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synced 2025-03-10 21:05:47 +03:00
159 lines
4.4 KiB
159 lines
4.4 KiB
'use strict';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import * as slugify from 'slugify';
import * as Remarkable from 'remarkable';
import { StringMap } from './';
declare var Prism: any;
const md = new Remarkable({
html: true,
linkify: true,
breaks: false,
typographer: false,
highlight: (str, lang) => {
if (lang === 'json') lang = 'js';
let grammar = Prism.languages[lang];
// fallback to click
if (!grammar) return str;
return Prism.highlight(str, grammar);
export interface MarkdownHeading {
title?: string;
id: string;
slug?: string;
content?: string;
children?: StringMap<MarkdownHeading>;
export class MdRenderer {
public headings: StringMap<MarkdownHeading> = {};
currentTopHeading: MarkdownHeading;
private _origRules:any = {};
private _preProcessors:Function[] = [];
constructor(private raw: boolean = false) {
addPreprocessor(p: Function) {
saveOrigRules() {
this._origRules.open = md.renderer.rules.heading_open;
this._origRules.close = md.renderer.rules.heading_close;
restoreOrigRules() {
md.renderer.rules.heading_open = this._origRules.open;
md.renderer.rules.heading_close = this._origRules.close;
saveHeading(title: string, parent:MarkdownHeading = {id:null, children: this.headings}) :MarkdownHeading {
// if title contains some non-ASCII characters (e.g. chinese) slugify returns empty string
let slug = slugify(title) || title;
let id = slug;
if (parent && parent.id) id = `${parent.id}/${id}`;
parent.children = parent.children || {};
parent.children[id] = {
return parent.children[id];
flattenHeadings(container: StringMap<MarkdownHeading>): MarkdownHeading[] {
if (!container) return [];
let res = [];
Object.keys(container).forEach(k => {
let heading = container[k];
return res;
attachHeadingsContent(rawText:string) {
const buildRegexp = heading => new RegExp(
`<h\\d section="section/${heading.id}">`
const tmpEl = document.createElement('DIV');
const html2Str = html => {
tmpEl.innerHTML = html;
return tmpEl.innerText;
let flatHeadings = this.flattenHeadings(this.headings);
if (flatHeadings.length < 1) return;
let prevHeading = flatHeadings[0];
let prevPos = rawText.search(buildRegexp(prevHeading));
for (let i=1; i < flatHeadings.length; i++) {
let heading = flatHeadings[i];
let currentPos = rawText.substr(prevPos + 1).search(buildRegexp(heading)) + prevPos + 1;
prevHeading.content = html2Str(rawText.substring(prevPos, currentPos));
prevHeading = heading;
prevPos = currentPos;
prevHeading.content = html2Str(rawText.substring(prevPos));
headingOpenRule(tokens, idx) {
if (tokens[idx].hLevel > 2 ) {
return this._origRules.open(tokens, idx);
} else {
let content = tokens[idx + 1].content;
if (tokens[idx].hLevel === 1 ) {
this.currentTopHeading = this.saveHeading(content);
let id = this.currentTopHeading.id;
return `<h${tokens[idx].hLevel} section="section/${id}">` +
`<a class="share-link" href="#section/${id}"></a>` +
`<a name="${id.toLowerCase()}"></a>`;
} else if (tokens[idx].hLevel === 2 ) {
let heading = this.saveHeading(content, this.currentTopHeading);
let contentSlug = `${heading.id}`;
return `<h${tokens[idx].hLevel} section="section/${heading.id}">` +
`<a class="share-link" href="#section/${contentSlug}"></a>` +
`<a name="${heading.slug.toLowerCase()}"></a>`;
headingCloseRule(tokens, idx) {
if (tokens[idx].hLevel > 2 ) {
return this._origRules.close(tokens, idx);
} else {
return `</h${tokens[idx].hLevel}>\n`;
renderMd(rawText:string) {
if (!this.raw) {
md.renderer.rules.heading_open = this.headingOpenRule.bind(this);
md.renderer.rules.heading_close = this.headingCloseRule.bind(this);
let text = rawText;
for (let i=0; i<this._preProcessors.length; i++) {
text = this._preProcessors[i](text);
let res = md.render(text);
if (!this.raw) {
return res;