'use strict'; import { Component, ElementRef, ViewContainerRef, OnDestroy, Input, AfterViewInit, ComponentResolver, Renderer } from '@angular/core'; import { CORE_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/common'; import { JsonSchema } from './json-schema'; import { OptionsService } from '../../services/options.service'; import { SpecManager } from '../../utils/SpecManager'; var cache = {}; @Component({ selector: 'json-schema-lazy', template: '', directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES] }) export class JsonSchemaLazy implements OnDestroy, AfterViewInit { @Input() pointer: string; @Input() auto: boolean; @Input() isRequestSchema: boolean; @Input() final: boolean = false; @Input() nestOdd: boolean; @Input() childFor: string; @Input() isArray: boolean; loaded: boolean = false; constructor(private specMgr:SpecManager, private location:ViewContainerRef, private elementRef:ElementRef, private resolver:ComponentResolver, private optionsService:OptionsService, private _renderer: Renderer) { } normalizePointer() { let schema = this.specMgr.byPointer(this.pointer); return schema && schema.$ref || this.pointer; } _loadAfterSelf() { // FIXME: get rid of DynamicComponentLoader as it is deprecated return this.resolver.resolveComponent(JsonSchema).then(componentFactory => { let contextInjector = this.location.parentInjector; let compRef = this.location.createComponent( componentFactory, null, contextInjector, null); this.initComponent(compRef.instance); this._renderer.setElementAttribute(compRef.location.nativeElement, 'class', this.location.element.nativeElement.className); compRef.changeDetectorRef.markForCheck(); return compRef; }).catch(err => { console.log(err); throw err; }); } load() { if (this.optionsService.options.disableLazySchemas) return; if (this.loaded) return; if (this.pointer) { this._loadAfterSelf(); } this.loaded = true; } // cache JsonSchema view loadCached() { this.pointer = this.normalizePointer(); if (cache[this.pointer]) { cache[this.pointer].then((compRef) => { setTimeout( ()=> { let $element = compRef.location.nativeElement; // skip caching view with tabs inside (discriminator) // as it needs attached controller if (compRef.instance.hasDescendants) { this._loadAfterSelf(); return; } insertAfter($element.cloneNode(true), this.elementRef.nativeElement); } ); }); } else { cache[this.pointer] = this._loadAfterSelf(); } } initComponent(instance:JsonSchema) { Object.assign(instance, this); } ngAfterViewInit() { if (!this.auto) return; this.loadCached(); } ngOnDestroy() { // clear cache cache = {}; } } function insertAfter(newNode, referenceNode) { referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling); }