import { action, observable } from 'mobx'; import { join as joinPaths } from 'path'; import { parse as urlParse } from 'url'; import { IMenuItem } from '../MenuStore'; import { GroupModel } from './Group.model'; import { SecurityRequirementModel } from './SecurityRequirement'; import { OpenAPIExternalDocumentation, OpenAPIServer } from '../../types'; import { getOperationSummary, isAbsolutePath, JsonPointer, mergeParams, sortByRequired, stripTrailingSlash, } from '../../utils'; import { ContentItemModel, ExtendedOpenAPIOperation } from '../MenuBuilder'; import { OpenAPIParser } from '../OpenAPIParser'; import { RedocNormalizedOptions } from '../RedocNormalizedOptions'; import { FieldModel } from './Field'; import { RequestBodyModel } from './RequestBody'; import { ResponseModel } from './Response'; import { CodeSample } from './types'; /** * Operation model ready to be used by components */ export class OperationModel implements IMenuItem { //#region IMenuItem fields id: string; absoluteIdx?: number; name: string; description?: string; type = 'operation' as 'operation'; parent?: GroupModel; externalDocs?: OpenAPIExternalDocumentation; items: ContentItemModel[] = []; depth: number; @observable ready?: boolean = true; @observable active: boolean = false; //#endregion _$ref: string; operationId?: string; httpVerb: string; deprecated: boolean; requestBody?: RequestBodyModel; parameters: FieldModel[]; responses: ResponseModel[]; path: string; servers: OpenAPIServer[]; security: SecurityRequirementModel[]; codeSamples: CodeSample[]; constructor( parser: OpenAPIParser, operationSpec: ExtendedOpenAPIOperation, parent: GroupModel | undefined, options: RedocNormalizedOptions, ) { = operationSpec.operationId !== undefined ? 'operation/' + operationSpec.operationId : this.parent !== undefined ? + operationSpec._$ref : operationSpec._$ref; = getOperationSummary(operationSpec); this.description = operationSpec.description; this.parent = parent; this.externalDocs = operationSpec.externalDocs; this._$ref = operationSpec._$ref; this.deprecated = !!operationSpec.deprecated; this.httpVerb = operationSpec.httpVerb; this.deprecated = !!operationSpec.deprecated; this.operationId = operationSpec.operationId; this.requestBody = operationSpec.requestBody && new RequestBodyModel(parser, operationSpec.requestBody, options); this.codeSamples = operationSpec['x-code-samples'] || []; this.path = JsonPointer.baseName(this._$ref, 2); this.parameters = mergeParams( parser, operationSpec.pathParameters, operationSpec.parameters, ).map(paramOrRef => new FieldModel(parser, paramOrRef, this._$ref, options)); if (options.requiredPropsFirst) { sortByRequired(this.parameters); } let hasSuccessResponses = false; this.responses = Object.keys(operationSpec.responses || []) .filter(code => { if (parseInt(code, 10) >= 100 && parseInt(code, 10) <= 399) { hasSuccessResponses = true; } return isNumeric(code) || code === 'default'; }) // filter out other props (e.g. x-props) .map(code => { return new ResponseModel( parser, code, hasSuccessResponses, operationSpec.responses[code], options, ); }); this.servers = normalizeServers( parser.specUrl, operationSpec.servers || parser.spec.servers || [], ); = ( || || []).map( security => new SecurityRequirementModel(security, parser), ); } /** * set operation as active (used by side menu) */ @action activate() { = true; } /** * set operation as inactive (used by side menu) */ @action deactivate() { = false; } } function isNumeric(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } function normalizeServers(specUrl: string, servers: OpenAPIServer[]): OpenAPIServer[] { if (servers.length === 0) { return [ { url: specUrl, }, ]; } function normalizeUrl(url: string): string { url = isAbsolutePath(url) ? url : joinPaths(specUrl, url); return stripTrailingSlash(url.startsWith('//') ? `${specProtocol}${url}` : url); } const { protocol: specProtocol } = urlParse(specUrl); return => { return { ...server, url: normalizeUrl(server.url), description: server.description || '', }; }); }