'use strict'; import {RedocComponent, BaseComponent} from '../base'; import {redocEvents} from '../../events'; import {NgZone, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ElementRef, forwardRef} from 'angular2/core'; import Redoc from '../Redoc/redoc'; import {document} from 'angular2/src/facade/browser'; import {BrowserDomAdapter} from 'angular2/platform/browser'; import {global} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; const CHANGE = { NEXT : 1, BACK : -1, INITIAL : 0 }; const INVIEW_POSITION = { ABOVE : 1, BELLOW: -1, INVIEW: 0 }; @RedocComponent({ selector: 'side-menu', templateUrl: './lib/components/SideMenu/side-menu.html', styleUrls: ['./lib/components/SideMenu/side-menu.css'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default }) export default class SideMenu extends BaseComponent { constructor(schemaMgr, elementRef, adapter, zone, redoc) { super(schemaMgr); this.zone = zone; this.adapter = adapter; this.redoc = redoc; this.scrollParent = this.redoc.scrollParent; this.mobileNav = adapter.querySelector(elementRef.nativeElement, '.mobile-nav'); this.resourcesNav = adapter.querySelector(elementRef.nativeElement, '#resources-nav'); // for some reason constructor is not run inside zone // as workaround running it manually this.zone.run(() => { this.bindEvents(); }); this.activeCatIdx = 0; this.activeMethodIdx = -1; this.prevOffsetY = null; redocEvents.bootstrapped.subscribe(() => this.hashScroll()); this.activeCatCaption = ''; this.activeItemCaption = ''; } scrollY() { return (this.scrollParent.pageYOffset != null) ? this.scrollParent.pageYOffset : this.scrollParent.scrollTop; } hashScroll(evt) { let hash = this.adapter.getLocation().hash; if (!hash) return; let el; hash = hash.substr(1); let namespace = hash.split('/')[0]; let ptr = hash.substr(namespace.length + 1); if (namespace === 'operation') { el = this.getMethodElByOperId(ptr); } else if (namespace === 'tag') { let tag = ptr.split('/')[0]; ptr = ptr.substr(tag.length); el = this.getMethodElByPtr(ptr, tag); } if (el) this.scrollTo(el); if (evt) evt.preventDefault(); } bindEvents() { this.prevOffsetY = this.scrollY(); //decorate option.scrollYOffset to account mobile nav this.scrollYOffset = () => { let mobileNavOffset = this.mobileNav.clientHeight; return this.redoc.options.scrollYOffset() + mobileNavOffset; }; this._cancel = {}; this._cancel.scroll = this.adapter.onAndCancel(this.scrollParent, 'scroll', () => { this.scrollHandler(); }); this._cancel.hash = this.adapter.onAndCancel(global, 'hashchange', evt => this.hashScroll(evt)); } destroy() { this._cancel.scroll(); this._cancel.hash(); } activateAndScroll(idx, methodIdx) { if (this.mobileMode()) { this.toggleMobileNav(); } this.activate(idx, methodIdx); this.scrollToActive(); } scrollTo(el) { // TODO: rewrite this to use offsetTop as more reliable solution let subjRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); let offset = this.scrollY() + subjRect.top - this.scrollYOffset() + 1; if (this.scrollParent.scrollTo) { this.scrollParent.scrollTo(0, offset); } else { this.scrollParent.scrollTop = offset; } } scrollToActive() { this.scrollTo(this.getCurrentMethodEl()); } activate(catIdx, methodIdx) { let menu = this.data.menu; this.activeCatCaption = ''; this.activeItemCaption = ''; menu[this.activeCatIdx].active = false; if (menu[this.activeCatIdx].methods.length) { if (this.activeMethodIdx >= 0) { menu[this.activeCatIdx].methods[this.activeMethodIdx].active = false; } } this.activeCatIdx = catIdx; this.activeMethodIdx = methodIdx; menu[catIdx].active = true; this.activeCatCaption = menu[catIdx].name; this.activeMethodPtr = null; if (menu[catIdx].methods.length && (methodIdx > -1)) { let currentItem = menu[catIdx].methods[methodIdx]; currentItem.active = true; this.activeMethodPtr = currentItem.pointer; this.activeItemCaption = currentItem.summary; } } _calcActiveIndexes(offset) { let menu = this.data.menu; let catCount = menu.length; let catLength = menu[this.activeCatIdx].methods.length; let resMethodIdx = this.activeMethodIdx + offset; let resCatIdx = this.activeCatIdx; if (resMethodIdx > catLength - 1) { resCatIdx++; resMethodIdx = -1; } if (resMethodIdx < -1) { let prevCatIdx = --resCatIdx; catLength = menu[Math.max(prevCatIdx, 0)].methods.length; resMethodIdx = catLength - 1; } if (resCatIdx > catCount - 1) { resCatIdx = catCount - 1; resMethodIdx = catLength - 1; } if (resCatIdx < 0) { resCatIdx = 0; resMethodIdx = 0; } return [resCatIdx, resMethodIdx]; } changeActive(offset = 1) { let [catIdx, methodIdx] = this._calcActiveIndexes(offset); this.activate(catIdx, methodIdx); return (methodIdx === 0 && catIdx === 0); } getMethodElByPtr(ptr, tag) { let selector = ptr ? `[pointer="${ptr}"][tag="${tag}"]` : `[tag="${tag}"]`; return document.querySelector(selector); } getMethodElByOperId(operationId) { let selector =`[operation-id="${operationId}"]`; return document.querySelector(selector); } getCurrentMethodEl() { return this.getMethodElByPtr(this.activeMethodPtr, this.data.menu[this.activeCatIdx].name); } /* returns 1 if element if above the view, 0 if in view and -1 below the view */ getElementInViewPos(el) { if (Math.floor(el.getBoundingClientRect().top) > this.scrollYOffset()) { return INVIEW_POSITION.ABOVE; } if (el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom <= this.scrollYOffset()) { return INVIEW_POSITION.BELLOW; } return INVIEW_POSITION.INVIEW; } scrollHandler() { let isScrolledDown = (this.scrollY() - this.prevOffsetY > 0); this.prevOffsetY = this.scrollY(); let stable = false; while(!stable) { let activeMethodHost = this.getCurrentMethodEl(); if (!activeMethodHost) return; var elementInViewPos = this.getElementInViewPos(activeMethodHost); if(isScrolledDown && elementInViewPos === INVIEW_POSITION.BELLOW) { stable = this.changeActive(CHANGE.NEXT); continue; } if(!isScrolledDown && elementInViewPos === INVIEW_POSITION.ABOVE ) { stable = this.changeActive(CHANGE.BACK); continue; } stable = true; } } prepareModel() { this.data = {}; this.data.menu = Array.from(this.schemaMgr.buildMenuTree().entries()).map( el => ({name: el[0], description: el[1].description, methods: el[1].methods}) ); } mobileMode() { return this.mobileNav.clientHeight > 0; } toggleMobileNav() { let dom = this.adapter; let overflowParent = (this.scrollParent === global) ? dom.defaultDoc().body : this.scrollParent; if (dom.hasStyle(this.resourcesNav, 'height')) { dom.removeStyle(this.resourcesNav, 'height'); dom.removeStyle(overflowParent, 'overflow-y'); } else { let viewportHeight = this.scrollParent.innerHeight || this.scrollParent.clientHeight; let height = viewportHeight - this.mobileNav.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; dom.setStyle(overflowParent, 'overflow-y', 'hidden'); dom.setStyle(this.resourcesNav, 'height', height + 'px'); } } init() { this.changeActive(CHANGE.INITIAL); } } SideMenu.parameters = SideMenu.parameters.concat([[ElementRef], [BrowserDomAdapter], [NgZone], [forwardRef(() => Redoc)] ]);