import { observable } from 'mobx'; import { resolve as urlResolve } from 'url'; import { OpenAPIRef, OpenAPISchema, OpenAPISpec, Referenced } from '../types'; import { JsonPointer } from '../utils/JsonPointer'; import { isNamedDefinition } from '../utils/openapi'; import { COMPONENT_REGEXP, buildComponentComment } from './MarkdownRenderer'; import { RedocNormalizedOptions } from './RedocNormalizedOptions'; import { appendToMdHeading } from '../utils/index'; export type MergedOpenAPISchema = OpenAPISchema & { namedParents?: string[] }; /** * Helper class to keep track of visited references to avoid * endless recursion because of circular refs */ class RefCounter { public _counter = {}; reset(): void { this._counter = {}; } visit(ref: string): void { this._counter[ref] = this._counter[ref] ? this._counter[ref] + 1 : 1; } exit(ref: string): void { this._counter[ref] = this._counter[ref] && this._counter[ref] - 1; } visited(ref: string): boolean { return !!this._counter[ref]; } } /** * Loads and keeps spec. Provides raw spec operations */ export class OpenAPIParser { @observable specUrl: string; @observable.ref spec: OpenAPISpec; constructor( spec: OpenAPISpec, specUrl: string | undefined, private options: RedocNormalizedOptions, ) { this.validate(spec); this.preprocess(spec); this.spec = spec; if (typeof specUrl === 'string') { this.specUrl = urlResolve(window.location.href, specUrl); } else { this.specUrl = window.location.href; } } private _refCounter: RefCounter = new RefCounter(); validate(spec: any) { if (spec.openapi === undefined) { throw new Error('Document must be valid OpenAPI 3.0.0 definition'); } } preprocess(spec: OpenAPISpec) { if (!this.options.noAutoAuth && { // Automatically inject Authentication section with SecurityDefinitions component const description = || ''; const securityRegexp = new RegExp( COMPONENT_REGEXP.replace('{component}', ''), 'gmi', ); if (!securityRegexp.test(description)) { const comment = buildComponentComment('security-definitions'); = appendToMdHeading(description, 'Authentication', comment); } } } /** * get spec part by JsonPointer ($ref) */ byRef = (ref: string): T | undefined => { let res; if (this.spec === undefined) return; if (ref.charAt(0) !== '#') ref = '#' + ref; try { res = JsonPointer.get(this.spec, decodeURIComponent(ref)); } catch (e) { // do nothing } return res; }; /** * checks if the objectt is OpenAPI reference (containts $ref property) */ isRef(obj: any): obj is OpenAPIRef { return obj.$ref !== undefined && obj.$ref !== null; } /** * resets visited enpoints. should be run after */ resetVisited() { for (let k in this._refCounter._counter) { if (this._refCounter._counter[k] > 0) { } } this._refCounter = new RefCounter(); } exitRef(ref: Referenced) { if (!this.isRef(ref)) return; this._refCounter.exit(ref.$ref); } /** * Resolve given reference object or return as is if it is not a reference * @param obj object to dereference * @param forceCircular whether to dereference even if it is cirular ref */ deref(obj: OpenAPIRef | T, forceCircular: boolean = false): T { if (this.isRef(obj)) { const resolved = this.byRef(obj.$ref)!; if (this._refCounter.visited(obj.$ref) && !forceCircular) { // circular reference detected return Object.assign({}, resolved, { 'x-circular-ref': true }); } this._refCounter.visit(obj.$ref); // deref again in case one more $ref is here if (this.isRef(resolved)) { const res = this.deref(resolved); this.exitRef(resolved); return res; } return resolved; } return obj; } /** * Merge allOf contsraints. * @param schema schema with allOF * @param $ref pointer of the schema * @param forceCircular whether to dereference children even if it is a cirular ref */ mergeAllOf( schema: OpenAPISchema, $ref: string, forceCircular: boolean = false, ): MergedOpenAPISchema { if (schema.allOf === undefined) { return schema; } let receiver: MergedOpenAPISchema = { ...schema, allOf: undefined, namedParents: [], }; const allOfSchemas =, idx) => { const resolved = this.deref(subSchema, forceCircular); const subRef = subSchema.$ref || $ref + '/allOf/' + idx; return { $ref: subRef, schema: this.mergeAllOf(resolved, subRef, forceCircular), }; }); if (receiver.title === undefined && isNamedDefinition($ref)) { receiver.title = JsonPointer.baseName($ref); } for (let { $ref: subSchemaRef, schema: subSchema } of allOfSchemas) { if ( receiver.type !== subSchema.type && receiver.type !== undefined && subSchema.type !== undefined ) { throw new Error(`Uncopatible types in allOf at "${$ref}"`); } receiver.type = subSchema.type; if ( !== undefined) { // TODO: merge properties contents = { ...( || {}),, }; } if (subSchema.required !== undefined) { receiver.required = (receiver.required || []).concat(subSchema.required); } if (isNamedDefinition(subSchemaRef)) { receiver.namedParents!.push(subSchemaRef); if (receiver.title === undefined) { receiver.title = JsonPointer.baseName(subSchemaRef); } } // merge rest of constraints // TODO: do more intelegent merge receiver = { ...subSchema, ...receiver }; } return receiver; } /** * Find all derived definitions among #/components/schemas from any of $refs * returns map of definition pointer to definition name * @param $refs array of references to find derived from */ findDerived($refs: string[]): Dict { const res: Dict = {}; const schemas = (this.spec.components && this.spec.components.schemas) || {}; for (let defName in schemas) { const def = this.deref(schemas[defName]); if ( def.allOf !== undefined && def.allOf.find(obj => obj.$ref !== undefined && $refs.indexOf(obj.$ref) > -1) ) { res['#/components/schemas/' + defName] = defName; } } return res; } }