2021-07-01 12:47:52 +03:00
/*! For license information please see redoc-demo.bundle.js.LICENSE.txt */
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
( ( ) => { var e = { 5499 : ( e , t , r ) => { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , t . CodeGen = t . Name = t . nil = t . stringify = t . str = t . _ = t . KeywordCxt = void 0 ; const n = r ( 3325 ) , o = r ( 6479 ) , i = r ( 5522 ) , a = r ( 4137 ) , s = [ "/properties" ] , l = "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema" ; class c extends n . default { _addVocabularies ( ) { super . _addVocabularies ( ) , o . default . forEach ( ( e => this . addVocabulary ( e ) ) ) , this . opts . discriminator && this . addKeyword ( i . default ) } _addDefaultMetaSchema ( ) { if ( super . _addDefaultMetaSchema ( ) , ! this . opts . meta ) return ; const e = this . opts . $data ? this . $dataMetaSchema ( a , s ) : a ; this . addMetaSchema ( e , l , ! 1 ) , this . refs [ "http://json-schema.org/schema" ] = l } defaultMeta ( ) { return this . opts . defaultMeta = super . defaultMeta ( ) || ( this . getSchema ( l ) ? l : void 0 ) } } e . exports = t = c , Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , t . default = c ; var u = r ( 1321 ) ; Object . defineProperty ( t , "KeywordCxt" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return u . KeywordCxt } } ) ; var p = r ( 4475 ) ; Object . defineProperty ( t , "_" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return p . _ } } ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "str" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return p . str } } ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "stringify" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return p . stringify } } ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "nil" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return p . nil } } ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "Name" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return p . Name } } ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "CodeGen" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return p . CodeGen } } ) } , 4667 : ( e , t ) => { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , t . regexpCode = t . getProperty = t . safeStringify = t . stringify = t . strConcat = t . addCodeArg = t . str = t . _ = t . nil = t . _Code = t . Name = t . IDENTIFIER = t . _CodeOrName = void 0 ; class r { } t . _CodeOrName = r , t . IDENTIFIER = /^[a-z$_][a-z$_0-9]*$/i ; class n extends r { constructor ( e ) { if ( super ( ) , ! t . IDENTIFIER . test ( e ) ) throw new Error ( "CodeGen: name must be a valid identifier" ) ; this . str = e } toString ( ) { return this . str } emptyStr ( ) { return ! 1 } get names ( ) { return { [ this . str ] : 1 } } } t . Name = n ; class o extends r { constructor ( e ) { super ( ) , this . _items = "string" == typeof e ? [ e ] : e } toString ( ) { return this . str } emptyStr ( ) { if ( this . _items . length > 1 ) return ! 1 ; const e = this . _items [ 0 ] ; return "" === e || '""' === e } get str ( ) { var e ; return null !== ( e = this . _str ) && void 0 !== e ? e : this . _str = this . _items . reduce ( ( ( e , t ) => ` ${ e } ${ t } ` ) , "" ) } get names ( ) { var e ; return null !== ( e = this . _names ) && void 0 !== e ? e : this . _names = this . _items . reduce ( ( ( e , t ) => ( t instanceof n && ( e [ t . str ] = ( e [ t . str ] || 0 ) + 1 ) , e ) ) , { } ) } } function i ( e , ... t ) { const r = [ e [ 0 ] ] ; let n = 0 ; for ( ; n < t . length ; ) l ( r , t [ n ] ) , r . push ( e [ ++ n ] ) ; return new o ( r ) } t . _Code = o , t . nil = new o ( "" ) , t . _ = i ; const a = new o ( "+" ) ; function s ( e , ... t ) { const r = [ u ( e [ 0 ] ) ] ; let n = 0 ; for ( ; n < t . length ; ) r . push ( a ) , l ( r , t [ n ] ) , r . push ( a , u ( e [ ++ n ] ) ) ; return function ( e ) { let t = 1 ; for ( ; t < e . length - 1 ; ) { if ( e [ t ] === a ) { const r = c ( e [ t - 1 ] , e [ t + 1 ] ) ; if ( void 0 !== r ) { e . splice ( t - 1 , 3 , r ) ; continue } e [ t ++ ] = "+" } t ++ } } ( r ) , new o ( r ) } function l ( e , t ) { var r ; t instanceof o ? e . push ( ... t . _items ) : t instanceof n ? e . push ( t ) : e . push ( "number" == typeof ( r = t ) || "boolean" == typeof r || null === r ? r : u ( Array . isArray ( r ) ? r . join ( "," ) : r ) ) } function c ( e , t ) { if ( '""' === t ) return e ; if ( '""' === e ) return t ; if ( "string" == typeof e ) { if ( t instanceof n || '"' !== e [ e . length - 1 ] ) return ; return "string" != typeof t ? ` ${ e . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) } ${ t } " ` : '"' === t [ 0 ] ? e . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) + t . slice ( 1 ) : void 0 } return "string" != typeof t || '"' !== t [ 0 ] || e instanceof n ? void 0 : ` " ${ e } ${ t . slice ( 1 ) } ` } function u ( e ) { return JSON . stringify ( e ) . replace ( /\u2028/g , "\\u2028" ) . replace ( /\u2029/g , "\\u2029" ) } t . str = s , t . addCodeArg = l , t . strConcat = function ( e , t ) { return t . emptyStr ( ) ? e : e . emptyStr ( ) ? t : s ` ${ e } ${ t } ` } , t . stringify = function ( e ) { return new o ( u ( e ) ) } , t . safeStringify = u , t . getProperty = function ( e ) { return "string" == typeof e && t . IDENTIFIER . test ( e ) ? new o ( ` . ${ e } ` ) : i ` [ ${ e } ] ` } , t . regexpCode = function ( e ) { return new o ( e . toString ( ) ) } } , 4475 : ( e , t , r ) => { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , t . or = t . and = t . not = t . CodeGen = t . operators = t . varKinds = t . ValueScopeName = t . ValueScope = t . Scope = t . Name = t . regexpCode = t . stringify = t . getProperty = t . nil = t . strConcat = t . str = t . _ = void 0 ; const n = r ( 4667 ) , o = r ( 7791 ) ; var i = r ( 4667 ) ; Object . defineProperty ( t , "_" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return i . _ } } ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "str" , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return i . str }
|| ( $ { s } == "string" && $ { o } && $ { o } == + $ { o } ) ` ).assign(l,a._ ` + $ { o } ` );case"integer":return void n.elseIf(a._ ` $ { s } === "boolean" || $ { o } === null
|| ( $ { s } === "string" && $ { o } && $ { o } == + $ { o } && ! ( $ { o } % 1 ) ) ` ).assign(l,a._ ` + $ { o } ` );case"boolean":return void n.elseIf(a._ ` $ { o } === "false" || $ { o } === 0 || $ { o } === null ` ).assign(l,!1).elseIf(a._ ` $ { o } === "true" || $ { o } === 1 ` ).assign(l,!0);case"null":return n.elseIf(a._ ` $ { o } === "" || $ { o } === 0 || $ { o } === false ` ),void n.assign(l,null);case"array":n.elseIf(a._ ` $ { s } === "string" || $ { s } === "number"
|| $ { s } === "boolean" || $ { o } === null ` ).assign(l,a._ ` [ $ { o } ] ` )}}n.else(),h(e),n.endIf(),n.if(a._ ` $ { l } !== undefined ` ,(()=>{n.assign(o,l),function({gen:e,parentData:t,parentDataProperty:r},n){e.if(a._ ` $ { t } !== undefined ` ,(()=>e.assign(a._ ` $ { t } [ $ { r } ] ` ,n)))}(e,l)}))}(e,t,s):h(e)}))}return c};const u=new Set(["string","number","integer","boolean","null"]);function p(e,t,r,n=l.Correct){const o=n===l.Correct?a.operators.EQ:a.operators.NEQ;let i;switch(e){case"null":return a._ ` $ { t } $ { o } null ` ;case"array":i=a._ ` Array . isArray ( $ { t } ) ` ;break;case"object":i=a._ ` $ { t } && typeof $ { t } == "object" && ! Array . isArray ( $ { t } ) ` ;break;case"integer":i=s(a._ ` ! ( $ { t } % 1 ) && ! isNaN ( $ { t } ) ` );break;case"number":i=s();break;default:return a._ ` typeof $ { t } $ { o } $ { e } ` }return n===l.Correct?i:a.not(i);function s(e=a.nil){return a.and(a._ ` typeof $ { t } == "number" ` ,e,r?a._ ` isFinite ( $ { t } ) ` :a.nil)}}function d(e,t,r,n){if(1===e.length)return p(e[0],t,r,n);let o;const i=s.toHash(e);if(i.array&&i.object){const e=a._ ` typeof $ { t } != "object" ` ;o=i.null?e:a._ ` ! $ { t } || $ { e } ` ,delete i.null,delete i.array,delete i.object}else o=a.nil;i.number&&delete i.integer;for(const e in i)o=a.and(o,p(e,t,r,n));return o}t.checkDataType=p,t.checkDataTypes=d;const f={message:({schema:e})=> ` must be $ { e } ` ,params:({schema:e,schemaValue:t})=>"string"==typeof e?a._ ` { type : $ { e } } ` :a._ ` { type : $ { t } } ` };function h(e){const t=function(e){const{gen:t,data:r,schema:n}=e,o=s.schemaRefOrVal(e,n,"type");return{gen:t,keyword:"type",data:r,schema:n.type,schemaCode:o,schemaValue:o,parentSchema:n,params:{},it:e}}(e);i.reportError(t,f)}t.reportTypeError=h},2537:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.assignDefaults=void 0;const n=r(4475),o=r(6124);function i(e,t,r){const{gen:i,compositeRule:a,data:s,opts:l}=e;if(void 0===r)return;const c=n._ ` $ { s } $ { n . getProperty ( t ) } ` ;if(a)return void o.checkStrictMode(e, ` default is ignored for : $ { c } ` );let u=n._ ` $ { c } === undefined ` ;"empty"===l.useDefaults&&(u=n._ ` $ { u } || $ { c } === null || $ { c } === "" ` ),i.if(u,n._ ` $ { c } = $ { n . stringify ( r ) } ` )}t.assignDefaults=function(e,t){const{properties:r,items:n}=e.schema;if("object"===t&&r)for(const t in r)i(e,t,r[t].default);else"array"===t&&Array.isArray(n)&&n.forEach(((t,r)=>i(e,r,t.default)))}},1321:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.getData=t.KeywordCxt=t.validateFunctionCode=void 0;const n=r(7627),o=r(7927),i=r(4566),a=r(7927),s=r(2537),l=r(6488),c=r(4688),u=r(4475),p=r(5018),d=r(9826),f=r(6124),h=r(1885);function m({gen:e,validateName:t,schema:r,schemaEnv:n,opts:o},i){o.code.es5?e.func(t,u._ ` $ { p . default . data } , $ { p . default . valCxt } ` ,n. $ async,(()=>{e.code(u._ ` "use strict" ; $ { g ( r , o ) } ` ),function(e,t){e.if(p.default.valCxt,(()=>{e.var(p.default.instancePath,u._ ` $ { p . default . valCxt } . $ { p . default . instancePath } ` ),e.var(p.default.parentData,u._ ` $ { p . default . valCxt } . $ { p . default . parentData } ` ),e.var(p.default.parentDataProperty,u._ ` $ { p . default . valCxt } . $ { p . default . parentDataProperty } ` ),e.var(p.default.rootData,u._ ` $ { p . default . valCxt } . $ { p . default . rootData } ` ),t.dynamicRef&&e.var(p.default.dynamicAnchors,u._ ` $ { p . default . valCxt } . $ { p . default . dynamicAnchors } ` )}),(()=>{e.var(p.default.instancePath,u._ ` "" ` ),e.var(p.default.parentData,u._ ` undefined ` ),e.var(p.default.parentDataProperty,u._ ` undefined ` ),e.var(p.default.rootData,p.default.data),t.dynamicRef&&e.var(p.default.dynamicAnchors,u._ ` { } ` )}))}(e,o),e.code(i)})):e.func(t,u._ ` $ { p . default . data } , $ { function ( e ) { return u . _ ` { ${ p . default . instancePath } ="", ${ p . default . parentData } , ${ p . default . parentDataProperty } , ${ p . default . rootData } = ${ p . default . data } ${ e . dynamicRef ? u . _ ` , ${ p . default . dynamicAnchors } ={} ` : u . nil } }={} ` } ( o ) } ` ,n. $ async,(()=>e.code(g(r,o)).code(i)))}function g(e,t){const r="object"==typeof e&&e[t.schemaId];return r&&(t.code.source||t.code.process)?u._ ` /*# sourceURL=${r} */ ` :u.nil}function y({schema:e,self:t}){if("boolean"==typeof e)return!e;for(const r in e)if(t.RULES.all[r])return!0;return!1}function v(e){return"boolean"!=typeof e.schema}function b(e){f.checkUnknownRules(e),function(e){const{schema:t,errSchemaPath:r,opt
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
missingProperty : $ { o } ,
depsCount : $ { t } ,
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
deps : $ { r } } ` };const a={keyword:"dependencies",type:"object",schemaType:"object",error:t.error,code(e){const[t,r]=function({schema:e}){const t={},r={};for(const n in e)"__proto__"!==n&&((Array.isArray(e[n])?t:r)[n]=e[n]);return[t,r]}(e);s(e,t),l(e,r)}};function s(e,t=e.schema){const{gen:r,data:o,it:a}=e;if(0===Object.keys(t).length)return;const s=r.let("missing");for(const l in t){const c=t[l];if(0===c.length)continue;const u=i.propertyInData(r,o,l,a.opts.ownProperties);e.setParams({property:l,depsCount:c.length,deps:c.join(", ")}),a.allErrors?r.if(u,(()=>{for(const t of c)i.checkReportMissingProp(e,t)})):(r.if(n._ ` $ { u } && ( $ { i . checkMissingProp ( e , c , s ) } ) ` ),i.reportMissingProp(e,s),r.else())}}function l(e,t=e.schema){const{gen:r,data:n,keyword:a,it:s}=e,l=r.name("valid");for(const c in t)o.alwaysValidSchema(s,t[c])||(r.if(i.propertyInData(r,n,c,s.opts.ownProperties),(()=>{const t=e.subschema({keyword:a,schemaProp:c},l);e.mergeValidEvaluated(t,l)}),(()=>r.var(l,!0))),e.ok(l))}t.validatePropertyDeps=s,t.validateSchemaDeps=l,t.default=a},5184:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=r(4475),o=r(6124),i={keyword:"if",schemaType:["object","boolean"],trackErrors:!0,error:{message:({params:e})=>n.str ` must match "${e.ifClause}" schema ` ,params:({params:e})=>n._ ` { failingKeyword : $ { e . ifClause } } ` },code(e){const{gen:t,parentSchema:r,it:i}=e;void 0===r.then&&void 0===r.else&&o.checkStrictMode(i,'"if" without "then" and "else" is ignored');const s=a(i,"then"),l=a(i,"else");if(!s&&!l)return;const c=t.let("valid",!0),u=t.name("_valid");if(function(){const t=e.subschema({keyword:"if",compositeRule:!0,createErrors:!1,allErrors:!1},u);e.mergeEvaluated(t)}(),e.reset(),s&&l){const r=t.let("ifClause");e.setParams({ifClause:r}),t.if(u,p("then",r),p("else",r))}else s?t.if(u,p("then")):t.if(n.not(u),p("else"));function p(r,o){return()=>{const i=e.subschema({keyword:r},u);t.assign(c,u),e.mergeValidEvaluated(i,c),o?t.assign(o,n._ ` $ { r } ` ):e.setParams({ifClause:r})}}e.pass(c,(()=>e.error(!0)))}};function a(e,t){const r=e.schema[t];return void 0!==r&&!o.alwaysValidSchema(e,r)}t.default=i},9616:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=r(3074),o=r(6988),i=r(6348),a=r(9822),s=r(9564),l=r(1117),c=r(4002),u=r(1422),p=r(9690),d=r(9883),f=r(8435),h=r(1668),m=r(9684),g=r(5716),y=r(5184),v=r(5642);t.default=function(e=!1){const t=[f.default,h.default,m.default,g.default,y.default,v.default,c.default,u.default,l.default,p.default,d.default];return e?t.push(o.default,a.default):t.push(n.default,i.default),t.push(s.default),t}},6348:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.validateTuple=void 0;const n=r(4475),o=r(6124),i=r(8619),a={keyword:"items",type:"array",schemaType:["object","array","boolean"],before:"uniqueItems",code(e){const{schema:t,it:r}=e;if(Array.isArray(t))return s(e,"additionalItems",t);r.items=!0,o.alwaysValidSchema(r,t)||e.ok(i.validateArray(e))}};function s(e,t,r=e.schema){const{gen:i,parentSchema:a,data:s,keyword:l,it:c}=e;!function(e){const{opts:n,errSchemaPath:i}=c,a=r.length,s=a===e.minItems&&(a===e.maxItems||!1===e[t]);if(n.strictTuples&&!s){const e= ` "${l}" is $ { a } - tuple , but minItems or maxItems / $ { t } are not specified or different at path "${i}" ` ;o.checkStrictMode(c,e,n.strictTuples)}}(a),c.opts.unevaluated&&r.length&&!0!==c.items&&(c.items=o.mergeEvaluated.items(i,r.length,c.items));const u=i.name("valid"),p=i.const("len",n._ ` $ { s } . length ` );r.forEach(((t,r)=>{o.alwaysValidSchema(c,t)||(i.if(n._ ` $ { p } > $ { r } ` ,(()=>e.subschema({keyword:l,schemaProp:r,dataProp:r},u))),e.ok(u))}))}t.validateTuple=s,t.default=a},9822:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=r(4475),o=r(6124),i=r(8619),a=r(3074),s={keyword:"items",type:"array",schemaType:["object","boolean"],before:"uniqueItems",error:{message:({params:{len:e}})=>n.str ` must NOT have more than $ { e } items ` ,params:({params:{len:e}})=>n._ ` { limit : $ { e } } ` },code(e){const{schema:t,parentSchema:r,it:n}=e,{prefixItems:s}=r;n.items=!0,o.alwaysValidSchema(n,t)
@ media $ { t ? "print, " : "" } screen and ( max - width : $ { t => t . theme . breakpoints [ e ] } ) $ { r || "" } {
$ { gr ( ... n ) } ;
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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color : $ { e => e . color } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class $ r extends n.PureComponent{render(){return n.createElement("div",{style:{textAlign:"center"}},n.createElement(Pr,{color:this.props.color},"Loading ..."),n.createElement(Er,{color:this.props.color}))}}var Ar=r(5697);const Cr=n.createContext(new hr({})),Rr=Cr.Provider,jr=Cr.Consumer;function Tr(e){for(var t=arguments.length,r=new Array(t>1?t-1:0),n=1;n<t;n++)r[n-1]=arguments[n];throw new Error("number"==typeof e?"[MobX] minified error nr: "+e+(r.length?" "+r.map(String).join(","):"")+". Find the full error at: https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx/blob/main/packages/mobx/src/errors.ts":"[MobX] "+e)}var Ir={};function Nr(){return"undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0!==r.g?r.g:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:Ir}var Lr=Object.assign,Dr=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Mr=Object.defineProperty,Fr=Object.prototype,zr=[];Object.freeze(zr);var Ur={};Object.freeze(Ur);var qr="undefined"!=typeof Proxy,Br=Object.toString();function Vr(){qr||Tr("Proxy not available")}function Wr(e){var t=!1;return function(){if(!t)return t=!0,e.apply(this,arguments)}}var Hr=function(){};function Yr(e){return"function"==typeof e}function Kr(e){switch(typeof e){case"string":case"symbol":case"number":return!0}return!1}function Gr(e){return null!==e&&"object"==typeof e}function Qr(e){var t;if(!Gr(e))return!1;var r=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return null==r||(null==(t=r.constructor)?void 0:t.toString())===Br}function Xr(e){var t=null==e?void 0:e.constructor;return!!t&&("GeneratorFunction"===t.name||"GeneratorFunction"===t.displayName)}function Zr(e,t,r){Mr(e,t,{enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0,value:r})}function Jr(e,t,r){Mr(e,t,{enumerable:!1,writable:!1,configurable:!0,value:r})}function en(e,t){var r="isMobX"+e;return t.prototype[r]=!0,function(e){return Gr(e)&&!0===e[r]}}function tn(e){return e instanceof Map}function rn(e){return e instanceof Set}var nn=void 0!==Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,on="undefined"!=typeof Reflect&&Reflect.ownKeys?Reflect.ownKeys:nn?function(e){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e))}:Object.getOwnPropertyNames;function an(e){return null===e?null:"object"==typeof e?""+e:e}function sn(e,t){return Fr.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)}var ln=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors||function(e){var t={};return on(e).forEach((function(r){t[r]=Dr(e,r)})),t};function cn(e,t){for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){var n=t[r];n.enumerable=n.enumerable||!1,n.configurable=!0,"value"in n&&(n.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,n.key,n)}}function un(e,t,r){return t&&cn(e.prototype,t),r&&cn(e,r),e}function pn(){return(pn=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var r=arguments[t];for(var n in r)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,n)&&(e[n]=r[n])}return e}).apply(this,arguments)}function dn(e,t){e.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype),e.prototype.constructor=e,e.__proto__=t}function fn(e){if(void 0===e)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return e}function hn(e,t){(null==t||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var r=0,n=new Array(t);r<t;r++)n[r]=e[r];return n}function mn(e,t){var r;if("undefined"==typeof Symbol||null==e[Symbol.iterator]){if(Array.isArray(e)||(r=function(e,t){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return hn(e,t);var r=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);return"Object"===r&&e.constructor&&(r=e.constructor.name),"Map"===r||"Set"===r?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===r||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(r)?hn(e,t):void 0}}(e))||t&&e&&"number"==typeof e.length){r&&(e=r);var n=0;return function(){return n>=e.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:e[n++]}}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance. \n In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}return(r=e[Symbol.iterator]()).next.bind(r)}var gn=Symbol("mobx-stored-annotations");function yn(e){return Object.assign((function(t,r){vn(t,r,e)}),e)}function vn(e,t,r){sn(e,gn)||Zr(e,gn,pn({},e[gn])),function(e){return e.annotationType_===En}(r)||(e[gn][t]=r)}var bn=Symbol("mobx administration"),wn=
