# Vale configuration file. # See: https://docs.errata.ai/vale/config # The relative path to the folder containing linting rules (styles). StylesPath = .github/styles # Vocab define the exceptions to use in *all* `BasedOnStyles`. # spelling-exceptions.txt triggers `Vale.Terms` # reject.txt triggers `Vale.Avoid` # See: https://docs.errata.ai/vale/vocab Vocab = Rules # Minimum alert level # ------------------- # The minimum alert level in the output (suggestion, warning, or error). # If integrated into CI, builds fail by default on error-level alerts, unless you run Vale with the --no-exit flag MinAlertLevel = suggestion # IgnoredScopes specifies inline-level HTML tags to ignore. # These tags may occur in an active scope (unlike SkippedScopes, skipped entirely) but their content still won't raise any alerts. # Default: ignore `code` and `tt`. IgnoredScopes = code, tt, img, url, a, body.id # SkippedScopes specifies block-level HTML tags to ignore. Ignore any content in these scopes. # Default: ignore `script`, `style`, `pre`, and `figure`. # For AsciiDoc: by default, listingblock, and literalblock. SkippedScopes = script, style, pre, figure, code, tt, listingblock, literalblock # Rules for matching file types. See: https://docs.errata.ai/vale/scoping [formats] properties = md mdx = md # Rules for .MD, .MDX [*.{md,mdx}] BasedOnStyles = Rules # Ignore code surrounded by backticks or plus sign, parameters defaults, URLs. TokenIgnores = (\x60[^\n\x60]+\x60), ([^\n]+=[^\n]*), (\+[^\n]+\+), (http[^\n]+\[) Vale.Repetition = NO Vale.SentenceSpacing = NO Vale.Spelling = NO # /End of rules for .MD, .MDX # Process .ini files [*.ini]