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synced 2025-03-01 00:20:33 +03:00
In go-swagger, the name of the tag determines the directory that generated files end up in. Also, we want the tag names to be consistent with operationIds. Unfortunately, these make bad names for menu items, so we want to have a way of specifying human-friendly names for the menu.
370 lines
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370 lines
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'use strict';
import { JsonPointer } from '../utils/JsonPointer';
import { methods as swaggerMethods, keywordTypes } from '../utils/swagger-defs';
import { WarningsService } from './warnings.service';
import * as slugify from 'slugify';
interface PropertyPreprocessOptions {
childFor: string;
skipReadOnly?: boolean;
export interface MenuMethod {
active: boolean;
summary: string;
tag: string;
pointer: string;
operationId: string;
ready: boolean;
export interface MenuCategory {
name: string;
id: string;
active?: boolean;
methods?: Array<MenuMethod>;
description?: string;
empty?: string;
virtual?: boolean;
ready: boolean;
headless: boolean;
// global var for this module
var specMgrInstance;
const injectors = {
notype: {
check: (propertySchema) => !propertySchema.type,
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema, pointer) => {
injectTo.type = SchemaHelper.detectType(propertySchema);
propertySchema.type = injectTo.type;
if (injectTo.type) {
let message = `No "type" specified at "${pointer}". Automatically detected: "${injectTo.type}"`;
general: {
check: () => true,
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema, pointer) => {
injectTo._pointer = propertySchema._pointer || pointer;
injectTo._displayType = propertySchema.type;
if (propertySchema.format) injectTo._displayFormat = `<${propertySchema.format}>`;
if (propertySchema.enum) {
injectTo.enum = propertySchema.enum.map((value) => {
return {val: value, type: typeof value};
if (propertySchema.enum && propertySchema.enum.length === 1) {
injectTo._enumItem = propertySchema.enum[0];
injectTo.enum = null;
discriminator: {
check: (propertySchema) => propertySchema.discriminator || propertySchema['x-extendedDiscriminator'],
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema = injectTo) => {
injectTo.discriminator = propertySchema.discriminator;
injectTo['x-extendedDiscriminator'] = propertySchema['x-extendedDiscriminator'];
simpleArray: {
check: (propertySchema) => {
return propertySchema.type === 'array' && !Array.isArray(propertySchema.items);
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema = injectTo, propPointer) => {
if (!(SchemaHelper.detectType(propertySchema.items) === 'object')) {
injectTo._isArray = true;
injectTo._pointer = propertySchema.items._pointer
|| JsonPointer.join(propertySchema._pointer || propPointer, ['items']);
SchemaHelper.runInjectors(injectTo, propertySchema.items, propPointer);
} else {
injectors.object.inject(injectTo, propertySchema.items);
injectTo._widgetType = 'array';
tuple: {
check: (propertySchema) => {
return propertySchema.type === 'array' && Array.isArray(propertySchema.items);
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema = injectTo, propPointer) => {
injectTo._isTuple = true;
injectTo._displayType = '';
let itemsPtr = JsonPointer.join(propertySchema._pointer || propPointer, ['items']);
for (let i=0; i < propertySchema.items.length; i++) {
let itemSchema = propertySchema.items[i];
itemSchema._pointer = itemSchema._pointer || JsonPointer.join(itemsPtr, [i.toString()]);
injectTo._widgetType = 'tuple';
object: {
check: (propertySchema) => {
return propertySchema.type === 'object' && (propertySchema.properties ||
typeof propertySchema.additionalProperties === 'object');
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema = injectTo) => {
let baseName = propertySchema._pointer && JsonPointer.baseName(propertySchema._pointer);
injectTo._displayType = propertySchema.title || baseName || 'object';
injectTo._widgetType = 'object';
noType: {
check: (propertySchema) => !propertySchema.type,
inject: (injectTo) => {
injectTo._displayType = '< anything >';
injectTo._displayTypeHint = 'This field may contain data of any type';
injectTo.isTrivial = true;
injectTo._widgetType = 'trivial';
injectTo._pointer = undefined;
simpleType: {
check: (propertySchema) => {
if (propertySchema.type === 'object') {
return (!propertySchema.properties || !Object.keys(propertySchema.properties).length)
&& (typeof propertySchema.additionalProperties !== 'object');
return (propertySchema.type !== 'array') && propertySchema.type;
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema = injectTo) => {
injectTo.isTrivial = true;
if (injectTo._pointer) {
injectTo._pointer = undefined;
injectTo._displayType = propertySchema.title ?
