'use strict'; /* Task 1. Gets IP for host proxy.antizapret.prostovpn.org with dns-lg.com. This IP is used in block-informer to inform user when proxy is ON. Task 2. Downloads PAC proxy script from Antizapret and sets it in Chromium settings. Task 3. Schedules tasks 1 & 2 for every 2 hours. */ /* In background scripts use window.antiCensorRu public variables. Thay are synced with chrome.storage so they persist restarts. In pages window.antiCensorRu are not accessible, use chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(..), avoid old extension.getBackgroundPage. */ window.antiCensorRu = { // PUBLIC pacProviders: { Антизапрет: { pacUrl: 'http://antizapret.prostovpn.org/proxy.pac', proxyHosts: ['proxy.antizapret.prostovpn.org'], proxyIps: {'': true} }, Антиценз: { pacUrl: 'https://config.anticenz.org/proxy.pac', proxyHosts: ['gw2.anticenz.org'] }, Оба_и_на_свитчах: { pacUrl: 'https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B-ZCVSvuNWf0akpCOURNS2VCTmc', proxyHosts: ['gw2.anticenz.org', 'proxy.antizapret.prostovpn.org'] } }, _currentPacProviderKey: 'Оба_и_на_свитчах', get currentPacProviderKey() { return this._currentPacProviderKey }, set currentPacProviderKey(newKey) { if (newKey && !this.pacProviders[newKey]) throw new IllegalArgumentException('No provider for key:'+newKey); this._currentPacProviderKey = newKey; }, get pacProvider() { return this.pacProviders[this.currentPacProviderKey] }, ifNotInstalled: true, // PROTECTED pushToStorage(cb) { // Copy only settable properties. var onlySettable = {}; for(var key of Object.keys(this)) if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, key).writable && typeof(this[key]) !== 'function') onlySettable[key] = this[key] return chrome.storage.local.set(onlySettable, cb); }, pullFromStorage(cb) { chrome.storage.local.get(null, storage => { for(var key of Object.keys(storage)) this[key] = storage[key]; if (cb) cb(storage); }); }, syncWithPacProvider(cb) { setPacScriptFromProvider( this.pacProvider, () => { updatePacProxyIps( this.pacProvider, () => { this.ifNotInstalled = false; this.pushToStorage(cb) } )} ) }, installPac(key, cb) { if(typeof(key) === 'function') { cb = key; key = undefined; } if(key) this.currentPacProviderKey = key; var cb = asyncLogGroup('Installing PAC...', cb); var reason = 'Периодичное обновление PAC-скрипта Антизапрет'; chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener( alarm => { if (alarm.name === reason) this.syncWithPacProvider(); } ); chrome.alarms.create(reason, { periodInMinutes: 4*60 }); this.syncWithPacProvider(cb); }, clearPac(cb) { var cb = asyncLogGroup('Cearing PAC...', cb); chrome.alarms.clearAll( () => chrome.proxy.settings.clear( {}, () => { this.currentPacProviderKey = undefined; return this.pushToStorage(cb); }) ); } }; chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener( () => { console.log('Starting...'); window.antiCensorRu.pullFromStorage( () => chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener( () => window.antiCensorRu.pullFromStorage() ) ) }); chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener( details => { console.log('Installing...'); switch(details.reason) { case 'update': window.antiCensorRu.installPac(); break; case 'install': window.antiCensorRu.ifNotInstalled = true; chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); } }); // PRIVATE function asyncLogGroup() { var args = [].slice.apply(arguments); var cb = args.pop(); console.group.apply(console, args); return function() { console.log('Finished'); console.groupEnd(); var _cb = cb || (() => {}); return _cb.apply(this, arguments); } } function httpGet(url, cb) { var cb = cb || (() => {}); var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); var ifAsync = true; req.open('GET', url, ifAsync); req.onload = event => { if (req.status !== 200) return cb(event); console.log('GETed with success.'); return cb(null, req.responseText) }; req.onerror = cb; req.send(); } function updatePacProxyIps(provider, cb) { if (!provider.proxyHosts) { console.log(provider+' has no proxies defined.'); return cb(null, null); } var cb = asyncLogGroup('Getting IP for '+ provider.proxyHosts.join(', ') +'...', cb); var i = 0; for (var proxyHost of provider.proxyHosts) { httpGet( 'http://www.dns-lg.com/google1/'+ proxyHost +'/A', (err, res) => { if (!err) { provider.proxyIps = provider.proxyIps || {}; provider.proxyIps[ JSON.parse(res).answer[0].rdata ] = true; } ++i; if ( i == provider.proxyHosts.length ) return cb(err, 'Complete.'); } ); } } function setPacScriptFromProvider(provider, cb) { var cb = asyncLogGroup('Getting pac script from provider...', provider.pacUrl, cb); httpGet( provider.pacUrl, (err, res) => { if (err) return cb(err); console.log('Clearing chrome proxy settings...'); return chrome.proxy.settings.clear({}, () => { var config = { mode: 'pac_script', pacScript: { mandatory: false, data: res } }; console.log('Setting chrome proxy settings...'); chrome.proxy.settings.set( {value: config}, cb ); }); } ); }