import { action, observable } from 'mobx'; import { OpenAPISchema, Referenced } from '../../types'; import { OpenAPIParser } from '../OpenAPIParser'; import { RedocNormalizedOptions } from '../RedocNormalizedOptions'; import { FieldModel } from './Field'; import { MergedOpenAPISchema } from '../'; import { detectType, humanizeConstraints, isNamedDefinition, isPrimitiveType, JsonPointer, sortByRequired, } from '../../utils/'; // TODO: refactor this model, maybe use getters instead of copying all the values export class SchemaModel { _$ref: string; type: string; displayType: string; typePrefix: string = ''; title: string; description: string; isPrimitive: boolean; isCircular: boolean = false; format?: string; nullable: boolean; deprecated: boolean; pattern?: string; example?: any; enum: any[]; default?: any; readOnly: boolean; writeOnly: boolean; constraints: string[]; fields?: FieldModel[]; items?: SchemaModel; oneOf?: SchemaModel[]; oneOfType: string; discriminatorProp: string; @observable activeOneOf: number = 0; rawSchema: OpenAPISchema; schema: MergedOpenAPISchema; /** * @param isChild if schema discriminator Child * When true forces dereferencing in allOfs even if circular */ constructor( parser: OpenAPIParser, schemaOrRef: Referenced, $ref: string, private options: RedocNormalizedOptions, isChild: boolean = false, ) { this._$ref = schemaOrRef.$ref || $ref || ''; this.rawSchema = parser.deref(schemaOrRef); this.schema = parser.mergeAllOf(this.rawSchema, this._$ref, isChild); this.init(parser, isChild); parser.exitRef(schemaOrRef); for (const parent$ref of this.schema.parentRefs || []) { // exit all the refs visited during allOf traverse parser.exitRef({ $ref: parent$ref }); } } /** * Set specified alternative schema as active * @param idx oneOf index */ @action activateOneOf(idx: number) { this.activeOneOf = idx; } init(parser: OpenAPIParser, isChild: boolean) { const schema = this.schema; this.isCircular = schema['x-circular-ref']; this.title = schema.title || (isNamedDefinition(this._$ref) && JsonPointer.baseName(this._$ref)) || ''; this.description = schema.description || ''; this.type = schema.type || detectType(schema); this.format = schema.format; this.nullable = !!schema.nullable; this.enum = schema.enum || []; this.example = schema.example; this.deprecated = !!schema.deprecated; this.pattern = schema.pattern; this.constraints = humanizeConstraints(schema); this.displayType = this.type; this.isPrimitive = isPrimitiveType(schema); this.default = schema.default; this.readOnly = !!schema.readOnly; this.writeOnly = !!schema.writeOnly; if (this.isCircular) { return; } if (!isChild && getDiscriminator(schema) !== undefined) { this.initDiscriminator(schema, parser); return; } if (schema.oneOf !== undefined) { this.initOneOf(schema.oneOf, parser); this.oneOfType = 'One of'; if (schema.anyOf !== undefined) { console.warn( `oneOf and anyOf are not supported on the same level. Skipping anyOf at ${this._$ref}`, ); } return; } if (schema.anyOf !== undefined) { this.initOneOf(schema.anyOf, parser); this.oneOfType = 'Any of'; return; } if (this.type === 'object') { this.fields = buildFields(parser, schema, this._$ref, this.options); } else if (this.type === 'array' && schema.items) { this.items = new SchemaModel(parser, schema.items, this._$ref + '/items', this.options); this.displayType = this.items.displayType; this.typePrefix = this.items.typePrefix + 'Array of '; this.isPrimitive = this.items.isPrimitive; if (this.example === undefined && this.items.example !== undefined) { this.example = [this.items.example]; } if (this.items.isPrimitive) { this.enum = this.items.enum; } } } private initOneOf(oneOf: OpenAPISchema[], parser: OpenAPIParser) { this.oneOf = oneOf!.map( (variant, idx) => new SchemaModel( parser, { // merge base schema into each of oneOf's subschemas allOf: [variant, { ...this.schema, oneOf: undefined, anyOf: undefined }], } as OpenAPISchema, this._$ref + '/oneOf/' + idx, this.options, ), ); this.displayType = => schema.displayType).join(' or '); } private initDiscriminator( schema: OpenAPISchema & { parentRefs?: string[]; }, parser: OpenAPIParser, ) { const discriminator = getDiscriminator(schema)!; this.discriminatorProp = discriminator.propertyName; const derived = parser.findDerived([...(schema.parentRefs || []), this._$ref]); if (schema.oneOf) { for (const variant of schema.oneOf) { if (variant.$ref === undefined) { continue; } const name = JsonPointer.dirName(variant.$ref); derived[variant.$ref] = name; } } const mapping = discriminator.mapping || {}; for (const name in mapping) { derived[mapping[name]] = name; } const refs = Object.keys(derived); this.oneOf = => { const innerSchema = new SchemaModel(parser, parser.byRef(ref)!, ref, this.options, true); innerSchema.title = derived[ref]; return innerSchema; }); } } function buildFields( parser: OpenAPIParser, schema: OpenAPISchema, $ref: string, options: RedocNormalizedOptions, ): FieldModel[] { const props = || {}; const additionalProps = schema.additionalProperties; const defaults = schema.default || {}; const fields = Object.keys(props || []).map(fieldName => { let field = props[fieldName]; if (!field) { console.warn( `Field "${fieldName}" is invalid, skipping.\n Field must be an object but got ${typeof field} at "${$ref}"`, ); field = {}; } const required = schema.required === undefined ? false : schema.required.indexOf(fieldName) > -1; return new FieldModel( parser, { name: fieldName, required, schema: { ...field, default: field.default || defaults[fieldName], }, }, $ref + '/properties/' + fieldName, options, ); }); if (options.requiredPropsFirst) { sortByRequired(fields, schema.required); } if (typeof additionalProps === 'object') { fields.push( new FieldModel( parser, { name: 'property name *', required: false, schema: additionalProps, kind: 'additionalProperties', }, $ref + '/additionalProperties', options, ), ); } return fields; } function getDiscriminator(schema: OpenAPISchema): OpenAPISchema['discriminator'] { return schema.discriminator || schema['x-discriminator']; }