'use strict'; import { Injectable, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription'; import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject'; import { ScrollService, INVIEW_POSITION } from './scroll.service'; import { Hash } from './hash.service'; import { SpecManager } from '../utils/spec-manager'; import { SchemaHelper } from './schema-helper.service'; import { AppStateService } from './app-state.service'; import { LazyTasksService } from '../shared/components/LazyFor/lazy-for'; import { JsonPointer, MarkdownHeading, StringMap } from '../utils/'; import * as slugify from 'slugify'; const CHANGE = { NEXT : 1, BACK : -1, }; interface TagGroup { name: string; tags: string[]; } export interface MenuItem { id: string; name: string; description?: string; items?: Array; parent?: MenuItem; active?: boolean; ready?: boolean; depth?: number; flatIdx?: number; metadata?: any; isGroup?: boolean; } @Injectable() export class MenuService { changed: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); changedActiveItem: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); items: MenuItem[]; activeIdx: number = -1; private _flatItems: MenuItem[]; private _hashSubscription: Subscription; private _scrollSubscription: Subscription; private _progressSubscription: Subscription; private _tagsWithMethods: any; constructor( private hash:Hash, private tasks: LazyTasksService, private scrollService: ScrollService, private appState: AppStateService, private specMgr:SpecManager ) { this.hash = hash; this.buildMenu(); this._scrollSubscription = scrollService.scroll.subscribe((evt) => { this.onScroll(evt.isScrolledDown); }); this._hashSubscription = this.hash.value.subscribe((hash) => { this.onHashChange(hash); }); this._progressSubscription = this.tasks.loadProgress.subscribe(progress => { if (progress === 100) { this.makeSureLastItemsEnabled(); } }); } get flatItems():MenuItem[] { if (!this._flatItems) { this._flatItems = this.flatMenu(); } return this._flatItems; } enableItem(idx) { let item = this.flatItems[idx]; item.ready = true; if (item.parent) { item.parent.ready = true; idx = item.parent.flatIdx; } // check if previous itemsĀ§ can be enabled let prevItem = this.flatItems[idx -= 1]; while(prevItem && (!prevItem.metadata || !prevItem.items)) { prevItem.ready = true; prevItem = this.flatItems[idx -= 1]; } this.changed.next(); } makeSureLastItemsEnabled() { let lastIdx = this.flatItems.length - 1; let item = this.flatItems[lastIdx] while(item && (!item.metadata || !item.items)) { item.ready = true; item = this.flatItems[lastIdx -= 1]; } } onScroll(isScrolledDown) { let stable = false; while(!stable) { if(isScrolledDown) { let $nextEl = this.getEl(this.activeIdx + 1); if (!$nextEl) return; let nextInViewPos = this.scrollService.getElementPos($nextEl, true); if (nextInViewPos === INVIEW_POSITION.ABOVE) { stable = this.changeActive(CHANGE.NEXT); continue; } } let $currentEl = this.getCurrentEl(); if (!$currentEl) return; var elementInViewPos = this.scrollService.getElementPos($currentEl); if(!isScrolledDown && elementInViewPos === INVIEW_POSITION.ABOVE ) { stable = this.changeActive(CHANGE.BACK); continue; } stable = true; } } onHashChange(hash?: string) { if (hash == undefined) return; let activated = this.activateByHash(hash); if (!this.tasks.empty) { this.tasks.start(this.activeIdx, this); this.scrollService.setStickElement(this.getCurrentEl()); if (activated) this.scrollToActive(); this.appState.stopLoading(); } else { if (activated) this.scrollToActive(); } } getEl(flatIdx:number):Element { if (flatIdx < 0) return null; if (flatIdx > this.flatItems.length - 1) return null; let currentItem = this.flatItems[flatIdx]; if (!currentItem) return; if (currentItem.isGroup) currentItem = this.flatItems[flatIdx + 1]; let selector = ''; while(currentItem) { if (currentItem.id) { selector = `[section="${currentItem.id}"] ` + selector; // We only need to go up the chain for methods that // might have multiple tags. For headers/subheaders // we need to siply early terminate. if (!currentItem.metadata) { break; } } currentItem = currentItem.parent; } selector = selector.trim(); return selector ? document.querySelector(selector) : null; } isTagOrGroupItem(flatIdx: number):boolean { let item = this.flatItems[flatIdx]; return item && (item.isGroup || (item.metadata && item.metadata.type === 'tag')); } getTagInfoEl(flatIdx: number):Element { if (!this.isTagOrGroupItem(flatIdx)) return null; let el = this.getEl(flatIdx); return el && el.querySelector('.tag-info'); } getCurrentEl():Element { return this.getEl(this.activeIdx); } deactivate(idx) { if (idx < 0) return; let item = this.flatItems[idx]; item.active = false; while (item.parent) { item.parent.active = false; item = item.parent; } } activate(idx, force = false) { let item = this.flatItems[idx]; if (!force && item && !item.ready) return; this.deactivate(this.activeIdx); this.activeIdx = idx; if (idx < 0) return; item.active = true; let cItem = item; while (cItem.parent) { cItem.parent.active = true; cItem = cItem.parent; } this.changedActiveItem.next(item); } changeActive(offset = 1):boolean { let noChange = (this.activeIdx <= 0 && offset === -1) || (this.activeIdx === this.flatItems.length - 1 && offset === 1); this.activate(this.activeIdx + offset); return noChange; } scrollToActive() { let $el = this.getCurrentEl(); if ($el) this.scrollService.scrollTo($el); } activateByHash(hash):boolean { if (!hash) return; let idx = 0; hash = hash.substr(1); let namespace = hash.split('/')[0]; let ptr = decodeURIComponent(hash.substr(namespace.length + 1)); if (namespace === 'section' || namespace === 'tag') { let sectionId = ptr.split('/')[0]; ptr = ptr.substr(sectionId.length) || null; let searchId; if (namespace === 'section') { searchId = hash; } else { searchId = ptr || (namespace + '/' + sectionId);; } idx = this.flatItems.findIndex(item => item.id === searchId); if (idx < 0) this.tryScrollToId(searchId); } else if (namespace === 'operation') { idx = this.flatItems.findIndex(item => { return item.metadata && item.metadata.operationId === ptr; }); } this.activate(idx, true); return idx >= 0; } tryScrollToId(id) { let $el = document.querySelector(`[section="${id}"]`); if ($el) this.scrollService.scrollTo($el); } addMarkdownItems() { let schema = this.specMgr.schema; let headings:StringMap = schema.info && schema.info['x-redoc-markdown-headers'] || {}; Object.keys(headings).forEach(h => { let heading = headings[h]; let id = 'section/' + heading.id; let item = { name: heading.title, id: id, items: null }; item.items = this.getMarkdownSubheaders(item, heading); this.items.push(item); }); } getMarkdownSubheaders(parent: MenuItem, parentHeading: MarkdownHeading):MenuItem[] { let res = []; Object.keys(parentHeading.children || {}).forEach(h => { let heading = parentHeading.children[h]; let id = 'section/' + heading.id; let subItem = { name: heading.title, id: id, parent: parent }; res.push(subItem); }); return res; } getMethodsItems(parent: MenuItem, tag:any):MenuItem[] { if (!tag.methods || !tag.methods.length) return null; let res = []; for (let method of tag.methods) { let subItem = { name: SchemaHelper.methodSummary(method), id: method._pointer, description: method.description, metadata: { type: 'method', pointer: method._pointer, operationId: method.operationId }, parent: parent }; res.push(subItem); } return res; } getTagsItems(parent: MenuItem, tagGroup:TagGroup = null):MenuItem[] { let schema = this.specMgr.schema; let tags; if (!tagGroup) { // all tags tags = Object.keys(this._tagsWithMethods); } else { tags = tagGroup.tags; } tags = tags.map(k => { if (!this._tagsWithMethods[k]) { console.warn(`Non-existing tag "${k}" is specified in tag group "${tagGroup.name}"`); return null; } this._tagsWithMethods[k].used = true; return this._tagsWithMethods[k]; }); let res = []; for (let tag of tags || []) { if (!tag) continue; let id = 'tag/' + slugify(tag.name); let item: MenuItem; // don't put empty tag into menu, instead put their methods if (tag.name === '') { let items = this.getMethodsItems(null, tag); res.push(...items); continue; } item = { name: tag['x-displayName'] || tag.name, id: id, description: tag.description, metadata: { type: 'tag' }, parent: parent, items: null }; item.items = this.getMethodsItems(item, tag); res.push(item); } return res; } getTagGroupsItems(parent: MenuItem, groups: TagGroup[]):MenuItem[] { let res = []; for (let group of groups) { let item; item = { name: group.name, id: null, description: '', parent: parent, isGroup: true, items: null }; item.items = this.getTagsItems(item, group); res.push(item); } this.checkAllTagsUsedInGroups(); return res; } checkAllTagsUsedInGroups() { for (let tag of Object.keys(this._tagsWithMethods)) { if (!this._tagsWithMethods[tag].used) { console.warn(`Tag "${tag}" is not added to any group`); } } } buildMenu() { this._tagsWithMethods = SchemaHelper.getTagsWithMethods(this.specMgr.schema); this.items = this.items || []; this.addMarkdownItems(); if (this.specMgr.schema['x-tagGroups']) { this.items.push(...this.getTagGroupsItems(null, this.specMgr.schema['x-tagGroups'])); } else { this.items.push(...this.getTagsItems(null)); } } flatMenu():MenuItem[] { let menu = this.items; let res = []; let curDepth = 1; let recursive = (items) => { for (let item of items) { res.push(item); item.depth = item.isGroup ? 0 : curDepth; item.flatIdx = res.length - 1; if (item.items) { if (!item.isGroup) curDepth++; recursive(item.items); if (!item.isGroup) curDepth--; } } }; recursive(menu); return res; } getItemById(id: string):MenuItem { return this.flatItems.find(item => item.id === id || item.id === `section/${id}`); } destroy() { this._hashSubscription.unsubscribe(); this._scrollSubscription.unsubscribe(); } }