'use strict'; import { Injectable, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserDomAdapter } from '@angular/platform-browser/src/browser/browser_adapter'; import { OptionsService } from './options.service'; import { throttle } from '../utils/helpers'; export const INVIEW_POSITION = { ABOVE : 1, BELLOW: -1, INVIEW: 0 }; @Injectable() export class ScrollService { scrollYOffset: any; $scrollParent: any; @Output() scroll = new EventEmitter(); private prevOffsetY: number; private _cancel:any; constructor(private dom:BrowserDomAdapter, optionsService:OptionsService) { //events.bootstrapped.subscribe(() => this.hashScroll()); this.scrollYOffset = () => optionsService.options.scrollYOffset(); this.$scrollParent = optionsService.options.$scrollParent; this.scroll = new EventEmitter(); this.dom = dom; this.bind(); } scrollY() { return (this.$scrollParent.pageYOffset != undefined) ? this.$scrollParent.pageYOffset : this.$scrollParent.scrollTop; } /* returns 1 if element if above the view, 0 if in view and -1 below the view */ getElementPos($el) { if (Math.floor($el.getBoundingClientRect().top) > this.scrollYOffset()) { return INVIEW_POSITION.ABOVE; } if ($el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom <= this.scrollYOffset()) { return INVIEW_POSITION.BELLOW; } return INVIEW_POSITION.INVIEW; } scrollTo($el) { // TODO: rewrite this to use offsetTop as more reliable solution let subjRect = $el.getBoundingClientRect(); let offset = this.scrollY() + subjRect.top - this.scrollYOffset() + 1; if (this.$scrollParent.scrollTo) { this.$scrollParent.scrollTo(0, offset); } else { this.$scrollParent.scrollTop = offset; } } scrollHandler(evt) { let isScrolledDown = (this.scrollY() - this.prevOffsetY > 0); this.prevOffsetY = this.scrollY(); this.scroll.next({isScrolledDown, evt}); } bind() { this.prevOffsetY = this.scrollY(); this._cancel = this.dom.onAndCancel(this.$scrollParent, 'scroll', throttle((evt) => { this.scrollHandler(evt); }, 100, this)); } unbind() { this._cancel(); } }