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
width : calc ( 100 % - $ { e => e . theme . rightPanel . width } ) ;
padding : 0 $ { e => e . theme . spacing . sectionHorizontal } px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { ( { compact : e , theme : t } ) => wr ( "medium" , ! 0 ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
width : 100 % ;
padding : $ { ` ${ e ? 0 : t . spacing . sectionVertical } px ${ t . spacing . sectionHorizontal } px ` } ;
` };
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,pp=xr.div.attrs((e=>({[np]:e.id}))) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : $ { e => e . theme . spacing . sectionVertical } px 0 ;
& : last - child {
min - height : calc ( 100 vh + 1 px ) ;
& > & : last - child {
min - height : initial ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "medium" , ! 0 ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 0 ;
` }
$ { e => e . underlined ? "\n position: relative;\n\n &:not(:last-of-type):after {\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 0;\n width: 100%;\n display: block;\n content: '';\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\n }\n " : "" }
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,dp=xr(xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
width : $ { e => e . theme . rightPanel . width } ;
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . rightPanel . textColor } ;
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . rightPanel . backgroundColor } ;
padding : 0 $ { e => e . theme . spacing . sectionHorizontal } px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "medium" , ! 0 ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
width : 100 % ;
padding : $ { e => ` ${ e . theme . spacing . sectionVertical } px ${ e . theme . spacing . sectionHorizontal } px ` } ;
` };
` ) `
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . rightPanel . backgroundColor } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,fp=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : flex ;
width : 100 % ;
padding : 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "medium" , ! 0 ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
flex - direction : column ;
` };
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,hp={1:"1.85714em",2:"1.57143em",3:"1.27em"},mp=e=>gr `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - family : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . headings . fontFamily } ;
font - weight : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . headings . fontWeight } ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
font - size : $ { hp [ e ] } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
line - height : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . headings . lineHeight } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,gp=xr.h1 `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { mp ( 1 ) } ;
2022-04-28 16:24:41 +03:00
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . primary } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "H1" ) } ;
` ,yp=xr.h2 `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { mp ( 2 ) } ;
2022-04-28 16:24:41 +03:00
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . primary } ;
margin : 0 0 20 px ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "H2" ) } ;
` ,vp=(xr.h2 `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { mp ( 3 ) } ;
2022-04-28 16:24:41 +03:00
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . primary } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "H3" ) } ;
` ,xr.h3 `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . rightPanel . textColor } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "RightPanelHeader" ) } ;
` ),bp=xr.h5 `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border - bottom : 1 px solid rgba ( 38 , 50 , 56 , 0.3 ) ;
margin : 1 em 0 1 em 0 ;
color : rgba ( 38 , 50 , 56 , 0.5 ) ;
font - weight : normal ;
text - transform : uppercase ;
font - size : 0.929 em ;
line - height : 20 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "UnderlinedHeader" ) } ;
` ,wp=(0,n.createContext)(void 0),{Provider:xp,Consumer:kp}=wp;function Op(e){const{spec:t,specUrl:o,options:i,onLoaded:a,children:s}=e,[l,c]=n.useState(null),[u,p]=n.useState(null);if(u)throw u;n.useEffect((()=>{!function(){return e=this,null,n=function*(){if(t||o){c(null);try{const e=yield function(e){return t=this,n=function*(){const t=new Pa.Config({}),n={config:t,base:Mt?window.location.href:process.cwd()};Mt&&(t.resolve.http.customFetch=r.g.fetch),"object"==typeof e&&null!==e?n.doc={source:{absoluteRef:""},parsed:e}:n.ref=e;const{bundle:{parsed:o}}=yield(0,Ea.bundle)(n);return void 0!==o.swagger?(i=o,console.warn("[ReDoc Compatibility mode]: Converting OpenAPI 2.0 to OpenAPI 3.0"),new Promise(((e,t)=>(0, $ a.convertObj)(i,{patch:!0,warnOnly:!0,text:"{}",anchors:!0},((r,n)=>{if(r)return t(r);e(n&&n.openapi)}))))):o;var i},new Promise(((e,r)=>{var o=e=>{try{a(n.next(e))}catch(e){r(e)}},i=e=>{try{a(n.throw(e))}catch(e){r(e)}},a=t=>t.done?e(t.value):Promise.resolve(t.value).then(o,i);a((n=n.apply(t,null)).next())}));var t,n}(t||o);c(e)}catch(e){throw p(e),e}}},new Promise(((t,r)=>{var o=e=>{try{a(n.next(e))}catch(e){r(e)}},i=e=>{try{a(n.throw(e))}catch(e){r(e)}},a=e=>e.done?t(e.value):Promise.resolve(e.value).then(o,i);a((n=n.apply(e,null)).next())}));var e,n}()}),[t,o]);const d=n.useMemo((()=>{if(!l)return null;try{return new Xg(l,o,i)}catch(e){throw a&&a(e),e}}),[l,o,i]);return n.useEffect((()=>{d&&a&&a()}),[d,a]),s({loading:!d,store:d})}const _p=e=>gr `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
$ { e } {
cursor : pointer ;
margin - left : - 20 px ;
padding : 0 ;
line - height : 1 ;
width : 20 px ;
display : inline - block ;
outline : 0 ;
$ { e } : before {
content : '' ;
width : 15 px ;
height : 15 px ;
background - size : contain ;
opacity : 0.5 ;
visibility : hidden ;
display : inline - block ;
vertical - align : middle ;
h1 : hover > $ { e } : : before , h2 : hover > $ { e } : : before , $ { e } : hover : : before {
visibility : visible ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Sp=xr((function(e){const t=n.useContext(wp),r=n.useCallback((r=>{t&&function(e,t,r){t.defaultPrevented||0!==t.button||(e=>!!(e.metaKey||e.altKey||e.ctrlKey||e.shiftKey))(t)||(t.preventDefault(),e.replace(encodeURI(r)))}(t.menu.history,r,e.to)}),[t,e.to]);return t?n.createElement("a",{className:e.className,href:t.menu.history.linkForId(e.to),onClick:r,"aria-label":e.to},e.children):null})) `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { _p ( "&" ) } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;function Ep(e){return n.createElement(Sp,{to:e.to})}const Pp={left:"90deg",right:"-90deg",up:"-180deg",down:"0"};class $ p extends n.PureComponent{render(){return n.createElement("svg",{className:this.props.className,style:this.props.style,version:"1.1",viewBox:"0 0 24 24",x:"0",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",y:"0","aria-hidden":"true"},n.createElement("polygon",{points:"17.3 8.3 12 13.6 6.7 8.3 5.3 9.7 12 16.4 18.7 9.7 "}))}}const Ap=xr( $ p) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
height : $ { e => e . size || "18px" } ;
width : $ { e => e . size || "18px" } ;
2022-05-17 11:55:45 +03:00
min - width : $ { e => e . size || "18px" } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
vertical - align : middle ;
float : $ { e => e . float || "" } ;
transition : transform 0.2 s ease - out ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
transform : rotateZ ( $ { e => Pp [ e . direction || "down" ] } ) ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
polygon {
fill : $ { ( { color : e , theme : t } ) => e && t . colors . responses [ e ] && t . colors . responses [ e ] . color || e } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Cp=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : inline - block ;
padding : 2 px 8 px ;
margin : 0 ;
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors [ e . type ] . main } ;
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors [ e . type ] . contrastText } ;
font - size : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontSize } ;
vertical - align : middle ;
line - height : 1.6 ;
border - radius : 4 px ;
font - weight : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . fontWeightBold } ;
font - size : 12 px ;
+ span [ type ] {
margin - left : 4 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Rp=gr `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
text - decoration : line - through ;
color : # 707070 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,jp=xr.caption `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
text - align : right ;
font - size : 0.9 em ;
font - weight : normal ;
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . text . secondary } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Tp=xr.td `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border - left : 1 px solid $ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } ;
box - sizing : border - box ;
position : relative ;
padding : 10 px 10 px 10 px 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : block ;
overflow : hidden ;
` }
tr : first - of - type > & ,
tr . last > & {
border - left - width : 0 ;
background - position : top left ;
background - repeat : no - repeat ;
background - size : 1 px 100 % ;
tr : first - of - type > & {
background - image : linear - gradient (
to bottom ,
transparent 0 % ,
transparent 22 px ,
$ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } 22 px ,
$ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } 100 %
) ;
tr . last > & {
background - image : linear - gradient (
to bottom ,
$ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } 0 % ,
$ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } 22 px ,
transparent 22 px ,
transparent 100 %
) ;
tr . last + tr > & {
border - left - color : transparent ;
tr . last : first - child > & {
background : none ;
border - left - color : transparent ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Ip=xr(Tp) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Np=xr(Tp) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
vertical - align : top ;
line - height : 20 px ;
white - space : nowrap ;
font - size : 13 px ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
& . deprecated {
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Rp } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { ( { kind : e } ) => "patternProperties" === e && gr `
2022-05-17 11:55:45 +03:00
> span . property - name {
display : inline - table ;
white - space : break - spaces ;
margin - right : 20 px ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-17 11:55:45 +03:00
: : before ,
: : after {
content : '/' ;
filter : opacity ( 0.2 ) ;
` }
$ { ( { kind : e = "" } ) => [ "field" , "additionalProperties" , "patternProperties" ] . includes ( e ) ? "" : "font-style: italic" } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "PropertyNameCell" ) } ;
` ,Lp=xr.td `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border - bottom : 1 px solid # 9 fb4be ;
padding : 10 px 0 ;
width : $ { e => e . theme . schema . defaultDetailsWidth } ;
box - sizing : border - box ;
tr . expanded & {
border - bottom : none ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 0 20 px ;
border - bottom : none ;
border - left : 1 px solid $ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } ;
tr . last > & {
border - left : none ;
` }
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "PropertyDetailsCell" ) } ;
` ,Dp=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
margin - right : 10 px ;
& : : before {
content : '' ;
display : inline - block ;
vertical - align : middle ;
width : 10 px ;
height : 1 px ;
background : $ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } ;
& : : after {
content : '' ;
display : inline - block ;
vertical - align : middle ;
width : 1 px ;
background : $ { e => e . theme . schema . linesColor } ;
height : 7 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Mp=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . schema . nestingSpacing } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Fp=xr.table `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border - collapse : separate ;
border - radius : 3 px ;
font - size : $ { e => e . theme . typography . fontSize } ;
border - spacing : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
> tr {
vertical - align : middle ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : block ;
> tr , > tbody > tr {
display : block ;
` }
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" , ! 1 , " and (-ms-high-contrast:none)" ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
td {
float : left ;
width : 100 % ;
` }
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Mp } ,
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp } ,
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . schema . nestingSpacing } ;
margin - right : 0 ;
background : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . schema . nestedBackground } ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp } ,
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp } ,
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp }
$ { Mp } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
background : # ffffff ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,zp=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : 0 0 3 px 0 ;
display : inline - block ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Up=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - size : 0.9 em ;
margin - right : 10 px ;
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . headings . fontFamily } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,qp=xr.button `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : inline - block ;
margin - right : 10 px ;
margin - bottom : 5 px ;
font - size : 0.8 em ;
cursor : pointer ;
border : 1 px solid $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
padding : 2 px 10 px ;
line - height : 1.5 em ;
outline : none ;
& : focus {
box - shadow : 0 0 0 1 px $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { ( { deprecated : e } ) => e && Rp || "" } ;
2022-04-28 16:24:41 +03:00
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
$ { e => e . active ? ` \n color: white; \n background-color: ${ e . theme . colors . primary . main } ; \n &:focus { \n box-shadow: none; \n background-color: ${ St ( . 15 , e . theme . colors . primary . main ) } ; \n } \n ` : ` \n color: ${ e . theme . colors . primary . main } ; \n background-color: white; \n ` }
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Bp=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - size : 0.9 em ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
& : : after {
content : ' [' ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Vp=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - size : 0.9 em ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
& : : after {
