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synced 2025-03-10 21:05:47 +03:00
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75 lines
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;(function() {
'use strict';
var schemaUrlForm = document.getElementById('schema-url-form');
var schemaUrlInput;
var url = window.location.search.match(/url=([^&]+)/);
if (url && url.length > 1) {
url = decodeURIComponent(url[1]);
url = window.__REDOC_DEV__ ? url : '\\\\cors.apis.guru/' + url;
document.getElementsByTagName('redoc')[0].setAttribute('spec-url', url);
function updateQueryStringParameter(uri, key, value) {
var re = new RegExp("([?|&])" + key + "=.*?(&|#|$)", "i");
if (uri.match(re)) {
return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2');
} else {
var hash = '';
if( uri.indexOf('#') !== -1 ){
hash = uri.replace(/.*#/, '#');
uri = uri.replace(/#.*/, '');
var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";
return uri + separator + key + "=" + value + hash;
var specs = document.querySelector('#specs');
specs.addEventListener('dom-change', function() {
schemaUrlForm = document.getElementById('schema-url-form');
schemaUrlInput = document.getElementById('schema-url-input');
schemaUrlForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
location.search = updateQueryStringParameter(location.search, 'url', schemaUrlInput.value)
return false;
schemaUrlInput.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
schemaUrlInput.value = url;
specs.specs = [
var $specInput = document.getElementById('spec-input');
$specInput.addEventListener('value-changed', function(e) {
schemaUrlInput.value = e.detail.value;
location.search = updateQueryStringParameter(location.search, 'url', schemaUrlInput.value);
function selectItem() {
let value = this.innerText.trim();
schemaUrlInput.value = value;
location.search = updateQueryStringParameter(location.search, 'url', schemaUrlInput.value);
// for some reason events are not triggered so have to dirty fix this
$specInput.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
let $elems = document.querySelectorAll('.item.vaadin-combo-box-overlay');
$elems.forEach(function($el) {
$el.addEventListener('mousedown', selectItem);
$el.addEventListener('mousedown', selectItem);