'use strict'; import { getChildDebugElement } from '../../../tests/helpers'; import { Component, ComponentRef } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserDomAdapter } from '@angular/platform-browser/src/browser/browser_adapter'; import { inject, async } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { TestComponentBuilder } from '@angular/compiler/testing'; import { Redoc } from './redoc'; import { SpecManager } from '../../utils/SpecManager'; import { OptionsService } from '../../services/index'; let optsMgr:OptionsService; describe('Redoc components', () => { describe('Redoc Component', () => { let builder; let specMgr; beforeEach(async(inject([TestComponentBuilder, SpecManager, OptionsService], (tcb, _specMgr, _optsMgr) => { optsMgr = _optsMgr; builder = tcb; specMgr = _specMgr; return specMgr.load('/tests/schemas/extended-petstore.yml'); }))); it('should init component', () => { let fixture = builder.createSync(TestAppComponent); let component = getChildDebugElement(fixture.debugElement, 'redoc').componentInstance; expect(component).not.toBeNull(); fixture.destroy(); }); it('should init components tree without errors', () => { let fixture = builder.createSync(TestAppComponent); (() => fixture.detectChanges()).should.not.throw(); fixture.destroy(); }); }); describe('Redoc init', () => { let dom = new BrowserDomAdapter(); let elem; beforeEach(() => { elem = dom.createElement('redoc'); dom.defaultDoc().body.appendChild(elem); }); afterEach(() => { dom.defaultDoc().body.removeChild(elem); }); it('should return promise', () => { let res = Redoc.init().catch(() => {/**/}); res.should.be.instanceof(Promise); }); it('should hide loading animation and display message in case of error', async(() => { spyOn(Redoc, 'hideLoadingAnimation').and.callThrough(); spyOn(Redoc, 'displayError').and.callThrough(); let res = Redoc.init(); return res.catch(() => { expect(Redoc.hideLoadingAnimation).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Redoc.displayError).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); })); //skip because of PhantomJS crashes on this testcase xit('should init redoc', (done) => { var node = document.createElement('redoc'); document.body.appendChild(node); let res = Redoc.init('/tests/schemas/extended-petstore.yml'); res.then(() => { done(); }, () => { done.fail('Error handler should not been called'); }); }); }); describe('Redoc destroy', () => { let builder; let fixture; let element; let dom; let destroySpy; beforeEach(async(inject([TestComponentBuilder, SpecManager, OptionsService, BrowserDomAdapter], (tcb, specMgr, opts, _dom) => { builder = tcb; optsMgr = opts; dom = _dom; return specMgr.load('/tests/schemas/methods-list-component.json'); }))); beforeEach(() => { fixture = builder.createSync(TestAppComponent); element = getChildDebugElement(fixture.debugElement, 'methods-list').nativeElement; destroySpy = jasmine.createSpy('spy'); Redoc.appRef = >{ destroy: destroySpy }; fixture.detectChanges(); }); afterEach(()=> { fixture.destroy(); Redoc.appRef = null; }); it('should call componentRef.destroy', () => { Redoc.destroy(); expect(destroySpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should create new host element', () => { element.parentElement.removeChild(element); Redoc.destroy(); expect(dom.query('redoc')).not.toBeNull(); dom.query('redoc').should.not.be.equal(element); }); it('should set to null appRef', () => { Redoc.destroy(); expect(Redoc.appRef).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('Redoc autoInit', () => { const testURL = 'testurl'; let dom = new BrowserDomAdapter(); //let redocInitSpy; let elem: HTMLElement; beforeEach(() => { spyOn(Redoc, 'init').and.stub(); elem = dom.createElement('redoc'); dom.defaultDoc().body.appendChild(elem); dom.setAttribute(elem, 'spec-url', testURL); }); it('should call Redoc.init with url from param spec-url', () => { Redoc.autoInit(); expect(Redoc.init).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect((Redoc.init).calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([testURL]); }); it('should not call Redoc.init when spec-url param is not provided', () => { dom.removeAttribute(elem, 'spec-url'); Redoc.autoInit(); expect(Redoc.init).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); afterEach(() => { (Redoc.init).and.callThrough(); dom.defaultDoc().body.removeChild(elem); }); }); }); /** Test component that contains a Redoc. */ @Component({ selector: 'test-app', directives: [Redoc], template: `` }) class TestAppComponent { }