import { OpenAPIParser } from '../services/OpenAPIParser'; import { OpenAPIMediaType, OpenAPIOperation, OpenAPIParameter, OpenAPISchema, Referenced, } from '../types'; export function getStatusCodeType(statusCode: string | number, defaultAsError = false): string { if (statusCode === 'default') { return defaultAsError ? 'error' : 'success'; } if (statusCode < 100 || statusCode > 599) { throw new Error('invalid HTTP code'); } let res = 'success'; if (statusCode >= 300 && statusCode < 400) { res = 'redirect'; } else if (statusCode >= 400) { res = 'error'; } else if (statusCode < 200) { res = 'info'; } return res; } const operationNames = { get: true, post: true, put: true, head: true, patch: true, delete: true, options: true, }; export function isOperationName(key: string): boolean { return key in operationNames; } export function getOperationSummary(operation: OpenAPIOperation): string { return ( operation.summary || operation.operationId || (operation.description && operation.description.substring(0, 50)) || '' ); } const schemaKeywordTypes = { multipleOf: 'number', maximum: 'number', exclusiveMaximum: 'number', minimum: 'number', exclusiveMinimum: 'number', maxLength: 'string', minLength: 'string', pattern: 'string', items: 'array', maxItems: 'array', minItems: 'array', uniqueItems: 'array', maxProperties: 'object', minProperties: 'object', required: 'object', additionalProperties: 'object', properties: 'object', }; export function detectType(schema: OpenAPISchema): string { if (schema.type !== undefined) { return schema.type; } const keywords = Object.keys(schemaKeywordTypes); for (const keyword of keywords) { const type = schemaKeywordTypes[keyword]; if (schema[keyword] !== undefined) { return type; } } return 'any'; } export function isPrimitiveType(schema: OpenAPISchema) { if (schema.oneOf !== undefined || schema.anyOf !== undefined) { return false; } if (schema.type === 'object') { return !== undefined ? Object.keys( === 0 : schema.additionalProperties === undefined; } if (schema.type === 'array') { if (schema.items === undefined) { return true; } return false; } return true; } export function isJsonLike(contentType: string): boolean { return !== -1; } export function langFromMime(contentType: string): string { if ( !== -1) { return 'xml'; } return 'clike'; } export function isNamedDefinition(pointer?: string): boolean { return /^#\/components\/schemas\/[^\/]+$/.test(pointer || ''); } export function humanizeConstraints(schema: OpenAPISchema): string[] { const res: string[] = []; let stringRange; if (schema.minLength !== undefined && schema.maxLength !== undefined) { if (schema.minLength === schema.maxLength) { stringRange = `${schema.minLength} characters`; } else { stringRange = `[ ${schema.minLength} .. ${schema.maxLength} ] characters`; } } else if (schema.maxLength !== undefined) { stringRange = `<= ${schema.maxLength} characters`; } else if (schema.minLength !== undefined) { if (schema.minLength === 1) { stringRange = 'non-empty'; } else { stringRange = `>= ${schema.minLength} characters`; } } if (stringRange !== undefined) { res.push(stringRange); } let numberRange; if (schema.minimum !== undefined && schema.maximum !== undefined) { numberRange = schema.exclusiveMinimum ? '( ' : '[ '; numberRange += schema.minimum; numberRange += ' .. '; numberRange += schema.maximum; numberRange += schema.exclusiveMaximum ? ' )' : ' ]'; } else if (schema.maximum !== undefined) { numberRange = schema.exclusiveMaximum ? '< ' : '<= '; numberRange += schema.maximum; } else if (schema.minimum !== undefined) { numberRange = schema.exclusiveMinimum ? '> ' : '>= '; numberRange += schema.minimum; } if (numberRange !== undefined) { res.push(numberRange); } return res; } export function sortByRequired( fields: Array<{ required: boolean; name: string }>, order: string[] = [], ) { fields.sort((a, b) => { if (!a.required && b.required) { return 1; } else if (a.required && !b.required) { return -1; } else if (a.required && b.required) { return order.indexOf( > order.indexOf( ? 1 : -1; } else { return 0; } }); } export function mergeParams( parser: OpenAPIParser, pathParams: Array> = [], operationParams: Array> = [], ): Array> { const operationParamNames = {}; operationParams.forEach(param => { param = parser.shalowDeref(param); operationParamNames[ + '_' +] = true; }); // filter out path params overriden by operation ones with the same name pathParams = pathParams.filter(param => { param = parser.shalowDeref(param); return !operationParamNames[ + '_' +]; }); return pathParams.concat(operationParams); } export function mergeSimilarMediaTypes(types: Dict): Dict { const mergedTypes = {}; Object.keys(types).forEach(name => { const mime = types[name]; // ignore content type parameters (e.g. charset) and merge const normalizedMimeName = name.split(';')[0].trim(); if (!mergedTypes[normalizedMimeName]) { mergedTypes[normalizedMimeName] = mime; return; } mergedTypes[normalizedMimeName] = { ...mergedTypes[normalizedMimeName], ...mime }; }); return mergedTypes; } export const SECURITY_SCHEMES_SECTION = 'section/Authentication/';