content : ']' ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;function Wp(e){return function(t){return!!t.type&&t.type.tabsRole===e}}var Hp=Wp("Tab"),Yp=Wp("TabList"),Kp=Wp("TabPanel");function Gp(){return(Gp=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var r=arguments[t];for(var n in r)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,n)&&(e[n]=r[n])}return e}).apply(this,arguments)}function Qp(e,t){return n.Children.map(e,(function(e){return null===e?null:function(e){return Hp(e)||Yp(e)||Kp(e)}(e)?t(e):e.props&&e.props.children&&"object"==typeof e.props.children?(0,n.cloneElement)(e,Gp({},e.props,{children:Qp(e.props.children,t)})):e}))}function Xp(e,t){return n.Children.forEach(e,(function(e){null!==e&&(Hp(e)||Kp(e)?t(e):e.props&&e.props.children&&"object"==typeof e.props.children&&(Yp(e)&&t(e),Xp(e.props.children,t)))}))}function Zp(e){var t,r,n="";if("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e)n+=e;else if("object"==typeof e)if(Array.isArray(e))for(t=0;t<e.length;t++)e[t]&&(r=Zp(e[t]))&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=r);else for(t in e)e[t]&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=t);return n}function Jp(){for(var e,t,r=0,n="";r<arguments.length;)(e=arguments[r++])&&(t=Zp(e))&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=t);return n}var ed,td=0;function rd(){return"react-tabs-"+td++}function nd(e){var t=0;return Xp(e,(function(e){Hp(e)&&t++})),t}function od(){return(od=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var r=arguments[t];for(var n in r)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,n)&&(e[n]=r[n])}return e}).apply(this,arguments)}function id(e,t){return(id=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(e,t){return e.__proto__=t,e})(e,t)}function ad(e){return e&&"getAttribute"in e}function sd(e){return ad(e)&&"tab"===e.getAttribute("role")}function ld(e){return ad(e)&&"true"===e.getAttribute("aria-disabled")}var cd=function(e){var t,r;function o(){for(var t,r=arguments.length,n=new Array(r),o=0;o<r;o++)n[o]=arguments[o];return(t=e.call.apply(e,[this].concat(n))||this).tabNodes=[],t.handleKeyDown=function(e){var r=t.props,n=r.direction,o=r.disableUpDownKeys;if(t.isTabFromContainer(e.target)){var i=t.props.selectedIndex,a=!1,s=!1;32!==e.keyCode&&13!==e.keyCode||(a=!0,s=!1,t.handleClick(e)),37===e.keyCode||!o&&38===e.keyCode?(i="rtl"===n?t.getNextTab(i):t.getPrevTab(i),a=!0,s=!0):39===e.keyCode||!o&&40===e.keyCode?(i="rtl"===n?t.getPrevTab(i):t.getNextTab(i),a=!0,s=!0):35===e.keyCode?(i=t.getLastTab(),a=!0,s=!0):36===e.keyCode&&(i=t.getFirstTab(),a=!0,s=!0),a&&e.preventDefault(),s&&t.setSelected(i,e)}},t.handleClick=function(e){var r=e.target;do{if(t.isTabFromContainer(r)){if(ld(r))return;var n=[].slice.call(r.parentNode.children).filter(sd).indexOf(r);return void t.setSelected(n,e)}}while(null!=(r=r.parentNode))},t}r=e,(t=o).prototype=Object.create(r.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,id(t,r);var i=o.prototype;return i.setSelected=function(e,t){if(!(e<0||e>=this.getTabsCount())){var r=this.props;(0,r.onSelect)(e,r.selectedIndex,t)}},i.getNextTab=function(e){for(var t=this.getTabsCount(),r=e+1;r<t;r++)if(!ld(this.getTab(r)))return r;for(var n=0;n<e;n++)if(!ld(this.getTab(n)))return n;return e},i.getPrevTab=function(e){for(var t=e;t--;)if(!ld(this.getTab(t)))return t;for(t=this.getTabsCount();t-- >e;)if(!ld(this.getTab(t)))return t;return e},i.getFirstTab=function(){for(var e=this.getTabsCount(),t=0;t<e;t++)if(!ld(this.getTab(t)))return t;return null},i.getLastTab=function(){for(var e=this.getTabsCount();e--;)if(!ld(this.getTab(e)))return e;return null},i.getTabsCount=function(){return nd(this.props.children)},i.getPanelsCount=function(){return e=this.props.children,t=0,Xp(e,(function(e){Kp(e)&&t++})),t;var e,t},i.getTab=function(e){return this.tabNodes["tabs-"+e]},i.getChildren=function(){var e=this,t=0,r=this.props,o=r.children,i=r.disabledTabClassName,a=r.focus,s=r.forceRenderTabPanel,l=r.selectedIndex,c=r.selectedTabClassName,u=r.selectedTabPanelClassName,p=r.environment;this.tabIds=this.tabIds||[],this.panelIds=this.panelIds||[];for(var d=this.tabIds.length-this.getTabsCount();d++<0;)this.tabIds.push(rd()),this.panelIds.push(rd());return Qp(o,(function(r){var o=r;if(Yp(r)){var d=0,f=!1;null==ed&&function(e){var t=e||("undefined"!=
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
> ul {
list - style : none ;
padding : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
margin : 0 - 5 px ;
> li {
padding : 5 px 10 px ;
display : inline - block ;
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . codeBlock . backgroundColor } ;
border - bottom : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.5 ) ;
cursor : pointer ;
text - align : center ;
outline : none ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => St ( e . colors . tonalOffset , e . rightPanel . textColor ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : 0
$ { ( { theme : e } ) => ` ${ e . spacing . unit } px ${ e . spacing . unit } px ${ e . spacing . unit } px ` } ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
border : 1 px solid $ { ( { theme : e } ) => St ( . 05 , e . codeBlock . backgroundColor ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border - radius : 5 px ;
min - width : 60 px ;
font - size : 0.9 em ;
font - weight : bold ;
& . react - tabs _ _tab -- selected {
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . text . primary } ;
background : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . rightPanel . textColor } ;
& : focus {
outline : auto ;
& : only - child {
flex : none ;
min - width : 100 px ;
& . tab - success {
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . responses . success . tabTextColor } ;
& . tab - redirect {
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . responses . redirect . tabTextColor } ;
& . tab - info {
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . responses . info . tabTextColor } ;
& . tab - error {
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . responses . error . tabTextColor } ;
> . react - tabs _ _tab - panel {
background : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . codeBlock . backgroundColor } ;
& > div ,
& > pre {
padding : $ { e => 4 * e . theme . spacing . unit } px ;
margin : 0 ;
& > div > pre {
padding : 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Od=(xr(kd) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
> ul {
display : block ;
> li {
padding : 2 px 5 px ;
min - width : auto ;
margin : 0 15 px 0 0 ;
font - size : 13 px ;
font - weight : normal ;
border - bottom : 1 px dashed ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => St ( e . colors . tonalOffset , e . rightPanel . textColor ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border - radius : 0 ;
background : none ;
& : last - child {
margin - right : 0 ;
& . react - tabs _ _tab -- selected {
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . rightPanel . textColor } ;
background : none ;
> . react - tabs _ _tab - panel {
& > div ,
& > pre {
padding : $ { e => 2 * e . theme . spacing . unit } px 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
/ * *
* Based on prism - dark . css
* /
code [ class *= 'language-' ] ,
pre [ class *= 'language-' ] {
/ * c o l o r : w h i t e ;
background : none ; * /
text - shadow : 0 - 0.1 em 0.2 em black ;
text - align : left ;
white - space : pre ;
word - spacing : normal ;
word - break : normal ;
word - wrap : normal ;
line - height : 1.5 ;
- moz - tab - size : 4 ;
- o - tab - size : 4 ;
tab - size : 4 ;
- webkit - hyphens : none ;
- moz - hyphens : none ;
- ms - hyphens : none ;
hyphens : none ;
@ media print {
code [ class *= 'language-' ] ,
pre [ class *= 'language-' ] {
text - shadow : none ;
/* Code blocks */
pre [ class *= 'language-' ] {
padding : 1 em ;
margin : 0.5 em 0 ;
overflow : auto ;
. token . comment ,
. token . prolog ,
. token . doctype ,
. token . cdata {
color : hsl ( 30 , 20 % , 50 % ) ;
. token . punctuation {
opacity : 0.7 ;
. namespace {
opacity : 0.7 ;
. token . property ,
. token . tag ,
. token . number ,
. token . constant ,
. token . symbol {
color : # 4 a8bb3 ;
. token . boolean {
color : # e64441 ;
. token . selector ,
. token . attr - name ,
. token . string ,
. token . char ,
. token . builtin ,
. token . inserted {
color : # a0fbaa ;
& + a ,
& + a : visited {
color : # 4 ed2ba ;
text - decoration : underline ;
. token . property . string {
color : white ;
. token . operator ,
. token . entity ,
. token . url ,
. token . variable {
color : hsl ( 40 , 90 % , 60 % ) ;
. token . atrule ,
. token . attr - value ,
. token . keyword {
color : hsl ( 350 , 40 % , 70 % ) ;
. token . regex ,
. token . important {
color : # e90 ;
. token . important ,
. token . bold {
font - weight : bold ;
. token . italic {
font - style : italic ;
. token . entity {
cursor : help ;
. token . deleted {
color : red ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "Prism" ) } ;
` ),_d=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
opacity : 0.7 ;
transition : opacity 0.3 s ease ;
text - align : right ;
& : focus - within {
opacity : 1 ;
> button {
background - color : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
color : inherit ;
padding : 2 px 10 px ;
font - family : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . fontSize } ;
line - height : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . lineHeight } ;
cursor : pointer ;
outline : 0 ;
: hover ,
: focus {
background : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Sd=xr.div `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
& : hover $ { _d } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
opacity : 1 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Ed=xr(Od.withComponent("pre")) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontSize } ;
overflow - x : auto ;
margin : 0 ;
white - space : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . code . wrap ? "pre-wrap" : "pre" } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;function Pd(e){return getComputedStyle(e)}function $ d(e,t){for(var r in t){var n=t[r];"number"==typeof n&&(n+="px"),e.style[r]=n}return e}function Ad(e){var t=document.createElement("div");return t.className=e,t}var Cd="undefined"!=typeof Element&&(Element.prototype.matches||Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector||Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector||Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector);function Rd(e,t){if(!Cd)throw new Error("No element matching method supported");return Cd.call(e,t)}function jd(e){e.remove?e.remove():e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.removeChild(e)}function Td(e,t){return Array.prototype.filter.call(e.children,(function(e){return Rd(e,t)}))}var Id=function(e){return"ps__thumb-"+e},Nd=function(e){return"ps__rail-"+e},Ld="ps__child--consume",Dd="ps--focus",Md="ps--clicking",Fd=function(e){return"ps--active-"+e},zd=function(e){return"ps--scrolling-"+e},Ud={x:null,y:null};function qd(e,t){var r=e.element.classList,n=zd(t);r.contains(n)?clearTimeout(Ud[t]):r.add(n)}function Bd(e,t){Ud[t]=setTimeout((function(){return e.isAlive&&e.element.classList.remove(zd(t))}),e.settings.scrollingThreshold)}var Vd=function(e){this.element=e,this.handlers={}},Wd={isEmpty:{configurable:!0}};Vd.prototype.bind=function(e,t){void 0===this.handlers[e]&&(this.handlers[e]=[]),this.handlers[e].push(t),this.element.addEventListener(e,t,!1)},Vd.prototype.unbind=function(e,t){var r=this;this.handlers[e]=this.handlers[e].filter((function(n){return!(!t||n===t)||(r.element.removeEventListener(e,n,!1),!1)}))},Vd.prototype.unbindAll=function(){for(var e in this.handlers)this.unbind(e)},Wd.isEmpty.get=function(){var e=this;return Object.keys(this.handlers).every((function(t){return 0===e.handlers[t].length}))},Object.defineProperties(Vd.prototype,Wd);var Hd=function(){this.eventElements=[]};function Yd(e){if("function"==typeof window.CustomEvent)return new CustomEvent(e);var t=document.createEvent("CustomEvent");return t.initCustomEvent(e,!1,!1,void 0),t}function Kd(e,t,r,n,o){var i;if(void 0===n&&(n=!0),void 0===o&&(o=!1),"top"===t)i=["contentHeight","containerHeight","scrollTop","y","up","down"];else{if("left"!==t)throw new Error("A proper axis should be provided");i=["contentWidth","containerWidth","scrollLeft","x","left","right"]}!function(e,t,r,n,o){var i=r[0],a=r[1],s=r[2],l=r[3],c=r[4],u=r[5];void 0===n&&(n=!0),void 0===o&&(o=!1);var p=e.element;e.reach[l]=null,p[s]<1&&(e.reach[l]="start"),p[s]>e[i]-e[a]-1&&(e.reach[l]="end"),t&&(p.dispatchEvent(Yd("ps-scroll-"+l)),t<0?p.dispatchEvent(Yd("ps-scroll-"+c)):t>0&&p.dispatchEvent(Yd("ps-scroll-"+u)),n&&function(e,t){qd(e,t),Bd(e,t)}(e,l)),e.reach[l]&&(t||o)&&p.dispatchEvent(Yd("ps-"+l+"-reach-"+e.reach[l]))}(e,r,i,n,o)}function Gd(e){return parseInt(e,10)||0}Hd.prototype.eventElement=function(e){var t=this.eventElements.filter((function(t){return t.element===e}))[0];return t||(t=new Vd(e),this.eventElements.push(t)),t},Hd.prototype.bind=function(e,t,r){this.eventElement(e).bind(t,r)},Hd.prototype.unbind=function(e,t,r){var n=this.eventElement(e);n.unbind(t,r),n.isEmpty&&this.eventElements.splice(this.eventElements.indexOf(n),1)},Hd.prototype.unbindAll=function(){this.eventElements.forEach((function(e){return e.unbindAll()})),this.eventElements=[]},Hd.prototype.once=function(e,t,r){var n=this.eventElement(e),o=function(e){n.unbind(t,o),r(e)};n.bind(t,o)};var Qd={isWebKit:"undefined"!=typeof document&&"WebkitAppearance"in document.documentElement.style,supportsTouch:"undefined"!=typeof window&&("ontouchstart"in window||"maxTouchPoints"in window.navigator&&window.navigator.maxTouchPoints>0||window.DocumentTouch&&document instanceof window.DocumentTouch),supportsIePointer:"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&navigator.msMaxTouchPoints,isChrome:"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&/Chrome/i.test(navigator&&navigator.userAgent)};function Xd(e){var t=e.element,r=Math.floor(t.scrollTop),n=t.getBoundingClientRect();e.containerWidth=Math.ceil(n.width),e.containerHeight=Math.ceil(n.height),e.contentWidth=t.scrollWidth,e.contentHeight=t.scrollHeight,t.contains(e.scrollbarXRail)||(Td(t,Nd("x")).forEach((function(
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
position : relative ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class ff extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.handleRef=e=>{this._container=e}}componentDidMount(){const e=this._container.parentElement&&this._container.parentElement.scrollTop||0;this.inst=new cf(this._container,this.props.options||{}),this._container.scrollTo&&this._container.scrollTo(0,e)}componentDidUpdate(){this.inst.update()}componentWillUnmount(){this.inst.destroy()}render(){const{children:e,className:t,updateFn:r}=this.props;return r&&r(this.componentDidUpdate.bind(this)),n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,uf&&n.createElement(pf,null),n.createElement(df,{className: ` scrollbar - container $ { t } ` ,ref:this.handleRef},e))}}function hf(e){return n.createElement(Cr.Consumer,null,(t=>t.nativeScrollbars?n.createElement("div",{style:{overflow:"auto",overscrollBehavior:"contain",msOverflowStyle:"-ms-autohiding-scrollbar"}},e.children):n.createElement(ff,((e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))af.call(t,r)&&lf(e,r,t[r]);if(of)for(var r of of(t))sf.call(t,r)&&lf(e,r,t[r]);return e})({},e),e.children)))}const mf=xr((({className:e,style:t})=>n.createElement("svg",{className:e,style:t,xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",width:"16",height:"16",viewBox:"0 0 24 24",fill:"none",stroke:"currentColor",strokeWidth:"2",strokeLinecap:"round",strokeLinejoin:"round"},n.createElement("polyline",{points:"6 9 12 15 18 9"})))) `
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
position : absolute ;
pointer - events : none ;
z - index : 1 ;
top : 50 % ;
- webkit - transform : translateY ( - 50 % ) ;
- ms - transform : translateY ( - 50 % ) ;
transform : translateY ( - 50 % ) ;
right : 8 px ;
margin : auto ;
text - align : center ;
polyline {
color : $ { e => "dark" === e . variant && "white" } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,gf=n.memo((e=>{const{options:t,onChange:r,placeholder:o,value:i="",variant:a,className:s}=e;return n.createElement("div",{className:s},n.createElement(mf,{variant:a}),n.createElement("select",{onChange:e=>{const{selectedIndex:n}=e.target;r(t[o?n-1:n])},value:i,className:"dropdown-select"},o&&n.createElement("option",{disabled:!0,hidden:!0,value:o},o),t.map((({idx:e,value:t,title:r},o)=>n.createElement("option",{key:e||t+o,value:t},r||t)))),n.createElement("label",null,i))})),yf=We(gf) `
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
label {
box - sizing : border - box ;
min - width : 100 px ;
outline : none ;
display : inline - block ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . headings . fontFamily } ;
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . primary } ;
vertical - align : bottom ;
width : $ { ( { fullWidth : e } ) => e ? "100%" : "auto" } ;
text - transform : none ;
padding : 0 22 px 0 4 px ;
font - size : 0.929 em ;
line - height : 1.5 em ;
font - family : inherit ;
text - overflow : ellipsis ;
overflow : hidden ;
white - space : nowrap ;
. dropdown - select {
position : absolute ;
top : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
height : 100 % ;
opacity : 0 ;
border : none ;
appearance : none ;
cursor : pointer ;
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . primary } ;
line - height : inherit ;
font - family : inherit ;
box - sizing : border - box ;
min - width : 100 px ;
outline : none ;
display : inline - block ;
border - radius : 2 px ;
border : 1 px solid rgba ( 38 , 50 , 56 , 0.5 ) ;
vertical - align : bottom ;
padding : 2 px 0 px 2 px 6 px ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
position : relative ;
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
width : auto ;
background : white ;
color : # 263238 ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . headings . fontFamily } ;
font - size : 0.929 em ;
line - height : 1.5 em ;
cursor : pointer ;
transition : border 0.25 s ease , color 0.25 s ease , box - shadow 0.25 s ease ;
& : hover ,
& : focus - within {
border : 1 px solid $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
box - shadow : 0 px 0 px 0 px 1 px $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
` ,vf=We(yf) `
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
margin - left : 10 px ;
text - transform : none ;
font - size : 0.969 em ;
font - size : 1 em ;
border : none ;
padding : 0 1.2 em 0 0 ;
background : transparent ;
& : hover ,
& : focus - within {
border : none ;
box - shadow : none ;
label {
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
text - shadow : 0 px 0 px 0 px $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
` ,bf=We.span `
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
margin - left : 10 px ;
text - transform : none ;
font - size : 0.929 em ;
