// tslint:disable:no-implicit-dependencies import * as yaml from 'js-yaml'; async function loadSpec(url: string): Promise<any> { const spec = await (await fetch(url)).text(); return yaml.load(spec); } function initReDoc(win, spec, options = {}) { (win as any).Redoc.init(spec, options, win.document.getElementById('redoc')); } describe('Servers', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit('e2e/'); }); it('should have valid server', () => { cy.window().then(async win => { const spec = await loadSpec('/demo/openapi.yaml'); initReDoc(win, spec, {}); // TODO add cy-data attributes cy.get('[data-section-id="tag/pet/operation/addPet"]').should( 'contain', 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet', ); cy.get('[data-section-id="tag/pet/operation/addPet"]').should( 'contain', 'http://petstore.swagger.io/sandbox/pet', ); }); }); it('should have valid server for when servers not provided', () => { cy.window().then(async win => { const spec = await loadSpec('/demo/openapi.yaml'); delete spec.servers; initReDoc(win, spec, {}); // TODO add cy-data attributes cy.get('[data-section-id="tag/pet/operation/addPet"]').should( 'contain', 'http://localhost:' + win.location.port + '/pet', ); }); }); it('should have valid server for when servers not provided at .html pages', () => { cy.visit('e2e/e2e.html'); cy.window().then(async win => { const spec = await loadSpec('/demo/openapi.yaml'); delete spec.servers; initReDoc(win, spec, {}); // TODO add cy-data attributes cy.get('[data-section-id="tag/pet/operation/addPet"]').should( 'contain', 'http://localhost:' + win.location.port + '/pet', ); }); }); });