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import { Omit } from './';
export type OpenAPISpec = {
openapi: string;
info: OpenAPIInfo;
servers?: OpenAPIServer[];
paths: OpenAPIPaths;
components?: OpenAPIComponents;
security?: OpenAPISecurityRequirement[];
tags?: OpenAPITag[];
externalDocs?: OpenAPIExternalDocumentation;
export interface OpenAPIInfo {
title: string;
version: string;
description?: string;
termsOfService?: string;
contact?: OpenAPIContact;
license?: OpenAPILicense;
export type OpenAPIServer = {
url: string;
description?: string;
variables?: { [name: string]: OpenAPIServerVariable };
export type OpenAPIServerVariable = {
enum?: string[];
default: string;
description?: string;
export type OpenAPIPaths = { [path: string]: OpenAPIPath };
export type OpenAPIRef = {
$ref: string;
export type Referenced<T> = OpenAPIRef | T;
export type OpenAPIPath =
// | OpenAPIRef // paths can't be external in redoc because they are prebundled
// | {
summary?: string;
description?: string;
get?: OpenAPIOperation;
put?: OpenAPIOperation;
post?: OpenAPIOperation;
delete?: OpenAPIOperation;
options?: OpenAPIOperation;
head?: OpenAPIOperation;
patch?: OpenAPIOperation;
trace?: OpenAPIOperation;
servers?: OpenAPIServer[];
parameters?: Referenced<OpenAPIParameter>[];
export type OpenAPIOperation = {
tags?: string[];
summary?: string;
description?: string;
externalDocs?: OpenAPIExternalDocumentation;
operationId?: string;
parameters?: Referenced<OpenAPIParameter>[];
requestBody?: Referenced<OpenAPIRequestBody>;
responses: OpenAPIResponses;
callbacks?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPICallback> };
deprecated?: boolean;
security?: OpenAPISecurityRequirement[];
servers?: OpenAPIServer[];
export type OpenAPIParameter = {
name: string;
in?: OpenAPIParameterLocation;
description?: string;
required?: boolean;
deprecated?: boolean;
allowEmptyValue?: boolean;
style?: OpenAPIParameterStyle;
explode?: boolean;
allowReserved?: boolean;
schema?: Referenced<OpenAPISchema>;
example?: any;
examples?: { [media: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIExample> };
content?: { [media: string]: OpenAPIMediaType };
export type OpenAPIExample = {
value: any;
summary?: string;
description?: string;
externalValue?: string;
export type OpenAPISchema = {
$ref?: string;
type?: string;
properties?: { [name: string]: OpenAPISchema };
additionalProperties?: boolean | OpenAPISchema;
description?: string;
default?: any;
items?: OpenAPISchema;
required?: string[];
readOnly?: boolean;
writeOnly?: boolean;
deprecated?: boolean;
format?: string;
externalDocs?: OpenAPIExternalDocumentation;
discriminator?: OpenAPIDiscriminator;
nullable?: boolean;
oneOf?: OpenAPISchema[];
anyOf?: OpenAPISchema[];
allOf?: OpenAPISchema[];
not?: OpenAPISchema;
title?: string;
multipleOf?: number;
maximum?: number;
exclusiveMaximum?: boolean;
minimum?: number;
exclusiveMinimum?: boolean;
maxLength?: number;
minLength?: number;
pattern?: string;
maxItems?: number;
minItems?: number;
uniqueItems?: boolean;
maxProperties?: number;
minProperties?: number;
enum?: any[];
example?: any;
export type OpenAPIDiscriminator = {
propertyName: string;
mapping?: { [name: string]: string };
export type OpenAPIMediaType = {
schema?: Referenced<OpenAPISchema>;
example?: any;
examples?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIExample> };
encoding?: { [field: string]: OpenAPIEncoding };
export type OpenAPIEncoding = {
contentType: string;
headers?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIHeader> };
style: OpenAPIParameterStyle;
explode: boolean;
allowReserved: boolean;
export type OpenAPIParameterLocation = 'query' | 'header' | 'path' | 'cookie';
export type OpenAPIParameterStyle =
| 'matrix'
| 'label'
| 'form'
| 'simple'
| 'spaceDelimited'
| 'pipeDelimited'
| 'deepObject';
export type OpenAPIRequestBody = {
description?: string;
required?: boolean;
content: { [mime: string]: OpenAPIMediaType };
export type OpenAPIResponses = {
[code: string]: OpenAPIResponse;
export type OpenAPIResponse = {
description?: string;
headers?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIHeader> };
content: { [mime: string]: OpenAPIMediaType };
links: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPILink> };
export type OpenAPILink = {};
export type OpenAPIHeader = Omit<OpenAPIParameter, 'in' | 'name'>;
export type OpenAPICallback = {};
export type OpenAPIComponents = {
schemas?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPISchema> };
responses?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIResponse> };
parameters?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIParameter> };
examples?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIExample> };
requestBodies?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIRequestBody> };
headers?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPIHeader> };
securitySchemes?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPISecurityScheme> };
links?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPILink> };
callbacks?: { [name: string]: Referenced<OpenAPICallback> };
export type OpenAPISecurityRequirement = {};
export type OpenAPISecurityScheme = {};
export type OpenAPITag = {
name: string;
description?: string;
externalDocs?: OpenAPIExternalDocumentation;
'x-displayName'?: string;
export type OpenAPIExternalDocumentation = {
description?: string;
url?: string;
export type OpenAPIContact = {
name?: string;
url?: string;
email?: string;
export type OpenAPILicense = {
name: string;
url?: string;