'use strict'; import { ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import * as OpenAPISampler from 'openapi-sampler'; import { RedocComponent, BaseComponent, SchemaManager } from '../base'; import { JsonFormatter } from '../../utils/JsonFormatterPipe'; @RedocComponent({ selector: 'schema-sample', templateUrl: './lib/components/SchemaSample/schema-sample.html', pipes: [JsonFormatter], styleUrls: ['./lib/components/SchemaSample/schema-sample.css'] }) @Reflect.metadata('parameters', [[SchemaManager], [ElementRef]]) export class SchemaSample extends BaseComponent { constructor(schemaMgr, elementRef) { super(schemaMgr); this.element = elementRef.nativeElement; } init() { this.data = {}; let base = {}; let sample; // got pointer not directly to the schema but e.g. to response obj if (this.componentSchema.schema) { base = this.componentSchema; this.componentSchema = this.componentSchema.schema; } if (base.examples && base.examples['application/json']) { sample = base.examples['application/json']; } else { this.dereference(this.componentSchema); try { sample = OpenAPISampler.sample(this.componentSchema); } catch(e) { console.error('@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' + e); } } this.data.sample = sample; this.element.addEventListener('click', (event) => { var collapsed, target = event.target; if (event.target.className === 'collapser') { collapsed = target.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('collapsible')[0]; if (collapsed.parentNode.classList.contains('collapsed')) { collapsed.parentNode.classList.remove('collapsed'); } else { collapsed.parentNode.classList.add('collapsed'); } } }); } }