'use strict'; /* Task 1. Gets IP for host proxy.antizapret.prostovpn.org with dns-lg.com. This IP is used in block-informer to inform user when proxy is ON. Task 2. Downloads PAC proxy script from Antizapret and sets it in Chromium settings. Task 3. Schedules tasks 1 & 2 for every 2 hours. */ var antizapret = { pacUrl: 'http://antizapret.prostovpn.org/proxy.pac', proxyHost: 'proxy.antizapret.prostovpn.org', proxyIp: '', }; function httpGet(url, cb) { var cb = cb || (() => {}); var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); var ifAsync = true; req.open('GET', url, ifAsync); req.onload = event => { if (req.status === 404) return cb(event); return cb(null, req.responseText) }; req.onerror = cb; req.send(); } function getIpForHost(host, cb) { httpGet( 'http://www.dns-lg.com/google1/'+host+'/A', cb ); } function updateAntizapretProxyIp() { getIpForHost( antizapret.proxyHost, (err, res) => { if (err) console.log(err) else antizapret.proxyIp = JSON.parse(res).answer[0].rdata; } ); } function setPacScriptFromAntizapret() { httpGet( antizapret.pacUrl, (err, res) => { if (err) return; chrome.proxy.settings.clear({}, () => { var config = { mode: 'pac_script', pacScript: { mandatory: false, data: res } }; chrome.proxy.settings.set( {value: config} ); }); } ); } function syncWithAntizapret() { updateAntizapretProxyIp(); setPacScriptFromAntizapret(); } chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener( details => { switch(details.reason) { case 'install': case 'update': syncWithAntizapret(); var reason = 'Периодичное обновление PAC-скрипта Антизапрет'; chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener( alarm => { if (alarm.name === reason) { syncWithAntizapret(); } } ); chrome.alarms.create(reason, { periodInMinutes: 2*60 }); } });