color : black ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;var wf=Object.defineProperty,xf=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,kf=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Of=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,_f=(e,t,r)=>t in e?wf(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r;function Sf(e){const{Label:t=bf,Dropdown:r=vf}=e;return 1===e.options.length?n.createElement(t,null,e.options[0].value):n.createElement(r,((e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))kf.call(t,r)&&_f(e,r,t[r]);if(xf)for(var r of xf(t))Of.call(t,r)&&_f(e,r,t[r]);return e})({},e))}var Ef=r(7856);const Pf=gr `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
a {
2022-05-17 11:55:45 +03:00
text - decoration : $ { e => e . theme . typography . links . textDecoration } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . typography . links . color } ;
& : visited {
color : $ { e => e . theme . typography . links . visited } ;
& : hover {
color : $ { e => e . theme . typography . links . hover } ;
2022-05-17 11:55:45 +03:00
text - decoration : $ { e => e . theme . typography . links . hoverTextDecoration } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` , $ f=xr(Od) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . fontFamily } ;
font - weight : $ { e => e . theme . typography . fontWeightRegular } ;
line - height : $ { e => e . theme . typography . lineHeight } ;
p {
& : last - child {
margin - bottom : 0 ;
$ { ( { compact : e } ) => e && "\n p:first-child {\n margin-top: 0;\n }\n p:last-child {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n " }
$ { ( { inline : e } ) => e && " p {\n display: inline-block;\n }" }
h1 {
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { mp ( 1 ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
margin - top : 0 ;
h2 {
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { mp ( 2 ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . text . primary } ;
code {
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . code . color } ;
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . code . backgroundColor } ;
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border - radius : 2 px ;
border : 1 px solid rgba ( 38 , 50 , 56 , 0.1 ) ;
padding : 0 $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . spacing . unit } px ;
font - size : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontSize } ;
font - weight : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . code . fontWeight } ;
word - break : break - word ;
pre {
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
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color : white ;
padding : $ { e => 4 * e . theme . spacing . unit } px ;
overflow - x : auto ;
line - height : normal ;
border - radius : 0 px ;
border : 1 px solid rgba ( 38 , 50 , 56 , 0.1 ) ;
code {
background - color : transparent ;
color : white ;
padding : 0 ;
& : before ,
& : after {
content : none ;
blockquote {
margin : 0 ;
margin - bottom : 1 em ;
padding : 0 15 px ;
color : # 777 ;
border - left : 4 px solid # ddd ;
img {
max - width : 100 % ;
box - sizing : content - box ;
ul ,
ol {
padding - left : 2 em ;
margin : 0 ;
margin - bottom : 1 em ;
ul ,
ol {
margin - bottom : 0 ;
margin - top : 0 ;
table {
display : block ;
width : 100 % ;
overflow : auto ;
word - break : normal ;
word - break : keep - all ;
border - collapse : collapse ;
border - spacing : 0 ;
margin - top : 1.5 em ;
margin - bottom : 1.5 em ;
table tr {
background - color : # fff ;
border - top : 1 px solid # ccc ;
& : nth - child ( 2 n ) {
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . schema . nestedBackground } ;
table th ,
table td {
padding : 6 px 13 px ;
border : 1 px solid # ddd ;
table th {
text - align : left ;
font - weight : bold ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { _p ( ".share-link" ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Pf }
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "Markdown" ) } ;
` ;var Af=Object.defineProperty,Cf=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,Rf=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,jf=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,Tf=(e,t,r)=>t in e?Af(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r;const If= $ f.withComponent("span");function Nf(e){const t=e.inline?If: $ f;return n.createElement(jr,null,(r=>{return n.createElement(t,((e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))Rf.call(t,r)&&Tf(e,r,t[r]);if(Cf)for(var r of Cf(t))jf.call(t,r)&&Tf(e,r,t[r]);return e})({className:"redoc-markdown "+(e.className||""),dangerouslySetInnerHTML:{__html:(o=r.untrustedSpec,i=e.html,o?Ef.sanitize(i):i)},"data-role":e["data-role"]},e));var o,i}))}class Lf extends n.Component{render(){const{source:e,inline:t,compact:r,className:o,"data-role":i}=this.props,a=new Cl;return n.createElement(Nf,{html:a.renderMd(e),inline:t,compact:r,className:o,"data-role":i})}}const Df=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
position : relative ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Mf=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
position : absolute ;
min - width : 80 px ;
max - width : 500 px ;
background : # fff ;
bottom : 100 % ;
left : 50 % ;
margin - bottom : 10 px ;
transform : translateX ( - 50 % ) ;
border - radius : 4 px ;
padding : 0.3 em 0.6 em ;
text - align : center ;
box - shadow : 0 px 0 px 5 px 0 px rgba ( 204 , 204 , 204 , 1 ) ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Ff=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
background : # fff ;
color : # 000 ;
display : inline ;
font - size : 0.85 em ;
white - space : nowrap ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,zf=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
position : absolute ;
width : 0 ;
height : 0 ;
bottom : - 5 px ;
left : 50 % ;
margin - left : - 5 px ;
border - left : solid transparent 5 px ;
border - right : solid transparent 5 px ;
border - top : solid # fff 5 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Uf=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
position : absolute ;
width : 100 % ;
height : 20 px ;
bottom : - 20 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class qf extends n.Component{render(){const{open:e,title:t,children:r}=this.props;return n.createElement(Df,null,r,e&&n.createElement(Mf,null,n.createElement(Ff,null,t),n.createElement(zf,null),n.createElement(Uf,null)))}}const Bf="undefined"!=typeof document&&document.queryCommandSupported&&document.queryCommandSupported("copy");class Vf{static isSupported(){return Bf}static selectElement(e){let t,r;document.body.createTextRange?(t=document.body.createTextRange(),t.moveToElementText(e),t.select()):document.createRange&&window.getSelection&&(r=window.getSelection(),t=document.createRange(),t.selectNodeContents(e),r.removeAllRanges(),r.addRange(t))}static deselect(){if(document.selection)document.selection.empty();else if(window.getSelection){const e=window.getSelection();e&&e.removeAllRanges()}}static copySelected(){let e;try{e=document.execCommand("copy")}catch(t){e=!1}return e}static copyElement(e){Vf.selectElement(e);const t=Vf.copySelected();return t&&Vf.deselect(),t}static copyCustom(e){const t=document.createElement("textarea");t.style.position="fixed",t.style.top="0",t.style.left="0",t.style.width="2em",t.style.height="2em",t.style.padding="0",t.style.border="none",t.style.outline="none",t.style.boxShadow="none",t.style.background="transparent",t.value=e,document.body.appendChild(t),t.select();const r=Vf.copySelected();return document.body.removeChild(t),r}}class Wf extends n.PureComponent{constructor(e){super(e),this.copy=()=>{const e="string"==typeof this.props.data?this.props.data:JSON.stringify(this.props.data,null,2);Vf.copyCustom(e),this.showTooltip()},this.renderCopyButton=()=>n.createElement("button",{onClick:this.copy},n.createElement(qf,{title:Vf.isSupported()?"Copied":"Not supported in your browser",open:this.state.tooltipShown},"Copy")),this.state={tooltipShown:!1}}render(){return this.props.children({renderCopyButton:this.renderCopyButton})}showTooltip(){this.setState({tooltipShown:!0}),setTimeout((()=>{this.setState({tooltipShown:!1})}),1500)}}let Hf=1;function Yf(e,t){Hf=1;let r="";return r+='<div class="redoc-json">',r+="<code>",r+=Zf(e,t),r+="</code>",r+="</div>",r}function Kf(e){return void 0!==e?e.toString().replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">"):""}function Gf(e){return JSON.stringify(e).slice(1,-1)}function Qf(e,t){return'<span class="'+t+'">'+Kf(e)+"</span>"}function Xf(e){return'<span class="token punctuation">'+e+"</span>"}function Zf(e,t){const r=typeof e;let n="";return null==e?n+=Qf("null","token keyword"):e&&e.constructor===Array?(Hf++,n+=function(e,t){const r=Hf>t?"collapsed":"";let n= ` < button class = "collapser" aria - label = "${Hf>t+1?" expand ":" collapse "}" > < / b u t t o n > $ { X f ( " [ " ) } < s p a n c l a s s = " e l l i p s i s " > < / s p a n > < u l c l a s s = " a r r a y c o l l a p s i b l e " > ` , o = ! 1 ; c o n s t i = e . l e n g t h ; f o r ( l e t a = 0 ; a < i ; a + + ) o = ! 0 , n + = ' < l i > < d i v c l a s s = " h o v e r a b l e ' + r + ' " > ' , n + = Z f ( e [ a ] , t ) , a < i - 1 & & ( n + = " , " ) , n + = " < / d i v > < / l i > " ; r e t u r n n + = ` < / u l > $ { X f ( " ] " ) } ` , o | | ( n = X f ( " [ ] " ) ) , n } ( e , t ) , H f - - ) : e & & e . c o n s t r u c t o r = = = D a t e ? n + = Q f ( ' " ' + e . t o I S O S t r i n g ( ) + ' " ' , " t o k e n s t r i n g " ) : " o b j e c t " = = = r ? ( H f + + , n + = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { c o n s t r = H f > t ? " c o l l a p s e d " : " " , n = O b j e c t . k e y s ( e ) , o = n . l e n g t h ; l e t i = ` < b u t t o n c l a s s = " c o l l a p s e r " a r i a - l a b e l = " $ { H f > t + 1 ? " e x p a n d " : " c o l l a p s e " } " > < / b u t t o n > $ { X f ( " { " ) } < s p a n c l a s s = " e l l i p s i s " > < / s p a n > < u l c l a s s = " o b j c o l l a p s i b l e " > ` , a = ! 1 ; f o r ( l e t s = 0 ; s < o ; s + + ) { c o n s t l = n [ s ] ; a = ! 0 , i + = ' < l i > < d i v c l a s s = " h o v e r a b l e ' + r + ' " > ' , i + = ' < s p a n c l a s s = " p r o p e r t y t o k e n s t r i n g " > " ' + K f ( l ) + ' " < / s p a n > : ' , i + = Z f ( e [ l ] , t ) , s < o - 1 & & ( i + = X f ( " , " ) ) , i + = " < / d i v > < / l i > " } r e t u r n i + = ` < / u l > $ { X f ( " } " ) } ` , a | | ( i = X f ( " { } " ) ) , i } ( e , t ) , H f - - ) : " n u m b e r " = = = r ? n + = Q f ( e , " t o k e n n u m b e r " ) : " s t r i n g " = = = r ? / ^ ( h t t p | h t t p s ) : \ / \ / [ ^ \ s ] + $ / . t e s t ( e ) ? n + = Q f ( ' " ' , " t o k e n s t r i n g " ) + ' < a h r e f = " ' + e n c o d e U R I ( e ) + ' " > ' + K f ( G f ( e ) ) + " < / a > " + Q f ( ' " ' , " t o k e n s t r i n g " ) : n + = Q f ( ' " ' + G f ( e ) + ' " ' , " t o k e n s t r i n g " ) : " b o o l e a n " = = = r & & ( n + = Q f ( e , " t o k e n b o o l e a n " ) ) , n } c o n s t J f = g r `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
. redoc - json code > . collapser {
display : none ;
pointer - events : none ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontSize } ;
white - space : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . code . wrap ? "pre-wrap" : "pre" } ;
contain : content ;
overflow - x : auto ;
. callback - function {
color : gray ;
. collapser : after {
content : '-' ;
cursor : pointer ;
. collapsed > . collapser : after {
content : '+' ;
cursor : pointer ;
. ellipsis : after {
content : ' … ' ;
. collapsible {
margin - left : 2 em ;
. hoverable {
padding - top : 1 px ;
padding - bottom : 1 px ;
padding - left : 2 px ;
padding - right : 2 px ;
border - radius : 2 px ;
. hovered {
background - color : rgba ( 235 , 238 , 249 , 1 ) ;
. collapser {
background - color : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
color : # fff ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontSize } ;
padding - right : 6 px ;
padding - left : 6 px ;
padding - top : 0 ;
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display : flex ;
align - items : center ;
justify - content : center ;
width : 15 px ;
height : 15 px ;
position : absolute ;
top : 4 px ;
left : - 1.5 em ;
cursor : default ;
user - select : none ;
- webkit - user - select : none ;
padding : 2 px ;
& : focus {
outline - color : # fff ;
outline - style : dotted ;
outline - width : 1 px ;
ul {
list - style - type : none ;
padding : 0 px ;
margin : 0 px 0 px 0 px 26 px ;
li {
position : relative ;
display : block ;
. hoverable {
display : inline - block ;
. selected {
outline - style : solid ;
outline - width : 1 px ;
outline - style : dotted ;
. collapsed > . collapsible {
display : none ;
. ellipsis {
display : none ;
. collapsed > . ellipsis {
display : inherit ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,eh=xr.div `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
& : hover > $ { _d } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
opacity : 1 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class th extends n.PureComponent{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.renderInner=({renderCopyButton:e})=>{const t=this.props.data&&Object.values(this.props.data).some((e=>"object"==typeof e&&null!==e));return n.createElement(eh,null,n.createElement(_d,null,e(),t&&n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement("button",{onClick:this.expandAll}," Expand all "),n.createElement("button",{onClick:this.collapseAll}," Collapse all "))),n.createElement(Cr.Consumer,null,(e=>n.createElement(Od,{className:this.props.className,ref:e=>this.node=e,dangerouslySetInnerHTML:{__html:Yf(this.props.data,e.jsonSampleExpandLevel)}}))))},this.expandAll=()=>{const e=this.node.getElementsByClassName("collapsible");for(const t of Array.prototype.slice.call(e)){const e=t.parentNode;e.classList.remove("collapsed"),e.querySelector(".collapser").setAttribute("aria-label","collapse")}},this.collapseAll=()=>{const e=this.node.getElementsByClassName("collapsible"),t=Array.prototype.slice.call(e,1);for(const e of t){const t=e.parentNode;t.classList.add("collapsed"),t.querySelector(".collapser").setAttribute("aria-label","expand")}},this.collapseElement=e=>{let t;"collapser"===e.className&&(t=e.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("collapsible")[0],t.parentElement.classList.contains("collapsed")?(t.parentElement.classList.remove("collapsed"),e.setAttribute("aria-label","collapse")):(t.parentElement.classList.add("collapsed"),e.setAttribute("aria-label","expand")))},this.clickListener=e=>{this.collapseElement(e.target)},this.focusListener=e=>{"Enter"===e.key&&this.collapseElement(e.target)}}render(){return n.createElement(Wf,{data:this.props.data},this.renderInner)}componentDidMount(){this.node.addEventListener("click",this.clickListener),this.node.addEventListener("focus",this.focusListener)}componentWillUnmount(){this.node.removeEventListener("click",this.clickListener),this.node.removeEventListener("focus",this.focusListener)}}const rh=xr(th) `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Jf } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class nh extends n.PureComponent{render(){const{source:e,lang:t}=this.props;return n.createElement(Ed,{dangerouslySetInnerHTML:{__html:gs(e,t)}})}}class oh extends n.Component{render(){return n.createElement(Wf,{data:this.props.source},(({renderCopyButton:e})=>n.createElement(Sd,null,n.createElement(_d,null,e()),n.createElement(nh,{lang:this.props.lang,source:this.props.source}))))}}function ih({value:e,mimeType:t}){return Za(t)?n.createElement(rh,{data:e}):("object"==typeof e&&(e=JSON.stringify(e,null,2)),n.createElement(oh,{lang:(r=t,-1!==r.search(/xml/i)?"xml":"clike"),source:e}));var r}function ah({example:e,mimeType:t}){return void 0===e.value&&e.externalValueUrl?n.createElement(sh,{example:e,mimeType:t}):n.createElement(ih,{value:e.value,mimeType:t})}function sh({example:e,mimeType:t}){const r=function(e,t){const[,r]=(0,n.useState)(!0),o=(0,n.useRef)(void 0),i=(0,n.useRef)(void 0);return i.current!==e&&(o.current=void 0),i.current=e,(0,n.useEffect)((()=>{(()=>{return n=this,i=function*(){r(!0);try{o.current=yield e.getExternalValue(t)}catch(e){o.current=e}r(!1)},new Promise(((e,t)=>{var r=e=>{try{a(i.next(e))}catch(e){t(e)}},o=e=>{try{a(i.throw(e))}catch(e){t(e)}},a=t=>t.done?e(t.value):Promise.resolve(t.value).then(r,o);a((i=i.apply(n,null)).next())}));var n,i})()}),[e,t]),o.current}(e,t);return void 0===r?n.createElement("span",null,"Loading..."):r instanceof Error?n.createElement(Ed,null,"Error loading external example: ",n.createElement("br",null),n.createElement("a",{className:"token string",href:e.externalValueUrl,target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer"},e.externalValueUrl)):n.createElement(ih,{value:r,mimeType:t})}const lh=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 0.9 em ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => Nt ( . 6 , e . rightPanel . backgroundColor ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : 0 0 10 px 0 ;
display : block ;
font - family : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . headings . fontFamily } ;
font - size : 0.929 em ;
line - height : 1.5 em ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,ch=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - family : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . headings . fontFamily } ;
font - size : 12 px ;
position : absolute ;
z - index : 1 ;
top : - 11 px ;
left : 12 px ;
font - weight : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . fontWeightBold } ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => Nt ( . 3 , e . rightPanel . textColor ) } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,uh=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
position : relative ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,ph=xr(yf) `
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
label {
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . rightPanel . textColor } ;
text - overflow : ellipsis ;
white - space : nowrap ;
