import { Lambda, observe } from 'mobx'; import { OpenAPISpec } from '../types'; import { loadAndBundleSpec } from '../utils/loadAndBundleSpec'; import { history } from './HistoryService'; import { MarkerService } from './MarkerService'; import { MenuStore } from './MenuStore'; import { SpecStore } from './models'; import { RedocNormalizedOptions, RedocRawOptions } from './RedocNormalizedOptions'; import { ScrollService } from './ScrollService'; import { SearchStore } from './SearchStore'; import { SchemaDefinition } from '../components/SchemaDefinition/SchemaDefinition'; import { SecurityDefs } from '../components/SecuritySchemes/SecuritySchemes'; import { SCHEMA_DEFINITION_JSX_NAME, SECURITY_DEFINITIONS_COMPONENT_NAME, SECURITY_DEFINITIONS_JSX_NAME, } from '../utils/openapi'; export interface StoreState { menu: { activeItemIdx: number; }; spec: { url?: string; data: any; }; searchIndex: any; options: RedocRawOptions; } export async function createStore( spec: object, specUrl: string | undefined, options: RedocRawOptions = {}, ) { const resolvedSpec = await loadAndBundleSpec(spec || specUrl); return new AppStore(resolvedSpec, specUrl, options); } export class AppStore { /** * deserialize store * **SUPER HACKY AND NOT OPTIMAL IMPLEMENTATION** */ // TODO: static fromJS(state: StoreState): AppStore { const inst = new AppStore(, state.spec.url, state.options, false); = || 0;[]); if (!inst.options.disableSearch) {!.load(state.searchIndex); } return inst; } menu: MenuStore; spec: SpecStore; rawOptions: RedocRawOptions; options: RedocNormalizedOptions; search?: SearchStore; marker = new MarkerService(); private scroll: ScrollService; private disposer: Lambda | null = null; constructor( spec: OpenAPISpec, specUrl?: string, options: RedocRawOptions = {}, createSearchIndex: boolean = true, ) { this.rawOptions = options; this.options = new RedocNormalizedOptions(options, DEFAULT_OPTIONS); this.scroll = new ScrollService(this.options); // update position statically based on hash (in case of SSR) MenuStore.updateOnHistory(history.currentId, this.scroll); this.spec = new SpecStore(spec, specUrl, this.options); = new MenuStore(this.spec, this.scroll, history); if (!this.options.disableSearch) { = new SearchStore(); if (createSearchIndex) {; } this.disposer = observe(, 'activeItemIdx', change => { this.updateMarkOnMenu(change.newValue as number); }); } } onDidMount() {; this.updateMarkOnMenu(; } dispose() { this.scroll.dispose();; if (this.disposer != null) { this.disposer(); } } /** * serializes store * **SUPER HACKY AND NOT OPTIMAL IMPLEMENTATION** */ // TODO: improve async toJS(): Promise { return { menu: { activeItemIdx:, }, spec: { url: this.spec.parser.specUrl, data: this.spec.parser.spec, }, searchIndex: ? await : undefined, options: this.rawOptions, }; } private updateMarkOnMenu(idx: number) { const start = Math.max(0, idx); const end = Math.min(, start + 5); const elements: Element[] = []; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { let elem =; if (!elem) { continue; } if ([i].type === 'section') { elem = elem.parentElement!.parentElement; } if (elem) { elements.push(elem); } } this.marker.addOnly(elements); this.marker.mark(); } } const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: RedocRawOptions = { allowedMdComponents: { [SECURITY_DEFINITIONS_COMPONENT_NAME]: { component: SecurityDefs, propsSelector: (store: AppStore) => ({ securitySchemes: store.spec.securitySchemes, }), }, [SECURITY_DEFINITIONS_JSX_NAME]: { component: SecurityDefs, propsSelector: (store: AppStore) => ({ securitySchemes: store.spec.securitySchemes, }), }, [SCHEMA_DEFINITION_JSX_NAME]: { component: SchemaDefinition, propsSelector: (store: AppStore) => ({ parser: store.spec.parser, options: store.options, }), }, }, };