`${propertySchema.title} (${propertySchema.type})` : propertySchema.type;
injectTo._widgetType = 'trivial';
integer: {
check: (propertySchema) => (propertySchema.type === 'integer' || propertySchema.type === 'number'),
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema = injectTo) => {
var range = '';
if (propertySchema.minimum != undefined && propertySchema.maximum != undefined) {
range += propertySchema.exclusiveMinimum ? '( ' : '[ ';
range += propertySchema.minimum;
range += ' .. ';
range += propertySchema.maximum;
range += propertySchema.exclusiveMaximum ? ' )' : ' ]';
} else if (propertySchema.maximum != undefined) {
range += propertySchema.exclusiveMaximum? '< ' : '<= ';
range += propertySchema.maximum;
} else if (propertySchema.minimum != undefined) {
range += propertySchema.exclusiveMinimum ? '> ' : '>= ';
range += propertySchema.minimum;
if (range) {
injectTo._range = range;
string: {
check: propertySchema => (propertySchema.type === 'string'),
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema = injectTo) => {
var range;
if (propertySchema.minLength != undefined && propertySchema.maxLength != undefined) {
range = `[ ${propertySchema.minLength} .. ${propertySchema.maxLength} ]`;
} else if (propertySchema.maxLength != undefined) {
range = '<= ' + propertySchema.maxLength;
} else if (propertySchema.minLength != undefined) {
range = '>= ' + propertySchema.minLength;
if (range) {
injectTo._range = range + ' characters';
file: {
check: propertySchema => (propertySchema.type === 'file'),
inject: (injectTo, propertySchema = injectTo, _, hostPointer) => {
injectTo.isFile = true;
let parentPtr;
if (propertySchema.in === 'formData') {
parentPtr = JsonPointer.dirName(hostPointer, 1);
} else {
parentPtr = JsonPointer.dirName(hostPointer, 3);
let parentParam = specMgrInstance.byPointer(parentPtr);
let root =specMgrInstance.schema;
injectTo._produces = parentParam && parentParam.produces || root.produces;
injectTo._consumes = parentParam && parentParam.consumes || root.consumes;
injectTo._widgetType = 'file';
export class SchemaHelper {
static setSpecManager(specMgr) {
specMgrInstance = specMgr;
static preprocess(schema, pointer, hostPointer?) {
//propertySchema = Object.assign({}, propertySchema);
if (schema['x-redoc-schema-precompiled']) {
return schema;
SchemaHelper.runInjectors(schema, schema, pointer, hostPointer);
schema['x-redoc-schema-precompiled'] = true;
return schema;
static runInjectors(injectTo, schema, pointer, hostPointer?) {
for (var injName of Object.keys(injectors)) {
let injector = injectors[injName];
if (injector.check(schema)) {
injector.inject(injectTo, schema, pointer, hostPointer);
static preprocessProperties(schema:any, pointer:string, opts: PropertyPreprocessOptions) {
let requiredMap = {};
if (schema.required) {
schema.required.forEach(prop => requiredMap[prop] = true);
let props = schema.properties && Object.keys(schema.properties).map(propName => {
let propertySchema = Object.assign({}, schema.properties[propName]);
let propPointer = propertySchema._pointer ||
JsonPointer.join(pointer, ['properties', propName]);
propertySchema = SchemaHelper.preprocess(propertySchema, propPointer);
propertySchema._name = propName;
// stop endless discriminator recursion
if (propertySchema._pointer === opts.childFor) {
propertySchema._pointer = null;
propertySchema._required = !!requiredMap[propName];
propertySchema.isDiscriminator = (schema.discriminator === propName
|| schema['x-extendedDiscriminator'] === propName);
return propertySchema;
props = props || [];
if (schema.additionalProperties && (typeof schema.additionalProperties === 'object')) {
let propsSchema = SchemaHelper.preprocessAdditionalProperties(schema, pointer);
propsSchema._additional = true;
// filter readOnly props for request schemas
if (opts.skipReadOnly) {
props = props.filter(prop => !prop.readOnly);
schema._properties = props;
static preprocessAdditionalProperties(schema:any, pointer:string) {
var addProps = schema.additionalProperties;
let ptr = addProps._pointer || JsonPointer.join(pointer, ['additionalProperties']);
let res = SchemaHelper.preprocess(addProps, ptr);
res._name = '<Additional Properties> *';
return res;
static unwrapArray(schema, pointer) {
var res = schema;
if (schema && schema.type === 'array' && !Array.isArray(schema.items)) {
let items = schema.items = schema.items || {};
let ptr = items._pointer || JsonPointer.join(pointer, ['items']);
res = Object.assign({}, items);
res._isArray = true;
res._pointer = ptr;
res = SchemaHelper.unwrapArray(res, ptr);
return res;
static methodSummary(method) {
return method.summary || method.operationId ||
(method.description && method.description.substring(0, 50)) || '<no description>';
static detectType(schema) {
if (schema.type) return schema.type;
let keywords = Object.keys(keywordTypes);
for (var i=0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
let keyword = keywords[i];
let type = keywordTypes[keyword];
if (schema[keyword]) {
return type;
static buildMenuTree(schema):Array<MenuCategory> {
var catIdx = 0;
let tag2MethodMapping = {};
for (let header of (<Array<string>>(schema.info && schema.info['x-redoc-markdown-headers'] || []))) {
let id = 'section/' + slugify(header);
tag2MethodMapping[id] = {
name: header, id: id, virtual: true, methods: [], idx: catIdx
for (let tag of schema.tags || []) {
let id = 'tag/' + slugify(tag.name);
tag2MethodMapping[id] = {
name: tag['x-displayName'] || tag.name,
id: id,
description: tag.description,
headless: tag.name === '',
empty: !!tag['x-traitTag'],
methods: [],
idx: catIdx
let paths = schema.paths;
for (let path of Object.keys(paths)) {
let methods = Object.keys(paths[path]).filter((k) => swaggerMethods.has(k));
for (let method of methods) {
let methodInfo = paths[path][method];
let tags = methodInfo.tags;
if (!tags || !tags.length) {
tags = [''];
let methodPointer = JsonPointer.compile(['paths', path, method]);
let methodSummary = SchemaHelper.methodSummary(methodInfo);
for (let tag of tags) {
let id = 'tag/' + slugify(tag);
let tagDetails = tag2MethodMapping[id];
if (!tagDetails) {
tagDetails = {
name: tag,
id: id,
headless: tag === '',
idx: catIdx
tag2MethodMapping[id] = tagDetails;
if (tagDetails.empty) continue;
if (!tagDetails.methods) tagDetails.methods = [];
pointer: methodPointer,
summary: methodSummary,
operationId: methodInfo.operationId,
tag: tag,
idx: tagDetails.methods.length,
catIdx: tagDetails.idx
return Object.keys(tag2MethodMapping).map(tag => tag2MethodMapping[tag]);