overflow : hidden ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - size : 1 em ;
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
text - transform : none ;
border : none ;
margin : 0 0 10 px 0 ;
display : block ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => Nt ( . 6 , e . rightPanel . backgroundColor ) } ;
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
border : none ;
padding : 0.9 em 1.6 em 0.9 em 0.9 em ;
box - shadow : none ;
& : hover ,
& : focus - within {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border : none ;
box - shadow : none ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => Nt ( . 3 , e . rightPanel . backgroundColor ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,dh=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
font - size : 12 px ;
color : # ee807f ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class fh extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.state={activeIdx:0},this.switchMedia=({idx:e})=>{void 0!==e&&this.setState({activeIdx:e})}}render(){const{activeIdx:e}=this.state,t=this.props.mediaType.examples||{},r=this.props.mediaType.name,o=n.createElement(dh,null,"No sample"),i=Object.keys(t);if(0===i.length)return o;if(i.length>1){const o=i.map(((e,r)=>({value:t[e].summary||e,idx:r}))),a=t[i[e]],s=a.description;return n.createElement(hh,null,n.createElement(uh,null,n.createElement(ch,null,"Example"),this.props.renderDropdown({value:o[e].value,options:o,onChange:this.switchMedia,ariaLabel:"Example"})),n.createElement("div",null,s&&n.createElement(Lf,{source:s}),n.createElement(ah,{example:a,mimeType:r})))}{const e=t[i[0]];return n.createElement(hh,null,e.description&&n.createElement(Lf,{source:e.description}),n.createElement(ah,{example:e,mimeType:r}))}}}const hh=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin - top : 15 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;if(!n.useState)throw new Error("mobx-react-lite requires React with Hooks support");if(!Ci)throw new Error("mobx-react-lite@3 requires mobx at least version 6 to be available");function mh(e){e()}var gh=[];function yh(e){return pi(ya(e,t));var t}var vh="undefined"==typeof FinalizationRegistry?void 0:FinalizationRegistry;function bh(e){return{reaction:e,mounted:!1,changedBeforeMount:!1,cleanAt:Date.now()+wh}}var wh=1e4,xh=vh?function(e){var t=new Map,r=1,n=new e((function(e){var r=t.get(e);r&&(r.reaction.dispose(),t.delete(e))}));return{addReactionToTrack:function(e,o,i){var a=r++;return n.register(i,a,e),e.current=bh(o),e.current.finalizationRegistryCleanupToken=a,t.set(a,e.current),e.current},recordReactionAsCommitted:function(e){n.unregister(e),e.current&&e.current.finalizationRegistryCleanupToken&&t.delete(e.current.finalizationRegistryCleanupToken)},forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests:function(){},resetCleanupScheduleForTests:function(){}}}(vh):function(){var e,t=new Set;function r(){void 0===e&&(e=setTimeout(n,1e4))}function n(){e=void 0;var n=Date.now();t.forEach((function(e){var r=e.current;r&&n>=r.cleanAt&&(r.reaction.dispose(),e.current=null,t.delete(e))})),t.size>0&&r()}return{addReactionToTrack:function(e,n,o){var i;return e.current=bh(n),i=e,t.add(i),r(),e.current},recordReactionAsCommitted:function(e){t.delete(e)},forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests:function(){e&&(clearTimeout(e),n())},resetCleanupScheduleForTests:function(){var r,n;if(t.size>0){try{for(var o=function(e){var t="function"==typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator,r=t&&e[t],n=0;if(r)return r.call(e);if(e&&"number"==typeof e.length)return{next:function(){return e&&n>=e.length&&(e=void 0),{value:e&&e[n++],done:!e}}};throw new TypeError(t?"Object is not iterable.":"Symbol.iterator is not defined.")}(t),i=o.next();!i.done;i=o.next()){var a=i.value,s=a.current;s&&(s.reaction.dispose(),a.current=null)}}catch(e){r={error:e}}finally{try{i&&!i.done&&(n=o.return)&&n.call(o)}finally{if(r)throw r.error}}t.clear()}e&&(clearTimeout(e),e=void 0)}}}(),kh=xh.addReactionToTrack,Oh=xh.recordReactionAsCommitted,_h=(xh.resetCleanupScheduleForTests,xh.forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests,!1);function Sh(){return _h}function Eh(e){return"observer"+e}var Ph=function(){};function $ h(e,t){if(void 0===t&&(t="observed"),Sh())return e();var r,o=function(e,t){var r="function"==typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator];if(!r)return e;var n,o,i=r.call(e),a=[];try{for(;(void 0===t||t-- >0)&&!(n=i.next()).done;)a.push(n.value)}catch(e){o={error:e}}finally{try{n&&!n.done&&(r=i.return)&&r.call(i)}finally{if(o)throw o.error}}return a}(n.useState(new Ph),1)[0],i=(r=function(e,t){var r="function"==typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator];if(!r)return e;var n,o,i=r.call(e),a=[];try{for(;(void 0===t||t-- >0)&&!(n=i.next()).done;)a.push(n.value)}catch(e){o={error:e}}finally{try{n&&!n.done&&(r=i.return)&&r.call(i)}finally{if(o)throw o.error}}return a}((0,n.useState)(0),2)[1],(0,n.useCallback)((function(){r((function(e){return e+1}))}),gh)),a=n.useRef(null);if(!a.current)var s=new Vo(Eh(t),(function(){l.mounted?i():l.changedBeforeMount=!0})),l=kh(a,s,o);var c,u,p=a.current.reaction;if(n.useDebugValue(p,yh),n.useEffect((function(){return Oh(a),a.current?(a.current.mounted=!0,a.current.changedBeforeMount&&(a.current.changedBeforeMount=!1,i())):(a.current={reaction:new Vo(Eh(t),(function(){i()})),mounted:!0,changedBeforeMount:!1,cleanAt:1/0},i()),function(){a.current.reaction.dispose(),a.current=null}}),[]),p.track((function(){try{c=e()}catch(e){u=e}})),u)throw u;return c}var Ah=function(){return(Ah=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t,r=1,n=arguments.length;r<n;r++)for(var o in t=arguments[r])Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,o)&&(e[o]=t[o]);return e}).apply(this,arguments)};var Ch={ $ $ typeof:!0,render:!0,compare:!0,type:!0};function Rh(e){var t=e.children,r=e.render,n=t||r;return"function"!=typeof n?null: $ h(n)}Rh.displayName="Observer",function(e){e||(e=mh),ui({reactionScheduler:e})}(o.unstable_batchedUpdates);var jh=0,Th={};function Ih(e){return Th[e]||(Th[e]=function(e){if("function"==typeof Symbol)return Symb
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
button {
background - color : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
outline : 0 ;
font - size : 13 px ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
cursor : pointer ;
padding : 0 ;
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . text . primary } ;
& : focus {
font - weight : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . fontWeightBold } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { ( { kind : e } ) => "patternProperties" === e && gr `
2022-05-17 11:55:45 +03:00
display : inline - flex ;
margin - right : 20 px ;
> span . property - name {
white - space : break - spaces ;
text - align : left ;
: : before ,
: : after {
content : '/' ;
filter : opacity ( 0.2 ) ;
> svg {
align - self : center ;
` }
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Ap } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
height : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . schema . arrow . size } ;
width : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . schema . arrow . size } ;
polygon {
fill : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . schema . arrow . color } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,im=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
vertical - align : middle ;
font - size : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . code . fontSize } ;
line - height : 20 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,am=xr(im) `
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
color : $ { e => Nt ( . 1 , e . theme . schema . typeNameColor ) } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,sm=xr(im) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . schema . typeNameColor } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,lm=xr(im) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . schema . typeTitleColor } ;
word - break : break - word ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,cm=sm,um=xr(im.withComponent("div")) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . schema . requireLabelColor } ;
font - size : $ { e => e . theme . schema . labelsTextSize } ;
font - weight : normal ;
margin - left : 20 px ;
line - height : 1 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,pm=xr(um) `
2022-05-17 11:55:45 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . light } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,dm=xr(im) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . warning . main } ;
font - size : 13 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,fm=xr(im) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : # 0e7 c86 ;
& : : before ,
& : : after {
font - weight : bold ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,hm=xr(im) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border - radius : 2 px ;
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
word - break : break - word ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
$ { ( { theme : e } ) => ` \n background-color: ${ Nt ( . 95 , e . colors . text . primary ) } ; \n color: ${ Nt ( . 1 , e . colors . text . primary ) } ; \n \n padding: 0 ${ e . spacing . unit } px; \n border: 1px solid ${ Nt ( . 9 , e . colors . text . primary ) } ; \n font-family: ${ e . typography . code . fontFamily } ; \n } ` } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
& + & {
margin - left : 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "ExampleValue" ) } ;
` ,mm=xr(hm) ` ` ,gm=xr(im) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border - radius : 2 px ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
$ { ( { theme : e } ) => ` \n background-color: ${ Nt ( . 95 , e . colors . primary . light ) } ; \n color: ${ Nt ( . 1 , e . colors . primary . main ) } ; \n \n margin: 0 ${ e . spacing . unit } px; \n padding: 0 ${ e . spacing . unit } px; \n border: 1px solid ${ Nt ( . 9 , e . colors . primary . main ) } ; \n } ` } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
& + & {
margin - left : 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "ConstraintItem" ) } ;
` ,ym=xr.button `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
background - color : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . secondary } ;
margin - left : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . spacing . unit } px ;
border - radius : 2 px ;
cursor : pointer ;
outline - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . secondary } ;
font - size : 12 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;const vm=xr.div `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Pf } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
$ { ( { compact : e } ) => e ? "" : "margin: 1em 0" }
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;let bm=class extends n.Component{render(){const{externalDocs:e}=this.props;return e&&e.url?n.createElement(vm,{compact:this.props.compact},n.createElement("a",{href:e.url},e.description||e.url)):null}};bm=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],bm);class wm extends n.PureComponent{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.state={collapsed:!0}}toggle(){this.setState({collapsed:!this.state.collapsed})}render(){const{values:e,isArrayType:t}=this.props,{collapsed:r}=this.state,{enumSkipQuotes:o,maxDisplayedEnumValues:i}=this.context;if(!e.length)return null;const a=this.state.collapsed&&i?e.slice(0,i):e,s=!!i&&e.length>i,l=i?r? ` … $ { e . length - i } more ` :"Hide":"";return n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(im,null,t?rr("enumArray"):""," ",1===e.length?rr("enumSingleValue"):rr("enum"),":")," ",a.map(((e,t)=>{const r=o?String(e):JSON.stringify(e);return n.createElement(n.Fragment,{key:t},n.createElement(hm,null,r)," ")})),s?n.createElement(xm,{onClick:()=>{this.toggle()}},l):null)}}wm.contextType=Cr;const xm=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
vertical - align : middle ;
font - size : 13 px ;
line - height : 20 px ;
padding : 0 5 px ;
cursor : pointer ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,km=xr( $ f) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : 2 px 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class Om extends n.PureComponent{render(){const e=this.props.extensions;return n.createElement(Cr.Consumer,null,(t=>n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,t.showExtensions&&Object.keys(e).map((t=>n.createElement(km,{key:t},n.createElement(im,null," ",t.substring(2),": ")," ",n.createElement(mm,null,"string"==typeof e[t]?e[t]:JSON.stringify(e[t]))))))))}}function _m({field:e}){return e.examples?n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(im,null," ",rr("examples"),": "),Jt(e.examples)?e.examples.map(((t,r)=>{const o=ns(e,t),i=e.in?String(o):JSON.stringify(o);return n.createElement(n.Fragment,{key:r},n.createElement(hm,null,i)," ")})):n.createElement(Sm,null,Object.values(e.examples).map(((t,r)=>n.createElement("li",{key:r+t.value},n.createElement(hm,null,ns(e,t.value))," -"," ",t.summary||t.description))))):null}const Sm=xr.ul `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin - top : 1 em ;
2022-05-10 19:14:02 +03:00
list - style - position : outside ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class Em extends n.PureComponent{render(){return 0===this.props.constraints.length?null:n.createElement("span",null," ",this.props.constraints.map((e=>n.createElement(gm,{key:e}," ",e," "))))}}const Pm=n.memo((function({value:e,label:t,raw:r}){if(void 0===e)return null;const o=r?String(e):JSON.stringify(e);return n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(im,null," ",t," ")," ",n.createElement(hm,null,o))}));function $ m(e){const t=e.schema.pattern,{hideSchemaPattern:r}=n.useContext(Cr),[o,i]=n.useState(!1),a=n.useCallback((()=>i(!o)),[o]);return!t||r?null:n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(fm,null,o||t.length<45?t: ` $ { t . substr ( 0 , 45 ) } ... ` ),t.length>45&&n.createElement(ym,{onClick:a},o?"Hide pattern":"Show pattern"))}function Am({schema:e}){const{hideSchemaPattern:t}=n.useContext(Cr);return e&&("string"!==e.type||e.constraints.length)&&((null==e?void 0:e.pattern)&&!t||e.items||e.displayFormat||e.constraints.length)?n.createElement(Cm,null,"[ items",e.displayFormat&&n.createElement(cm,null," <",e.displayFormat," >"),n.createElement(Em,{constraints:e.constraints}),n.createElement( $ m,{schema:e}),e.items&&n.createElement(Am,{schema:e.items})," ]"):null}const Cm=xr(am) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : 0 5 px ;
vertical - align : text - top ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;var Rm=Object.defineProperty,jm=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,Tm=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Im=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,Nm=(e,t,r)=>t in e?Rm(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r,Lm=(e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))Tm.call(t,r)&&Nm(e,r,t[r]);if(jm)for(var r of jm(t))Im.call(t,r)&&Nm(e,r,t[r]);return e};const Dm=nm((e=>{const{enumSkipQuotes:t,hideSchemaTitles:r}=n.useContext(Cr),{showExamples:o,field:i,renderDiscriminatorSwitch:a}=e,{schema:s,description:l,deprecated:c,extensions:u,in:p,const:d}=i,f="array"===s.type,h=t||"header"===p,m=n.useMemo((()=>!o||void 0===i.example&&void 0===i.examples?null:void 0!==i.examples?n.createElement(_m,{field:i}):n.createElement(Pm,{label:rr("example")+":",value:ns(i,i.example),raw:Boolean(i.in)})),[i,o]);return n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(am,null,s.typePrefix),n.createElement(sm,null,s.displayType),s.displayFormat&&n.createElement(cm,null," ","<",s.displayFormat,">"," "),s.contentEncoding&&n.createElement(cm,null," ","<",s.contentEncoding,">"," "),s.contentMediaType&&n.createElement(cm,null," ","<",s.contentMediaType,">"," "),s.title&&!r&&n.createElement(lm,null," (",s.title,") "),n.createElement(Em,{constraints:s.constraints}),n.createElement( $ m,{schema:s}),s.isCircular&&n.createElement(dm,null," ",rr("recursive")," "),f&&s.items&&n.createElement(Am,{schema:s.items})),c&&n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(Cp,{type:"warning"}," ",rr("deprecated")," ")),n.createElement(Pm,{raw:h,label:rr("default")+":",value:s.default}),!a&&n.createElement(wm,{isArrayType:f,values:s.enum})," ",m,n.createElement(Om,{extensions:Lm(Lm({},u),s.extensions)}),n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(Lf,{compact:!0,source:l})),s.externalDocs&&n.createElement(bm,{externalDocs:s.externalDocs,compact:!0}),a&&a(e)||null,d&&n.createElement(Pm,{label:rr("const")+":",value:d})||null)})),Mm=n.memo(Dm);var Fm=Object.defineProperty,zm=(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Object.getOwnPropertySymbols),Um=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,qm=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,Bm=(e,t,r)=>t in e?Fm(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r;let Vm=class extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.toggle=()=>{void 0===this.props.field.expanded&&this.props.expandByDefault?this.props.field.collapse():this.props.field.toggle()},this.handleKeyPress=e=>{"Enter"===e.key&&(e.preventDefault(),this.toggle())}}render(){const{className:e="",field:t,isLast:r,expandByDefault:o}=this.props,{name:i,deprecated:a,required:s,kind:l}=t,c=!t.schema.isPrimitive&&!t.schema.isCircular,u=void 0===t.expanded?o:t.expanded,p=n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,"additionalProperties"===l&&n.createElement(pm,null,"additional property"),"patternProperties"===l&&n.createElement(pm,null,"pattern property"),s&&n.createElement(um,null,"required")),d=c?n.createElement(om,{className:a?"deprecated":"",kind:l,title:i},n.createElement(Dp,null),n.createElement("button",{onClick:this.toggle,onKeyPress:this.handleKeyPress,"aria-label":"expand properties"},n.createElement("span",{className:"property-name"},i),n.createElement(Ap,{direction:u?"down":"right"})),p):n.createElement(Np,{className:a?"deprecated":void 0,kind:l,title:i},n.createElement(Dp,null),n.createElement("span",{className:"property-name"},i),p);return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement("tr",{className:r?"last "+e:e},d,n.createElement(Lp,null,n.createElement(Mm,((e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))Um.call(t,r)&&Bm(e,r,t[r]);if(zm)for(var r of zm(t))qm.call(t,r)&&Bm(e,r,t[r]);return e})({},this.props)))),u&&c&&n.createElement("tr",{key:t.name+"inner"},n.createElement(Ip,{colSpan:2},n.createElement(Mp,null,n.createElement(_g,{schema:t.schema,skipReadOnly:this.props.skipReadOnly,skipWriteOnly:this.props.skipWriteOnly,showTitle:this.props.showTitle,level:this.props.level})))))}};Vm=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],Vm);Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let Wm=class extends n.Component{constructor(){super(
