import * as React from 'react'; import { hydrate as hydrateComponent, render, unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-dom'; import { configure } from 'mobx'; import { Redoc, RedocStandalone } from './components/'; import { AppStore } from './services/AppStore'; import { debugTime, debugTimeEnd } from './utils/debug'; import { querySelector } from './utils/dom'; import type { StoreState } from './services'; configure({ useProxies: 'ifavailable', }); export { Redoc, AppStore } from '.'; export const version = __REDOC_VERSION__; export const revision = __REDOC_REVISION__; function attributesMap(element: Element) { const res = {}; const elAttrs = element.attributes; // tslint:disable-next-line for (let i = 0; i < elAttrs.length; i++) { const attrib = elAttrs[i]; res[] = attrib.value; } return res; } function parseOptionsFromElement(element: Element) { const attrMap = attributesMap(element); const res = {}; for (const attrName in attrMap) { const optionName = attrName.replace(/-(.)/g, (_, $1) => $1.toUpperCase()); const optionValue = attrMap[attrName]; res[optionName] = attrName === 'theme' ? JSON.parse(optionValue) : optionValue; // TODO: normalize options } return res; } export function init( specOrSpecUrl: string | any, options: any = {}, element: Element | null = querySelector('redoc'), callback?: (e?: Error) => void, ) { if (element === null) { throw new Error('"element" argument is not provided and tag is not found on the page'); } let specUrl: string | undefined; let spec: object | undefined; if (typeof specOrSpecUrl === 'string') { specUrl = specOrSpecUrl; } else if (typeof specOrSpecUrl === 'object') { spec = specOrSpecUrl; } render( React.createElement( RedocStandalone, { spec, onLoaded: callback, specUrl, options: { ...options, ...parseOptionsFromElement(element) }, }, ['Loading...'], ), element, ); } export function destroy(element: Element | null = querySelector('redoc')): void { if (element) { unmountComponentAtNode(element); } } export function hydrate( state: StoreState, element: Element | null = querySelector('redoc'), callback?: () => void, ) { debugTime('Redoc create store'); const store = AppStore.fromJS(state); debugTimeEnd('Redoc create store'); setTimeout(() => { debugTime('Redoc hydrate'); hydrateComponent(, element, callback); debugTimeEnd('Redoc hydrate'); }, 0); } /** * autoinit ReDoc if tag is found on the page with "spec-url" attr */ function autoInit() { const element = querySelector('redoc'); if (!element) { return; } const specUrl = element.getAttribute('spec-url'); if (specUrl) { init(specUrl, {}, element); } } autoInit();