'use strict'; const verifyNoBrowserErrors = require('./helpers').verifyNoBrowserErrors; const scrollToEl = require('./helpers').scrollToEl; const URL = 'index.html'; function basicTests(swaggerUrl, title) { describe(`Basic suite for ${title}`, () => { let specUrl = URL; if (swaggerUrl) { specUrl += `?url=${encodeURIComponent(swaggerUrl)}`; } afterEach(() => { verifyNoBrowserErrors(); }); it('should init redoc without errors', () => { browser.get(specUrl); let $redoc = $('redoc'); expect($redoc.isPresent()).toBe(true); let $methods = $$('method'); expect($methods.count()).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); } basicTests(null, 'Extended Petstore'); describe('Scroll sync', () => { it('should update active menu entries on page scroll', () => { browser.get(URL); scrollToEl('[tag="store"]').then(function() { expect($('.menu-cat-header.active').getText()).toBe('STORE'); }); }); }); describe('APIs.guru specs test', ()=> { // global.apisGuruList was loaded in onPrepare method of protractor config let apisGuruList = global.apisGuruList; // Remove certain APIs that are known to cause problems delete apisGuruList['motaword.com']; // invalid (see https://github.com/BigstickCarpet/swagger-parser/issues/26) delete apisGuruList['learnifier.com']; // allof object and no type delete apisGuruList['googleapis.com:mirror']; // bad urls in images delete apisGuruList['googleapis.com:discovery']; // non-string references for (let apiName of Object.keys(apisGuruList)) { let apiInfo = apisGuruList[apiName].versions[apisGuruList[apiName].preferred]; let url = apiInfo.swaggerUrl; // temporary hack due to this issue: https://github.com/substack/https-browserify/issues/6 url = url.replace('https://', 'http://'); url = url.replace('apis-guru.github.io/', 'apis-guru.github.io:80/'); basicTests(url, `${apiName}:${apiInfo.info.version}\n${url}`); } });