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding - left : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => 2 * e . spacing . unit } px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class ng extends n.PureComponent{render(){const e=this.props.schema,t=e.items,r=void 0===e.minItems&&void 0===e.maxItems?"": ` ( $ { ls ( e ) } ) ` ;return e.fields?n.createElement(Hm,tg(eg({},this.props),{level:this.props.level})):!e.displayType||t||r.length?n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(Bp,null," Array ",r),n.createElement(rg,null,n.createElement(_g,tg(eg({},this.props),{schema:t}))),n.createElement(Vp,null)):n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(sm,null,e.displayType))}}var og=Object.defineProperty,ig=Object.defineProperties,ag=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,sg=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors,lg=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,cg=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,ug=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,pg=(e,t,r)=>t in e?og(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r,dg=(e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=n>1?void 0:n?ag(t,r):t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=(n?o(t,r,i):o(i))||i);return n&&i&&og(t,r,i),i};let fg=class extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.activateOneOf=()=>{this.props.schema.activateOneOf(this.props.idx)}}render(){const{idx:e,schema:t,subSchema:r}=this.props;return n.createElement(qp,{deprecated:r.deprecated,active:e===t.activeOneOf,onClick:this.activateOneOf},r.title||r.typePrefix+r.displayType)}};fg=dg([nm],fg);let hg=class extends n.Component{render(){const{schema:{oneOf:e},schema:t}=this.props;if(void 0===e)return null;const r=e[t.activeOneOf];return n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(Up,null," ",t.oneOfType," "),n.createElement(zp,null,e.map(((e,r)=>n.createElement(fg,{key:e.pointer,schema:t,subSchema:e,idx:r})))),n.createElement("div",null,e[t.activeOneOf].deprecated&&n.createElement(Cp,{type:"warning"},"Deprecated")),n.createElement(Em,{constraints:r.constraints}),n.createElement(_g,((e,t)=>ig(e,sg(t)))(((e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))cg.call(t,r)&&pg(e,r,t[r]);if(lg)for(var r of lg(t))ug.call(t,r)&&pg(e,r,t[r]);return e})({},this.props),{schema:r})))}};hg=dg([nm],hg);var mg=Object.defineProperty,gg=Object.defineProperties,yg=(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors),vg=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,bg=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,wg=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,xg=(e,t,r)=>t in e?mg(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r,kg=(e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))bg.call(t,r)&&xg(e,r,t[r]);if(vg)for(var r of vg(t))wg.call(t,r)&&xg(e,r,t[r]);return e},Og=(e,t)=>gg(e,yg(t));let _g=class extends n.Component{render(){var e;const t=this.props,{schema:r}=t,o=((e,t)=>{var r={};for(var n in e)bg.call(e,n)&&t.indexOf(n)<0&&(r[n]=e[n]);if(null!=e&&vg)for(var n of vg(e))t.indexOf(n)<0&&wg.call(e,n)&&(r[n]=e[n]);return r})(t,["schema"]),i=(o.level||0)+1;if(!r)return n.createElement("em",null," Schema not provided ");const{type:a,oneOf:s,discriminatorProp:l,isCircular:c}=r;if(c)return n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(sm,null,r.displayType),r.title&&n.createElement(lm,null," ",r.title," "),n.createElement(dm,null," ",rr("recursive")," "));if(void 0!==l)return s&&s.length?n.createElement(Hm,Og(kg({},o),{level:i,schema:s[r.activeOneOf],discriminator:{fieldName:l,parentSchema:r}})):(console.warn( ` Looks like you are using discriminator wrong : you don ' t have any definition inherited from the $ { r . title } ` ),null);if(void 0!==s)return n.createElement(hg,kg({schema:r},o));const u=Jt(a)?a:[a];if(u.includes("object")){if(null==(e=r.fields)?void 0:e.length)return n.createElement(Hm,Og(kg({},this.props),{level:i}))}else if(u.includes("array"))return n.createElement(ng,Og(kg({},this.props),{level:i}));const p={schema:r,name:"",required:!1,description:r.description,externalDocs:r.externalDocs,deprecated:!1,toggle:()=>null,expanded:!1};return n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(Mm,{field:p}))}};_g=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],_g);var Sg=Object.defineProperty,Eg=Object.defineProperties,Pg=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, $ g=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,Ag=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Cg=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,Rg=(e,t,r)=>t in e?Sg(e,t,
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
background : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . codeBlock . backgroundColor } ;
& > div ,
& > pre {
padding : $ { e => 4 * e . theme . spacing . unit } px ;
margin : 0 ;
& > div > pre {
padding : 0 ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
` ,Ig=(We.div `
background - color : # e4e7eb ;
` ,We.ul `
display : inline ;
list - style : none ;
padding : 0 ;
li {
display : inherit ;
& : after {
content : ',' ;
& : last - child : after {
content : none ;
` ,We.code `
font - size : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontSize } ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
margin : 0 3 px ;
padding : 0.2 em ;
display : inline - block ;
line - height : 1 ;
& : after {
content : ',' ;
font - weight : normal ;
& : last - child : after {
content : none ;
` ),Ng=We.span `
& : after {
content : ' and ' ;
font - weight : normal ;
& : last - child : after {
content : none ;
$ { Pf } ;
` ,Lg=We.span `
$ { e => ! e . expanded && "white-space: nowrap;" }
& : after {
content : ' or ' ;
$ { e => e . expanded && "content: ' or \\a';" }
white - space : pre ;
& : last - child : after ,
& : only - child : after {
content : none ;
$ { Pf } ;
` ,Dg=We.div `
flex : 1 1 auto ;
cursor : pointer ;
` ,Mg=We.div `
width : $ { e => e . theme . schema . defaultDetailsWidth } ;
text - overflow : ellipsis ;
border - radius : 4 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
$ { e => e . expanded && ` background: ${ e . theme . colors . gray [ 100 ] } ; \n padding: 8px 9.6px; \n margin: 20px 0; \n width: 100%; \n ` } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" ) `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
margin - top : 10 px ;
` }
` ,Fg=We(bp) `
display : inline - block ;
margin : 0 ;
` ,zg=We.div `
width : 100 % ;
display : flex ;
margin : 1 em 0 ;
flex - direction : $ { e => e . expanded ? "column" : "row" } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" ) `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
flex - direction : column ;
` }
` ,Ug=We.div `
margin : 0.5 em 0 ;
` ,qg=We.div `
border - bottom : 1 px solid $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . border . dark } ;
margin - bottom : 1.5 em ;
padding - bottom : 0.7 em ;
h5 {
line - height : 1 em ;
margin : 0 0 0.6 em ;
font - size : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . fontSize } ;
. redoc - markdown p : first - child {
display : inline ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;function Bg({children:e,height:t}){const r=n.createRef(),[o,i]=n.useState(!1),[a,s]=n.useState(!1);return n.useEffect((()=>{r.current&&r.current.clientHeight+20<r.current.scrollHeight&&s(!0)}),[r]),n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(Vg,{ref:r,className:o?"":"container",style:{height:o?"auto":t}},e),n.createElement(Wg,{dimmed:!o},a&&n.createElement(Hg,{onClick:()=>{i(!o)}},o?"See less":"See more")))}const Vg=We.div `
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
overflow - y : hidden ;
` ,Wg=We.div `
text - align : center ;
line - height : 1.5 em ;
$ { ( { dimmed : e } ) => e && "background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent,rgb(255 255 255));\n position: relative;\n top: -0.5em;\n padding-top: 0.5em;\n background-position-y: -1em;\n " }
` ,Hg=We.a `
cursor : pointer ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Yg=n.memo((function(e){const{type:t,flow:r,RequiredScopes:o}=e,i=Object.keys((null==r?void 0:r.scopes)||{});return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("b",null,"Flow type: "),n.createElement("code",null,t," ")),("implicit"===t||"authorizationCode"===t)&&n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("strong",null," Authorization URL: "),n.createElement("code",null,n.createElement("a",{target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer",href:r.authorizationUrl},r.authorizationUrl))),("password"===t||"clientCredentials"===t||"authorizationCode"===t)&&n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("b",null," Token URL: "),n.createElement("code",null,r.tokenUrl)),r.refreshUrl&&n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("strong",null," Refresh URL: "),r.refreshUrl),!!i.length&&n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,o||null,n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("b",null," Scopes: ")),n.createElement(Bg,{height:"4em"},n.createElement("ul",null,i.map((e=>n.createElement("li",{key:e},n.createElement("code",null,e)," -"," ",n.createElement(Lf,{className:"redoc-markdown",inline:!0,source:r.scopes[e]||""}))))))))}));function Kg(e){const{RequiredScopes:t,scheme:r}=e;return n.createElement( $ f,null,r.apiKey?n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("b",null,(o=r.apiKey.in||"").charAt(0).toUpperCase()+o.slice(1)," parameter name: "),n.createElement("code",null,r.apiKey.name)),t):r.http?n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("b",null,"HTTP Authorization Scheme: "),n.createElement("code",null,r.http.scheme)),n.createElement(Ug,null,"bearer"===r.http.scheme&&r.http.bearerFormat&&n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement("b",null,"Bearer format: "),n.createElement("code",null,r.http.bearerFormat))),t):r.openId?n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("b",null,"Connect URL: "),n.createElement("code",null,n.createElement("a",{target:"_blank",rel:"noopener noreferrer",href:r.openId.connectUrl},r.openId.connectUrl))),t):r.flows?Object.keys(r.flows).map((e=>n.createElement(Yg,{key:e,type:e,RequiredScopes:t,flow:r.flows[e]}))):null);var o}const Gg={oauth2:"OAuth2",apiKey:"API Key",http:"HTTP",openIdConnect:"OpenID Connect"};class Qg extends n.PureComponent{render(){return this.props.securitySchemes.schemes.map((e=>n.createElement(pp,{id:e.sectionId,key:e.id},n.createElement(fp,null,n.createElement(up,null,n.createElement(yp,null,n.createElement(Ep,{to:e.sectionId}),e.displayName),n.createElement(Lf,{source:e.description||""}),n.createElement(qg,null,n.createElement(Ug,null,n.createElement("b",null,"Security Scheme Type: "),n.createElement("span",null,Gg[e.type]||e.type)),n.createElement(Kg,{scheme:e})))))))}}class Xg{constructor(e,t,r={},n=!0){var o,i,a,s;this.marker=new Ns,this.disposer=null,this.rawOptions=r,this.options=new hr(r,Zg),this.scroll=new lp(this.options),op.updateOnHistory(Ts.currentId,this.scroll),this.spec=new Fu(e,t,this.options),this.menu=new op(this.spec,this.scroll,Ts),this.options.disableSearch||(this.search=new cp,n&&this.search.indexItems(this.menu.items),this.disposer=(o=this.menu,i="activeItemIdx",Yr(a=e=>{this.updateMarkOnMenu(e.newValue)})?function(e,t,r,n){return va(e,t).observe_(r,n)}(o,i,a,s):function(e,t,r){return va(e).observe_(t,r)}(o,i,a)))}static fromJS(e){const t=new Xg(e.spec.data,e.spec.url,e.options,!1);return t.menu.activeItemIdx=e.menu.activeItemIdx||0,t.menu.activate(t.menu.flatItems[t.menu.activeItemIdx]),t.options.disableSearch||t.search.load(e.searchIndex),t}onDidMount(){this.menu.updateOnHistory(),this.updateMarkOnMenu(this.menu.activeItemIdx)}dispose(){this.scroll.dispose(),this.menu.dispose(),this.search&&this.search.dispose(),null!=this.disposer&&this.disposer()}toJS(){return e=this,t=null,r=function*(){return{menu:{activeItemIdx:this.menu.activeItemIdx},spec:{url:this.spec.parser.specUrl,data:this.spec.parser.spec},searchIndex:this.search?yield this.search.toJS():void 0,options:this.rawOptions}},new Promise(((n,o)=>{var i=e=>{try{s(r.next(e))}catch(e){o(e)}},a=e=>{try{s(r.throw(e))}catch(e){o
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin - top : 0 ;
margin - bottom : 0.5 em ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "ApiHeader" ) } ;
` ,ey=xr.a `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border : 1 px solid $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
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font - weight : normal ;
margin - left : 0.5 em ;
padding : 4 px 8 px 4 px ;
display : inline - block ;
text - decoration : none ;
cursor : pointer ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { kr ( "DownloadButton" ) } ;
` ,ty=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
& : : before {
content : '|' ;
display : inline - block ;
opacity : 0.5 ;
width : $ { 15 } px ;
text - align : center ;
& : last - child : : after {
display : none ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,ry=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
overflow : hidden ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,ny=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : flex ;
flex - wrap : wrap ;
// hide separator on new lines: idea from https://stackoverflow.com/a/31732902/1749888
margin - left : - $ { 15 } px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let oy=class extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.handleDownloadClick=e=>{e.target.href||(e.target.href=this.props.store.spec.info.downloadLink)}}render(){const{store:e}=this.props,{info:t,externalDocs:r}=e.spec,o=e.options.hideDownloadButton,i=t.downloadFileName,a=t.downloadLink,s=t.license&&n.createElement(ty,null,"License:"," ",t.license.identifier?t.license.identifier:n.createElement("a",{href:t.license.url},t.license.name))||null,l=t.contact&&t.contact.url&&n.createElement(ty,null,"URL: ",n.createElement("a",{href:t.contact.url},t.contact.url))||null,c=t.contact&&t.contact.email&&n.createElement(ty,null,t.contact.name||"E-mail",":"," ",n.createElement("a",{href:"mailto:"+t.contact.email},t.contact.email))||null,u=t.termsOfService&&n.createElement(ty,null,n.createElement("a",{href:t.termsOfService},"Terms of Service"))||null,p=t.version&&n.createElement("span",null,"(",t.version,")")||null;return n.createElement(pp,null,n.createElement(fp,null,n.createElement(up,{className:"api-info"},n.createElement(Jg,null,t.title," ",p),!o&&n.createElement("p",null,rr("downloadSpecification"),":",n.createElement(ey,{download:i||!0,target:"_blank",href:a,onClick:this.handleDownloadClick},rr("download"))),n.createElement( $ f,null,(t.license||t.contact||t.termsOfService)&&n.createElement(ry,null,n.createElement(ny,null,c," ",l," ",s," ",u))||null),n.createElement(Lf,{source:e.spec.info.summary,"data-role":"redoc-summary"}),n.createElement(Lf,{source:e.spec.info.description,"data-role":"redoc-description"}),r&&n.createElement(bm,{externalDocs:r}))))}};oy=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],oy);const iy=xr.img `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
max - height : $ { e => e . theme . logo . maxHeight } ;
max - width : $ { e => e . theme . logo . maxWidth } ;
padding : $ { e => e . theme . logo . gutter } ;
width : 100 % ;
display : block ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,ay=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
text - align : center ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,sy=xr.a `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : inline - block ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let ly=class extends n.Component{render(){const{info:e}=this.props,t=e["x-logo"];if(!t||!t.url)return null;const r=t.href||e.contact&&e.contact.url,o=t.altText?t.altText:"logo",i=n.createElement(iy,{src:t.url,alt:o});return n.createElement(ay,{style:{backgroundColor:t.backgroundColor}},r?(a=r,e=>n.createElement(sy,{href:a},e))(i):i);var a}};ly=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],ly);var cy=Object.defineProperty,uy=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,py=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,dy=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,fy=(e,t,r)=>t in e?cy(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r,hy=(e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))py.call(t,r)&&fy(e,r,t[r]);if(uy)for(var r of uy(t))dy.call(t,r)&&fy(e,r,t[r]);return e};class my extends n.Component{render(){return n.createElement(jr,null,(e=>n.createElement(kp,null,(t=>this.renderWithOptionsAndStore(e,t)))))}renderWithOptionsAndStore(e,t){const{source:r,htmlWrap:o=(e=>e)}=this.props;if(!t)throw new Error("When using components in markdown, store prop must be provided");const i=new Cl(e).renderMdWithComponents(r);return i.length?i.map(((e,r)=>"string"==typeof e?n.cloneElement(o(n.createElement(Nf,{html:e,inline:!1,compact:!1})),{key:r}):n.createElement(e.component,hy({key:r},hy(hy({},e.props),e.propsSelector(t)))))):null}}var gy=r(4184),yy=r.n(gy);const vy=xr.span.attrs((e=>({className: ` operation - type $ { e . type } ` }))) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
