'use strict'; import { ElementRef, ComponentRef, ChangeDetectorRef, Input, Component, OnInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy, HostBinding } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserDomAdapter as DOM } from '../../utils/browser-adapter'; import { BaseComponent } from '../base'; import * as detectScollParent from 'scrollparent'; import { SpecManager } from '../../utils/spec-manager'; import { OptionsService, Hash, MenuService, AppStateService } from '../../services/index'; import { CustomErrorHandler } from '../../utils/'; @Component({ selector: 'redoc', templateUrl: './redoc.html', styleUrls: ['./redoc.css'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) export class Redoc extends BaseComponent implements OnInit { static _preOptions: any; private element: any; error: any; specLoaded: boolean; options: any; @Input() specUrl: string; @HostBinding('class.loading') specLoading: boolean = false; @HostBinding('class.loading-remove') specLoadingRemove: boolean = false; constructor( specMgr: SpecManager, optionsMgr: OptionsService, elementRef: ElementRef, private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef, private appState: AppStateService ) { super(specMgr); // merge options passed before init optionsMgr.options = Redoc._preOptions || {}; this.element = elementRef.nativeElement; //parse options (top level component doesn't support inputs) optionsMgr.parseOptions( this.element ); let scrollParent = detectScollParent( this.element ); if (scrollParent === DOM.defaultDoc().body) scrollParent = window; optionsMgr.options.$scrollParent = scrollParent; this.options = optionsMgr.options; } hideLoadingAnimation() { this.specLoadingRemove = true; setTimeout(() => { this.specLoadingRemove = true; this.specLoading = false; }, 400); } load() { this.specMgr.load(this.options.specUrl); this.specMgr.spec.subscribe((spec) => { if (!spec) { this.specLoading = true; this.specLoaded = false; } else { this.specLoaded = true; this.hideLoadingAnimation(); this.changeDetector.markForCheck(); } }); } ngOnInit() { this.appState.error.subscribe(_err => { // do not show errors that occuered after spec has been already loaded // TODO: change this in future to show in e.g. popup //if (this.specLoaded) return; setTimeout(() => { this.error = _err; this.changeDetector.detectChanges() }); }) if (this.specUrl) { this.options.specUrl = this.specUrl; } this.load(); } }