'use strict'; import { getChildDebugElement, getChildDebugElementAll } from '../../../../tests/helpers'; import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { inject, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import {Tabs, Tab} from '../index'; describe('Common components', () => { beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [ TestApp ] }); }); describe('Tabs Component', () => { let builder; let component; let childDebugEls; let debugEl; let fixture; let hostComponent; beforeEach(inject([TestBed], (tcb) => { fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestApp); hostComponent = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance; debugEl = getChildDebugElement(fixture.debugElement, 'tabs'); childDebugEls = getChildDebugElementAll(debugEl, 'tab'); component = debugEl.componentInstance; })); it('should init component', () => { expect(component).not.toBeNull(); }); it('should handle inner tabs', () => { component.tabs.should.have.lengthOf(2); childDebugEls.should.have.lengthOf(2); }); it('should activate first tab by default', () => { let tabs = childDebugEls.map(debugEl => debugEl.componentInstance); let [tab1, tab2] = tabs; tab1.active.should.be.true(); tab2.active.should.be.false(); }); it('should change active tab on click', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); //let headerEls = nativeElement.querySelectorAll('li'); let tabs = childDebugEls.map(debugEl => debugEl.componentInstance); let [tab1, tab2] = tabs; let tabsInst = debugEl.componentInstance; tabsInst.selectTab(tab2); tab1.active.should.be.false(); tab2.active.should.be.true(); }); it('should change tab by title and not emit Event', (done) => { fixture.detectChanges(); let tabs = childDebugEls.map(debugEl => debugEl.componentInstance); let [tab1, tab2] = tabs; let tab2Title = 'Tab2'; let tabsInst = debugEl.componentInstance; tabsInst.selectyByTitle(tab2Title); tab1.active.should.be.false(); tab2.active.should.be.true(); setTimeout(() => { hostComponent.eventLog.should.be.deepEqual([]); done(); }); }); it('should emit event on tab Change', (done) => { fixture.detectChanges(); let tabs = childDebugEls.map(debugEl => debugEl.componentInstance); let tab2 = tabs[1]; let tabsInst = debugEl.componentInstance; tabsInst.selectTab(tab2, true); setTimeout(() => { hostComponent.eventLog.should.be.deepEqual(['Tab2']); done(); }); }); it('should emit event on tab change by Title with notify true', (done) => { fixture.detectChanges(); let tab2Title = 'Tab2'; let tabsInst = debugEl.componentInstance; tabsInst.selectyByTitle(tab2Title, true); setTimeout(() => { hostComponent.eventLog.should.be.deepEqual(['Tab2']); done(); }); }); it('should not emit event on tab change with notify false', (done) => { fixture.detectChanges(); let tabs = childDebugEls.map(debugEl => debugEl.componentInstance); let tab2 = tabs[1]; let tabsInst = debugEl.componentInstance; tabsInst.selectTab(tab2, false); setTimeout(() => { hostComponent.eventLog.should.be.deepEqual([]); done(); }); }); it('should leave current tab active if selectyByTitle non existing title', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); let tabs = childDebugEls.map(debugEl => debugEl.componentInstance); let [tab1, tab2] = tabs; let tabsInst = debugEl.componentInstance; tabsInst.selectyByTitle('badTitle'); tab1.active.should.be.true(); tab2.active.should.be.false(); }); }); }); /** Test component that contains an ApiInfo. */ @Component({ selector: 'test-app', template: ` Test Test ` }) class TestApp { eventLog: any; constructor() { this.eventLog = []; } onEvent(event) { this.eventLog.push(event); } }