width : 9 ex ;
display : inline - block ;
height : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontSize } ;
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border - radius : 3 px ;
background - repeat : no - repeat ;
background - position : 6 px 4 px ;
font - size : 7 px ;
font - family : Verdana , sans - serif ; // web-safe
color : white ;
text - transform : uppercase ;
text - align : center ;
font - weight : bold ;
vertical - align : middle ;
margin - right : 6 px ;
margin - top : 2 px ;
& . get {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . get } ;
& . post {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . post } ;
& . put {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . put } ;
& . options {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . options } ;
& . patch {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . patch } ;
& . delete {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . delete } ;
& . basic {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . basic } ;
& . link {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . link } ;
& . head {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http . head } ;
& . hook {
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;function by(e,{theme:t},r){return e>1?t.sidebar.level1Items[r]:1===e?t.sidebar.groupItems[r]:""}const wy=xr.ul `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
& & {
font - size : 0.929 em ;
$ { e => e . expanded ? "" : "display: none;" } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,xy=xr.li `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
list - style : none inside none ;
overflow : hidden ;
text - overflow : ellipsis ;
padding : 0 ;
$ { e => 0 === e . depth ? "margin-top: 15px" : "" } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,ky={0:gr `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
opacity : 0.7 ;
text - transform : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . sidebar . groupItems . textTransform } ;
font - size : 0.8 em ;
padding - bottom : 0 ;
cursor : default ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,1:gr `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - size : 0.929 em ;
text - transform : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . sidebar . level1Items . textTransform } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` },Oy=xr.label.attrs((e=>({role:"menuitem",className:yy()("-depth"+e.depth,{active:e.active})}))) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
cursor : pointer ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . active ? by ( e . depth , e , "activeTextColor" ) : e . theme . sidebar . textColor } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : 0 ;
padding : 12.5 px $ { e => 4 * e . theme . spacing . unit } px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { ( { depth : e , type : t , theme : r } ) => "section" === t && e > 1 && "padding-left: " + 8 * r . spacing . unit + "px;" || "" }
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : flex ;
justify - content : space - between ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . headings . fontFamily } ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { e => ky [ e . depth ] } ;
background - color : $ { e => e . active ? by ( e . depth , e , "activeBackgroundColor" ) : e . theme . sidebar . backgroundColor } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { e => e . deprecated && Rp || "" } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
& : hover {
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
color : $ { e => by ( e . depth , e , "activeTextColor" ) } ;
background - color : $ { e => by ( e . depth , e , "activeBackgroundColor" ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Ap } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
height : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . sidebar . arrow . size } ;
width : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . sidebar . arrow . size } ;
polygon {
fill : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . sidebar . arrow . color } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,_y=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : inline - block ;
vertical - align : middle ;
width : $ { e => e . width ? e . width : "auto" } ;
overflow : hidden ;
text - overflow : ellipsis ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Sy=xr.div `
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
$ { ( { theme : e } ) => ` \n font-size: 0.8em; \n margin-top: ${ 2 * e . spacing . unit } px; \n padding: 0 ${ 4 * e . spacing . unit } px; \n text-align: left; \n \n opacity: 0.7; \n \n a, \n a:visited, \n a:hover { \n color: ${ e . sidebar . textColor } !important; \n border-top: 1px solid ${ St ( . 1 , e . sidebar . backgroundColor ) } ; \n padding: ${ e . spacing . unit } px 0; \n display: block; \n } \n ` } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class Ey extends n.PureComponent{render(){const{name:e,opened:t,className:r,onClick:o,httpVerb:i,deprecated:a}=this.props;return n.createElement(Py,{className:r,onClick:o||void 0},n.createElement(Ay,{type:i},fs(i)),n.createElement(Ap,{size:"1.5em",direction:t?"down":"right",float:"left"}),n.createElement( $ y,{deprecated:a},e),a?n.createElement(Cp,{type:"warning"}," ",rr("deprecated")," "):null)}}const Py=xr.button `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
border : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
text - align : left ;
& > * {
vertical - align : middle ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Ap } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
polygon {
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
fill : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => St ( e . colors . tonalOffset , e . colors . gray [ 100 ] ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` , $ y=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
text - decoration : $ { e => e . deprecated ? "line-through" : "none" } ;
margin - right : 8 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Ay=xr(vy) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin : 0 5 px 0 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Cy=xr(Ey) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 10 px ;
border - radius : 2 px ;
margin - bottom : 4 px ;
line - height : 1.5 em ;
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . gray [ 100 ] } ;
cursor : pointer ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
outline - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => St ( e . colors . tonalOffset , e . colors . gray [ 100 ] ) } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Ry=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 10 px 25 px ;
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . gray [ 50 ] } ;
margin - bottom : 5 px ;
margin - top : 5 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class jy extends n.PureComponent{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.selectElement=()=>{Vf.selectElement(this.child)}}render(){const{children:e}=this.props;return n.createElement("div",{ref:e=>this.child=e,onClick:this.selectElement,onFocus:this.selectElement,tabIndex:0,role:"button"},e)}}const Ty=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
cursor : pointer ;
position : relative ;
margin - bottom : 5 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Iy=xr.span `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . code . fontFamily } ;
margin - left : 10 px ;
flex : 1 ;
overflow - x : hidden ;
text - overflow : ellipsis ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Ny=xr.button `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
outline : 0 ;
color : inherit ;
width : 100 % ;
text - align : left ;
cursor : pointer ;
padding : 10 px 30 px 10 px $ { e => e . inverted ? "10px" : "20px" } ;
border - radius : $ { e => e . inverted ? "0" : "4px 4px 0 0" } ;
background - color : $ { e => e . inverted ? "transparent" : e . theme . codeBlock . backgroundColor } ;
display : flex ;
white - space : nowrap ;
align - items : center ;
border : $ { e => e . inverted ? "0" : "1px solid transparent" } ;
border - bottom : $ { e => e . inverted ? "1px solid #ccc" : "0" } ;
transition : border - color 0.25 s ease ;
$ { e => e . expanded && ! e . inverted && ` border-color: ${ e . theme . colors . border . dark } ; ` || "" }
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
. $ { Iy } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . inverted ? e . theme . colors . text . primary : "#ffffff" } ;
& : focus {
box - shadow : inset 0 2 px 2 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.45 ) , 0 2 px 0 rgba ( 128 , 128 , 128 , 0.25 ) ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Ly=xr.span.attrs((e=>({className: ` http - verb $ { e . type } ` }))) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - size : $ { e => e . compact ? "0.8em" : "0.929em" } ;
line - height : $ { e => e . compact ? "18px" : "20px" } ;
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . http [ e . type ] || "#999999" } ;
color : # ffffff ;
padding : $ { e => e . compact ? "2px 8px" : "3px 10px" } ;
text - transform : uppercase ;
font - family : $ { e => e . theme . typography . headings . fontFamily } ;
margin : 0 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Dy=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
position : absolute ;
width : 100 % ;
z - index : 100 ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
background : $ { e => e . theme . rightPanel . servers . overlay . backgroundColor } ;
color : $ { e => e . theme . rightPanel . servers . overlay . textColor } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
box - sizing : border - box ;
box - shadow : 0 px 0 px 6 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.33 ) ;
overflow : hidden ;
border - bottom - left - radius : 4 px ;
border - bottom - right - radius : 4 px ;
transition : all 0.25 s ease ;
visibility : hidden ;
$ { e => e . expanded ? "visibility: visible;" : "transform: translateY(-50%) scaleY(0);" }
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,My=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 10 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Fy=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 5 px ;
border : 1 px solid # ccc ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
background : $ { e => e . theme . rightPanel . servers . url . backgroundColor } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
word - break : break - all ;
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
> span {
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . text . primary } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class zy extends n.Component{constructor(e){super(e),this.toggle=()=>{this.setState({expanded:!this.state.expanded})},this.state={expanded:!1}}render(){const{operation:e,inverted:t,hideHostname:r}=this.props,{expanded:o}=this.state;return n.createElement(Cr.Consumer,null,(i=>n.createElement(Ty,null,n.createElement(Ny,{onClick:this.toggle,expanded:o,inverted:t},n.createElement(Ly,{type:e.httpVerb,compact:this.props.compact},e.httpVerb),n.createElement(Iy,null,e.path),n.createElement(Ap,{float:"right",color:t?"black":"white",size:"20px",direction:o?"up":"down",style:{marginRight:"-25px"}})),n.createElement(Dy,{expanded:o,"aria-hidden":!o},e.servers.map((t=>{const o=i.expandDefaultServerVariables?function(e,t={}){return e.replace(/(?:{)([ \w -.]+)(?:})/g,((e,r)=>t[r]&&t[r].default||e))}(t.url,t.variables):t.url,a=function(e){try{return Xt(e).pathname}catch(t){return e}}(o);return n.createElement(My,{key:o},n.createElement(Lf,{source:t.description||"",compact:!0}),n.createElement(jy,null,n.createElement(Fy,null,n.createElement("span",null,r||i.hideHostname?"/"===a?"":a:o),e.path)))}))))))}}class Uy extends n.PureComponent{render(){const{place:e,parameters:t}=this.props;return t&&t.length?n.createElement("div",{key:e},n.createElement(bp,null,e," Parameters"),n.createElement(Fp,null,n.createElement("tbody",null,Bt(t,((e,t)=>n.createElement(Vm,{key:e.name,isLast:t,field:e,showExamples:!0})))))):null}}Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let qy=class extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.switchMedia=({idx:e})=>{this.props.content&&void 0!==e&&this.props.content.activate(e)}}render(){const{content:e}=this.props;if(!e||!e.mediaTypes||!e.mediaTypes.length)return null;const t=e.activeMimeIdx,r=e.mediaTypes.map(((e,t)=>({value:e.name,idx:t}))),o=({children:e})=>this.props.withLabel?n.createElement(uh,null,n.createElement(ch,null,"Content type"),e):e;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(o,null,this.props.renderDropdown({value:r[t].value,options:r,onChange:this.switchMedia,ariaLabel:"Content type"})),this.props.children(e.active))}};qy=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],qy);var By=Object.defineProperty,Vy=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,Wy=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Hy=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,Yy=(e,t,r)=>t in e?By(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r;const Ky=["path","query","cookie","header"];class Gy extends n.PureComponent{orderParams(e){const t={};return e.forEach((e=>{var r,n,o;o=e,(r=t)[n=e.in]||(r[n]=[]),r[n].push(o)})),t}render(){const{body:e,parameters:t=[]}=this.props;if(void 0===e&&void 0===t)return null;const r=this.orderParams(t),o=t.length>0?Ky:[],i=e&&e.content,a=e&&e.description;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,o.map((e=>n.createElement(Uy,{key:e,place:e,parameters:r[e]}))),i&&n.createElement(Xy,{content:i,description:a}))}}function Qy(e){return n.createElement(bp,{key:"header"},"Request Body schema: ",n.createElement(Sf,((e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))Wy.call(t,r)&&Yy(e,r,t[r]);if(Vy)for(var r of Vy(t))Hy.call(t,r)&&Yy(e,r,t[r]);return e})({},e)))}function Xy(e){const{content:t,description:r}=e,{isRequestType:o}=t;return n.createElement(qy,{content:t,renderDropdown:Qy},(({schema:e})=>n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,void 0!==r&&n.createElement(Lf,{source:r}),"object"===(null==e?void 0:e.type)&&n.createElement(Em,{constraints:(null==e?void 0:e.constraints)||[]}),n.createElement(_g,{skipReadOnly:o,skipWriteOnly:!o,key:"schema",schema:e}))))}const Zy=xr(n.memo((function({title:e,type:t,empty:r,code:o,opened:i,className:a,onClick:s}){return n.createElement("button",{className:a,onClick:!r&&s||void 0,"aria-expanded":i,disabled:r},!r&&n.createElement(Ap,{size:"1.5em",color:t,direction:i?"down":"right",float:"left"}),n.createElement(tv,null,o," "),n.createElement(Lf,{compact:!0,inline:!0,source:e}))}))) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : block ;
border : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
text - align : left ;
padding : 10 px ;
border - radius : 2 px ;
margin - bottom : 4 px ;
line - height : 1.5 em ;
cursor : pointer ;
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . responses [ e . type ] . color } ;
background - color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . responses [ e . type ] . backgroundColor } ;
& : focus {
outline : auto $ { e => e . theme . colors . responses [ e . type ] . color } ;
$ { e => e . empty ? '\ncursor: default;\n&::before {\n content: "—";\n font-weight: bold;\n width: 1.5em;\n text-align: center;\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: top;\n}\n&:focus {\n outline: 0;\n}\n' : "" } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Jy=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding : 10 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,ev=xr(bp.withComponent("caption")) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
text - align : left ;
margin - top : 1 em ;
caption - side : top ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,tv=xr.strong `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
vertical - align : top ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class rv extends n.PureComponent{render(){const{headers:e}=this.props;return void 0===e||0===e.length?null:n.createElement(Fp,null,n.createElement(ev,null," Response Headers "),n.createElement("tbody",null,Bt(e,((e,t)=>n.createElement(Vm,{isLast:t,key:e.name,field:e,showExamples:!0})))))}}var nv=Object.defineProperty,ov=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,iv=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,av=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,sv=(e,t,r)=>t in e?nv(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r;class lv extends n.PureComponent{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.renderDropdown=e=>n.createElement(bp,{key:"header"},"Response Schema: ",n.createElement(Sf,((e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))iv.call(t,r)&&sv(e,r,t[r]);if(ov)for(var r of ov(t))av.call(t,r)&&sv(e,r,t[r]);return e})({},e)))}render(){const{description:e,extensions:t,headers:r,content:o}=this.props.response;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,e&&n.createElement(Lf,{source:e}),n.createElement(Om,{extensions:t}),n.createElement(rv,{headers:r}),n.createElement(qy,{content:o,renderDropdown:this.renderDropdown},(({schema:e})=>n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,"object"===(null==e?void 0:e.type)&&n.createElement(Em,{constraints:(null==e?void 0:e.constraints)||[]}),n.createElement(_g,{skipWriteOnly:!0,key:"schema",schema:e})))))}}const cv=nm((({response:e})=>{const{extensions:t,headers:r,type:o,summary:i,description:a,code:s,expanded:l,content:c}=e,u=n.useMemo((()=>void 0===c?[]:c.mediaTypes.filter((e=>void 0!==e.schema))),[c]),p=n.useMemo((()=>!(t&&0!==Object.keys(t).length||0!==r.length||0!==u.length||a)),[t,r,u,a]);return n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(Zy,{onClick:()=>e.toggle(),type:o,empty:p,title:i||"",code:s,opened:l}),l&&!p&&n.createElement(Jy,null,n.createElement(lv,{response:e})))})),uv=xr.h3 `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - size : 1.3 em ;
padding : 0.2 em 0 ;
margin : 3 em 0 1.1 em ;
