import defaultTheme, { ResolvedThemeInterface, resolveTheme, ThemeInterface } from '../theme'; import { querySelector } from '../utils/dom'; import { isNumeric, mergeObjects } from '../utils/helpers'; import { LabelsConfigRaw, setRedocLabels } from './Labels'; import { MDXComponentMeta } from './MarkdownRenderer'; export enum SideNavStyleEnum { SummaryOnly = 'summary-only', PathOnly = 'path-only', IdOnly = 'id-only', } export interface RedocRawOptions { theme?: ThemeInterface; scrollYOffset?: number | string | (() => number); hideHostname?: boolean | string; expandResponses?: string | 'all'; requiredPropsFirst?: boolean | string; sortPropsAlphabetically?: boolean | string; sortEnumValuesAlphabetically?: boolean | string; sortOperationsAlphabetically?: boolean | string; sortTagsAlphabetically?: boolean | string; noAutoAuth?: boolean | string; nativeScrollbars?: boolean | string; pathInMiddlePanel?: boolean | string; untrustedSpec?: boolean | string; hideLoading?: boolean | string; hideDownloadButton?: boolean | string; disableSearch?: boolean | string; onlyRequiredInSamples?: boolean | string; showExtensions?: boolean | string | string[]; sideNavStyle?: SideNavStyleEnum; hideSingleRequestSampleTab?: boolean | string; menuToggle?: boolean | string; jsonSampleExpandLevel?: number | string | 'all'; hideSchemaTitles?: boolean | string; simpleOneOfTypeLabel?: boolean | string; payloadSampleIdx?: number; expandSingleSchemaField?: boolean | string; schemaExpansionLevel?: number | string | 'all'; showObjectSchemaExamples?: boolean | string; unstable_ignoreMimeParameters?: boolean; allowedMdComponents?: Record; labels?: LabelsConfigRaw; enumSkipQuotes?: boolean | string; expandDefaultServerVariables?: boolean; maxDisplayedEnumValues?: number; ignoreNamedSchemas?: string[] | string; hideSchemaPattern?: boolean; generatedPayloadSamplesMaxDepth?: number; nonce?: string; hideFab?: boolean; minCharacterLengthToInitSearch?: number; } export function argValueToBoolean(val?: string | boolean, defaultValue?: boolean): boolean { if (val === undefined) { return defaultValue || false; } if (typeof val === 'string') { return val !== 'false'; } return val; } function argValueToNumber(value: number | string | undefined): number | undefined { if (typeof value === 'string') { return parseInt(value, 10); } if (typeof value === 'number') { return value; } } function argValueToExpandLevel(value?: number | string | undefined, defaultValue = 0): number { if (value === 'all') return Infinity; return argValueToNumber(value) || defaultValue; } export class RedocNormalizedOptions { static normalizeExpandResponses(value: RedocRawOptions['expandResponses']) { if (value === 'all') { return 'all'; } if (typeof value === 'string') { const res = {}; value.split(',').forEach(code => { res[code.trim()] = true; }); return res; } else if (value !== undefined) { console.warn( `expandResponses must be a string but received value "${value}" of type ${typeof value}`, ); } return {}; } static normalizeHideHostname(value: RedocRawOptions['hideHostname']): boolean { return !!value; } static normalizeScrollYOffset(value: RedocRawOptions['scrollYOffset']): () => number { // just number is not valid selector and leads to crash so checking if isNumeric here if (typeof value === 'string' && !isNumeric(value)) { const el = querySelector(value); if (!el) { console.warn( 'scrollYOffset value is a selector to non-existing element. Using offset 0 by default', ); } const bottom = (el && el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom) || 0; return () => bottom; } else if (typeof value === 'number' || isNumeric(value)) { return () => (typeof value === 'number' ? value : parseFloat(value)); } else if (typeof value === 'function') { return () => { const res = value(); if (typeof res !