..note::``ACCOUNT_LOGOUT_ON_GET = True`` to allow logout using GET - this is the exact same configuration from allauth. NOT recommended, see: http://django-allauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/views.html#logout
..note::``REST_USE_JWT = True`` to use token/verify/ route.
..note:: Takes a token and indicates if it is valid. This view provides no information about a token's fitness for a particular use. Will return a ``HTTP 200 OK`` in case of a valid token and ``HTTP 401 Unauthorized`` with ``{"detail": "Token is invalid or expired", "code": "token_not_valid"}`` in case of a invalid or expired token.
- /dj-rest-auth/token/refresh/ (POST) (`see also <https://django-rest-framework-simplejwt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html#usage>`_)
- refresh
Returns access
..note::``REST_USE_JWT = True`` to use token/refresh/ route.
..note:: Takes a refresh type JSON web token and returns an access type JSON web token if the refresh token is valid. ``HTTP 401 Unauthorized`` with ``{"detail": "Token is invalid or expired", "code": "token_not_valid"}`` in case of a invalid or expired token.
..note::``access_token`` OR ``code`` can be used as standalone arguments, see https://github.com/jazzband/dj-rest-auth/blob/master/dj_rest_auth/registration/views.py