'use strict'; import SchemaManager from 'lib/utils/SchemaManager'; describe('Utils', () => { describe('Schema manager', () => { let schemaMgr; beforeEach(() => { schemaMgr = new SchemaManager(); }); it('Should initialize with empty schema', ()=> { schemaMgr.schema.should.be.empty; }); it('Should be a singleton', ()=> { (new SchemaManager()).should.be.equal(schemaMgr); SchemaManager.instance().should.be.equal(schemaMgr); }); it('load should return a promise', ()=> { schemaMgr.load('/tests/schemas/extended-petstore.yml').should.be.instanceof(Promise); }); it('load should reject promise for invalid url', (done)=> { schemaMgr.load('/nonexisting/schema.json').then(() => { throw new Error('Succees handler should not be called'); }, () => { done(); }); }); it('load should resolve promise for valid url', (done)=> { schemaMgr.load('/tests/schemas/extended-petstore.yml').then(() => { done(); }, () => { throw new Error('Error handler should not be called'); }); }); describe('Schema manager basic functionality', ()=> { beforeAll(function (done) { schemaMgr.load('/tests/schemas/extended-petstore.yml').then(() => { done(); }, () => { throw new Error('Error handler should not be called'); }); }); it('should contain non-empty schema', ()=> { schemaMgr.schema.should.be.an.Object(); schemaMgr.schema.should.be.not.empty; }); it('should correctly init api url', ()=> { schemaMgr.apiUrl.should.be.equal('http://petstore.swagger.io/v2'); }); describe('byPointer method', () => { it('should return correct schema part', ()=> { let part = schemaMgr.byPointer('/tags/3'); part.should.be.deepEqual(schemaMgr.schema.tags[3]); part.should.be.equal(schemaMgr.schema.tags[3]); }); it('should return null for incorrect pointer', ()=> { let part = schemaMgr.byPointer('/incorrect/pointer'); expect(part).toBeNull(); }); }); }); describe('getTagsMap method', () => { beforeAll(function () { schemaMgr._schema = { tags: [ {name: 'tag1', description: 'info1'}, {name: 'tag2', description: 'info2', 'x-traitTag': true} ] }; }); it('should return correct tags map', () => { let tagsMap = schemaMgr.getTagsMap(); let expectedResult = { tag1: {description: 'info1', 'x-traitTag': false}, tag2: {description: 'info2', 'x-traitTag': true} }; tagsMap.should.be.deepEqual(expectedResult); }); it('should return empty array for non-specified tags', () => { delete schemaMgr._schema.tags; let tagsMap = schemaMgr.getTagsMap(); tagsMap.should.be.empty; }); }); describe('buildMenuTree method', () => { let suitSchema = { tags: [ {name: 'tag1', description: 'info1', 'x-traitTag': true}, {name: 'tag2', description: 'info2'} ], paths: { test: { put: { tags: ['tag1', 'tag3'], summary: 'test put' }, get: { tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'], summary: 'test get' }, // no tags post: { summary: 'test post' } } } }; let menuTree; let entries; beforeAll(() => { schemaMgr._schema = suitSchema; menuTree = schemaMgr.buildMenuTree(); entries = Array.from(menuTree.entries()); }); it('should return instance of Map', () => { menuTree.should.be.instanceof(Map); }); it('should return Map with correct number of entries', () => { //2 - defined tags, 1 - tag3 and 1 [other] tag for no-tags method entries.length.should.be.equal(2 + 1 + 1); }); it('should append not defined tags to the end of list', () => { let [tag, info] = entries[2]; tag.should.be.equal('tag3'); info.methods.length.should.be.equal(1); info.methods[0].summary.should.be.equal('test put'); }); it('should append methods without tags to [other] tag', () => { let [tag, info] = entries[3]; tag.should.be.equal('[Other]'); info.methods.length.should.be.equal(1); info.methods[0].summary.should.be.equal('test post'); }); it('should map x-traitTag to empty methods list', () => { let [, info] = entries[0]; info['x-traitTag'].should.be.true; info.methods.should.be.empty; }); it('methods for tag should contain valid pointer and summary', () => { for (let entr of entries) { let [, info] = entr; info.should.be.an.Object(); info.methods.should.be.an.Array(); for (let methodInfo of info.methods) { methodInfo.should.have.properties(['pointer', 'summary']); let methSchema = schemaMgr.byPointer(methodInfo.pointer); expect(methSchema).not.toBeNull(); if (methSchema.summary) { methSchema.summary.should.be.equal(methodInfo.summary); } } } }); }); describe('getMethodParams method', () => { beforeAll((done) => { schemaMgr.load('/tests/schemas/schema-mgr-methodparams.json').then(() => { done(); }, () => { done(new Error('Error handler should not be called')); }); }); it('should propagate path parameters', () => { let params = schemaMgr.getMethodParams('/paths/test1/get'); params.length.should.be.equal(2); params[0].name.should.be.equal('methodParam'); params[1].name.should.be.equal('pathParam'); }); it('should inject correct pointers', () => { let params = schemaMgr.getMethodParams('/paths/test1/get'); params[0]._pointer.should.be.equal('/paths/test1/get/parameters/0'); params[1]._pointer.should.be.equal('/paths/test1/parameters/0'); }); it('should accept pointer directly to parameters', () => { let params = schemaMgr.getMethodParams('/paths/test1/get/parameters', true); expect(params).not.toBeNull(); params.length.should.be.equal(2); }); it('should resolve path params from Parameters Definitions Object', () => { let params = schemaMgr.getMethodParams('/paths/test2/get', true); params.length.should.be.equal(2); params[0].name.should.be.equal('methodParam'); params[1].name.should.be.equal('extParam'); params[1]._pointer.should.be.equal('#/parameters/extparam'); }); it('should resolve method params from Parameters Definitions Object', () => { let params = schemaMgr.getMethodParams('/paths/test3/get', true); params.length.should.be.equal(1); params[0].name.should.be.equal('extParam'); params[0]._pointer.should.be.equal('#/parameters/extparam'); }); it('should throw for parameters other than array', () => { let func = () => schemaMgr.getMethodParams('/paths/test4/get', true); expect(func).toThrow(); }); }); describe('findDerivedDefinitions method', () => { beforeAll((done) => { schemaMgr.load('/tests/schemas/extended-petstore.yml').then(() => { done(); }, () => { done(new Error('Error handler should not be called')); }); }); it('should find derived definitions for Pet', () => { let deriveDefs = schemaMgr.findDerivedDefinitions('#/definitions/Pet'); deriveDefs.should.be.instanceof(Array); deriveDefs.should.not.be.empty(); deriveDefs.should.be.deepEqual([{name: 'Cat', empty: false, $ref: '#/definitions/Cat'}, {name: 'Dog', empty: false, $ref: '#/definitions/Dog'}]); }); it('should return emtpy array for definitions that dont have discriminator', () => { let deriveDefs = schemaMgr.findDerivedDefinitions('#/definitions/Order'); deriveDefs.should.be.instanceof(Array); deriveDefs.should.be.empty; }); }); }); });