorized(self):
"""Has the user been authorized yet (code request sent and confirmed)?
Note that this will NOT yield the correct result if the session was revoked by another client!"""
return self.session.user is not None
def send_code_request(self, phone_number):
"""Sends a code request to the specified phone number"""
request = SendCodeRequest(phone_number, self.api_id, self.api_hash)
completed = False
while not completed:
result = self.invoke(request)
self.phone_code_hashes[phone_number] = result.phone_code_hash
completed = True
except InvalidDCError as error:
def make_auth(self, phone_number, code):
"""Completes the authorization of a phone number by providing the received code"""
if phone_number not in self.phone_code_hashes:
raise ValueError('Please make sure you have called send_code_request first.')
request = SignInRequest(phone_number, self.phone_code_hashes[phone_number], code)
except RPCError as error:
if error.message.startswith('PHONE_CODE_'):
return False
raise error
# Result is an Auth.Authorization TLObject
self.session.user = request.result.user
# Now that we're authorized, we can listen for incoming updates
return True
# endregion
# region Dialogs ("chats") requests
def get_dialogs(self, count=10, offset_date=None, offset_id=0, offset_peer=InputPeerEmpty()):
"""Returns a tuple of lists ([dialogs], [displays], [input_peers]) with 'count' items each"""
r = self.invoke(GetDialogsRequest(offset_date=offset_date,
return (r.dialogs,
[self.find_display_name(d.peer, r.users, r.chats) for d in r.dialogs],
[self.find_input_peer(d.peer, r.users, r.chats) for d in r.dialogs])
# endregion
# region Message requests
def send_message(self, input_peer, message, markdown=False, no_web_page=False):
"""Sends a message to the given input peer"""
if markdown:
msg, entities = parse_message_entities(message)
msg, entities = message, []
def get_message_history(self, input_peer, limit=20,
offset_date=None, offset_id=0, max_id=0, min_id=0, add_offset=0):
Gets the message history for the specified InputPeer
:param input_peer: The InputPeer from whom to retrieve the message history
:param limit: Number of messages to be retrieved
:param offset_date: Offset date (messages *previous* to this date will be retrieved)
:param offset_id: Offset message ID (only messages *previous* to the given ID will be retrieved)
:param max_id: All the messages with a higher (newer) ID or equal to this will be excluded
:param min_id: All the messages with a lower (older) ID or equal to this will be excluded
:param add_offset: Additional message offset (all of the specified offsets + this offset = older messages)
:return: A tuple containing total message count and two more lists ([messages], [senders]).
Note that the sender can be null if it was not found!
result = self.invoke(GetHistoryRequest(input_peer,
# The result may be a messages slice (not all messages were retrieved) or
# simply a messages TLObject. In the later case, no "count" attribute is specified:
# the total messages count is retrieved by counting all the retrieved messages
total_messages = getattr(result, 'count', len(result.messages))
# Iterate over all the messages and find the sender User
users = []
for msg in result.messages:
for usr in result.users:
if msg.from_id ==
return total_messages, result.messages, users
# endregion
# TODO Handle media downloading/uploading in a different session?
# "It is recommended that large queries (upload.getFile, upload.saveFilePart)
# be handled through a separate session and a separate connection"
# region Uploading media requests
def upload_file(self, file_path, part_size_kb=64, file_name=None):
"""Uploads the specified media with the given chunk (part) size, in KB.
If no custom file name is specified, the real file name will be used.
This method will fail when trying to upload files larger than 10MB!"""