== 'number') { console.warn( `scrollYOffset should return number but returned value "${res}" of type ${typeof res}`, ); } return res; }; } else if (value !== undefined) { console.warn( 'Wrong value for scrollYOffset ReDoc option: should be string, number or function', ); } return () => 0; } static normalizeShowExtensions(value: RedocRawOptions['showExtensions']): string[] | boolean { if (typeof value === 'undefined') { return false; } if (value === '') { return true; } if (typeof value !== 'string') { return value; } switch (value) { case 'true': return true; case 'false': return false; default: return value.split(',').map(ext => ext.trim()); } } static normalizeSideNavStyle(value: RedocRawOptions['sideNavStyle']): SideNavStyleEnum { const defaultValue = SideNavStyleEnum.SummaryOnly; if (typeof value !== 'string') { return defaultValue; } switch (value) { case defaultValue: return value; case SideNavStyleEnum.PathOnly: return SideNavStyleEnum.PathOnly; case SideNavStyleEnum.IdOnly: return SideNavStyleEnum.IdOnly; default: return defaultValue; } } static normalizePayloadSampleIdx(value: RedocRawOptions['payloadSampleIdx']): number { if (typeof value === 'number') { return Math.max(0, value); // always greater or equal than 0 } if (typeof value === 'string') { return isFinite(value) ? parseInt(value, 10) : 0; } return 0; } private static normalizeJsonSampleExpandLevel(level?: number | string | 'all'): number { if (level === 'all') { return +Infinity; } if (!isNaN(Number(level))) { return Math.ceil(Number(level)); } return 2; } private static normalizeGeneratedPayloadSamplesMaxDepth( value?: number | string | undefined, ): number { if (!isNaN(Number(value))) { return Math.max(0, Number(value)); } return 10; } theme: ResolvedThemeInterface; scrollYOffset: () => number; hideHostname: boolean; expandResponses: { [code: string]: boolean } | 'all'; requiredPropsFirst: boolean; sortPropsAlphabetically: boolean; sortEnumValuesAlphabetically: boolean; sortOperationsAlphabetically: boolean; sortTagsAlphabetically: boolean; noAutoAuth: boolean; nativeScrollbars: boolean; pathInMiddlePanel: boolean; untrustedSpec: boolean; hideDownloadButton: boolean; disableSearch: boolean; onlyRequiredInSamples: boolean; showExtensions: boolean | string[]; sideNavStyle: SideNavStyleEnum; hideSingleRequestSampleTab: boolean; menuToggle: boolean; jsonSampleExpandLevel: number; enumSkipQuotes: boolean; hideSchemaTitles: boolean; simpleOneOfTypeLabel: boolean; payloadSampleIdx: number; expandSingleSchemaField: boolean; schemaExpansionLevel: number; showObjectSchemaExamples: boolean; /* tslint:disable-next-line */ unstable_ignoreMimeParameters: boolean; allowedMdComponents: Record; expandDefaultServerVariables: boolean; maxDisplayedEnumValues?: number; ignoreNamedSchemas: Set; hideSchemaPattern: boolean; generatedPayloadSamplesMaxDepth: number; hideFab: boolean; minCharacterLengthToInitSearch: number; nonce?: string; constructor(raw: RedocRawOptions, defaults: RedocRawOptions = {}) { raw = { ...defaults, ...raw }; const hook = raw.theme && raw.theme.extensionsHook; // migrate from old theme if ((raw.theme as any)?.menu && !raw.theme?.sidebar) { console.warn('Theme setting "menu" is deprecated. Rename