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . primary } ;
font - weight : normal ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;class pv extends n.PureComponent{render(){const{responses:e,isCallback:t}=this.props;return e&&0!==e.length?n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(uv,null,rr(t?"callbackResponses":"responses")),e.map((e=>n.createElement(cv,{key:e.code,response:e})))):null}}function dv(e){const{security:t,showSecuritySchemeType:r,expanded:o}=e,i=t.schemes.length>1;return n.createElement(Lg,{expanded:o},i&&"(",t.schemes.map((e=>n.createElement(Ng,{key:e.id},r&& ` $ { Gg [ e . type ] || e . type } : ` ,n.createElement("i",null,e.displayName),o&&e.scopes.length?[" (",e.scopes.map((e=>n.createElement(Ig,{key:e},e))),") "]:null))),i&&") ")}const fv=({scopes:e})=>e.length?n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement("b",null,"Required scopes: "),e.map(((e,t)=>n.createElement(n.Fragment,{key:t},n.createElement("code",null,e)," ")))):null;function hv(e){const t=(0,n.useContext)(wp),r=null==t?void 0:t.options.showSecuritySchemeType,[o,i]=(0,n.useState)(!1),{securities:a}=e;if(!(null==a?void 0:a.length)||(null==t?void 0:t.options.hideSecuritySection))return null;const s=null==t?void 0:t.spec.securitySchemes.schemes.filter((({id:e})=>a.find((t=>t.schemes.find((t=>t.id===e))))));return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(zg,{expanded:o},n.createElement(Dg,{onClick:()=>i(!o)},n.createElement(Fg,null,"Authorizations:"),n.createElement(Ap,{size:"1.3em",direction:o?"down":"right"})),n.createElement(Mg,{expanded:o},a.map(((e,t)=>n.createElement(dv,{key:t,expanded:o,showSecuritySchemeType:r,security:e}))))),o&&(null==s?void 0:s.length)&&s.map(((e,t)=>n.createElement(qg,{key:t},n.createElement("h5",null,n.createElement(mv,null)," ",Gg[e.type]||e.type,": ",e.id),n.createElement(Lf,{source:e.description||""}),n.createElement(Kg,{key:e.id,scheme:e,RequiredScopes:n.createElement(fv,{scopes:gv(e.id,a)})})))))}const mv=()=>n.createElement("svg",{xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",viewBox:"0 0 24 24",width:"11",height:"11"},n.createElement("path",{fill:"currentColor",d:"M18 10V6A6 6 0 0 0 6 6v4H3v14h18V10h-3zM8 6c0-2.206 1.794-4 4-4s4 1.794 4 4v4H8V6zm11 16H5V12h14v10z"}));function gv(e,t){const r=[];let n=t.length;for(;n--;){const o=t[n];let i=o.schemes.length;for(;i--;){const t=o.schemes[i];t.id===e&&r.push(...t.scopes)}}return Array.from(new Set(r))}Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let yv=class extends n.Component{render(){const{operation:e}=this.props,{description:t,externalDocs:r}=e,o=!(!t&&!r);return n.createElement(Ry,null,o&&n.createElement(vv,null,void 0!==t&&n.createElement(Lf,{source:t}),r&&n.createElement(bm,{externalDocs:r})),n.createElement(zy,{operation:this.props.operation,inverted:!0,compact:!0}),n.createElement(Om,{extensions:e.extensions}),n.createElement(hv,{securities:e.security}),n.createElement(Gy,{parameters:e.parameters,body:e.requestBody}),n.createElement(pv,{responses:e.responses,isCallback:e.isCallback}))}};yv=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],yv);const vv=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin - bottom : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => 3 * e . spacing . unit } px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let bv=class extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.toggle=()=>{this.props.callbackOperation.toggle()}}render(){const{name:e,expanded:t,httpVerb:r,deprecated:o}=this.props.callbackOperation;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(Cy,{onClick:this.toggle,name:e,opened:t,httpVerb:r,deprecated:o}),t&&n.createElement(yv,{operation:this.props.callbackOperation}))}};bv=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],bv);class wv extends n.PureComponent{render(){const{callbacks:e}=this.props;return e&&0!==e.length?n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(xv,null," Callbacks "),e.map((e=>e.operations.map(((t,r)=>n.createElement(bv,{key: ` $ { e . name } _$ { r } ` ,callbackOperation:t})))))):null}}const xv=xr.h3 `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - size : 1.3 em ;
padding : 0.2 em 0 ;
margin : 3 em 0 1.1 em ;
color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . colors . text . primary } ;
font - weight : normal ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let kv=class extends n.Component{constructor(e){super(e),this.switchItem=({idx:e})=>{this.props.items&&void 0!==e&&this.setState({activeItemIdx:e})},this.state={activeItemIdx:0}}render(){const{items:e}=this.props;if(!e||!e.length)return null;const t=({children:e})=>this.props.label?n.createElement(uh,null,n.createElement(ch,null,this.props.label),e):e;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(t,null,this.props.renderDropdown({value:this.props.options[this.state.activeItemIdx].value,options:this.props.options,onChange:this.switchItem,ariaLabel:this.props.label||"Callback"})),this.props.children(e[this.state.activeItemIdx]))}};kv=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],kv);var Ov=Object.defineProperty,_v=Object.defineProperties,Sv=(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors),Ev=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,Pv=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, $ v=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,Av=(e,t,r)=>t in e?Ov(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r;let Cv=class extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.renderDropdown=e=>{return n.createElement(Sf,(t=((e,t)=>{for(var r in t||(t={}))Pv.call(t,r)&&Av(e,r,t[r]);if(Ev)for(var r of Ev(t)) $ v.call(t,r)&&Av(e,r,t[r]);return e})({Label:lh,Dropdown:ph},e),_v(t,Sv({variant:"dark"}))));var t}}render(){const e=this.props.content;return void 0===e?null:n.createElement(qy,{content:e,renderDropdown:this.renderDropdown,withLabel:!0},(e=>n.createElement(fh,{key:"samples",mediaType:e,renderDropdown:this.renderDropdown})))}};Cv=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],Cv);class Rv extends n.Component{render(){const e=this.props.callback.codeSamples.find((e=>au(e)));return e?n.createElement(jv,null,n.createElement(Cv,{content:e.requestBodyContent})):null}}const jv=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin - top : 15 px ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let qv=class extends n.Component{render(){const{operation:e}=this.props,t=e.codeSamples,r=t.length>0,o=1===t.length&&this.context.hideSingleRequestSampleTab;return r&&n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(vp,null," ",rr("requestSamples")," "),n.createElement(kd,{defaultIndex:0},n.createElement(hd,{hidden:o},t.map((e=>n.createElement(vd,{key:e.lang+"_"+(e.label||"")},void 0!==e.label?e.label:e.lang)))),t.map((e=>n.createElement(xd,{key:e.lang+"_"+(e.label||"")},au(e)?n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(Cv,{content:e.requestBodyContent})):n.createElement(oh,{lang:e.lang,source:e.source}))))))||null}};qv.contextType=Cr,qv=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],qv);Object.defineProperty,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;let Bv=class extends n.Component{render(){const{operation:e}=this.props,t=e.responses.filter((e=>e.content&&e.content.hasSample));return t.length>0&&n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(vp,null," ",rr("responseSamples")," "),n.createElement(kd,{defaultIndex:0},n.createElement(hd,null,t.map((e=>n.createElement(vd,{className:"tab-"+e.type,key:e.code},e.code)))),t.map((e=>n.createElement(xd,{key:e.code},n.createElement("div",null,n.createElement(Cv,{content:e.content})))))))||null}};Bv=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],Bv);var Vv=Object.defineProperty,Wv=Object.defineProperties,Hv=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors,Yv=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,Kv=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Gv=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,Qv=(e,t,r)=>t in e?Vv(e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):e[t]=r;const Xv=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
width : $ { e => e . theme . sidebar . width } ;
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-04-28 16:24:41 +03:00
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . fab . backgroundColor } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . colors . primary . main } ;
display : none ;
cursor : pointer ;
position : fixed ;
right : 20 px ;
z - index : 100 ;
border - radius : 50 % ;
box - shadow : 0 0 20 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.3 ) ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : flex ;
` };
bottom : 44 px ;
width : 60 px ;
height : 60 px ;
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2022-04-28 16:24:41 +03:00
svg {
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;let Nb=class extends n.Component{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.state={offsetTop:"0px"},this.toggleNavMenu=()=>{this.props.menu.toggleSidebar()}}componentDidMount(){jb&&jb.add(this.stickyElement),this.setState({offsetTop:this.getScrollYOffset(this.context)})}componentWillUnmount(){jb&&jb.remove(this.stickyElement)}getScrollYOffset(e){let t;return t=void 0!==this.props.scrollYOffset?hr.normalizeScrollYOffset(this.props.scrollYOffset)():e.scrollYOffset(),t+"px"}render(){const e=this.props.menu.sideBarOpened,t=this.state.offsetTop;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,null,n.createElement(Tb,{open:e,className:this.props.className,style:{top:t,height: ` calc ( 100 vh - $ { t } ) ` },ref:e=>{this.stickyElement=e}},this.props.children),!this.context.hideFab&&n.createElement(Ib,{onClick:this.toggleNavMenu},n.createElement( $ b,{open:e})))}};Nb.contextType=Cr,Nb=((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=t,a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(i)||i);return i})([nm],Nb);const Lb=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
$ { ( { theme : e } ) => ` \n font-family: ${ e . typography . fontFamily } ; \n font-size: ${ e . typography . fontSize } ; \n font-weight: ${ e . typography . fontWeightRegular } ; \n line-height: ${ e . typography . lineHeight } ; \n color: ${ e . colors . text . primary } ; \n display: flex; \n position: relative; \n text-align: left; \n \n -webkit-font-smoothing: ${ e . typography . smoothing } ; \n font-smoothing: ${ e . typography . smoothing } ; \n ${ e . typography . optimizeSpeed ? "text-rendering: optimizeSpeed !important" : "" } ; \n \n tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); \n text-size-adjust: 100%; \n \n * { \n box-sizing: border-box; \n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); \n } \n ` } ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Db=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
z - index : 1 ;
position : relative ;
overflow : hidden ;
width : calc ( 100 % - $ { e => e . theme . sidebar . width } ) ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "small" , ! 0 ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
width : 100 % ;
` };
contain : layout ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Mb=xr.div `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
$ { wr ( "medium" , ! 0 ) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
display : none ;
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,zb=xr.input.attrs((()=>({className:"search-input"}))) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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$ { e => 4 * e . theme . spacing . unit } px ;
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border - bottom : 1 px solid
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
$ { ( { theme : e } ) => ( $t ( e . sidebar . backgroundColor ) > . 5 ? St : Ct ) ( . 1 , e . sidebar . backgroundColor ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
font - family : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => e . typography . fontFamily } ;
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Ub=xr((e=>n.createElement("svg",{className:e.className,version:"1.1",viewBox:"0 0 1000 1000",x:"0px",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",y:"0px"},n.createElement("path",{d:"M968.2,849.4L667.3,549c83.9-136.5,66.7-317.4-51.7-435.6C477.1-25,252.5-25,113.9,113.4c-138.5,138.3-138.5,362.6,0,501C219.2,730.1,413.2,743,547.6,666.5l301.9,301.4c43.6,43.6,76.9,14.9,104.2-12.4C981,928.3,1011.8,893,968.2,849.4z M524.5,522c-88.9,88.7-233,88.7-321.8,0c-88.9-88.7-88.9-232.6,0-321.3c88.9-88.7,233-88.7,321.8,0C613.4,289.4,613.4,433.3,524.5,522z"})))).attrs({className:"search-icon"}) `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
position : absolute ;
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
color : $ { e => e . theme . sidebar . textColor } ;
min - height : 150 px ;
max - height : 250 px ;
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
border - top : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => St ( . 1 , e . sidebar . backgroundColor ) } } ;
border - bottom : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => St ( . 1 , e . sidebar . backgroundColor ) } } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
margin - top : 10 px ;
line - height : 1.4 ;
font - size : 0.9 em ;
li {
background - color : inherit ;
2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
$ { Oy } {
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
padding - top : 6 px ;
padding - bottom : 6 px ;
& : hover ,
& . active {
2022-05-16 19:46:11 +03:00
background - color : $ { ( { theme : e } ) => St ( . 1 , e . sidebar . backgroundColor ) } ;
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
> svg {
display : none ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ,Bb=xr.i `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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line - height : 2 em ;
vertical - align : middle ;
margin - right : 2 px ;
cursor : pointer ;
font - style : normal ;
color : '#666' ;
2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
` ;var Vb=Object.defineProperty,Wb=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;class Hb extends n.PureComponent{constructor(e){super(e),this.activeItemRef=null,this.clear=()=>{this.setState({results:[],noResults:!1,term:"",activeItemIdx:-1}),this.props.marker.unmark()},this.handleKeyDown=e=>{if(27===e.keyCode&&this.clear(),40===e.keyCode&&(this.setState({activeItemIdx:Math.min(this.state.activeItemIdx+1,this.state.results.length-1)}),e.preventDefault()),38===e.keyCode&&(this.setState({activeItemIdx:Math.max(0,this.state.activeItemIdx-1)}),e.preventDefault()),13===e.keyCode){const e=this.state.results[this.state.activeItemIdx];if(e){const t=this.props.getItemById(e.meta);t&&this.props.onActivate(t)}}},this.search=e=>{const{minCharacterLengthToInitSearch:t}=this.context,r=e.target.value;r.length<t?this.clearResults(r):this.setState({term:r},(()=>this.searchCallback(this.state.term)))},this.state={results:[],noResults:!1,term:"",activeItemIdx:-1}}clearResults(e){this.setState({results:[],noResults:!1,term:e}),this.props.marker.unmark()}setResults(e,t){this.setState({results:e,noResults:0===e.length}),this.props.marker.mark(t)}searchCallback(e){this.props.search.search(e).then((t=>{this.setResults(t,e)}))}render(){const{activeItemIdx:e}=this.state,t=this.state.results.map((e=>({item:this.props.getItemById(e.meta),score:e.score})));return t.sort(((e,t)=>t.score-e.score)),n.createElement(Fb,{role:"search"},this.state.term&&n.createElement(Bb,{onClick:this.clear},"× "),n.createElement(Ub,null),n.createElement(zb,{value:this.state.term,onKeyDown:this.handleKeyDown,placeholder:"Search...","aria-label":"Search",type:"text",onChange:this.search}),t.length>0&&n.createElement(hf,{options:{wheelPropagation:!1}},n.createElement(qb,{"data-role":"search:results"},t.map(((t,r)=>n.createElement(bb,{item:Object.create(t.item,{active:{value:r===e}}),onActivate:this.props.onActivate,withoutChildren:!0,key:t.item.id,"data-role":"search:result"}))))),this.state.term&&this.state.noResults?n.createElement(qb,{"data-role":"search:results"},rr("noResultsFound")):null)}}Hb.contextType=Cr,((e,t,r,n)=>{for(var o,i=Wb(t,r),a=e.length-1;a>=0;a--)(o=e[a])&&(i=o(t,r,i)||i);i&&Vb(t,r,i)})([Aa.bind,(0,Aa.debounce)(400)],Hb.prototype,"searchCallback");class Yb extends n.Component{componentDidMount(){this.props.store.onDidMount()}componentWillUnmount(){this.props.store.dispose()}render(){const{store:{spec:e,menu:t,options:r,search:o,marker:i}}=this.props,a=this.props.store;return n.createElement(br,{theme:r.theme},n.createElement(xp,{value:a},n.createElement(Rr,{value:r},n.createElement(Lb,{className:"redoc-wrap"},n.createElement(Nb,{menu:t,className:"menu-content"},n.createElement(ly,{info:e.info}),!r.disableSearch&&n.createElement(Hb,{search:o,marker:i,getItemById:t.getItemById,onActivate:t.activateAndScroll})||null,n.createElement(Pb,{menu:t})),n.createElement(Db,{className:"api-content"},n.createElement(oy,{store:a}),n.createElement(sb,{items:t.items})),n.createElement(Mb,null)))))}}Yb.propTypes={store:Ar.instanceOf(Xg).isRequired};const Kb=function(e){const{spec:t,specUrl:o,options:i={},onLoaded:a}=e,s=dr(i.hideLoading,!1),l=new hr(i);if(void 0!==l.nonce)try{r.nc=l.nonce}catch(e){}return n.createElement(_r,null,n.createElement(Op,{spec:t,specUrl:o,options:i,onLoaded:a},(({loading:e,store:t})=>e?s?null:n.createElement( $ r,{color:l.theme.colors.primary.main}):n.createElement(Yb,{store:t}))))},Gb=xr.li `
2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
$ { e => e . active ? "background-color: #eee" : "" } ;
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& : hover {
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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box - sizing : border - box ;
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-02-04 13:00:46 +03:00
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2022-06-02 16:43:31 +03:00
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2022-05-31 16:45:37 +03:00
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