part_size = int(part_size_kb * 1024)
if part_size % 1024 != 0:
raise ValueError('The part size must be evenly divisible by 1024')
# Multiply the datetime timestamp by 10^6 to get the ticks
# This is high likely going to be unique
file_id = int( * (10 ** 6))
part_index = 0
hash_md5 = md5()
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
while True:
# Read the file by in chunks of size part_size
part =
# If we have read no data (0 bytes), the file is over
# So there is nothing left to upload
if not part:
print('I read {} out of {}'.format(len(part), part_size))
# Invoke the file upload and increment both the part index and MD5 checksum
result = self.invoke(SaveFilePartRequest(file_id, part_index, part))
if result:
part_index += 1
raise ValueError('Could not upload file part #{}'.format(part_index))
# Set a default file name if None was specified
if not file_name:
file_name = path.basename(file_path)
# After the file has been uploaded, we can return a handle pointing to it
return InputFile(id=file_id,
def send_photo_file(self, input_file, input_peer, caption=''):
"""Sends a previously uploaded input_file
(which should be a photo) to an input_peer"""
InputMediaUploadedPhoto(input_file, caption), input_peer)
def send_document_file(self, input_file, input_peer, caption=''):
"""Sends a previously uploaded input_file
(which should be a document) to an input_peer"""
# Determine mime-type and attributes
# Take the first element by using [0] since it returns a tuple
mime_type = guess_type([0]
attributes = [
# TODO If the input file is an audio, find out:
# Performer and song title and add DocumentAttributeAudio
caption=caption), input_peer)
def send_media_file(self, input_media, input_peer):
"""Sends any input_media (contact, document, photo...) to an input_peer"""
# endregion
# region Downloading media requests
def download_msg_media(self, message_media, file_path, add_extension=True):
"""Downloads the given MessageMedia (Photo, Document or Contact)
into the desired file_path, optionally finding its extension automatically"""
if type(message_media) == MessageMediaPhoto:
return self.download_photo(message_media, file_path, add_extension)
elif type(message_media) == MessageMediaDocument:
return self.download_document(message_media, file_path, add_extension)
elif type(message_media) == MessageMediaContact:
return self.download_contact(message_media, file_path, add_extension)
def download_photo(self, message_media_photo, file_path, add_extension=False):
"""Downloads MessageMediaPhoto's largest size into the desired
file_path, optionally finding its extension automatically"""
# Determine the photo and its largest size
photo =
largest_size = photo.sizes[-1].location
# Photos are always compressed into a .jpg by Telegram
if add_extension:
file_path += '.jpg'
# Download the media with the largest size input file location
secret=largest_size.secret), file_path)
return file_path
def download_document(self, message_media_document, file_path=None, add_extension=True):
"""Downloads the given MessageMediaDocument into the desired
file_path, optionally finding its extension automatically.
If no file_path is given, it will _try_ to be guessed from the document"""
document = message_media_document.document
# If no file path was given, try to guess it from the attributes
if file_path is None:
for attr in document.attributes:
if type(attr) == DocumentAttributeFilename:
file_path = attr.file_name
break # This attribute has higher preference
elif type(attr) == DocumentAttributeAudio:
file_path = '{} - {}'.format(attr.performer, attr.title)
if file_path is None:
print('Could not determine a filename for the document')
# Guess the extension based on the mime_type
if add_extension:
ext = guess_extension(document.mime_type)
if ext is not None:
file_path += ext
version=document.version), file_path)
return file_path
def download_contact(message_media_contact, file_path, add_extension=True):
"""Downloads a media contact using the vCard 4.0 format"""
first_name = message_media_contact.first_name
last_name = message_media_contact.last_name
phone_number = message_media_contact.phone_number
# The only way we can save a contact in an understandable
# way by phones is by using the .vCard format
if add_extension:
file_path += '.vcard'
# Ensure that we'll be able to download the contact
with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
file.write('N:{};{};;;\n'.format(first_name, last_name if last_name else ''))
file.write('FN:{}\n'.format(' '.join((first_name, last_name))))
return file_path
def download_file_loc(self, input_location, file_path, part_size_kb=64):
"""Downloads media from the given input_file_location to the specified file_path"""
part_size = int(part_size_kb * 1024)
if part_size % 1024 != 0:
raise ValueError('The part size must be evenly divisible by 1024')
# Ensure that we'll be able to download the media
# Start with an offset index of 0
offset_index = 0
with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:
while True:
# The current offset equals the offset_index multiplied by the part size
offset = offset_index * part_size
result = self.invoke(GetFileRequest(input_location, offset, part_size))
offset_index += 1
# If we have received no data (0 bytes), the file is over
# So there is nothing left to download and write
if not result.bytes:
return result.type # Return some extra information
# endregion
# endregion
# region Utilities
def find_display_name(peer, users, chats):
"""Searches the display name for peer in both users and chats.
Returns None if it was not found"""
if type(peer) is PeerUser:
user = next(u for u in users if == peer.user_id)
if user.last_name is not None:
return '{} {}'.format(user.first_name, user.last_name)
return user.first_name
elif type(peer) is PeerChat:
return next(c for c in chats if == peer.chat_id).title
elif type(peer) is PeerChannel:
return next(c for c in chats if == peer.channel_id).title
except StopIteration:
return None
def find_input_peer(peer, users, chats):
"""Searches the given peer in both users and chats and returns an InputPeer for it.
Returns None if it was not found"""
if type(peer) is PeerUser:
user = next(u for u in users if == peer.user_id)
return InputPeerUser(, user.access_hash)
elif type(peer) is PeerChat:
chat = next(c for c in chats if == peer.chat_id)
return InputPeerChat(
elif type(peer) is PeerChannel:
channel = next(c for c in chats if == peer.channel_id)
return InputPeerChannel(, channel.access_hash)
except StopIteration:
return None
# endregion
# region Updates handling
def add_update_handler(self, handler):
"""Adds an update handler (a function which takes a TLObject,
an update, as its parameter) and listens for updates"""
def remove_update_handler(self, handler):
# endregion