from django.http import HttpRequest from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model try: from allauth.account import app_settings as allauth_settings from allauth.utils import (email_address_exists, get_username_max_length) from allauth.account.adapter import get_adapter from allauth.account.utils import setup_user_email from allauth.socialaccount.adapter import get_adapter as get_social_adapter from allauth.socialaccount.helpers import complete_social_login from allauth.socialaccount.models import SocialAccount from allauth.socialaccount.providers.base import AuthProcess except ImportError: raise ImportError("allauth needs to be added to INSTALLED_APPS.") from rest_framework import serializers from requests.exceptions import HTTPError class SocialAccountSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ serialize allauth SocialAccounts for use with a REST API """ class Meta: model = SocialAccount fields = ( 'id', 'provider', 'uid', 'last_login', 'date_joined', ) class SocialLoginSerializer(serializers.Serializer): access_token = serializers.CharField(required=False, allow_blank=True) code = serializers.CharField(required=False, allow_blank=True) def _get_request(self): request = self.context.get('request') if not isinstance(request, HttpRequest): request = request._request return request def get_social_login(self, adapter, app, token, response): """ :param adapter: allauth.socialaccount Adapter subclass. Usually OAuthAdapter or Auth2Adapter :param app: `allauth.socialaccount.SocialApp` instance :param token: `allauth.socialaccount.SocialToken` instance :param response: Provider's response for OAuth1. Not used in the :returns: A populated instance of the `allauth.socialaccount.SocialLoginView` instance """ request = self._get_request() social_login = adapter.complete_login(request, app, token, response=response) social_login.token = token return social_login def validate(self, attrs): view = self.context.get('view') request = self._get_request() if not view: raise serializers.ValidationError( _("View is not defined, pass it as a context variable") ) adapter_class = getattr(view, 'adapter_class', None) if not adapter_class: raise serializers.ValidationError(_("Define adapter_class in view")) adapter = adapter_class(request) app = adapter.get_provider().get_app(request) # More info on code vs access_token # # Case 1: We received the access_token if attrs.get('access_token'): access_token = attrs.get('access_token') # Case 2: We received the authorization code elif attrs.get('code'): self.callback_url = getattr(view, 'callback_url', None) self.client_class = getattr(view, 'client_class', None) if not self.callback_url: raise serializers.ValidationError( _("Define callback_url in view") ) if not self.client_class: raise serializers.ValidationError( _("Define client_class in view") ) code = attrs.get('code') provider = adapter.get_provider() scope = provider.get_scope(request) client = self.client_class( request, app.client_id, app.secret, adapter.access_token_method, adapter.access_token_url, self.callback_url, scope ) token = client.get_access_token(code) access_token = token['access_token'] else: raise serializers.ValidationError( _("Incorrect input. access_token or code is required.")) social_token = adapter.parse_token({'access_token': access_token}) = app try: login = self.get_social_login(adapter, app, social_token, access_token) complete_social_login(request, login) except HTTPError: raise serializers.ValidationError(_("Incorrect value")) if not login.is_existing: # We have an account already signed up in a different flow # with the same email address: raise an exception. # This needs to be handled in the frontend. We can not just # link up the accounts due to security constraints if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: # Do we have an account already with this email address? account_exists = get_user_model().objects.filter(, ).exists() if account_exists: raise serializers.ValidationError( _("User is already registered with this e-mail address.") ) # If signup is disabled, we cannot login a new user if not get_social_adapter(request).is_open_for_signup(request, login): raise serializers.ValidationError( _("User is not registered but registration is closed.") ) login.lookup(), connect=True) attrs['user'] = login.account.user return attrs class SocialConnectMixin(object): def get_social_login(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Set the social login process state to connect rather than login Refer to the implementation of get_social_login in base class and to the allauth.socialaccount.helpers module complete_social_login function. """ social_login = super(SocialConnectMixin, self).get_social_login(*args, **kwargs) social_login.state['process'] = AuthProcess.CONNECT return social_login class SocialConnectSerializer(SocialConnectMixin, SocialLoginSerializer): pass class RegisterSerializer(serializers.Serializer): username = serializers.CharField( max_length=get_username_max_length(), min_length=allauth_settings.USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH, required=allauth_settings.USERNAME_REQUIRED ) email = serializers.EmailField(required=allauth_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED) password1 = serializers.CharField(write_only=True) password2 = serializers.CharField(write_only=True) def validate_username(self, username): username = get_adapter().clean_username(username) return username def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( _("A user is already registered with this e-mail address.")) return email def validate_password1(self, password): return get_adapter().clean_password(password) def validate(self, data): if data['password1'] != data['password2']: raise serializers.ValidationError(_("The two password fields didn't match.")) return data def custom_signup(self, request, user): pass def get_cleaned_data(self): return { 'username': self.validated_data.get('username', ''), 'password1': self.validated_data.get('password1', ''), 'email': self.validated_data.get('email', '') } def save(self, request): adapter = get_adapter() user = adapter.new_user(request) self.cleaned_data = self.get_cleaned_data() adapter.save_user(request, user, self) self.custom_signup(request, user) setup_user_email(request, user, []) return user class VerifyEmailSerializer(serializers.Serializer): key = serializers.CharField()