to "sidebar"'); raw.theme!.sidebar = (raw.theme as any).menu; } if ((raw.theme as any)?.codeSample && !raw.theme?.codeBlock) { console.warn('Theme setting "codeSample" is deprecated. Rename to "codeBlock"'); raw.theme!.codeBlock = (raw.theme as any).codeSample; } this.theme = resolveTheme( mergeObjects({} as any, defaultTheme, { ...raw.theme, extensionsHook: undefined }), ); this.theme.extensionsHook = hook as any; // do not support dynamic labels changes. Labels should be configured before setRedocLabels(raw.labels); this.scrollYOffset = RedocNormalizedOptions.normalizeScrollYOffset(raw.scrollYOffset); this.hideHostname = RedocNormalizedOptions.normalizeHideHostname(raw.hideHostname); this.expandResponses = RedocNormalizedOptions.normalizeExpandResponses(raw.expandResponses); this.requiredPropsFirst = argValueToBoolean(raw.requiredPropsFirst); this.sortPropsAlphabetically = argValueToBoolean(raw.sortPropsAlphabetically); this.sortEnumValuesAlphabetically = argValueToBoolean(raw.sortEnumValuesAlphabetically); this.sortOperationsAlphabetically = argValueToBoolean(raw.sortOperationsAlphabetically); this.sortTagsAlphabetically = argValueToBoolean(raw.sortTagsAlphabetically); this.noAutoAuth = argValueToBoolean(raw.noAutoAuth); this.nativeScrollbars = argValueToBoolean(raw.nativeScrollbars); this.pathInMiddlePanel = argValueToBoolean(raw.pathInMiddlePanel); this.untrustedSpec = argValueToBoolean(raw.untrustedSpec); this.hideDownloadButton = argValueToBoolean(raw.hideDownloadButton); this.disableSearch = argValueToBoolean(raw.disableSearch); this.onlyRequiredInSamples = argValueToBoolean(raw.onlyRequiredInSamples); this.showExtensions = RedocNormalizedOptions.normalizeShowExtensions(raw.showExtensions); this.sideNavStyle = RedocNormalizedOptions.normalizeSideNavStyle(raw.sideNavStyle); this.hideSingleRequestSampleTab = argValueToBoolean(raw.hideSingleRequestSampleTab); this.menuToggle = argValueToBoolean(raw.menuToggle, true); this.jsonSampleExpandLevel = RedocNormalizedOptions.normalizeJsonSampleExpandLevel( raw.jsonSampleExpandLevel, ); this.enumSkipQuotes = argValueToBoolean(raw.enumSkipQuotes); this.hideSchemaTitles = argValueToBoolean(raw.hideSchemaTitles); this.simpleOneOfTypeLabel = argValueToBoolean(raw.simpleOneOfTypeLabel); this.payloadSampleIdx = RedocNormalizedOptions.normalizePayloadSampleIdx(raw.payloadSampleIdx); this.expandSingleSchemaField = argValueToBoolean(raw.expandSingleSchemaField); this.schemaExpansionLevel = argValueToExpandLevel(raw.schemaExpansionLevel); this.showObjectSchemaExamples = argValueToBoolean(raw.showObjectSchemaExamples); this.unstable_ignoreMimeParameters = argValueToBoolean(raw.unstable_ignoreMimeParameters); this.allowedMdComponents = raw.allowedMdComponents || {}; this.expandDefaultServerVariables = argValueToBoolean(raw.expandDefaultServerVariables); this.maxDisplayedEnumValues = argValueToNumber(raw.maxDisplayedEnumValues); const ignoreNamedSchemas = Array.isArray(raw.ignoreNamedSchemas) ? raw.ignoreNamedSchemas : raw.ignoreNamedSchemas?.split(',').map(s => s.trim()); this.ignoreNamedSchemas = new Set(ignoreNamedSchemas); this.hideSchemaPattern = argValueToBoolean(raw.hideSchemaPattern); this.generatedPayloadSamplesMaxDepth = RedocNormalizedOptions.normalizeGeneratedPayloadSamplesMaxDepth( raw.generatedPayloadSamplesMaxDepth, ); this.nonce = raw.nonce; this.hideFab = argValueToBoolean(raw.hideFab); this.minCharacterLengthToInitSearch = argValueToNumber(raw.minCharacterLengthToInitSearch) || 3; } }