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synced 2025-03-27 04:54:18 +03:00
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208 lines
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'use strict';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { SpecManager } from '../utils/SpecManager';
import { JsonPointer } from '../utils/JsonPointer';
import { defaults } from '../utils/helpers';
import { WarningsService } from './warnings.service';
interface Reference {
$ref: string;
description: string;
interface Schema {
properties: any;
allOf: any;
items: any;
additionalProperties: any;
export class SchemaNormalizer {
constructor(private _schema:any) {
this._dereferencer = new SchemaDereferencer(_schema, this);
normalize(schema, ptr, opts:any ={}) {
opts.omitParent = opts.omitParent !== false;
if (schema['x-redoc-normalized']) return schema;
let res = SchemaWalker.walk(schema, ptr, (subSchema, ptr) => {
let resolved = this._dereferencer.dereference(subSchema, ptr);
if (resolved.allOf) {
resolved._pointer = resolved._pointer || ptr;
resolved = Object.assign({}, resolved);
AllOfMerger.merge(resolved, resolved.allOf, {omitParent: opts.omitParent});
return resolved;
res['x-redoc-normalized'] = true;
return res;
class SchemaWalker {
static walk(obj:Schema, pointer:string, visitor:Function) {
if (obj == undefined || typeof(obj) !== 'object') {
if (obj.properties) {
let ptr = JsonPointer.join(pointer, ['properties']);
SchemaWalker.walkEach(obj.properties, ptr, visitor);
if (obj.additionalProperties) {
let ptr = JsonPointer.join(pointer, ['additionalProperties']);
if (Array.isArray(obj.additionalProperties)) {
SchemaWalker.walkEach(obj.additionalProperties, ptr, visitor);
} else {
let res = SchemaWalker.walk(obj.additionalProperties, ptr, visitor);
if (res) obj.additionalProperties = res;
if (obj.allOf) {
let ptr = JsonPointer.join(pointer, ['allOf']);
SchemaWalker.walkEach(obj.allOf, ptr, visitor);
if (obj.items) {
let ptr = JsonPointer.join(pointer, ['items']);
if (Array.isArray(obj.items)) {
SchemaWalker.walkEach(obj.items, ptr, visitor);
} else {
let res = SchemaWalker.walk(obj.items, ptr, visitor);
if (res) obj.items = res;
return visitor(obj, pointer);
private static walkEach(obj:Object, pointer:string, visitor:Function) {
for(let key of Object.keys(obj)) {
let ptr = JsonPointer.join(pointer, [key]);
let res = SchemaWalker.walk(obj[key], ptr, visitor);
if (res) obj[key] = res;
class AllOfMerger {
static merge(into, schemas, opts) {
into['x-derived-from'] = [];
for (let i=0; i < schemas.length; i++) {
let subSchema = schemas[i];
if (opts && opts.omitParent && subSchema.discriminator) continue;
AllOfMerger.checkCanMerge(subSchema, into);
into.type = into.type || subSchema.type;
if (into.type === 'object') {
AllOfMerger.mergeObject(into, subSchema, i);
// don't merge _pointer
subSchema._pointer = null;
defaults(into, subSchema);
into.allOf = null;
private static mergeObject(into, subSchema, allOfNumber) {
if (subSchema.properties) {
if (!into.properties) into.properties = {};
Object.assign(into.properties, subSchema.properties);
Object.keys(subSchema.properties).forEach(propName => {
let prop = subSchema.properties[propName];
if (!prop._pointer) {
let schemaPtr = subSchema._pointer || JsonPointer.join(into._pointer, ['allOf', allOfNumber]);
prop._pointer = prop._pointer || JsonPointer.join(schemaPtr, ['properties', propName]);
if (subSchema.required) {
if (!into.required) into.required = [];
private static checkCanMerge(subSchema, into) {
// TODO: add support for merge array schemas
if (typeof subSchema !== 'object') {
let errMessage = `Items of allOf should be Object: ${typeof subSchema} found ` +
`${subSchema} at "#${into._pointer}"`;
throw new Error(errMessage);
if (into.type && subSchema.type && into.type !== subSchema.type) {
let errMessage = `allOf merging error: schemas with different types can't be merged: ` +
`"${into.type}" and "${subSchema.type}" at "#${into._pointer}"`;
throw new Error(errMessage);
if (into.type === 'array') {
WarningsService.warn('allOf: subschemas with type "array" are not supported yet');
// TODO: add check if can be merged correctly (no different properties with the same name)
// TODO: merge properties
class RefCounter {
private _counter = {};
reset():void {
this._counter = {};
visit(ref:string):void {
this._counter[ref] = this._counter[ref] ? this._counter[ref] + 1 : 1;
exit(ref:string):void {
this._counter[ref] = this._counter[ref] && this._counter[ref] - 1;
visited(ref:string):boolean {
return !!this._counter[ref];
class SchemaDereferencer {
private _refCouner = new RefCounter();
constructor(private _spec: SpecManager, private normalizator: SchemaNormalizer) {
dereference(schema: Reference, pointer:string):any {
if (!schema || !schema.$ref) return schema;
window['derefCount'] = window['derefCount'] ? window['derefCount'] + 1 : 1;
let $ref = schema.$ref;
let resolved = this._spec.byPointer($ref);
if (!this._refCouner.visited($ref)) {
resolved._pointer = $ref;
} else {
// for circular referenced save only title and type
resolved = {
title: resolved.title,
type: resolved.type
// if resolved schema doesn't have title use name from ref
resolved.title = resolved.title || JsonPointer.baseName($ref);
let keysCount = Object.keys(schema).length;
if ( keysCount > 2 || (keysCount === 2 && !schema.description) ) {
WarningsService.warn(`Other properties are defined at the same level as $ref at "#${pointer}". ` +
'They are IGNORRED according to the JsonSchema spec');
resolved.description = resolved.description || schema.description;
resolved = this.normalizator.normalize(resolved, $ref);
return resolved;