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# Russian Anticensorship on PAC-Scripts
This repo contains a chrome extension to bypass censorship in Russia: [WebStore](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/npgcnondjocldhldegnakemclmfkngch)
| [Sources](./extensions/chromium/runet-censorship-bypass).
This extension uses pac scripts, one of which (anticensority) is generated by this [pac-generator].
[pac-generator]: https://github.com/anticensority/pac-script-generator
## Why I do This
I believe __information mustn't be blocked based on political or other subjective views__.
My maxim is _"Your freedom ends when it starts to confine the freedom of others"_.
See [my other arguments against censorship (ru)](https://gist.github.com/ilyaigpetrov/9452b93ef3d7dd3d8cc2)
Looking at how Russian government [distorts TV](https://therussianreader.wordpress.com/2015/11/22/russian-truckers-strike-dagestan/) and blocks [critics of Putin](http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/13/us-russia-internet-idUSBREA2C21L20140313),
I decided to write an anticensorship extension for Chromium before they strike me first.
## How it Works
0. PAC script is a JavaScript file, triggered on every URL request, which says browser which proxy to use if any for this particular URL.
1. The Chrome Extension sets PAC script in browser settings and keeps it synced with PAC script on the server (offering Antizapret (hosted on a dedicated server) or Anticensority (hosted on GitHub + CloudFlare)).
2. On every request PAC script checks if host is blocked or if its IP is blocked.
3. If address is blocked PAC script returns proxy server to the browser, both Antizapret and Anticensority use Antizapret proxy servers.
4. PAC scripts on servers are updated periodically from https://github.com/zapret-info/z-i.
## Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
## Backers
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/anticensority#backer)]
## Sponsors
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