Getting your documentation just right is important, and Redoc comes with many configuration options to help you succeed in that mission.
Each deployment type has documentation on how to configure options for that type of Redoc project. This page lists all the options you can use with Redoc.
Using Redoc as a standalone (HTML or React) tool, these options must be presented in [kebab case](
Hides the 'Download' button for saving the API definition source file. **This setting does not make the API definition private**; it just hides the button.
Sets the default expand level for JSON payload samples (response and request body). The default value is 2, and the maximum supported value is '+Infinity'. It can also be configured as a string with the special value `all` that expands all levels.
Specifies whether to automatically expand schemas in Reference docs. Set it to `all` to expand all schemas regardless of their level, or set it to a number to expand schemas up to the specified level. For example, `schemasExpansionLevel: 3` expands schemas up to three levels deep. The default value is `0`, meaning no schemas are expanded automatically.
Note that you can specify the `scrollYOffset` value in any of the following ways:
- as a number - a fixed number of pixels to be used as the offset.
- as a CSS selector - the selector of the element to be used for specifying the offset. The distance from the top of the page to the element's bottom is used as the offset.
- a function (advanced) - a getter function. Must return a number representing the offset (in pixels).
Shows specification extensions ('x-' fields). Extensions used by Redoc are ignored. The value can be boolean or an array of strings with names of extensions to display. When used as boolean and set to `true`, all specification extensions are shown.
If a value is set, all of the schemas are rendered with the designated tag name. The schemas then render and display in the sidebar navigation (with that associated tag name).
The generatedSamplesMaxDepth option controls how many schema levels automatically generated for payload samples. The default is 8 which works well for most APIs, but you can adjust it if necessary for your use case.
In complex data structures or object schemas where properties are nested within parent objects the hidePropertiesPrefix option enables the hiding of parent names for nested properties within the documentation.
Hides the 'Download' button for saving the API definition source file. **This setting does not make the API definition private**; it just hides the button.
Sets the default expand level for JSON payload samples (response and request body). The default value is 2, and the maximum supported value is '+Infinity'. It can also be configured as a string with the special value `all` that expands all levels.
Specifies whether to automatically expand schemas in Reference docs. Set it to `all` to expand all schemas regardless of their level, or set it to a number to expand schemas up to the specified level. For example, `schemaExpansionLevel: 3` expands schemas up to three levels deep. The default value is `0`, meaning no schemas are expanded automatically.
Controls which responses to expand by default. Specify one or more responses by providing their response codes as a comma-separated list without spaces, for example `expandResponses='200,201'`. Special value 'all' expands all responses by default. Be careful: this option can slow down documentation rendering time.
### expandSingleSchemaField
Automatically expands the single field in a schema.
### hideHostname
If set to `true`, the protocol and hostname are not shown in the operation definition.
### hideRequestPayloadSample
Hides request payload examples.
### hideOneOfDescription
If set to `true`, the description for `oneOf`/`anyOf` object is not shown in the schema.
### hideSchemaPattern
If set to `true`, the pattern is not shown in the schema.
### hideSecuritySection
Hides the Security panel section.
### hideSingleRequestSampleTab
Hides the request sample tab for requests with only one sample.
### menuToggle
If set to `true`, selecting an expanded item in the sidebar twice collapses it.
_Default: true_
### nativeScrollbars
If set to `true`, the sidebar uses the native scrollbar instead of perfect-scroll. This setting is a scrolling performance optimization for big API definitions.
### pathInMiddlePanel
Shows the path link and HTTP verb in the middle panel instead of the right panel.
### payloadSampleIdx
If set, the payload sample is inserted at the specified index. If there are `N` payload samples and the value configured here is bigger than `N`, the payload sample is inserted last. Indexes start from 0.
Shows object schema example in the properties; default `false`.
### showWebhookVerb
When set to `true`, shows the HTTP request method for webhooks in operations and in the sidebar.
### simpleOneOfTypeLabel
Shows only unique `oneOf` types in the label without titles.
### sortEnumValuesAlphabetically
When set to `true`, sorts all enum values in all schemas alphabetically.
### sortOperationsAlphabetically
When set to `true`, sorts operations in the navigation sidebar and in the middle panel alphabetically.
### sortPropsAlphabetically
When set to `true`, sorts properties in all schemas alphabetically.
### sortTagsAlphabetically
When set to true, sorts tags in the navigation sidebar and in the middle panel alphabetically. Note that only tags are sorted alphabetically in the middle panel, not the operations associated with each tag. To sort operations alphabetically as well, you must set the `sortOperationsAlphabetically` setting to `true`.
* [`x-examples`](./ - specify JSON example for requests
* [`x-nullable`](./ - mark schema param as a nullable
* [`x-displayName`](./ - specify human-friendly names for the menu categories
* [`x-tagGroups`](./ - group tags by categories in the side menu
* [`x-servers`](./ - ability to specify different servers for API (backported from OpenAPI 3.0)
* [`x-additionalPropertiesName`](./ - ability to supply a descriptive name for the additional property keys
* [`x-summary`](./ - For Response object, use as the response button text, with description rendered under the button
* [`x-explicitMappingOnly`](./ - In Schemas, display a more descriptive property name in objects with additionalProperties when viewing the property list with an object