mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 06:45:46 +03:00
@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ At the begging I expect, that you already have:
## Configuration
Add required parameters to [Django settings.py](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/settings/):
1. [CLICKHOUSE_DATABASES](configuration.md#clickhouse_databases)
2. [Intermediate storage](storages.md) configuration. For instance, [RedisStorage](storages.md#redisstorage)
3. It's recommended to change [CLICKHOUSE_CELERY_QUEUE](configuration.md#clickhouse_celery_queue)
4. Add sync task to [celerybeat schedule](http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/v2.3.3/userguide/periodic-tasks.html).
1. Add `'django_clickhouse'` to `INSTALLED_APPS`
2. [CLICKHOUSE_DATABASES](configuration.md#clickhouse_databases)
3. [Intermediate storage](storages.md) configuration. For instance, [RedisStorage](storages.md#redisstorage)
4. It's recommended to change [CLICKHOUSE_CELERY_QUEUE](configuration.md#clickhouse_celery_queue)
5. Add sync task to [celerybeat schedule](http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/v2.3.3/userguide/periodic-tasks.html).
Note, that executing planner every 2 seconds doesn't mean sync is executed every 2 seconds.
Sync time depends on model sync_delay attribute value and [CLICKHOUSE_SYNC_DELAY](configuration.md#clickhouse_sync_delay) configuration parameter.
You can read more in [sync section](synchronization.md).
@ -19,35 +20,73 @@ Add required parameters to [Django settings.py](https://docs.djangoproject.com/e
You can also change other [configuration parameters](configuration.md) depending on your project.
#### Example
# django-clickhouse library setup
# Connection name to refer in using(...) method
'default': {
'db_name': 'test',
'username': 'default',
'password': ''
* if you already have a celery workflow:
# django-clickhouse library setup
# Connection name to refer in using(...) method
'default': {
'db_name': 'test',
'username': 'default',
'password': ''
'host': '',
'port': 6379,
'db': 8,
'socket_timeout': 10
'host': '',
'port': 6379,
'db': 8,
'socket_timeout': 10
# If you have no any celerybeat tasks, define a new dictionary
# More info: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/v2.3.3/userguide/periodic-tasks.html
from datetime import timedelta
'clickhouse_auto_sync': {
'task': 'django_clickhouse.tasks.clickhouse_auto_sync',
'schedule': timedelta(seconds=2), # Every 2 seconds
'options': {'expires': 1, 'queue': CLICKHOUSE_CELERY_QUEUE}
# If you have no any celerybeat tasks, define a new dictionary
# More info: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/v2.3.3/userguide/periodic-tasks.html
from datetime import timedelta
'clickhouse_auto_sync': {
'task': 'django_clickhouse.tasks.clickhouse_auto_sync',
'schedule': timedelta(seconds=2), # Every 2 seconds
'options': {'expires': 1, 'queue': CLICKHOUSE_CELERY_QUEUE}
* if you don't have a celery workflow:
create a `celery.py` file in `mysite/mysite/celery.py`:
import os
from datetime import timedelta
from celery import Celery
# set the default Django settings module for the 'celery' program.
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings")
app = Celery("podafarini")
# Using a string here means the worker doesn't have to serialize
# the configuration object to child processes.
# - namespace='CELERY' means all celery-related configuration keys
# should have a `CELERY_` prefix.
app.config_from_object("django.conf:settings", namespace="CELERY")
# Load task modules from all registered Django app configs.
app.conf.beat_schedule = {
"clickhouse_auto_sync": {
"task": "django_clickhouse.tasks.clickhouse_auto_sync",
"schedule": timedelta(seconds=2), # Every 2 seconds
"options": {"expires": 1, "queue": "clickhouse"},
# This will make sure the app is always imported when
# Django starts so that shared_task will use this app.
from .celery import app as celery_app
__all__ = ("celery_app",)
## Adopting django model
Read [ClickHouseSyncModel](models.md#djangomodel) section.
@ -76,7 +115,8 @@ from my_app.models import User
class ClickHouseUser(ClickHouseModel):
django_model = User
# Uncomment the line below if you want your models to sync between databases
# need_sync = True
id = fields.UInt32Field()
first_name = fields.StringField()
birthday = fields.DateField()
@ -91,11 +131,11 @@ class ClickHouseUser(ClickHouseModel):
3. Create `0001_initial.py` file inside the created package. Result structure should be:
>> clickhouse_migrations
>>>> __init__.py
>>>> 0001_initial.py
>> clickhouse_models.py
>> models.py
| clickhouse_migrations
|-- __init__.py
|-- 0001_initial.py
| clickhouse_models.py
| models.py
4. Add content to file `0001_initial.py`:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user