'use strict'; import { getChildDebugElement } from '../../../tests/helpers'; import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { OptionsService } from '../../services/index'; import { inject, async, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { SpecManager } from '../../utils/spec-manager'; describe('Redoc components', () => { describe('ApiInfo Component', () => { let component; let fixture; let opts; let specMgr; beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [ TestAppComponent ] }); }); beforeEach(async(inject([SpecManager, OptionsService], (_specMgr, _opts) => { opts = _opts; opts.options = { scrollYOffset: () => 0, $scrollParent: window }; specMgr = _specMgr; }))); beforeEach(done => { specMgr.load('/tests/schemas/api-info-test.json').then(done, done.fail); }); beforeEach(async(() => { fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestAppComponent); component = getChildDebugElement(fixture.debugElement, 'api-info').componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); })); it('should init component data', () => { expect(component).not.toBeNull(); expect(component.info).not.toBeNull(); component.info.title.should.be.equal('Swagger Petstore'); }); it('should render api name and version', () => { let nativeElement = getChildDebugElement(fixture.debugElement, 'api-info').nativeElement; let headerElement = nativeElement.querySelector('h1'); expect(headerElement.innerText).toContain('Swagger Petstore (v1.0.0)'); }); }); }); /** Test component that contains an ApiInfo. */ @Component({ selector: 'test-app', template: `<api-info></api-info>` }) class TestAppComponent { }